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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Cool Smoke Luke
You know if they could use magnets in the ship bases to get the ships stick to the table when its vertical like that and actually play with the tie-fighters and x-wings vertical would be so damn cool and would be great for demos since everyone could see the action without hovering over the table
You know if they could use magnets in the ship bases to get the ships stick to the table when its vertical like that and actually play with the tie-fighters and x-wings vertical would be so damn cool and would be great for demos since everyone could see the action without hovering over the table

Yea and that trench run table was huge, probably 8x6 or 10x6. The trench actually had a bunch of little holes in it and the Micromachines had someone stick hot metal pins through the bottoms to create stands that can be pegged into those holes. Not sure how you would magnetive though such a huge table easily.


Cool Smoke Luke
Yea and that trench run table was huge, probably 8x6 or 10x6. The trench actually had a bunch of little holes in it and the Micromachines had someone stick hot metal pins through the bottoms to create stands that can be pegged into those holes. Not sure how you would magnetive though such a huge table easily.

Magnetic primer paint all the way..then put magnets in bottom of bases

Rust-Oleum Specialty Magnetic primer is a base coat that allows you to create a surface that attracts magnets almost anywhere. Can be applied to wood, metal, masonry, drywall, and plaster. Create a fun and unexpected way to hang notes, photos and more. Now the Specialty Magnetic primer is 3x stronger!

Indoor use only
Top coat with any latex paint or even Chalkboard paint.

that would be a FUN project
Hmm that sounds interesting. Wonder if it would work well for use with pewter miniatures at all for doing stuff like weapon swaps and such.


Any of you guys use weathering powders? I'm planning on buying he Forgeworld Masterclass book (the second one) today from a GW that carries it here and i cover powders. Rather than buy some from Forgeworld right away I wanted to see if anyone here has experience with them. I really want to add some rust to some of this terrain I'm putting together.
Any of you guys use weathering powders? I'm planning on buying he Forgeworld Masterclass book (the second one) today from a GW that carries it here and i cover powders. Rather than buy some from Forgeworld right away I wanted to see if anyone here has experience with them. I really want to add some rust to some of this terrain I'm putting together.

I use chalk and mix/create my own.


Any of you guys use weathering powders? I'm planning on buying he Forgeworld Masterclass book (the second one) today from a GW that carries it here and i cover powders. Rather than buy some from Forgeworld right away I wanted to see if anyone here has experience with them. I really want to add some rust to some of this terrain I'm putting together.

I just bought a fresh supply of MiG weathering powders and a fixer. Love the stuff when it's used sparingly and tastefully.
Alright people liked my dark eldar, so I'm going to post some of my Space Wolves/Red Corsairs. These are my early stuff, so worse painting and worse picture quality. Enjoy




Continuity, you are killing with your pics. I'm not the biggest fan of W40k aesthetics, but I have to recognize the skills involved. Wow.

If you have any painting tutorial vids or web pages you'd recommend for newbs, I'd love to see the links. Totally new and loving the whole scene.


I just splurged €200 on paints, washes, brushes and tools to get started with painting miniatures. Been holding out forever but finaly did it. Feels good man!
I'm not into the whole anime art style in general..but those do look really cool

IMO the sculpts have so much life, and movement, and details. And I think I like it so much because the anime is balanced by the other less-anime factions.

And now the fluff behind it all is making me wish for a PnP roleplaying game on top of it all. The world is just so damned cool.

And this batrep/game with the terrain setup is beyond killer.


Thanks for sharing that. I've always loved their incredibly dynamic models but I never learned how the game actually played. I've got some idea now and I may have to look into buying the rulebook.

Just got a bunch of great ideas from that table. Going to need walkways and scatter terrain for my own table once I've got the bigger pieces put together.
Thanks for sharing that. I've always loved their incredibly dynamic models but I never learned how the game actually played. I've got some idea now and I may have to look into buying the rulebook.

Just got a bunch of great ideas from that table. Going to need walkways and scatter terrain for my own table once I've got the bigger pieces put together.

The idea of the sort of over watch system where you get to react on your opponent's turn is what makes the nuts and bolts of this system work for me.

BTW Microarts Studio does a lot of Infinity terrain setups and props.

