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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Horus Hersey volume one: Betrayal

Looking good. I can't wait to see the primarch models.

Bring forth the Nightlord models...not going to happen is it...

I want to see some more complex and interesting motives for the traitor legions, because the official 40k rulebooks pretty much described Chaos Marines as a bunch of school yard bullies who just like to break things ("Let no evil deed go unawarded" anyone?). I know some legions were forced into it, some even did it out of a good cause, those are so much more interesting.

I'm kind of sad that it's going to be yet another power armor party though, Forgeworld needs to release a book dedicated to Xenos sooner or later, because I've had enough of the Imperium.


Cool Smoke Luke
Holy shit, I knew some of them would be big but not THAT big. When saying 28mm, is that the height of a figure? Cause then they are kinda tiny (at least if I dont remember Warhammer figures wrong, or I might have grown a bit since). Going for the Fire Giant Warriors, PF Red Dragon and either elementals/demons Then some others that I havent decided for switching in Sophie.

the little green soldier in the bottom right is a standard 28mm figure height..which he used as a reference .the blue line is that height in both rows
i think he got the scale wrong on a couple but its close overall..
Heres a link which shows the real metal versions photo'd with a standard size mini for scale..i think he used these and other pics as the basis of the scaling.


I want to see some more complex and interesting motives for the traitor legions, because the official 40k rulebooks pretty much described Chaos Marines as a bunch of school yard bullies who just like to break things ("Let no evil deed go unawarded" anyone?). I know some legions were forced into it, some even did it out of a good cause, those are so much more interesting.

Magnus and Perturabo have some not-so-straightforward reasons for joining Horus, at least, compared to Angron. As I recall, Horus, Lorgar, and Fulgrim were tempted Chaos itself, an agent of Chaos, and a Daemon artifact respecively. Mortarion was ready to join right away with little temptation. Night Haunter was assassinated during the Heresy. Don't remember Alpharius' reasoning. Some expansion might be nice, and we got a lot of it in the Horus Heresy books, but ambiguity can be fun as well.


Oh hell yea, TIE Interceptors. Only my favorite Imperial fighter. Nice to see that there will be support for one-offs like the Falcon.


I'm wondering if they're going to go into clone wars and into the EU universes (I really want a Jedi Defender and a Phantom from TOR).
I'm wondering if they're going to go into clone wars and into the EU universes (I really want a Jedi Defender and a Phantom from TOR).

They pretty much have too or they are going to run out of stuff to put out for the game. Once they put out Wave 3 ships, they will have essentially tapped all the medium/small scale ships from the original trilogy movies. Already the stuff on the cards included with the ships includes EU material, and their upcoming card game also is full of EU stuff, so I expect we will see it added to the mini game as well. They are being very particular with accuracy and scale on the ships, so I can see that being a bit odd for them when doing EU ships which not all have detailed scale stats for. But since they are doing era/faction related stuff right now, and EU stuff added will probably be from the rebellion era. They will probably have a separate Clone Wars era block of releases and so on.


Cool Smoke Luke
Love coming home on a Friday and find a package waiting for ya.

Looks like its time to start learning how to assemble and prep and base Metal Mini's for me!
Nefsokar are all single pieces per mini looks like it will just need some filing and little filler to smooth out cracks once glued in base.

but reptus..wow..that's a whole lotta bits to make them..every head is separate, half the arms are separate..all the shields are separate, plus some back spine things..


Cool Smoke Luke
Nice thing about Warlord is that you can essentially use any fantasy figs you have laying around to play it.

ya looks pretty good for a casual introduction to miniature gaming.. fun to paint, skirmish size armies,very open ended proxy rules, not to complex rule system.


the little green soldier in the bottom right is a standard 28mm figure height..which he used as a reference .the blue line is that height in both rows
i think he got the scale wrong on a couple but its close overall..
Heres a link which shows the real metal versions photo'd with a standard size mini for scale..i think he used these and other pics as the basis of the scaling.

