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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Nope, they are not. These are a seperate entry, basically close-combat obliterators. They're called Mutilators actually, so I correct myself: Derpators.

The Obliterators will probably use the same kits with different weapons, so they'll still have the retarded face.

I'm planning to put helmets on them


Cool Smoke Luke
Best friends forever

I really like that one..it looks great


Cool Smoke Luke
Anyone have any (reasonable) recommendations for a camera that'll take nice pics of note only our models we paint & game with, but naturally anything else we choose to? I've got an el'cheepo from Walmart that is pretty good for anything BUT models and my camera phone is just that: A Camera Phone. Sure, it does an okay job, but I am missing a few important features that's making me look elsewhere.

BTW, if I'm lucky, I'll finish up my 5 Slayers today and have some pics posted later tonight. Just depends on how frisky I'm feeling in regards to painting (2 are completely done and 3 are in various stages).

I know its a foolish dream, but I'm soooo hoping the nokia 920 has a good macro mode, I think thats my next phone/camera.
and can't wait to see the slayers


I'm planning to put helmets on them

There's a solution. Have a feeling the kits won't lend themselves to that though. The head looks like it's molded into the armor.

Personally I think they look kind of cool. But I've always had a soft spot for Obliterators.

A CC Oblit doesn't make much sense if they're going to be Slow and Purposeful like the old ones were. You can just run in circles around them.


Oblits are the only thing I'm not fond of so far.

Can't wait to see terminators with the same accoutrements as the PA armored Chaos Marines.

Also I love the shift to dark mechanicus flesh beasts for Chaos's vehicles rather than Imperial vehicles with spikey bits.
I like the new Fiends I think that seeing them on the table in relation to other units will make people see them in a new light. Seem like a throwback to the organic mechanical appearance of the 2nd ed chaos dreads. Also have you guys seen the pic of Angron?


There are no new Terminator and standard CSM pictured in the new codex (whereas wave 2 stuff is), which bodes quite bad for them being redone. Terminators are pretty recent so GW has zero reason to change the box also.
I know Heroclix is not on the same level of many of the games posted here, but these are some photos of Heroclix I have lying around my office at work :p

Nothing wrong with Heroclix, I used to be a fan of Mechwarrior Clix myself. I just never cared for the atmosphere of Heroclix play and the whole collectible aspect just got tired with me. Also don't really care for clix paint quality when it comes to people, it's acceptable on vehicles, but on many character type figs, it can be very bad... like the googly eyed punisher I had which made me sad.


aka surume
any thoughts on the new Hordes 2 player battle box from warmachine/hordes players?

think it comes out tomorrow
Box has Primal Mk II rules in a travel-sized booklet (88 pages), an introductory guide, dice, a ruler, and 20 plastic HORDES models with corresponding stat cards.

Circle Orboros
Warlock Kaya the Wildborne
Feral Warpwolf heavy warbeast
Argus light warbeast
Winter Argus light warbeast
Warpborn Skinwalker unit (5 models)

Legion of Everblight
Warlock Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
Carnivean heavy warbeast
4 Shredder lesser warbeasts
Blighted Ogrun Warspear unit (5 models)
Huge post incoming!

I run LoE and my buddy runs Circle. Did you want thoughts on the units in the box?

  • Looks like solid, though you prolly won't play 2 Argus in a 35 pt list (again, im not a Circle player, just have matched against them frequently).
  • Both Kayas are good.
  • Saw Skinwalkers run with Cromac and they seemed good.
  • I don't know which Warpwolf ppl usually take, but that chassis is cornerstone in many lists.

  • Plyl is a good, straight forward lock and fun to play (low fury though), but I think Elyl gets more table time.
  • Carnivean chassis is cornerstone of almost every LoE list (Kallus is the exception that comes to mind) as we are a beast heavy faction. Carnivean is the least used of the three configurations (11 pts is steep, and some ppl value reach from a Scythean over Spiny Growth and a spray). However, will still work well in many lists.
  • You won't ever run more than 2 shredders at 35 points except for EThagrosh who loves the landshark spam. No harm in having 4 though as they are 2 pt wonders.
  • Warspears are hardly ever used (cool models though). Not saying they are bad, just not common. There are cheaper, better tarpit infantry than 5 models for 8 pts (thinking of legionnaires for melee and striders for ranged).