Speaking of the Infinity Rulebook, they make the full ruleset available for free on their website. (http://infinitythegame.wikispot.org/Home) I just wish someone was doing a bundle price for the two rulebooks, and the campaign book.

Free PDF of the ruleset blessed by Corvus Belli - http://www.infinitythegame.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3216
While the artwork for the game is animeish, the actual figs are not very anime like and have much more realistic look. The nomad faction though is what many consider the Anime faction in Infinity, while stuff like Ardiane are very serious military stylings.

And thank god for the coming campaign book. As I pointed out in my original review, the biggest issue I had with the game was that it essentially had no scenario support. It only had you line up your forces and battle it out, with fans making scenarios which are always.... random quality.


Cool Smoke Luke
ya after looking at it more the art style is really good for Infinity, even the more anime factions.

I guess its the anime/manga style I don't like.

Stuff like Relic Knights..


Never in a million years would I have anything to do with a game with those kinda of aesthetics.
Anima is another game that is heavily influenced by anime design. Anima tactics is a neat game though since you only need 3-5 figs and it really plays out like battles in a Final Fantasy like JRPG.
ya after looking at it more the art style is really good for Infinity, even the more anime factions.

I guess its the anime/manga style I don't like.

Stuff like Relic Knights..


Never in a million years would I have anything to do with a game with those kinda of aesthetics.

It's funny. Infinity and Relic Knights re the only two games that interest me, because of the art styles.

Warhammer and it's grimdark setting I find far less appealing than anything Relic Knights posts up.


Cool Smoke Luke
It's funny. Infinity and Relic Knights re the only two games that interest me, because of the art styles.

Warhammer and it's grimdark setting I find far less appealing than anything Relic Knights posts up.

I'm just abit to much of an old fart to be comfortable considering playing a game which has all these little girls sticking their butts in the air with old men pinching them ect .
If I was 20years younger..I doubt I'd bat an eye.

On another note how did your first game of Malifaux go?
I'm just abit to much of an old fart to be comfortable considering playing a game which has all these little girls sticking their butts in the air with old men pinching them ect .
If I was 20years younger..I doubt I'd bat an eye.

On another note how did your first game of Malifaux go?

Oh no I get it. Aesthetics are a HUGE part for me too. For me Relic Knights is more about the fun outgoing nature of the line.

On Malifaux, I ended up having surprise dinner guests so I'll have to hit it next week. On the plus side, a different store is running Infinity on Wednesday too so it will be a fun week.
Are there any US retailers for Infinity?

Warstore and FRPgames are the most common place to get it. Few other retailers have it, but lot of stores sadly dropped the game due to high prices and hard to get stock in on a regular basis from Spain, while it never was a big hit here. Games been around for quite a while now, but it never took off and it's gotten harder to get the stuff. Warstore usually best place to get the stuff, but when something goes out of stock, it still often takes a long time to get a restock.
Warstore and FRPgames are the most common place to get it. Few other retailers have it, but lot of stores sadly dropped the game due to high prices and hard to get stock in on a regular basis from Spain, while it never was a big hit here. Games been around for quite a while now, but it never took off and it's gotten harder to get the stuff. Warstore usually best place to get the stuff, but when something goes out of stock, it still often takes a long time to get a restock.

Feels like its getting a second shot recently. Tons and tons of presence online and locally now. It certainly deserves it.

All three of my locals have it stocked now.


So my friend bought a Chaos / Dark Angel 40k collectors armies or something to that effect. We are suppose to split it once he comes back for Christmas and I chose to be the Dark Angels. The problem being that other than the one hour crash course he gave me, I know pretty much nothing about 40k. Is there any beginner reference stuff that would be good for me to read.
So my friend bought a Chaos / Dark Angel 40k collectors armies or something to that effect. We are suppose to split it once he comes back for Christmas and I chose to be the Dark Angels. The problem being that other than the one hour crash course he gave me, I know pretty much nothing about 40k. Is there any beginner reference stuff that would be good for me to read.

Not a Warhammer guy myself, but perhaps this can help?

Tons of others online but this should give you a starting point to look for more.

