Saint Nic
Really like that top left one.
Ditto. This is my favorite of the five as well.
Really like that top left one.
EDIT: Added a few more. Including the MGS alternate Ninja colors, which was my first idea before I bought everything.
Right next to it. The orange didn't come out as bright and the cloth is black but that's the general idea. I'm going to stick with tan cloth because it helps break up the colors a bit.
Damn Hell Dorado has been kicking ass with their new stuff... so don't want to be tempted into another game. Look at this bad ass, makes Privateer Press croc folks look pathetic in comparison.
Hell Dorado is a skirmish game at least, so often you will only have a handful of figs to make your army. Think you usually for normal games will have around 5-7 figs so it's not that expensive of a game to play.
The figures for the game are amazing. It would be cool just to paint them.
I have a friend that plays 40k with me but I want to do a game that requires less figs to play. I already play Flames of War, WHFB, WH40K and Warmachine and I would like to start something new as well for both of us. Any suggestions?
I can do a more in depth review later once I've got a building completed and painted if you guys would like.
sup dudes! so .. back in the days i used to play some 40k with my little brother and some of his friends, never really got into it, especially the painting aspect which i found far too tedious for my tastes. recently tho my brother has got back into painting with some old tyranids he had in storage, he really seems to enjoy it, and they look absolutely incredible. for christmas i'm thinking about buying him some new minis to paint - he loves it but he's a poor college student and these things are expensive. i'm thinking something on the same scale as the citadel miniatures he's used to, but not warhammer related. he likes aliens and robots etc. i am also poor and dont want to spend 5 thousand dollars. ideas?
What do you guys think of this color scheme? Going for an urban or snowy-urban theme, not sure yet. (Please pardon the current messy and thick state of the paint job)
Then I think using that dirty grey for the fatigues and a brown/tan for the pouches and boots is something I'm going to try.For pouches, backpacks, and boots I would have gone with a darker brown, but I do like what you've got. It's a little monochrome but I'm sure there are a few ways to break up the color.
What do you guys think of this color scheme? Going for an urban or snowy-urban theme, not sure yet. (Please pardon the current messy and thick state of the paint job)
Those are Elysian Drop Troops, which are models for Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k.What figs are those for?
Those are Elysian Drop Troops, which are models for Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k.
I like em. backpack and boots might look nice with abit of a tan khaki brown as well.What do you guys think of this color scheme? Going for an urban or snowy-urban theme, not sure yet. (Please pardon the current messy and thick state of the paint job)