Slight downside to both, bear with me:
Both the Warpwolf and Carnivean plastic chassis have interchangeable arms/heads to create some of the other heavies in the army.

If you bought each respective heavy beast kit separately (like this), you would get the chassis and ALL arms/heads which can be magnetized to pop on and off to save you some $$$ (many lists will want 2).

The heavy beasts included in the 2 player (and battle boxes) only include ONE set of arms/heads and therefore don't provide a lot of flexibility. Trust me (at least on the Legion side), as you expand your army, you will want all 3 of the combinations at your disposal.

Still, let's say you get this box, you could always get another kit separately and use the extra arms to field different combinations.

+ or - Both armies are very fast, playstyle-wise and can be beast heavy. Circle is melee heavy, and LoE can be combined arms.
+ They are good value if you want the rules and templates, etc.
+ Both contain decent models.
- Heavy beasts provide more value/flexibility when bought as a kit and magnetized.
- If you know exactly what lists you want to build and notice that these models aren't in them for some reason, might be better off buying just the list you want.

Lemme know if you have any other questions, or challenge me if I screwed something up :p


Cool Smoke Luke
thx! thats a great breakdown.... so many things to consider heh.

For hordes whats a typical army size you use for regular games? is 35 points the standard or was that just an example that would match this starter box?


aka surume
thx! thats a great breakdown.... so many things to consider heh.

For hordes whats a typical army size you use for regular games? is 35 points the standard or was that just an example that would match this starter box?
I'm happy to help. I've only played for 4 months so this is all stuff I've had to go through recently.

The game is usually played at 25, 35, 42 (35+reinforcements), 50, 75 point increments. Don't let that discourage you from playing with less, those points are just accepted as sort of the weight classes for the game.

For some unknown reason, the LoE contents are 21 field-able points:
27 points of units/beasts and the included warlock is WB +6 which brings the points spent down by 6.

That's a way for the designers to balance some of the casters who are big beat-sticks themselves (e.g. A beastly warlock might be WB+3 to allow for fewer beasts in the army).


Cool Smoke Luke
Decent haul today:


is that x-wing core +4 ships? which ships did you end up adding to it?
looks like a fun game,
I'm gonna get to play my first game of Wings of War tomorrow night.
Depending on how much we like it my buddy might buy the WW2 starter or X-wing starter..
We'll have to watch some comparison videos.


I picked up the starter, and one of each expansion so far. So an X and Y Wing and both TIE Fighters.

Also grabbed an Infinity rulebook. Not nearly enough pictures like the 40k rulebook but still nice.
I picked up the starter, and one of each expansion so far. So an X and Y Wing and both TIE Fighters.

Also grabbed an Infinity rulebook. Not nearly enough pictures like the 40k rulebook but still nice.

To my eyes, the art in Infinity easily eclipses that in the W40K book.


To my eyes, the art in Infinity easily eclipses that in the W40K book.

It's certainly different. I was referring to shots of different armies in battle among nice terrain. Would have liked more since it looks like the guys that did the terrain for all the glamour shots in the book did an amazing job.

Always looking for terrain ideas. :)
I don't really care for much of the art infinity, but love their figs. Their 2nd edition cover espeically was a huge downgrade from the gorgeous 1st edition cover. The artwork in the book quality is a bit hit or miss on random characters and such, but the original chapter separation art for the main book is still godlike.


Cool Smoke Luke
I got to play a few games of Wings of War WWI last night at MIGS.

It was allot of fun, cool game.
Seems the guys that own it have every plane model(Bi and Tri,Bombers,Recons and Ballons ) and Run an ongoing homegrown campaign/tourney they're looking to start up again.
They keep track of pilots that survive, how many missions they have and minor skill increases after they complete 5 missions etc.

They seem to really prefer the WWI game to WWII . I'm really curious to watch some comparison videos now between the two and X-wing as well.

