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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Finally played Warmachine with my son tonight. He loved it. Put up a post about it here:


My son, after winning.
Heh nice, great to have your kid into it with you.

About the Star Wars X-Wing ships.... these things you got to handle with care especially the little flight begs. Nearly broke one of the pegs on a Y-Wing already trying to take it apart for storage. The pegs are not as strong as they were with the Wings of War figures


That's cool playing the game with your kid :) I bet he'll have fond memories of the hobby in future. I know I do!

On a different note, I was going to start a Vampire Counts army but the cost of everything plus having no experience of Warhammer diverted me away in the end. Instead, the Dark Vengeance 40k set got me excited to break out my old 40k models and try to continue with building a renegade/Fallen angels army!

I must be one of few people buying the set who has no interest in the chaos models and am instead excited for the Dark Angels (will probably sell the chaos models separately on ebay or something).

As an aside, I was thinking of making my renegade army have the leader and veterans be fallen, but essentially play it like a close combat+sorcery army. Since it's renegade I can choose from a number of codexes upon which to base the army and model, but I'm stuck as to which one I should use (I own an old chaos marine codex but I don't want to run chaos marine rules for this army).

Considering the playing style I'm aiming for, would anyone recommend a particular codex rule-set to use (i.e. Dark angels, Black templar or plain old space marines codex)?


Cool Smoke Luke
Heres latest Wrath of Ashardalon Orcs I finished. I like em except the hair ended up well bla..should have been darker or grey..less bluegray.


I think I'm gonna try and focus on some layering and highlighting attempts going forward.
I'm getting pretty comfortable with basic painting now and seems to be a good point to try and move it up a level.
100 youtube videos here I come :)
Feeling overwhelmed by the hobby and need a couple questions answered. :)

OK, so I'm pretty much a complete noob with painting. I painted one mini years back and found it very anxiety filled. But since watching more videos on YouTube than I want to admit to, I think the problem was a prior teacher. I think at this point, it can be a pretty relaxing hobby.

I've been watching and reading reviews on Reaper paint lines.

1). What are the different purposes to the two paint lines and when would you use each? I've noticed the HD line has far fewer colors.

2). For tabletop painting, is there a good deal out there for a basic setup, or am I better off buying piecemeal? I'm thinking about buying the Bones Kickstarter options of Paint sets 1 & 2.

3). I think a magnification setup would be a necessity. I'm thinking a lighted circular glass would work better for me than a headset. Good options?

Thanks in advance. I'm sure I have endless questions coming up, but I'm pretty amped.


1. The Reaper website covers the differences between the two paint lines.

2. Personally I don't like paint sets, because I typically have an idea in mind of how I want to paint something. So lots of the paints would end up being useless. I guess it's good for experimenting though?

3. That seems excessive, especially at first.


Hey mini-Gaf, just thought I would post some of my painted stuff! Haven't been playing as much lately but I am sure I will more at some point!




sorry for iphone pictures, its all I have though!
Feeling overwhelmed by the hobby and need a couple questions answered. :)

OK, so I'm pretty much a complete noob with painting. I painted one mini years back and found it very anxiety filled. But since watching more videos on YouTube than I want to admit to, I think the problem was a prior teacher. I think at this point, it can be a pretty relaxing hobby.

I've been watching and reading reviews on Reaper paint lines.

1). What are the different purposes to the two paint lines and when would you use each? I've noticed the HD line has far fewer colors.

2). For tabletop painting, is there a good deal out there for a basic setup, or am I better off buying piecemeal? I'm thinking about buying the Bones Kickstarter options of Paint sets 1 & 2.

3). I think a magnification setup would be a necessity. I'm thinking a lighted circular glass would work better for me than a headset. Good options?

Thanks in advance. I'm sure I have endless questions coming up, but I'm pretty amped.

