Cool Smoke Luke
Orboros is so freaking cool looking.
no doubt I'm very anxious to move beyond the Dnd Boardgame figures and start on the Hordes Armies.
Orboros is so freaking cool looking.
So I got a little ambitious and decided to do some gold NMM (Non-Metallic Metal). What I've got here is just the base colors for the evil armor (just red with gold banding) and tonight I'll be doing the blending. The red looks a little cartoony but maybe adding a wash might help mute the colors a little bit. I did get started on the bone spikes, the skulls, and the horns but my power went out and I didn't get a chance to upload its current state. I'm hoping to wrap that up tonight as well. Once all these are done I'll move on to the leather belts, boots, and pouches and then the fur and hair after that. I'll work on the arm/axe assembly after that.
Looking back, I really wished I had turned the horns back like ram horns, or even chop them off and do antlers. Oh well.
I also have to do the basing, which is typically what I leave last. I can do a snowy wasteland, desert badlands, forest grounds, or city ruins. I haven't decided which I want to do but I can take suggestions.
Just remembered this helpful article for battle damage. I'm tempted to try this on the armor as well.
Orboros is so freaking cool looking.
Trolls 4 Life
I've been meaning to ask, what mini is he? I really like something about him.
Hehe. Hordes in general has appealing art.
But I want to teleport!
Privateer Press really does have spectacular art design.
I have to admit I would have loved if the battle-box starter set had Trolls instead of Legion
For Circle I do love the models, but I'm looking at alternate color schemes for the armour.
I'm not a big fan of green/bronzed gold trim scheme.
I'm thinking even changing the green to turquoise might look nicer.
or perhaps a deep orange to red with silver trim instead
The mane on that wolf looking dude is awesome. Wish I had thought of that. Had I seen this video earlier I would have done an autumn base for my mini instead of winter.
So I started painting some older models I had laying around and I'm having an issue. I primed the models in Chaos Black primer from Games Workshop (admittedly the can of primer is a couple years old). I started painting them last night and coated 2 models in a purple. Now I woke up this morning and the models are black again. Is there any reason to this? I painted them again to see if I just watered down the paint too much and it looks like the model is absorbing the paint.
What kind of paint are you using? Brand and type.
So I started painting some older models I had laying around and I'm having an issue. I primed the models in Chaos Black primer from Games Workshop (admittedly the can of primer is a couple years old). I started painting them last night and coated 2 models in a purple. Now I woke up this morning and the models are black again. Is there any reason to this? I painted them again to see if I just watered down the paint too much and it looks like the model is absorbing the paint.
Its called Craft Smart Acrylic paint. I bought it in a craft store called Michael's. I know its not vallejo paints but its all I can afford.
Its called Craft Smart Acrylic paint. I bought it in a craft store called Michael's. I know its not vallejo paints but its all I can afford.
Never used that one, unless it's very watery, because if so it would dry a bit clear and seem like your coats are not going on well. Also between coats did you let the paint dry first? Cause otherwise the coats will usually not really work out.
At Micheals I usually recommend the cheap Apple Barrel paints. They have never given me problems.
You're shaking the paint too right? If it's been sitting for a while the water and pigment might separate.
I think I saw some apple barrel paints maybe ill pick some of them up if I cant figure this out.
I am letting the paint try before doing a second coat. I just looked at the model I repainted and the black is more of a black with a very very pale purple tint, but still not the color of the actual paint.
Should I try painting a model without watering down the paint at all? Could it be the primer that is the issue here?
(3 color rules in tournies and such)
Getting there. Arm isn't glued in which is why I'm holding it so awkwardly. Given that it's a two hand weapon the axe head seems surprisingly small for a figure like this. These are just mid-tones, of course, so highlights and shading are next once I've laid down the mid tones for the skin, the axe, and the gauntlets.
I think I figured out my problem. The paint is drying a bit darker than I thought it would. Duhh, I'm an idiot. I painted to model over in a yellow and it was fine. Now I ruined to model and need to strip it but at least I figured it out. I used windex to strip some models that had sloppy primer on it, but it still took a lot of brushing with a toothbrush to remove the paint, and there is still a little left on the model. I remember someone saying use simple green, does it remove most of the paint itself or will I need to spend 5 minutes per model scrubbing it down?
How do you guys go about picking color schemes? Should it come natural to you oR should i look for something to try and emulate? I have trouble picking colors that mesh well together. I guess I need to be more artistic or something.
As fascinating as your little photo-doc of your painting process is...
It seems like you're taking forever on a single mini.
I mean, I understand that the process of painting a good mini is a time expensive process - having done it to a very high level several times myself.
But the whole photo-doc process of yours is making it seem like a super-epic multi-week struggle to get a single mini painted.
I find that quite amusing tbh.![]()
serious question tho its a side track..whats that all about? is there painting rules for playing in tourneys?
I'm going to throw a lot of money at that kickstarter.
Finished. Now I no longer have to spam the thread.
Questions, comments, criticisms are always welcome.
- The shaft of the axe is good but almost needs more "pop" to stand out from the flesh. Maybe a black wash or something would have helped? The texture is there, though - that's what's important.
- The flesh is good. Given that the majority of the model is fleshy, it stands out the most. It looks a LITTLE chalky. That's almost always due to using too thick of paint. More layers is ALWAYS better. Like, there is not a single case in painting I can think of where less layers is good (OK - maybe time?). It looks like you could have used a few more THINNER layers to get the smooth transition. Also, while some of the flesh regions look fantastic, some look, I don't know, rushed? Again, I'll blame camera over your painting abilities.![]()
- More on said flesh...The second picture looks incredible. The third and fourth pictures accentuate some of the flaws. I think it has to due with extreme highlighting, really. It may have been the color you decided to use for the final highlight? If it were thinner, it may have come off less harsh.
- Red is a tough color to paint over black. The helmet is slightly streaky due to (what looks like) you trying to use thicker paint to get coverage. Always use more thin coats to get coverage. You can get a FANTASTIC look by simply using lots of thin layers.
If a person is using cheap hobby paints from a hobby store, I would never tell them to thin their paints. They are often thinned enough already.
If a person is using cheap hobby paints from a hobby store, I would never tell them to thin their paints. They are often thinned enough already.