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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Thanks again, BTW all HG minis are metal or they have plastic/resin, same with the starter boxes?

Seems that the FM Core Rulebook is pure rules and the L&L has fluff in it. Will start with the fluff to get a feel of it and find a local FLGS which carries them gears.

They used to all be metal but they have been trying to move to resin figs mostly. I think alot of the gears are still metal while most vehicle and more complex larger figs are all resin. Lot of older sculpts have been getting redone also with nicer resin versions that offer variant parts also.


How many are there so far for a group sub?
How would getting access to the downloads work if we only have one login?

I didn't count them up but say 20 or so. It does add up to over 110 GB if you get them all. They even have one on advanced photography. My newest fav is the basing/scenery one. Click on products and you can see them all. You should know that maybe a third are modeling tuts.

When you buy or sub you get emailed links and codes per tut.
New article for Star Wars: X-Wing , focusing on examples of building your squads: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3483 Gives you a look at the differences in points and how forces might look in the initial waves.

Also the rulebook was posted a few days ago for the game, and in the back is a little teaser about expansions to come and it has in bold the word "large", so it seems they are hinting at some future big models. Now seeing how they seem keen on being strict on scale for these figs from their production notes, I would assume stuff like the Millenium Falcon or Imperial Shuttles will be seen everntually. Capital sized ships? Don't see that happening to scale or at all. Perhaps special edition releases like some of those giant hero clix type sets or such at some point but doubt much else. Expanded Universe material would of course eventually have different possibilities. Rulebook does seem to hint at that we will see different eras of Star Wars so Clone Wars is probably for certain going to happen.


For those that own Space Marine the video game here's a little tip. Use the army painter to test out color combinations. They give you quite a bit of flexibility on the parts and colors. It a good way just to see how the colors will jive together.
For those that own Space Marine the video game here's a little tip. Use the army painter to test out color combinations. They give you quite a bit of flexibility on the parts and colors. It a good way just to see how the colors will jive together.

You can also use Dawn of War 2 for this. It has more races, units, creatures, and even includes vehicles. It also has a lot more options overall.


Would any kind UK-based soul be able to recommend where someone interested in getting into Warhammer Fantasy can grab models for a reasonable and not obscene price?

I'm looking at borrowing and trying an army of Vampire Counts and Dogs of War before settling, but I have so far found nowhere to get new or second hand models for cheap.

Would any kind UK-based soul be able to recommend where someone interested in getting into Warhammer Fantasy can grab models for a reasonable and not obscene price?

I'm looking at borrowing and trying an army of Vampire Counts and Dogs of War before settling, but I have so far found nowhere to get new or second hand models for cheap.


Well for new you can try discount sites such as Maelstrom Games, or Wayland Games.

Second hand, either try people quitting the game (unlikely to know people if you're new though) or Ebay. Of course with Ebay you have to be very patient and know what you're after. Though you can occasionally find bargains by looking for poorly/wrongly titled listings- people practically giving away their models as no one notices the listing in searches.

Got a great listing today. Armoured Boromir, Beregond, Faramir, 5x Fountain Court Guard, 6 Citadel Guard, and a Captain for £10 delivered. I was lucky to spot it early on buy it now.
Would any kind UK-based soul be able to recommend where someone interested in getting into Warhammer Fantasy can grab models for a reasonable and not obscene price?

I'm looking at borrowing and trying an army of Vampire Counts and Dogs of War before settling, but I have so far found nowhere to get new or second hand models for cheap.


You're playing the wrong game, fella! Your choices are obscene or slightly less than obscene. If you pick Vampire Counts you'll find you have one of the most expensive units that can be bought, at £12.30 a model! I weep for anyone starting off a GW army these days.

But seriously, DarkSphere are my go-to guys, and TotalWargamer also usually offer 25% during the weekend. After that, Ebay is probably the best way to go although it could take a while to get what you want at a decent price.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Would any kind UK-based soul be able to recommend where someone interested in getting into Warhammer Fantasy can grab models for a reasonable and not obscene price?