Perhaps might be best to just start off with some simple cheaper acrylic paints like what you get from a hobby shop and always recommend a person start off with some practice figs. Pick up some cheap figure packs or whatever for some RPG or whatever and use them as practice models to learn technique with, as you will develop your own way of doing it.

Magnifaction setups are nice, but can be a little confusing to use at first if your not used to them. Lots of good lighting is important though.
Perhaps might be best to just start off with some simple cheaper acrylic paints like what you get from a hobby shop and always recommend a person start off with some practice figs. Pick up some cheap figure packs or whatever for some RPG or whatever and use them as practice models to learn technique with, as you will develop your own way of doing it.

Magnifaction setups are nice, but can be a little confusing to use at first if your not used to them. Lots of good lighting is important though.

Probably my best plan. I'll grab a couple packs of the Bones multis (orcs, skellys) and start slapping some paint around. I think I will spend a bit on a couple good brushes though.

I'll need a base coat brush, a fine point brush and a dry brush? Or am I off base?


Hey mini-Gaf, just thought I would post some of my painted stuff! Haven't been playing as much lately but I am sure I will more at some point!




sorry for iphone pictures, its all I have though!

Those are spectacular. Wish I could invest the time into this hobby!
For those looking at doing any purchases, Miniature Market is always good with free shipping on big enough orders, and theres an extra 5% coupon code here for today and tomorrow: FBK555

Probably going to pick up the Leviathans box set along with board/card game stuffs right now.

Probably my best plan. I'll grab a couple packs of the Bones multis (orcs, skellys) and start slapping some paint around. I think I will spend a bit on a couple good brushes though.

I'll need a base coat brush, a fine point brush and a dry brush? Or am I off base?

I'm a cheapo so I just buy a variety of cheap brushes in all kinds of sizes. Part of it is lazyness since even with a good brush, without good maintenance and care of use they will go bad, so I just buy cheap disposable crap lol.


Cool Smoke Luke
Hey mini-Gaf, just thought I would post some of my painted stuff! Haven't been playing as much lately but I am sure I will more at some point!

Those are fantastic!
Question do you do the base work before or after you finish painting the mini?


I usually make the base if its gonna have rock or something on it but I don't paint it or put snow/grass etc. on it till afterward. May be better to do it the other way but I have just always done it in that order.
OK jumped in tonight a little.


* Grabbed a couple of brushes (synthetic for now, but looking online for a great price on a 00 red sable brush. For now these should do as they have a really nice point compared to the others I've seen today. A 0 and a 10/0.

* Wet pallet and wash/water cup

* Two corks for handholds and a package of sticktack to mount mini while painting thanks to Girlpainting.

* Grabbed 9 Reaper Master Series paints (True Blue, Fire Red, Lemon Yellow, Pure White, Pure Black, Ruddy Leather, Honed Steel, and a Black Wash)

* Grab the 3 pack of Reaper Bones Skeletons for practice.

Starting tomorrow afternoon. I have a nice setup at my dining table with great light and I'm already playing through color mixing in my head for bases and highlights.

Question: didn't think to grab Master's brush cleaner. So in the mean time, what's the brush cleaning methods for a good synthetic brush at the end of the day?

WAY excited to start slapping up some paint!
I've been inspired to pain at least 1 mini this weekend (hopefully). I'm getting Descent 2.0 so I will do one of the Hero minis from that game.

I like this page. Full of pics, which is what I want to see most!


Unless I'm missing something that looks like its just a palette, not wet palette.

I saw someone make a cheap wet palette consisting of wax paper, a clear plastic booster box that a mini-fig came in, and the foam backing from the same box.

Post pictures!
Unless I'm missing something that looks like its just a palette, not wet palette.

I saw someone make a cheap wet palette consisting of wax paper, a clear plastic booster box that a mini-fig came in, and the foam backing from the same box.

Post pictures!

No you're right. The terms escape me as I'm new to this. :)
Unless I'm missing something that looks like its just a palette, not wet palette.