Okay, damn, that is pretty big.
Got my 1st box of Dwarf Slayers in today. Got home from work with enough time to get those metal mini's cleaned up and primed, but not much else. Here's my Dwarf Lord I got on Wednesday and finished up Thursday:




Cool Smoke Luke
Got my 1st box of Dwarf Slayers in today. Got home from work with enough time to get those metal mini's cleaned up and primed, but not much else. Here's my Dwarf Lord I got on Wednesday and finished up Thursday:

Your a machine! damn..great work, you gotta do some pics of these armies setup for a game when your done..would love to see how they look on a gametable setup for a battle
Since people posting up their work, this is just a few of my Imperial Guard vehicles... about 1/3rd of them really. Also some of my steel legion infantry which I did the whole army with.... awesome long coat troops that are now OOP but was worth the extra $. Troops look shinier than they are, crappy tablet camera is not the best for picture taking heh... probably should have turned off the monitor behind them. But yea it's supposed to be a dark urban like scheme for the army theme. Painted most of this almost 10 years ago outside of the Baneblade.




Cool Smoke Luke
Since people posting up their work, this is just a few of my Imperial Guard vehicles... about 1/3rd of them really. Also some of my steel legion infantry which I did the whole army with.... awesome long coat troops that are now OOP but was worth the extra $. Troops look shinier than they are, crappy tablet camera is not the best for picture taking heh... probably should have turned off the monitor behind them. But yea it's supposed to be a dark urban like scheme for the army theme. Painted most of this almost 10 years ago outside of the Baneblade.

Very cool. that middle tank looks like a Behemoth!

Those long coats remind me alot of Fallout's' NCR Ranger, armor pretty wicked.


Start of my Cultist Necromunda gang:

Two heavies, one with a converted Autocannon, the other with a converted Heavy Stubber. Gangers, one with a converted Meltagun, another with a Sniper Rifle, one with a Shotgun and another with a silenced Autogun. Two leaders and four juves.


Cool Smoke Luke
Start of my Cultist Necromunda gang:

Two heavies, one with a converted Autocannon, the other with a converted Heavy Stubber. Gangers, one with a converted Meltagun, another with a Sniper Rifle, one with a Shotgun and another with a silenced Autogun. Two leaders and four juves.

I just gotta say the it never dawned on me to self quote big pictures so they are smaller but can be clicked on to make em bigger..great idea to keep the readability of the thread.
Yea might be a good idea with how pic heavy we have been

Very cool. that middle tank looks like a Behemoth!

Those long coats remind me alot of Fallout's' NCR Ranger, armor pretty wicked.

Yea middle is the Baneblade, super heavy tank, really only for the fun apocalypse games and such generally, but I had to have one to go with my tank force. Looks awesome when I have the whole collection of vehicles on a big battle table.

I generally don't like IG trooper looks, but when the Steel Legion models were just too cool and I wanted them to have a German WWII like look so that's why I went with the greys. Expensive though compared to the plastic kits that nearly gave you 30 models for around $30 back at that time. Was about $30 for just 10 of those models and I bought tons of them for the entire army including all the special figs as well. Course prices on even the plastic infantry are higher than those prices.
I'm sensing a trend/pattern of how I paint my miniatures these days:

Log into WoW
Run a Heroic
Paint a Slayer
Run a Heroic
Paint a Slayer
Run a Heroic
Paint a Slayer

I will say this....painting slayers = "Holy fuck, that's a lot of orange!" for some time. Then highlights happen and it's different shades of orange. Thank god skin tones will change up the monotony of it all, eh?
I painted an entire army of Slayers once (assembly line style), though for me the bright orange was a nice change to painting my very dark and dank looking Vampire Counts :)


Cool Smoke Luke
been a fun weekend of painting. Finished up the Kobold DragonShields.

I think the armour turned out better..looks more like oiled steel.
I tried to make the shield a bronze color with some green corrosion effect..turned out ok I think..thought over all the color scheme is very muted.

I just couldn't wait to finish all the Ashardalon figures before tackling the Warlord Neksokar minis.

