Saint Nic
Buy deck sleeves and dry erase markers. Playing WM/hordes will be annoying without those. Seriously, SUPER helpful.
Buy deck sleeves and dry erase markers. Playing WM/hordes will be annoying without those. Seriously, SUPER helpful.
Make sure you get right sized sleeves that fit the game cards snug, cause otherwise the cards shift around in the sleeve and make the book keeping a pain. And the delicious smell of dry erase.... errr yea
So this is probably the intent of the Battle box, but I started going thru the themes in the War Room app and on and it would appear that they've included the "Wrong" Warlock with the units in the Legion set..(haven't gone thru Orboros yet)
Yea starter sets are just the dealer giving a free sample to us junkies. Most warlock/casters have optimal builds and unit combinations that are no brainers. When you use a different caster with certain units, some hardcore players will just look at you funny it feels.
Swarm tactics are a huge deal. I need to take another look at the cards again to figure out where I can find more synergies for the squad.
Yea the Y-Wing is a beast and the Ion Cannon turret I find almost broken. While slow makes it easier to take damage, if you put the droid in the ship that regens shields... yeowch. I really think the range on the Ion turret to be shorter. The Imperials I find at a disadvantage IMO due to their firepower being so low currently since both the Tie and Advanced only do 2 attack. I really expect things to change quite a bit when the Tie/I comes out with it's attack of 3. Because right now taking down Y-Wings really requires a group effort. Imps have to make use of all their team abilities from their leaders and stuff like swarm card.
Great game though, really can't wait for next wave of ships. Also saw ton of copies of X-Wing at Target this weekend already.
Cross posted from Boardgame GAF but I had a Marvel VS. Capcom TE Fightstick sitting around that was barely used and I took it up to my FLGS to donate to their game room they are building for people to play stuff with. The owner, who is a super nice guy insisted on trading me some games for it. So now I have X-Wing, one of each expansion ship and an extra TIE expansion. Game seems very fun and easy enough to teach no non-war game types. (AKA. It should be easier to get people to play this than my Lock N' Load games.) Hopefully Sat. night I should have 3 or 4 people to teach it to and play with!
Yea I think it works great as an intro mini game, while it still having lots of depth potential. Mixing Star Wars and Wings of War was brilliant. Have gotten bunch of friends to buy into it already.
I hope it gets a lot of support. They could do simple quick expansions by just releasing card packs too. Wings of War did that with some of their ace pilot sets and such.
Millennium Falcon, Slave 1, Tie Interceptor, and A-Wing are all announced and should be out by Christmas at least. MF and Slave 1 are both medium sized ships and are actually to scale with the ships released so far. So the base and the ships are a bit bigger. Slave 1 also comes with a new scenario. You are right about card expansions too though. Cheap way to give new options to people. In the rulebook it also has a sorta called out section where it says to expect HUGE things to come. I'm not sure how/if they will keep it to scale but I would love some Star Destroyers and Mon Cals!
Also if they don't eventually give me Rogue Squadron EU cards I will scream!
I wish it wasn't so hard to convince Warhammer players to try other games. I don't want to have to rebuy into 40k to play with my friends! So many other games I find more enjoyable, WM/H, Malifaux, Infinity, etc.
Maybe the ISD could be printed on a map, and exist as part of an attacker/defender scenario.Yea we covered those earlier
Was at SW Celebration and saw the new ships in person, they look fantastic.
Doubt we will see any ships bigger than Corvettes as a isd to scale would be the size of a kitchen table. Unless they decide to break scale.
I wish it wasn't so hard to convince Warhammer players to try other games. I don't want to have to rebuy into 40k to play with my friends! So many other games I find more enjoyable, WM/H, Malifaux, Infinity, etc.
Maybe the ISD could be printed on a map, and exist as part of an attacker/defender scenario.
I'd be pretty turned off if they broke scale.
These are my UCS Lego star destroyers for some scale consideration:
Those are scale or not..they would be fun as set pieces in scenarios
I'm thinking about getting into painting either Warhammer 40k or Warmachine. What should I buy if I am just getting into this? I'm not looking for model recommendations, but the supplies I would need.
Also, whats a trustworthy website that I can buy models cheap or reasonably priced?
So I've got the majority of the battlebox assembled and glued together except the Large warbeasts.
I'm waiting the LFGS to get some 1/8th magnets in stock to magnetize them.
Anyone have experience magnetizing them?
For the Warpwolf and Carnivean I'm assuming 1/8th by 1/16th magnets are the best sizes?
As well both bases don't Have slots so I'm assuming its necessary to pin the big ones to/thru the large plastic base?
I've just been using a hobby knife to scrape and cut the excess mold lines clean.
I haven't attached the spears yet to the warspears units,since most are exactly do you straighten them out?
I tried running under hot water then cold but it didn't seem to make a difference.
Anyways thanks for any tips.
Looking forward to getting them to at least a fully based and primed state so we can start playing.
I'm thinking about getting into painting either Warhammer 40k or Warmachine. What should I buy if I am just getting into this? I'm not looking for model recommendations, but the supplies I would need.
Also, whats a trustworthy website that I can buy models cheap or reasonably priced?
So this is probably the intent of the Battle box, but I started going thru the themes in the War Room app and on and it would appear that they've included the "Wrong" Warlock with the units in the Legion set..(haven't gone thru Orboros yet)
For legion the default units don't give any theme bonus's and add up to 27points..