I saw someone make a cheap wet palette consisting of wax paper, a clear plastic booster box that a mini-fig came in, and the foam backing from the same box.

Post pictures!
This is the pro-strat. Get parchment paper, paper towels and a take away container.

fold the paper towels into the container, saturate then then lay the parchment paper on top.

Then you're good to go. Couldn't go back to a dry palate.


Cool Smoke Luke
so since I gotta wait till next may to get the reaper miniatures I've been contempating getting in on something for the time being.
Seems Malifaux might fight the bill.
Thematically I love the genre's blending steampunk and gothic,with a little old west mixed in ..awesome.

One question for those that have played.Should i start with the 1.5 rules?and which 2 starter kits would you recommend for newbie playability?

checking out the malifaux homepage i just found the Terraclips....Holy Mother of God those are goddamn cool. It seems to be more RPG geared in theme tho it sounds like it can be used for setting up Malifaux tables as well.

I think when I was a kid if i saw these walking into a store..I would have passed out.





No you're right. The terms escape me as I'm new to this. :)

It's cool. As for brush cleaner, can't say I've used any actual cleaner beyond water and paper towel but if you find a technique that works I'd love to see it.

checking out the malifaux homepage i just found the Terraclips....Holy Mother of God those are goddamn cool. It seems to be more RPG geared in theme tho it sounds like it can be used for setting up Malifaux tables as well.

I saw some of these in person once and I thought they looked great. They're cardboard though aren't they? I'd be scared of beating them up too much. :(

My first real attempt at a Space Wolves Standard Bearer (Finecast) version:

Skaven Doom-Flayer:

Looking good!


Miniatures GAF, why are the coolest miniatures in the games I play so expensive? Speaking of Revan and Phoenix from Star Wars miniatures and Heroclix, respectively.
Terra clips are cool, they are a bit of a pain to first set up, but once set up you just want to keep the complicated parts intact and store em away like some of the roofs and stairs.


So how many of you guys play, and those who do, how do you find opponents? I was way into Warhammer/40K as a 14-16-year old, and the only reason I quit was because I didn't have anyone to play with. I always loved both painting minis and playing the games. Now I'm 28 and have always thought it would be awesome to get into it again, because the interest never really went away. I can't think of many hobbies that combine creativity and the ability to stimulate your intellect in quite the same way. Now there is a "board game club" in my town, but I happened to walk past the building where they meet once and what I saw was a few 11-14 year olds and one or two pudgy, pasty, badly dressed, stereotypical "mom's basement" guys around my age... basically there's no way I'd ever set my foot in there. Aren't there any normal people who play this stuff? How do you do it? Have you ever introduced a non-nerd or at least non-board gaming friend to the hobby? I want to Warhammer you guys :( Maybe it's just much easier in the UK...


Cool Smoke Luke
Aren't there any normal people who play this stuff? How do you do it? I want to Warhammer you guys :( Maybe it's just much easier in the UK...

LOL i was just talking to my buddy about this last night, Being 40,I feel like I'm just abit to old to play at the game stores and mostly just stick to games I can play with a few friends that enjoy gaming.

I was talkin to one of the guys at the LFGS and he said they do have some older guys that play..mostly civil war and ww2 games,but every time i've stopped in to buy something its mostly been Highschool kids and maybe college kids.(which is fine..but I dont' want to be that weird old guy thats hanging around LOL)

There is two social game Board/RPG groups that meet once a month at a coffee shop and bar to play games..I might start going there more and see how it goes since everyone will at least be older or there with family
It always seems to vary by store the type of folks you play with. I got a core group of friends that are all big gamers that we kinda stick together and play home games mainly since we like each other and none of us are basement dwelling mongoloids you run into at shops. We are all 30+, well dressed geeks who most people always are surprised to find out the types of hobbies we are into. So we like to hang out mainly with our selves and I got my own game room set up just for us and equipped with different table sizes and bunch of terrain for all kinds of tabletop games.