I got the Neksokar Based and Primed.
As a first attempt I think the basing turned out ok.

I used some crushed nuts for large stones and blended sand and kitty litter for sand/gravel mix.
There is something nice about the heft of metal mini's that's for sure..and the fact the figures aren't so sloppily molded(the boardgames ones I've been doing have lots of misalignment issues)
Its really surprising how much the detail comes out of the metal once you prime it.

Painting solid plastic figs is pretty nice. Board game pieces like those D&D figs are still more rubbery and bendy than a good solid plastic fig. Painting resins is also great. Hefty metal figs are nice, but always so much more delicate to handle due to small parts breaking easier and they can chip paint from little falls or knock overs. I've been abusive to my plastic orks and they just have had no issues with paint coming off. Playing Infinity and knocking over a fig by accident on it's side... pop goes a head :(


Cool Smoke Luke
ya I can see dropping or knocking them over would be a problem definitely more fragile.
seems overall most of the industry is switching to resin and plastic.

started working on the reptus starter army and wow tons of little delicate pieces.
was trying to superglue stuff and having no success till I picked up some of that superglue activator..stuffs magic in a bottle


Cool Smoke Luke
question for those with some experience with things like this

the shields are on a separate piece it looks like its suppose to be glued to the forearm where I've circled it.
I think i'm gonna prime and paint both before attaching them.

Question is should i use a little masking tape on the bracer and shield mounts so I don't get primer or paint on it? or should I just paint it all um and then sand/file a couple contact points clean?
or is there something else I'm overlooking? I presume you don't' want to glue paint to paint or am I over thinking this?

Any advice would be appreciated.
I always fully assemble my figs before painting so... yea.

But most folks who paint the pieces before glue seem to just paint the whole thing, at least they do with plastics such as on sprue parts with spray/airbrushes.


Saint Nic
question for those with some experience with things like this

the shields are on a separate piece it looks like its suppose to be glued to the forearm where I've circled it.
I think i'm gonna prime and paint both before attaching them.

Question is should i use a little masking tape on the bracer and shield mounts so I don't get primer or paint on it? or should I just paint it all um and then sand/file a couple contact points clean?
or is there something else I'm overlooking? I presume you don't' want to glue paint to paint or am I over thinking this?

Any advice would be appreciated.

You have a few options.

You first question...If you're going to go the route you are (paint separate), I would probably just paint the spots with less detail and file a spot to glue.

Also, you are correct - you don't want to just glue painted part to painted part. It won't usually yield good results. It can cause the paint to run/chip/dissolve depending on the parameters at play.

Here are a few routes I've taken in the past (sorry, this post is very convoluted, haha).

- Paint both parts separately, but sand/file the two contact areas. Use a gel style glue to join the parts to prevent any running. Works best for large/obstructed contact points Ex: Shields, backpacks, large armor pieces

- Use a pin vice to drill small holes in the model and place a thin paper clip or similar object in to facilitate a more direct joint. After painting, use a small dab of glue inside the joint to create a bond. Some glue may get onto the model this way, but if the amount is small enough, likely won't cause damage. Works best for body parts to body parts, large "add-ons", turrets, etc. Ex: Tyranid Trygon, Warmachine large jacks (such as Beast 09 or Thunderhead)

- Assemble the model fully and ignore the unseen details. Works best for, well, mostly anything, especially infantry. Ex: Space marines, Tyrnaid gaunts, Necron warriors, etc

I've done all three I suggested. Outside of the third one, you always run the risk of needing to do some touch-up painting (test the glue on a model with paint beforehand to determine if/how much you'd need). The second method works great for large jacks or mechs/vehicles. I used it when I played Warmachine and had to assemble larger warjacks.

I seldom used the first method because I didn't have the highly viscous super glue until later in my modeling career. It can definitely be beneficial if the model allows it. I may consider doing a hard/gloss coat prior to gluing so you don't smudge things with your fingers. After assembly, you can/should go back with a dull/matte coat (or light hard/gloss if that's the finish you're looking for).

