Re: Skirmish level games.. can't go past Infinity imho. Such amazing minis and I love the ruleset.
Looking great!
Do you have a camera with a macro setting? I'd love to see some close-up pictures.
Yes, Infinity is one of the best mini games I've played. Just sadly is not very popular in the US and a bit of a pain to acquire since only a handful of stores stock it.
RK if you like the theme should be good, as its still a skirmish level game which is very low risk either way. Stuff like 40k, war machine, etc require much more money and time investments.
Yes, Infinity is one of the best mini games I've played. Just sadly is not very popular in the US and a bit of a pain to acquire since only a handful of stores stock it.
RK if you like the theme should be good, as its still a skirmish level game which is very low risk either way. Stuff like 40k, war machine, etc require much more money and time investments.
Is it only available for pre-order through GW? I'd like to get the standard 20-25% off from other shops.
So I've progressed to painting my 3rd DnD boardgame.. I'm slowly getting better.
I've got a better handle on why and how to dilute my paints to the consistency of 2% milk.
My question is about the thickness of the paint in the pots..can you not thin out the pot itself so you don't have to dilute so much on your palette? And what if you can should you use?
Or will that ruin the paint and cause the pot to dry out quicker?
I dilute as I go, always have. I don't know what sort of consequence, if any, would result in pre-watering them down. It's worth an experiment I guess. Let me know how it goes
Speaking of paint: My score last week was 8 fl. oz. bottles of Americana paint on sale for $1.99 each. I am going to be doing a lot of Blood Angels, so I picked up Black, 3 shades of red (no mixing!), and white.
I also picked up around 20 of misc. paints and some random supplies (brushes, empty flip top bottles, snow/ice effects, and triple thick glaze) all on sale. The entire haul was only 40$!
I always wondered how general hobby acrylic compares to brands made for mini's like reaper or you find they're comparable just lacking color blends?
For that much cheaper you really could save alot of money
Those Chaos SM look stunning. First time I've ever wanted to paint and collect Chaos.
However, my fave style of Chaos is Nurgle. I'm wondering how I'd go about nurgling these up a bit.
Anyway, pre-ordered from Gifts for Geeks for £52.60 for the limited edition![]()
I dunno man. I mean, you've been doing this longer than me, for sure, but value proposition wise, getting started in Warmachine is the same price, if not cheaper, really. The $100 option on RK gets you two factions of 9 units each and the book. For that, you can get the WM 2p Batlebox, which basically has the same amount of units for two factions and buy the book, even though the rules in the box are enough to play with.
But you're right, if he's attracted to the theme more than Warmahordes, then that's a perfectly valid reason.
Just a heads-up, only 29 or so hours left on the Reapers Kickstart.
$100 gets you 200+ minis and counting - at the rate it's climbing it wouldn't surprise me if it hits 300 minis.
We're already at less that fifty cents each, and there's a TON of fantastic sculpts. Check it out!
So the Reaper Miniatures Bones Kickstarter ended at $3,429,235 pledged, 11,430% funded, 3rd biggest funded project on Kickstarter - wow!
After much thought, I decided not to go with this.
As amazing as the deal is, it will just give me hundreds of minis that will just collect dust.
After much thought, I decided not to go with this.
As amazing as the deal is, it will just give me hundreds of minis that will just collect dust.
Has any Mantic game actually been good? Their big draw has been cheap warhammer proxies for the most part but haven't heard much about their "boardgame" releases. Their mini wargame rule sets have been pretty lackluster and uninteresting so far.
Has any Mantic game actually been good? Their big draw has been cheap warhammer proxies for the most part but haven't heard much about their "boardgame" releases. Their mini wargame rule sets have been pretty lackluster and uninteresting so far.
The 'Dark Vengeance' 40K starter set is up for pre-order now!
Not as cool looking as the 40k starter set, but Battlefront has just previewed their new 2 player starter as well, with the first all plastic models they have ever done. The highlight is the new infantry which have at 15mm always been lacking in detail. The new figs look fantastic.
These particular models aren't limited right? I'd really like those cultists for Necromunda but I'm not sure if I want to buy everything else with it.