Man these games just feed into a min-maxing OCD mindset.
For plastic figs like in the 2 player starter, you shouldn't have to worry about sizes of magnets or having to pit anything. Pinning really is only needed for pewter or heavy resin parts. Plastic figs just are very light and a good super glue will hold them perfectly tight. And rare earth magnets if you use those are quite powerful so with plastic arm swaps and such it's pretty easy and just use whatever size works best for what your trying to connect. For attaching big figs through base, usually slowly drill a hole through a base with a drill or just use a hobby knife slowly in a circular motion till the peg slides in yet remains tight.
Yea usually heating up plastic to remold bent parts then putting under cold should help. If hot water is not working, perhaps try a hot hair blow dryer to heat up the part carefully to reshape, careful not to melt it.
Awesome the more insight from experienced players the better, right now I'm like a drug addict with a Gold Card.Man it is nice to see some Warma/Hordes talk here on GAF as a player who recently got sucked back into the game I'll share some insight. do you want to play giant beasts or awesome infantry.
Good to knowSo advice, First don't get drawn into the themes, at least not yet. I started the same way as you looking at theme lists for my favorite casters and planning out what I wanted to buy. The problem I have with most theme forces is that they require 2 units of something, Some are easier to hit than others, ( absylonia for Legion). In general I would personally rather have one of every unit or beast before I start buying/assembling/painting a second group of 5-10 models. Also a lot of the themes tend to skew your list really heavy into one area, and keep in mind that not all theme lists are created equal the game isn't balanced that way (if you need an examble look at Retribution's theme lists they are largely unplayable). The game is generally agreed to be balanced once you hit the 50 point level. I usually play 35 pts but you can get some impossible matchups at that level.
The best thing I can say for a new player is to listen to some of the awesome podcast's out there. There are some great faction overview episodes from sites like Muse on Mini's and Gut's and Gears just to name a couple.
As far as things you need to buy. I think the faction book is a better first purchase in most cases before the card deck, they usually have all the same info but also have some great painting tips for each faction and lots of cool fluff. Also with war room out you can spend $7 to get every card released for your chosen faction and all future releases too.
The only time I've wished I had the cards was when I was proxying but now with war room out I don't see much need for the cards since each model comes with it's own cards for you to use.
If your new to mini's in general I would highly suggest you get some kind of carrying case, I am so happy I bit the bullet and bought mine, it makes my life so much easier.
Ok so I think I am done rambling if you have anymore questions I'll throw out my input welcome to the game it's a ton of fun.
hmm ok that sounds interesting.
I've already commited the money...but
Think I should just get one of the reaper cases instead of two and use the extra 25 bucks to get the giant Undead Dragon?
I do like the idea of just having stacks of foam in storage and swapping in out the ones I want to take with me.
hmm ok that sounds interesting.
I've already commited the money...but
Think I should just get one of the reaper cases instead of two and use the extra 25 bucks to get the giant Undead Dragon?
I do like the idea of just having stacks of foam in storage and swapping in out the ones I want to take with me.
If you are new to it, I always recommend a person buy some cheap figs such as generic reaper fantasy figures at a local game store. They make good cheap practice figs and you can get cheap acrylic paints at most hobby shops like Micheals or Joanns that are much cheaper than the high end model paints sold at specialty stores. Stay away from overly cheap brush kits with plastic looking bristles, find nice soft brush sets that you can also find in any art supply store. Practice painting some of the cheap stuff and then consider upgrading your figs and supplies to your preference.
The Reaper figs cost more than warhammer 40k figs at my local store, not sure why.
I've thought about what army would be fun to paint and im stuck between Tau and Eldar.
Can I get some decent websites to order from?
Where are you located?
pennsylvania, near philly
I considered Malifaux and Infinity, but looking at my LFGS WarmaHordes is much more active(last weekends Colossus Event was packed) and after I Paint them and besides casual play with friends I'm hoping to try playing there.I hate to point out another mini game when you just dropped a ton on Hordes but have you seen Malifaux? I don't think they have any Cthulu style stuff yet but lots of sick looking monsters. A ton of people in my meta just picked it up or straight up switched to that game. Looks pretty cool also you use a deck of cards instead of dice to play which is kinda neat.
If it works out that they have an active Malifaux community I'll probabably look at Malifaux around Christmas
I wish Dystopian Wars took off around here. No one seems to play and the friend who bought into it with me a year ago hasn't even taken his figs out of the box
I admit that one looks really interesting but it wasn't on there monthly event calender till Oct so wasn't sure if its popular enough for someone like me to come into so late in the game..
BKG currently has a "Call to Arms" for Dropzone Commander as well which looks all kinds of awesome. just depends if it takes off or not.
Ah well lot of places online in the US with good discounts. and have some great prices on miniatures and supplies.
Thanks, but why does games workshop have a stupid rule about buying things online. Ugh... it makes it so difficult to buy anything war hammer related for me.
Yea but most places you can just call and order anything you want, they will take care of it. For the warstore I've ordered stuff before and then in the comments tell them to just add gw product codes to your order and they will get back to you with the add on or just charge the extra to your cc.
It's one of many reasons GW has built lot of ill will with the community, such stupid practices