I'm looking at borrowing and trying an army of Vampire Counts and Dogs of War before settling, but I have so far found nowhere to get new or second hand models for cheap.


http://www.element-games.co.uk is by far the best online retailer. If you want to use GW models, go there. If you are interested in Vampire Counts, you may want to consider a Mantic games set for the zombies and ghouls - http://www.manticgames.com/Shop-Home/Kings-of-War/Undead.html . Not only are the models far cheaper but they are also better (subjective, of course). You can then supplement them with GW characters and special units.


http://www.element-games.co.uk is by far the best online retailer. If you want to use GW models, go there. If you are interested in Vampire Counts, you may want to consider a Mantic games set for the zombies and ghouls - http://www.manticgames.com/Shop-Home/Kings-of-War/Undead.html . Not only are the models far cheaper but they are also better (subjective, of course). You can then supplement them with GW characters and special units.

This link works better :) http://www.elementgames.co.uk/


Thanks for all the advice everyone! Much appreciated!

I must say that the modelling side of things (i.e. conversions and painting) is one of my favorite parts of warhammer, so I look forward to getting into this with all the resources available!


Good lord the mantic site is fantastic! So many models for so much less than GW!

If they're definitely the right scale then I think I'll be going for one of their army deals.

I'm currently thinking of also mixing in a unit of some LOTR Army of Dead with "counts as zombies" or something and then maybe find some cool-looking but cheap alternative to GW vampire models (so far the Anima miniatures are looking fantastic provided they're not too big).
Mantic has decent cheap models. I'm not a fan of alot of their sculpts though.

Anima figures are true 28mm scale so they look very skinny/small compared to GW figs. GW uses 28mm Heroic scale so everything is much more thick looking.
Good lord the mantic site is fantastic! So many models for so much less than GW!

If they're definitely the right scale then I think I'll be going for one of their army deals.

I'm currently thinking of also mixing in a unit of some LOTR Army of Dead with "counts as zombies" or something and then maybe find some cool-looking but cheap alternative to GW vampire models (so far the Anima miniatures are looking fantastic provided they're not too big).

Just note that the LOTR figures have different proportions to Warhammer/40k- realistic for the former, heroic (chunky) proportions for the latter. So the Army of the Dead will look a little short and skinny compared to everything else.

Any other views on mantic by the way?

Edit: Oh christ, I've just spend £100s in my head on that sight. Their Imperial Guard type ranges are lovely.


Edit: Oh christ, I've just spend £100s in my head on that sight. Their Imperial Guard type ranges are lovely.

Don't feel too bad. My current GW and Forge World cart has over $3500 worth of stuff in it. I keep one account for all the things I want since they don't have a wish list and I purchase stuff with another account.
I'm just glad I lack the actual money to buy any! Will definitely grab something in the future, and I wish I could have contributed to the kickstarter!
Friend picked up X-Wing Starter along with one of each of the four starters for me at Gencon, sweet. Gonna probably buy a ton more to have full squadrons of each fighter type lol
Starter set bikes sound pretty awesome too. From Warseer:

Also the Ravenwing are SO dynamic its unreal, the bikers are pulling skids and shooting etc and the srg is leaning over chopping at stuff. All the characters have scenic bases.

Don't play DA or Chaos but I really wouldn't mind getting my hands on a set of these.
The Chaos figs look amazing in the new starter, really great stuff. But not a fan of them doing Dark Angels as the "good" faction, always think starter should have a more vanilla style force instead of funneling new players to a very specific sub faction.
And now the latest teaser vid is up. Games Workshop giving the whole game away, as usual. They should learn to hold something back every now and again.

But not a fan of them doing Dark Angels as the "good" faction, always think starter should have a more vanilla style force instead of funneling new players to a very specific sub faction.

I get where you're coming from, but the Dark Angels have been shat on for such a long time that it's hard to begrudge them their moment in the sun. I haven't met a DA player in years.
Holy crap at the hellbrute!


Higher resolution pics here. There are cultists and some Dark Angels as well.