Age ranges always vary too it seems, it's all about luck really on who you find. Local shop is fairly nice group of gamers with many who are flexible on trying non warhammer wargames too which is nice, but they have a few weirdos. This one chick who LOVES and I mean LOVES 40k at the shop freaks folks out, shes just a fluff whore who will come up to your table and just babble on about the fluff of stuff on the table in the most nerdy of types of voices. It's a bit odd and only time I saw her outside of the game shop, was at a bookstore, buying stacks of 40k novels lol.

Our Fantasy local group was actually mainly composed of older players 40+ with many real old timers, I think it kinda scared away younger players who wanted to try Fantasy but instead went towards 40k which at the time was a more diverse crowd age wise.

My main issue right now is getting enough time in for miniature games since most are designed for 2 player games, and we got a bit too many players so we often tend to gravitate lately towards board games and RPGs. Still love mini games but they only get pulled out once in a while.


So how many of you guys play, and those who do, how do you find opponents? I was way into Warhammer/40K as a 14-16-year old, and the only reason I quit was because I didn't have anyone to play with. I always loved both painting minis and playing the games. Now I'm 28 and have always thought it would be awesome to get into it again, because the interest never really went away. I can't think of many hobbies that combine creativity and the ability to stimulate your intellect in quite the same way. Now there is a "board game club" in my town, but I happened to walk past the building where they meet once and what I saw was a few 11-14 year olds and one or two pudgy, pasty, badly dressed, stereotypical "mom's basement" guys around my age... basically there's no way I'd ever set my foot in there. Aren't there any normal people who play this stuff? How do you do it? Have you ever introduced a non-nerd or at least non-board gaming friend to the hobby? I want to Warhammer you guys :( Maybe it's just much easier in the UK...

Haha, I have the exact same problem! I haven't played properly since I was about 16 but I find myself going through a period of wanting to play Warhammer 40k about once a year (currently 25), but what stops me is a lack of friends with the same interest.

I very recently found out a new friend on my course plays Warhammer (not 40k), and that's been enough to get me wanting to borrow one of his armies and play him sometime soon whilst getting back into 40k modelling.

I'm hoping to scout the local clubs shortly to gauge the ratio of normal and mature 18+ year olds to kids and basement dwellers. I am very much expecting the groups to be unbearable, thus if by some miracle the people are a good laugh, I'll be incredibly happy!
So how many of you guys play, and those who do, how do you find opponents? I was way into Warhammer/40K as a 14-16-year old, and the only reason I quit was because I didn't have anyone to play with. I always loved both painting minis and playing the games. Now I'm 28 and have always thought it would be awesome to get into it again, because the interest never really went away. I can't think of many hobbies that combine creativity and the ability to stimulate your intellect in quite the same way. Now there is a "board game club" in my town, but I happened to walk past the building where they meet once and what I saw was a few 11-14 year olds and one or two pudgy, pasty, badly dressed, stereotypical "mom's basement" guys around my age... basically there's no way I'd ever set my foot in there. Aren't there any normal people who play this stuff? How do you do it? Have you ever introduced a non-nerd or at least non-board gaming friend to the hobby? I want to Warhammer you guys :( Maybe it's just much easier in the UK...

Not quite your age, but I just can't go into Games Workshop stores. All to often they make me cringe, and the customers fit the stereotype of little noisy kids, or greasy basement dwellers, with normals making up a small proportion.

Shops that sell everything (various wargames, Magic the Gathering etc) are usually the best bet. Some can still resemble the Mos Eisley Cantina at times though.


Not quite your age, but I just can't go into Games Workshop stores. All to often they make me cringe, and the customers fit the stereotype of little noisy kids, or greasy basement dwellers, with normals making up a small proportion.

Shops that sell everything (various wargames, Magic the Gathering etc) are usually the best bet. Some can still resemble the Mos Eisley Cantina at times though.

