Hey thanks. I wasn't going to post until I got a bit more comfortable but hell why not? I bought a few Reaper Bones figs to help make the wait until the Kickstarter pays of in the Spring so here's my very first fig painted ever.
Be gentle, but any suggestions, tips would be great. I chose to believe Reaper about their Bones line and didn't prime the mini. And truthfully it took paint really well. The key is to not thin your base coats. After than thin away.
This is a basic base coat, black wash for shadows, and dry brush. No attempts at real highlights yet, as I was just focusing on brush control this go round. I'm pretty ok with it considering I'm working with 7 colors (black, white, leather, red, blue, yellow, silver + a black wash), and mixed everything I used myself from those.
Using crappy Taklon brushes, but will keep those for dry brushes, and have ordered a couple Series 7s from dickblick.com.