EDIT: also I like the Beasts of War guys and their series of W40k How To Play vids starts with this one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljV-v0oc5Aw

Hope these help.


Project for the weekend, an elevated train station.


It's a mix of plasticard, 40k, and Platformer stuff. Most of the big stuff is done, I just need to finish the railing on the platform and make some kind of ticket kiosk on the landing. Once that's done I'll start with the little bits and details like rubble and such. I won't be painting this until I've finished the other buildings.


Cool Smoke Luke
cool terrain set piece. Looks like something that would be perfect for something like Infinity.
Is it part of a larger group of terrain on a table or just a solo piece?


Thanks. It's a solo piece for now. I'll be making a few more pieces that are just the column and rails so I can extend how far this train line can go.
Speaking of Infinity terrain, I asked these crazed weasels for a list of this terrain sets HERE as I think I'm going to start hosting Infinity tourneys once I get back to Orlando, and I want to shock the shit out of new players and get them hooked.

Doremicon did a great vid today on how to start up Infinity play in your area and I think I may be all in for this idea.


Lookie what just got delivered to my office this morning :3


Now... I wait and do nothing because the people at Maelstrom are horrible and restocking in a timely manner.
Folks have luck selling 40k stuff on Craigslist? Want to sell to a local since it's a pain in the ass to ship this stuff. It's a huge IG army with tons of vehicles and breakable bits so yea, want to just stay local and figure trying craigslist might work?


Cool Smoke Luke
Lookie what just got delivered to my office this morning :3


Now... I wait and do nothing because the people at Maelstrom are horrible and restocking in a timely manner.

could you post some before and afters ,would love to see the difference this makes ..i presume its mostly for terrain and vehicles?
Now... I wait and do nothing because the people at Maelstrom are horrible and restocking in a timely manner.

On a related note I've ordered from 4 of the larger miniatures retailers online recently and they all seem to suffer problems with delays! I just don't understand it, it shouldn't take weeks for stuff to arrive when I'm in the same country and they say the stuff I've ordered is in stock!

I suspect they don't accurately display stock levels on their websites, either that or they could do with hiring more people to pack and dispatch items.


I met with the AD/Creative Director of Infinity, and I have to say that is the only group that my art didn't really match up with.

Too bad, I think they have some badass designs (considering the guy I met with showed me their entire design book of unit concepts).

Still, it was nice meeting with them at Gencon ;)


Cool Smoke Luke
So I got those 300 Mini's comin from Reaper in March. I ended up ordering a couple Warlords starter armies and the manuals for now to start playing with a buddy.

Now My OCD nature is kicking in for the whole wargaming miniatures thing.

I've been looking around online trying to see what kind of war gamin goes on in this area.

Blackknightgames is the LFGS but it mostly looks to be a younger crowd(highschool magic players etc) tho it sounds like there are some older guys that play dystopia wars,will have to try and stop by at different times and see what its like.

I came across a post on about a guy wanting to run wings of war games at MIGS..which I was like whats MIGS?

Turns out its the Military Interest and Gaming Society here in Hamilton. and its not far from here.

They have clubhouse and tables play boardgames and wargames ect.
Hopefully the wings of War game happens cuz it looks exactly like the kind of thing I'd be interested in.
Heres picture from their website.

Very interesting turn of events..looking forward to seeing how things play out.


Cool Smoke Luke
That's a total historical gaming crowd looking game room lol. You will likely find many older gamers at least.

Their webpage says:
MIGS members play a wide variety of wargames including Warhammer 40K, Man O' War, Warzone, Starship Troopers, A Sky Full Of Ships, Necromunda, General Quarters, Johnny Reb, DBA, Agaisnt the Dark, Piquet, Field of Battle, Shako II, Sharp Practice, Disposable Heroes, Arc of Fire, Lord of the Rings, War of the Ring and home-brew rules as well as many others.

Boardgames played at the Club include Twilight Imperium 3rd edition, World In Flames, A Game Of Thrones, Advanced Civilisation, Arkham Horror, Viking Saga, Railroad Tycoon, Dominion(plus expansions) and many others.

So it sounds like its pretty mixed. I'm a Pub guy not a Club guy so I'm hopeful :)
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