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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


I put up one last choice but I think I'm going to go with the top left of the second batch. It's going to be a dark grey with orange, basically GAF colors. Sometime during the week I'll recolor other units that I plan on buying that will follow the same color scheme. Not all of them will, of course, since some have light armor or have armor that doesn't resemble Jannisary pattern equipment.


Cool Smoke Luke

EDIT: Added a few more. Including the MGS alternate Ninja colors, which was my first idea before I bought everything.

I like this one but would like to see the orange and grey inverted while retaining the light brown sections


Right next to it. The orange didn't come out as bright and the cloth is black but that's the general idea. I'm going to stick with tan cloth because it helps break up the colors a bit.


Cool Smoke Luke
Right next to it. The orange didn't come out as bright and the cloth is black but that's the general idea. I'm going to stick with tan cloth because it helps break up the colors a bit.

sorry guess I didn't explain myself well.
I ment this..a combo of the first 2

(forgive my crappy photoshop skills :))


I like it. My first Space Marines were orange so I've always had a bit of a soft spot for that color. I actually have a single Tau Fire Warrior painted up in the same orange/grey color scheme above so I think this is a good chance to explore that color combo a little more. Might pick out some details in white or light grey to break up the other colors as well.
Looks good too, but I've always preferred darker colors with smaller bright highlight colors. Never cared for having very bright colored models even in a setting like Infinity.
Damn Hell Dorado has been kicking ass with their new stuff... so don't want to be tempted into another game. Look at this bad ass, makes Privateer Press croc folks look pathetic in comparison.

Damn Hell Dorado has been kicking ass with their new stuff... so don't want to be tempted into another game. Look at this bad ass, makes Privateer Press croc folks look pathetic in comparison.


That is freaking brilliant. I have never heard of this game until now I appreciate the heads up.
Hell Dorado is a skirmish game at least, so often you will only have a handful of figs to make your army. Think you usually for normal games will have around 5-7 figs so it's not that expensive of a game to play.
Hell Dorado is a skirmish game at least, so often you will only have a handful of figs to make your army. Think you usually for normal games will have around 5-7 figs so it's not that expensive of a game to play.

The figures for the game are amazing. It would be cool just to paint them.
I have a friend that plays 40k with me but I want to do a game that requires less figs to play. I already play Flames of War, WHFB, WH40K and Warmachine and I would like to start something new as well for both of us. Any suggestions?
I have a friend that plays 40k with me but I want to do a game that requires less figs to play. I already play Flames of War, WHFB, WH40K and Warmachine and I would like to start something new as well for both of us. Any suggestions?

Infinity and Malifuax both require very little investment. Hell Dorado is also another cheaper game as it's another that doesn't need many figs. Anima Tactics is also an interesting game that you can play with only 3-5 figs.


Slight change of pace:


This is one floor from the Micro Art Studios District 5 Apartment set. Each set has three floors. I picked up three of these buildings and also bought three L shaped apartments and two sets of interior walls. Made from HDF it comes flat packed and comes together nicely, requiring a small squeeze here and there so everything "snaps" into place. I can do a more in depth review later once I've got a building completed and painted if you guys would like.


I've heard different claims. Some say that it primes really easily as long as it's proper primer and not just flat black paint. Others say you need to seal it with watered down PVA. I'm going to do a few tests with the leftover sprues to see what approach is needed.


Cool Smoke Luke
I'm midway thru the Druids of Orboros unit and started working on highlights for the leather in orange and highlights of the black cloak in green.

I intend to dip later which will add deeper shading,

I'm not sure if I have enough orange/white highlights on the brown leather.

As well I'm trying to do a black cloak with green highlights vs a green cloak with black shading. I'm unsure if I should add another layer of brighter green fine highlight to the cloak or will it just make it feel to green overall.

I'm done painting for the day and won't be working on them till tomorrow so if anyone has any thoughts on how to proceed I'd love to hear them.
If not no worries I'll dive intomorrow and see where it takes me :)


Looks good. The cloth has some depth to it, which is great, but I think they could use just one more highlight. Not over the entire cloak or robe, just a few touches here and there.


Cool Smoke Luke
i added another highlight layer just at the peaks and edges and dipped.