I love my GW store. The red shirts there are super upbeat and friendly and never push sales down my throat. It's not big with only two tables, but they've got a Battlefleet Gothic board. Plus they're constantly making the visits interesting; last time they let people roll a dice after buying anything in the store to earn free swag and paints. Plus a crowd that ranges from all ages.
I was so sad when they closed down the local GW as it had been where the majority of our games were held and the staff was super friendly.
I played one game of 40k 2nd edition about 15yrs ago. It was ok, but I'd much rather must paint or play video games. I've seen the unwashed masses and kids playing in my local shop and it always makes me realize how and why this hobby is perceived in a less than sunny light.

I do play Space Hulk, Dreadsea, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, and lots of other miniature themed games (just not full fledged war games) with my wife and a couple of friends. I do not have a single friend that shares my hobby though. They just like to play with my stuff!


checking out the malifaux homepage i just found the Terraclips....Holy Mother of God those are goddamn cool. It seems to be more RPG geared in theme tho it sounds like it can be used for setting up Malifaux tables as well.

I think when I was a kid if i saw these walking into a store..I would have passed out.




Wow, these are great! Thanks for sharing. I wish they're gonna make some sci-fi/gothic ruins for 40k themed stuff.

[edit] Seems the Dungeon Rise can cover the ruins bit.



Cool Smoke Luke
was looking around guess there are some other options besides terraclips in the detailed urban paper models.

found this session report for a malifaux session, absolutely love the urban style of the map.




It appears the whole thing is homemade printed out from some print and build models from this site.
seem pretty cheap if you can get cardstock printed ..its got scifi as well as medivial and ruins as well as full buildings
Been a long time, but since activity has been up in the thread figure I continue doing some reviews/previews. Well this is for a game that has been a big hit with our group and has been around for quite a while now; INFINITY


What is it?
- Infinity is a sci fi 28mm skirmish miniature game. You create small forces of around 10 models and battle it out in probably one of the most innovative game systems ever. Made by Corvus Belli, a Spanish company and products currently in 5 different languages. Game uses a very unique game system where technically both players are taking their turn at the same time that makes for both very tactical, and lethal gameplay. The setting is heavily influenced and based off of Ghost In the Shell and Appleseed. The human race has colonized various worlds and giant faction/corporations fight in shadow wars. Factions themes include a Middle Eastern coalition, an Asian conglomerate controlled by the Chinese (the Japanese are treated like 2nd rate citizens), Europeans, high tech hacker society (space 4chan... they got furries), and many others including the great AI that brings everything together as the overseer with it's own forces. There is also an Alien faction that is like Halo's Covenant, made up of multiple races that are invading Human space.

The rules
- The biggest draw of the game besides the amazing Corvus Belli figs has to be it's innovative rule system. The game itself is very simple, but at the same time very complex in large part due to how unique it is from any other game on the market, which tend to carry over concepts from each other. The basic gist of the game system is that players are both actively playing instead of one player taking his turn, followed by the other. Now the game does have a turn structure in that a person is considered the active player for taking actions, the difference here is that all figures on the board are considered to be active and alert. The system may remind you of "overwatch" that is found in old editions of 40k and many other wargames, and that is essentially it, but here it's much more pronounced and not simple wait and shoot.

Models in Infinity are considered to always be acting and reacting, so for example if a miniature were to move across a street, a sniper up in a tower that can see this would have the opportunity to react by firing or even dive for cover himself if he figured this moving model was a threat. Model that shoots at a model in the open does not simply fire and kill the opponent, but can be fired back out creating a shootout where the best roll/stat combo determines who the winner is. If you want to shoot someone without having return fire, you have to make the shot come from out of his arc of view like from a far flank. Characters also all have an 8" radius of alertness, that prevents a person to simply move models around behind them, as all figures are supposed to be able to "hear" or "detect" things going around them. Try to sneak up close to an enemy fig from the rear, and he will possibly hear you and be allowed to turn around his fig to face yours. Toss a grenade at an opponent, he can attempt to move out of the blast radius, or stand his ground and try to shoot you down before the grenade is even lobbed.