I can see why X-wing is selling out everywhere.
I'm really curious to see how that new game, sails of glory pans out
WWII game is not liked as much because of it's "faster" play representation they used to replicate how the planes were faster than the WWI era planes. It felt like to players they were having less control for some, and in general there just is ton more support for the WWI line of products.

X-Wing has similarities but also quite a bit different with all the options you have at your hand, and the combat isn't as deadly/random. Looking forward to wave 2 as it's going to add some much needed firepower to the Empire who I feel is at a bit of a disadvantage right now in the game.

Now that I finished my Lego ISD, almost feel like using it as a game backdrop or for scenarios. The ship is huge yet still not to scale... but still would be neat to do. Finding some scale ships to use for scenario play would be good. Despite them planning on doing larger craft, I can't see them doing scale ships of anything bigger than Corvette.


I don't really care for much of the art infinity, but love their figs. Their 2nd edition cover espeically was a huge downgrade from the gorgeous 1st edition cover. The artwork in the book quality is a bit hit or miss on random characters and such, but the original chapter separation art for the main book is still godlike.

When I talked to their art/creative director at Gencon, he told me that they have an amazing artist they love using for everything, but he is hard as hell to get ahold of and work with.

Guess if you plan to treat your ADs like crap, you'd better be amazing.
When I talked to their art/creative director at Gencon, he told me that they have an amazing artist they love using for everything, but he is hard as hell to get ahold of and work with.

Guess if you plan to treat your ADs like crap, you'd better be amazing.

Well they also don't produce much actual artwork in general. They take years to put out a single book so it's not like the other companies who are pumping out multiple products a year. They also don't bother with any artwork for their individual figures or packaging, just miniature pics. 7 years and they only have done two books.
Getting a better look at the Helldrake has definitely improved my outlook on it. Remove some of the spikes claws and you got a great looking model there.


The plastic vehicle kits look amazing. The style of the codex looks really interesting too, I wonder how much it is....

My guess (without reading the rumors) is that they have to cover the Black Legion and the four major legions and Chaos gods which is why it's such a massive book. If they consolidated Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Black Templars into the Space Marine book I would imagine it would be a big hardcover book, too.

They seem to really prefer the WWI game to WWII . I'm really curious to watch some comparison videos now between the two and X-wing as well.

Depending on how my weekend goes I may put together a battle report for X-Wing. Now that you've played Wings of War it might give you a decent reference point for comparing both games.

Still would have preferred a regular looking fighter or craft for the Chaos flier.... this whole beast theme they got going is odd to me. Meh.

I'm with you. The Chaos Hell Blades from Forgeworld would have been a better fit. The flyer looks alright, but not really a fan of the whole chaos-beast-machine thing.

Eh, they may grow on me eventually.

Sweet Jesus, those prices are off the chain. Extra laughs for the £50 version of the codex, and the bundle that offers no savings. I like the big stuff and the new raptors, but after that it feels like Chaos have been let down on the new model front. The havocs moving to finecast is a joke, especially given how bad they look, and I don't think anyone will be able to make obliterators look good.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Obliterators and whatever the new melee-oriented ones are called are embarrasingly bad miniatures.

However, the new raptors/warp talons, plastic aspiring champion and Heldrake look incredible. Coincidentally all (plus the codex) have found their way into my element games basket :) .

I am an absolute sucker for chaos themed art so the full colour codex should be orgasmic.
My guess (without reading the rumors) is that they have to cover the Black Legion and the four major legions and Chaos gods which is why it's such a massive book. If they consolidated Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Black Templars into the Space Marine book I would imagine it would be a big hardcover book, too.

At 104 pages it is hardly massive.


Unconfirmed Member
Still would have preferred a regular looking fighter or craft for the Chaos flier.... this whole beast theme they got going is odd to me. Meh.

The problem I have with the new daemon engines is that they look like beasts with mechanical bits attached instead of machines built to house daemons. I wish they had made the new stuff with the Defiler in mind.


Okay i posted earlier and gave it some more thought, im thinking of buying the dark vengeance 40k set (i've found a decent price for it via an amazon reseller). I have no interest in the game, i only buy it for painting.