I think it helped but gotta remind myself that the quick shade does darken everything. Everything looks glossy right now so will see how it works out in 24hrs after a dullcoat :)


sup dudes! so .. back in the days i used to play some 40k with my little brother and some of his friends, never really got into it, especially the painting aspect which i found far too tedious for my tastes. recently tho my brother has got back into painting with some old tyranids he had in storage, he really seems to enjoy it, and they look absolutely incredible. for christmas i'm thinking about buying him some new minis to paint - he loves it but he's a poor college student and these things are expensive. i'm thinking something on the same scale as the citadel miniatures he's used to, but not warhammer related. he likes aliens and robots etc. i am also poor and dont want to spend 5 thousand dollars. ideas?
sup dudes! so .. back in the days i used to play some 40k with my little brother and some of his friends, never really got into it, especially the painting aspect which i found far too tedious for my tastes. recently tho my brother has got back into painting with some old tyranids he had in storage, he really seems to enjoy it, and they look absolutely incredible. for christmas i'm thinking about buying him some new minis to paint - he loves it but he's a poor college student and these things are expensive. i'm thinking something on the same scale as the citadel miniatures he's used to, but not warhammer related. he likes aliens and robots etc. i am also poor and dont want to spend 5 thousand dollars. ideas?

If you want to get bang for your buck, try to buy Mantic miniatures figures. They are 28mm where you get a good amount of figs for your money, some examples online: http://www.miniaturemarket.com/table-top-miniatures/warpath.html

Their various army sets and box sets give you quite a bit of stuff


Sunday evening project:


Large planters made from cork and small planters made from the tops of Citadel paint pots with some patterned plasticard wrapped around the base. I'm hoping to make maybe two to four more large planters, don't think I need any more small planters for now, at least not ones with trees on them. The plan is to prime them and then add some flock to the branches and to the base. Also, the future isn't complete without some nice big pieces of advertising all over the place, so that's that I'm planning on starting after these are finished.

In other news, the District 5 apartment is completed, but I haven't tested out how it will react to paint, so I'm going to put that off until later in the week. And of course, GAF-man is still being worked on. Cheers!
I'm planning on having white company markings on the shoulder pads.

The base on the right is the true color of the armor plates and helmets once I get that cleaned up.

When I look at it I can't decide if I like it or it all looks a little too similar in color and tone. I've thought about using the warmer grey of the boots and backpacks for the fatigues themselves, with something else, maybe a muted brown, for the boots and backpacks.


For pouches, backpacks, and boots I would have gone with a darker brown, but I do like what you've got. It's a little monochrome but I'm sure there are a few ways to break up the color.
For pouches, backpacks, and boots I would have gone with a darker brown, but I do like what you've got. It's a little monochrome but I'm sure there are a few ways to break up the color.
Then I think using that dirty grey for the fatigues and a brown/tan for the pouches and boots is something I'm going to try.

I think the current, un-contrasty scheme feels more "realistic" or "authentic" to me, but I don't think it translates particularly well to a miniature.


Elysian drop troops have some interesting departures from typical Imperial Guard. Lots of their weapons are designed to be compact for drop missions, they have two man sniper squads like the regular heavy weapons teams, and they have jeep/buggy type vehicles. Really interesting army, if you ask me.


Cool Smoke Luke
Finished up the first of the 6 druids..

I think I'm gonna have to try and do a final layer of gold highlights after dipping over the bronze and maybe the last green and orange highlights as well since it dulls everything down abit.

Gonna have to work on the eyes and Brow..he looks like he's in pain more then roaring, LOL.
Well here's another attempt, this time with more of a brown than gray for the boots and gear, using the old color as a highlight.

Again, these old test models have a ton of paint on them by now, so just kind of squint at them lol.
Awesome. I had tried khaki for the gear before, and I liked the contrast but it didn't really work, I think because it clashed with the blue-ishness of the Astronomicon Celestra Grey. Now that I've settled on something I can start fresh with the new 10 man squad I ordered on eBay.
A steal at $57 shipped :O

I plan to get one or two Chimeras with wheel conversions, and give them an urban digital camo scheme using the three main colors of the first troops I posted. Besides some drop sentinels and valkyries/vendettas, I also want a vulture gunship with twin punisher cannons, which will have the name "Old Painless" and a t-rex skull motif painted on the side (Predator reference).


Cool Smoke Luke
new kickstarter might interest some folks.

its Blue Table Painting Turbo Army kickstarter.


Basically its a kickstarter for those that love mini wargames but don't want to paint and don't mind spending alot of money for a really good paint job.

Seems expensive to me..tho in all honestly I can 't imagine being good enough and fast enough to make money painting so ..its probably right in line for commissions

But incase someone would love to have a professionally painted army this might turn out to be a good deal.
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