Funny these being the starter set because if these were the first minis I worked on I think I'd be pretty intimidated.
So Spartan Games is showing at Gencon previews of their new game just announced, which is a 28mm miniature wargame set in the Dystopian Wars setting. Lot of steampunk goodness being shown off.

They were going to do something similar with Uncharted Seas and we never heard about it again, and last Gencon they were showing off a land wargame set in the Firestorm Armada universe called Firestorm Invasion.... again no one knows whats going on with that. Spartan seems to have really pushed their other games to the backburner since Dystopian Wars came out.
So wave 2 figs for Star Wars: X-Wing being shown off at Gencon


Reps are saying the Falcon and Slave-1 represent medium sized ships for the game, so that should mean we will see even larger craft in the future. Still from the ships of this size that leaves from the OT the B-Wing, Tie Bomber, Lambda Shuttle. Possibly the Cloud City cars and Snow Speeders I assume since I don't think the game totally specifies that the combat takes place in space only.

Be interesting to see what Wave 3 has since they are gonna run out of OT only ships to put out for the game.
Possibly the picture as other ones from the side look more accurate scale wise. FFG has made a big deal about getting the scale right on these ships using film use model resources. From the side pics the length looks about right, as the Falcon is much longer looking in comparison.
Got my Khador army shaded tonight. Going to finish them tomorrow. Impressed with how much of a difference shading makes. Crazy! Put a layer of a cream color on the Protectorate army, which works well as most of them are just trim work now. I'll have pictures when they are done so you can all see my first ever attempt at mini painting.
Anyone use these giant new figs coming out for Warmachine/Hordes or at least fight against them? How crazy good or essential are they? Stat wise looking at them, they seem pretty OP for the point costs. I was just wanting to avoid getting any and sticking to a set force of my trolls that I'm happy with. And the prices PP is charging for these pieces is ridiculous.
Anyone use these giant new figs coming out for Warmachine/Hordes or at least fight against them? How crazy good or essential are they? Stat wise looking at them, they seem pretty OP for the point costs. I was just wanting to avoid getting any and sticking to a set force of my trolls that I'm happy with. And the prices PP is charging for these pieces is ridiculous.

Based on what I've read, they are actually balanced fairly well.


Update on the Bones kickstarter, it's gone crazy with how many miniatures you get. The $100 pledge gives you everything pictured on this page, with some excellent extras you can purchase for pledging, like a big undead dragon model for $25 extra!


Yeah, if you're into minis at all it's a fucking fantastic deal.

For the guys just starting, if you pledge $1 you can then order the paint sets they have on sale - adding $72 gets you 48 different shades, which is incredibly cheap for good mini paints. You could also spend less than that and only get say two of the sets to start with.

I have $250 pledged so far and that might rise by the time the Kickstarter ends :).


Here's a couple things I've been working on. Still a ways to go but like most art ot all comes together in the last 10% I imagine.

I wish I had chosen a different color scheme. The green corruption slime merges too much with the green armor.


So I'm doing some basework on my Khador and I realized that my night sounds bad without that context.

"I got home from buying $5 worth of grass a few minutes ago and just got done hitting some rocks."
Besides going all in to the Bones Kickstarter, the Relic Knights KS may be the game that gets me into mini games for the first time. 40k, etc has never appealed to me visually, and I'd much rather jump into a skirmish level game to keep costs down.

Any thoughts, or advance word on this game?
Besides going all in to the Bones Kickstarter, the Relic Knights KS may be the game that gets me into mini games for the first time. 40k, etc has never appealed to me visually, and I'd much rather jump into a skirmish level game to keep costs down.

Any thoughts, or advance word on this game?

I'd say that Warmachine is a better, proven option, as is Malifaux, for skirmish level games. Relic Knights minis have been out for a bit, as well as beta rules, and most it never gained much traction. Quite a few people think that CMoN is using their KS popularity in order to push RK out, despite not being a great game. I haven't played it, so I can only tell you based on what I've read. But again, Warmachine/Hordes and Malifaux are skirmish level games that don't require a ton of minis to play and are priced comparably (less if shopping online) for what you get in the RK kickstarter.
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