The third method is VERY commonly used amongst even the top painters. Learning to recognize what details should be brought out and which can be glossed over is part of the growth of a good painter. Sure, a Golden Demon winner will have a VASTLY different approach to that, but they also aren't sticking to paint brushes and dipping! Also, this helps develop brush control TREMENDOUSLY. Learning to slither down into those little gaps to dot the paint on a small cuff or jewel is a skill you'll want anyways. :p

Honestly, I may suggest giving at least the first and third a try. Pinning isn't smart in your case given the size and situation.

Hopefully this helps a little!


Cool Smoke Luke
thx for the tips!

I dont' think i can pin due to how thin the shields are.

think i'll just try and sand a contact point smooth after painting and try and get some gel superglue.

The shields covers a pretty big area but from the front and other size it exposes alot of so figured it w9ould be alot easier to paint with them off then attach..
Heres little cap showing all 3 models with shields(9 units total)
thx for the tips!

I dont' think i can pin due to how thin the shields are.

think i'll just try and sand a contact point smooth after painting and try and get some gel superglue.

The shields covers a pretty big area but from the front and other size it exposes alot of so figured it w9ould be alot easier to paint with them off then attach..
Heres little cap showing all 3 models with shields(9 units total)

I sometimes combine super glue and green/gray stuff when I'm trying to attach something difficult. The putty fills in gaps and is durable, which are the biggest problem with trying to glue two metal surfaces together securely. Sometimes that even allows me to pin things via the putty whereas they would otherwise be too thin.


Cool Smoke Luke
Looks like they've finished the Cloud giantess Sculpt painting for the Bones Kickstarter.

Looks pretty darn impressive.
Heres the three stages..sketch, sculpt and painted figure.


Cool Smoke Luke
any thoughts on the new Hordes 2 player battle box from warmachine/hordes players?

think it comes out tomorrow
Box has Primal Mk II rules in a travel-sized booklet (88 pages), an introductory guide, dice, a ruler, and 20 plastic HORDES models with corresponding stat cards.

Circle Orboros
Warlock Kaya the Wildborne
Feral Warpwolf heavy warbeast
Argus light warbeast
Winter Argus light warbeast
Warpborn Skinwalker unit (5 models)

Legion of Everblight
Warlock Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
Carnivean heavy warbeast
4 Shredder lesser warbeasts
Blighted Ogrun Warspear unit (5 models)
I know Heroclix is not on the same level of many of the games posted here, but these are some photos of Heroclix I have lying around my office at work :p

Dark Phoenix

Bash buddies! Deadpool and Taskmaster

Desktop protector

Best friends forever

The devourer of worlds, Galactus!
Anyone have any (reasonable) recommendations for a camera that'll take nice pics of note only our models we paint & game with, but naturally anything else we choose to? I've got an el'cheepo from Walmart that is pretty good for anything BUT models and my camera phone is just that: A Camera Phone. Sure, it does an okay job, but I am missing a few important features that's making me look elsewhere.

BTW, if I'm lucky, I'll finish up my 5 Slayers today and have some pics posted later tonight. Just depends on how frisky I'm feeling in regards to painting (2 are completely done and 3 are in various stages).


Man, I'm going to need more pictures of those Warp Talons. Really not sure how I feel about them. :/

I kind of like the flyer, but I would have liked a plastic version of the Chaos flyer Forgeworld sells.

EDIT: The Chosen looking dudes don't look too bad.


Obliterators don't look bad I think. What really looks awful is that beast-mech thing with gatling cannons on the sides. Just what the hell is that?


Loving the Forgefiend. The Warp Talons look OK; I'm generally not a fan of the figures that show warp deformation/mutation, but these are a good balance.

Every time I look at painted figures, I want to buy a set.


Love most of the new Chaos stuff. It's like a little bit of Fantasy leaked into 40k and it's awesome. Derpmaulers, pictured above, can go fuck themselves though.
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