Has anyone tried Reapers Warlord 2nd Ed. or Savage North?
Curious of thoughts on it.I'm looking at using Reaper Kickstarter to build a bunch of Skirmish Armies..
Black Orcs of Kargir and Frost Giants of Icingstead are the two obvious ones.
Kings of War is actually pretty good. A much more manoeuvre based game, which will appeal to 7th ed. fans of WHF. I liked it, good for a change or a shorter game with the army you use for WHF.
Not as cool looking as the 40k starter set, but Battlefront has just previewed their new 2 player starter as well, with the first all plastic models they have ever done. The highlight is the new infantry which have at 15mm always been lacking in detail. The new figs look fantastic.
That set looks cool, but how hard is it to paint 15 mm figs? My tired old eyes have enough problems with 28mm figs, I can't imagine what it's like to paint something that size.
I actually find them overall to have better coverage because the paint itself starts out thicker. Unless compared to Citadel Base Colors which are great on black. No matter what pain I use, I water it down anyway. The dirt cheap hobby paints just need more water! There are actually considerably more color blends in the cheap hobby paints vs GW or Vallejo, especially in reds/blues/purples/greens/browns. Hell, I have 7 shades of orange alone, lol. Only Reaper paints gets crazy with hundreds and hundreds of blends, but again you only get tiny little bottles so I don't think it's worth it.
Everyone has pretty strong opinions in this hobby about paint. It can get as bad as PS3 vs 360! Find what works for you and go nuts. I happen to love the cheap cost, variety, and application of hobby store paints like Folklore, Americana, Creamcoatr
, ect. Some colors go on much better over a white or gray undercoat than a black one though. You just kind of have to find the strengths and weaknesses of a particular line of paint products and work to it's strengths.
I've always admired the work people are able to accomplish on these tiny, tiny figurines. I've never actually played the table-top game and wouldn't mind having a starter army of my own, so I'm very interested in the Dark Vengeance set.
Can any Canadians chime in on sources besides Games Workshop to purchase one of these? Limited Edition would be great, but if the savings are significant, I'm perfectly fine with the standard release.
That Reaper Kickstarter looked like an incredible deal. I remember perusing their library many years back when I was really into miniatures and was impressed with a lot of their sculpts.
Do you have any close up photos of minis you painted using the hobby store acrylics? I've always heard that the pigments were too large to use them for minis, but of course maybe that's just bullshit being spouted by minis companies to keep you buying their paints. I'd love to see some examples...
I'm not in Canada, but you could try, they're Canadian. And I think the ltd edition is only a very minimal price increase over the regular edition.
Wait, this exists on Gaf?
Going to play a 4 player 40k game tonight, 1500 a piece, local tourney is in a few weeks.
Won(best general) the last one![]()
Yep, we exist ^o^
Awesome work. I find games of 4+ players take aaaages even with only 500 points a piece. At least the last one I played at my local GW took about 5 hours. Although it didn't help that two players joined in turn 4 with full armies, with the rest of us already in tatters.![]()
The War Store ( is taking pre-orders, but cannot guarantee them. I was quoted $90 + $35 shipping to Canada. Even after taxes, I'd be paying less than GWS Canadian retail. :lolHas anyone found a place in the US to preorder the limited edition Dark Vengeance set? I hate paying the GW price knowing that most other places give at least a 20% discount.
That's awesome. I realize you probably have NDA agreements for licensed stuff, but I would love to see any of your work.Also, I'll likely be doing some (art) work for FFG, (maybe) Warmachine, Paizo, DP9, more soon.
Meeting with all of their Art Directors at Gencon was a great time
I'm a giant 40k nerd, got into it from Dawn of War on PC when it came out, been playing TT ever since. I've played the 40k RPG Dark Heresy a bit, mostly with my wife, but I'm more of a wargamer. But hey if I'm doing art for it, I'll probably play it more![]()
That's awesome. I realize you probably have NDA agreements for licensed stuff, but I would love to see any of your work.
Do you have any close up photos of minis you painted using the hobby store acrylics? I've always heard that the pigments were too large to use them for minis, but of course maybe that's just bullshit being spouted by minis companies to keep you buying their paints. I'd love to see some examples...