This system of game creates a very lethal and actually one of the more realistic miniature rule sets on the market. Being skirmish level it has lot of little detail also with all gear and weapons having very specific rules instead of so much abstraction you find in larger scale games. Your assault rifle for example will have different fire modes, alternate ammos to choose from, and a range of stats also attached. Being skirmish also means it involves few models with average army size being only around 10 models max, while some armies will have even less. As said the game is lethal and when dealing with so few models, it means games can move VERY quickly. I have seen games be over by turn 2 because the whole reaction system can create a chain reaction of actions which plays out like multiple turns of most normal wargames.


Further Notes:
- Infinity has been around for quite a few years now, and has alot going for it. It's popularity in the US has been fairly muted but it's definitely got it's fan bases spread around in pockets. The game also requires very little investment, as best of all, the games entire rules including that of the expansions are posted for free on the company's website! Having the book is great of course as it includes tons of fluff material not found in the free rule pdfs, but a person can play essentially for the cost of a handful of figs. Fig prices are not the greatest and are a bit on the high side, but not grossly so and again you don't need a ton of figs to play. Just a couple extra figs and you have lot of options to swap out between matches.

Infinity is also well known for being one of the most balanced of miniature wargames. Large reason being is that the game uses a D20 for resolution so you have a much broader range of statistics to work with unlike the common D6 systems where a single or two digit stat difference makes a 25%+ statistical boost. Every faction has an advantage stat wise on average in a particular catergory (Yu Jing on Close Combat, Pan O on Range), but it's really only a minor boost and with D20 you have larger range of variable results. As mentioned skirmish games like this feature often more detail, and the high tech setting of Infinity includes lot of options and unique gear. Hackers for example can hack into guided missiles and take them over to redirect them, or delay air dropped troops by hacking into their aircraft. A high tech optic camo ninja can have a EMP grenade go off nearby turning off all his/her systems forcing them to get repairs or basically pull out a blade and charge.

Game has a wealth of options and features that help create a very balanced game with lot of possible outcomes controlled by player creativity. It can overwhelm a person at first but once you understand the game and break away from the thinking of your average games like Warhammer/Warmachines/40k/Etc, you will see the genius of Infinity. The company besides giving away free rules also regularly adds new stuff to the game and posts up new rules online for download, and they also have a built in army builder on their site for players to use!

+ Free rules
+ Fantastic quality miniatures
+ Unique and quick playing rule set
+ Incredibly balanced forces
+ No downtime for anyone, both players are actively playing and involved during a turn

- Rules can be a challenge for newer players, it has lot of difficult to grasp rules.
- Individual model prices can be a bit high.
- Acquiring the models can be difficult as distribution is not the best. The US currently only has one distributor that supplies our retailers so when a product sells out, it can take a long while for restocks.
- D20 dice rolling can create for very random results at times.
- The miniatures while fantastic, are true 28mm scale and detailed, so they can be fragile and have very difficult to assemble parts.



If you got any questions on Infinity or about my review, let me know! Also check out the official site at http://www.infinitythegame.com/

Watched the YouTube tutorials on this and I'm in love. The reactive combat is way cool.

I may do this AND Relic Knights as both appeal to me much more than the other main mini games. Plus they are skirmish level and that's what I'm looking for to avoid the costs of a full army setup.

This quickly becoming my fave thread on GAF.
Watched the YouTube tutorials on this and I'm in love. The reactive combat is way cool.

I may do this AND Relic Knights as both appeal to me much more than the other main mini games. Plus they are skirmish level and that's what I'm looking for to avoid the costs of a full army setup.

This quickly becoming my fave thread on GAF.

Yes it's such a great game. Still consider it the best mini game out there. Every month they put out new wave of figures, and never have they disappointed.
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