You guys think this is a good set? i like space marines (dark angels), im not really big on chaos but the sheer amount of models you get for this price is near unbeatable i think.


Okay i posted earlier and gave it some more thought, im thinking of buying the dark vengeance 40k set (i've found a decent price for it via an amazon reseller). I have no interest in the game, i only buy it for painting.

You guys think this is a good set? i like space marines (dark angels), im not really big on chaos but the sheer amount of models you get for this price is near unbeatable i think.

It's a pretty amazing set. If you're not interested in the Chaos stuff though, sell them. Dark Vengeance is currently the only source of Chosen, Cultists and Helbrute (though any Dreadnought can stand in), meaning they're valuable and will be even more once the codex is out.
The problem I have with the new daemon engines is that they look like beasts with mechanical bits attached instead of machines built to house daemons. I wish they had made the new stuff with the Defiler in mind.

Yea the defiler was great and more of the direction they should have taken instead of literally making beasts with guns.

Okay i posted earlier and gave it some more thought, im thinking of buying the dark vengeance 40k set (i've found a decent price for it via an amazon reseller). I have no interest in the game, i only buy it for painting.

You guys think this is a good set? i like space marines (dark angels), im not really big on chaos but the sheer amount of models you get for this price is near unbeatable i think.

If you buy the set online you can usually get a big chunk of that back by selling away the army you don't want. Did it with the last 3 40k and fantasy sets and often got back 50-60% of my purchase price by selling the army I didn't want, and you get the nice mini rulebook which I far prefer to the giant hardback thing that is almost 80 by itself.


Cool Smoke Luke
Heres a tip for all you folks new to or considering using Quick shade.

If your gonna use the dip and shake technique outside. make sure the box you use for priming and dipping and caring everything inside and out doesn't have a build up of primer on the insides.
Appearently it turns to powered and when a big gust of wind goes by..its like sticking your newly varnished mini in a dust storm...
Ya..I'm VERY pleased right now :(


I'm really disappointed in the new CSM minis, I'd expected to be dragged back to my CSM, but not with models like that. The rules could make me change my mind, but I doubt it from the rumours I've heard.

I still want to get back into 40k to play with my new college buddies, and I was waiting all this time for the new CSM release, but now I don't know which army I'll be picking up. Necrons and Dark Eldar both have amazing new models and pretty darn good new codecies, but Tau and Eldar are my favorite armies fluffwise, even if their books and some of their models are dated... Decisions, decisions.
Well this is the first wave, so assume later waves will have some more interesting chaos figs. Opinions are very mixed on this release obviously, as usually each big release has had something to wow with.


You guys know of any games that are like Warhammer Quest?

I've got a hankering for some board game style, expandable but light weight role playing.
You guys know of any games that are like Warhammer Quest?

I've got a hankering for some board game style, expandable but light weight role playing.

Descent 1st edition. 2nd edition is out now but is a smaller quicker playing game that some enjoy more. Descent 1st edition was just a much larger and meatier game though.

If you like models though there is also the mantic games releases of Dwarf King's Hold http://www.manticgames.com/Shop-Home/Dwarf-Kings-Hold/Product/Dwarf-Kings-Hold-Dead-Rising.html . Series of 3 sets for that so far


Cool Smoke Luke
Lemme know if you have any other questions, or challenge me if I screwed something up :p

So I think I'm gonna jump on the Hordes Battle Box
in addition to the Battlebox I was looking what else I really need.

You had suggested that one of each
Carnivean/Ravagore/Scythean Heavy Warbeast Kit and
Pureblood/Feral/Stalker Warpwolf Heavy Beast Kit
This would give each faction 2 Chassis and 4 combos 2 carnivean and 2 feral.

What about the Circle Orboros MkII Deck (2010) and WMH Legion of Everblight MkII deck(2010) cards they're 19$ each..worth getting now?or wait.

as well what about the WMH Circle Orboros Token Set and Legeion ones..they're 15bucks each here are they essential to have,or purely optional?

What about deck sleaves and dry wipe markers? is this one of those things where if you splurge for the token sets you don't need to worry about sleaving your cards or really do you want to do both things'?

anyways any help is appreciated..
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