ckohler said:Here's a video about two major updates I've made to my legit, single-player world. One is a new way to quickly climb up I call a "cart ladder" and the other is my new mob trap (based on BioFactory 3) which is just insane. Take a look.
Pandaman said:well, it finally happened.[img][/QUOTE]
What happened?
Edit: Oh..... ohhhh.... whoa...
georgc said:Wow at that mob trap....Ark can i build one in your server?
Pandaman said:well, it finally happened.[img][/QUOTE]
Where can I find more information about this/a download link?
Yes, the top of the trap is on the top level. As the video says, there are 12 spawn floors with two blocks of air between them.Jasoco said:I assume that trap goes all the way to the top of the world. How many levels do you have at the top and how far between them? i.e. How far do the enemies need to fall in order to die on impact? And can we see a closeup of the lava thingy that makes sure enemies are dead without destroying the items?
Google for it. It's the first hit for "minecraft earth map".Qwomo said:Where can I find more information about this/a download link?
I want a damned magic mirror so I can port back home when I get super lost. Its so nice in Terraria.Grinchy said:When I go between the two, my most missed item is the grapple hook from Terraria. I'm not necessarily saying it should be put into Minecraft, but I wouldn't be upset if it were.
Holy shit! How??Pandaman said:well, it finally happened.
georgc said:Wow at that mob trap....Ark can i build one in your server?
elrechazao said:server still up? I'm getting "bad login" all of a sudden...
NihonTiger90 said:Can't connect to the server this morning either. And I just updated.
NihonTiger90 said:Can't connect to the server this morning either. And I just updated.
Twig said:YES.
I want this updated (and implemented into Minecraft proper).
Vlad said:I'd rather have a grappling hook similar to this one, myself. Being able to hang off the side of a wall and mine or build would be extremely useful, and it could still be used similar to the other one, too.
That one looks pretty similar, except for the ability to hang. Which looks really, really awkward.Vlad said:I'd rather have a grappling hook similar to this one, myself. Being able to hang off the side of a wall and mine or build would be extremely useful, and it could still be used similar to the other one, too.
It's 10 dollars, and 7.50 in a 4 pack.Ranger X said:Terraria should have a demo. The premise is interesting but there's no way I "try" this at 20$
elrechazao said:It's 10 dollars, and 7.50 in a 4 pack.
Ranger X said:... fuck that, every publication on steam should have a demo too. I wish XBLA woud have helped this standard to happen.
Juan29.zapata said:It would be counterproductive to Valve's rules of giving developers free reign on what they publish.
In my opinion, that could actually kill off some opportunities for indies to have their games published, since they would have to spend some resources in making demos.!/notch/status/74910025411330048I'm feeling very motivated. Minecraft Beta 1.7 wil be the Adventure Update (or similar). The rumors of Minecraft: Source are false.!/notch/status/749105602354298881.7 will take a while, though. First 1.6.6 this week to fix a few more things, then I'm going to E3. Then there are summer vacations..!/notch/status/74910723964276737But I'll bring my MacBook Air along everwhere and squeeze in coding all over the place. I'll post news and screenshots. =)
guest1321 said:Does anyone know what he means by an adventure update? It sounds like a great idea but I would hope it does not implement goals to achieve, and more so just a benefit to exploring. Either way, the fact that he is talking about getting out 1.7 so soon after 1.6 is very exciting!
Can someone explain what exactly the NPC villages are? Or what we are expecting them to be lolRanger X said:It probably mean the NPC villages he was talking about before, amongst other things.
That would be awesome, and it doesn't seem like it would be terribly hard to do. Just open up some of the parameters to the terrain algorithm to be user-adjustable. Maybe there's more to it than that, but I think some of the mods do that kind of thing already.Jasoco said:I wish there were a world generation mode that would just generate a whole world based on your parameters and create all the chunks right then and there that you could then work with. Like how Sim City does it. I'd love to be able to input parameters. Like ocean on 1, 2, 3 or 4 sides. Use some tools to create mountains and beaches. Press a button to populate it with trees and plants. Place a snow biome at the top. Or a volcano instead. Or neither. Then have it so when you venture out past your set world it would then start generating the rest of the world around it.
From what I remember, he talked about having monster villages spawn randomly, which would then spawn monsters that would attack your base. Then you could track them back to find the village, and destroy it to stop them from spawning and get some loot. I can't remember if there were going to be friendly NPC villages also, or if that was something else (a mod, maybe?).guest1321 said:Can someone explain what exactly the NPC villages are? Or what we are expecting them to be lol
MCEdit doesn't delete chunks. It just blanks them out. So the game won't regenerate them because as far as it's concerned, you dug all that out yourself.callmedave said:I messed around with the MCEdit program and ran into a problem. I selected parts of the map I no longer wanted so they could regenerate and deleted the chunks. When I went into Minecraft they were empty chunks that wouldn't regenerate. I kept a backup of course. Anyone know what I did wrong?
Jasoco said:MCEdit doesn't delete chunks. It just blanks them out. So the game won't regenerate them because as far as it's concerned, you dug all that out yourself.
georgc said:Where is the mob grinder at on arks server? Also anywhere to get health without needing to hunt and fish?
GT Vespene said:Well for the Adventure update he always said he'd add quests and "troll" settlements where you can get the quests from. This is definitely a welcome update since Minecraft can feel so desolate. I just hope the towns are few and far between.
Mirk said:Well tonight we got most the dwarven city dug out![]()
Mirk said:Well tonight we got most the dwarven city dug out![]()