Yea considering if and what level to invest in. Looks like it could be easier to work with than the terraclips stuff. Kinda don't care about all the little bitz though being tossed in like the carts, but it adds flair to often bare looking battlegrounds.
Does anybody play/collect 15 mm sci fi miniatures? Was wondering if people had opinions of the ranges (of the ones I've seen so far I think I like Critical Mass Games's aesthetics the best).
Glad you got a kick out of it. This is the next guy I'm going to paint, but I think I'll do the breakdown in a single large post rather than spam the thread over and over. I really like the color choice they've got here, and I don't paint green often enough, but I've got a scheme in mind that I'm going to use already.
Does anyone here play wings of war? Thinking of picking up s starter set but Id like some impressions before I buy it.
This is going to be a challenge. I knew Infinity minis weren't heroic scale, but man I didn't realize what a difference that would make until I got a good look at them.
This is going to be a challenge. I knew Infinity minis weren't heroic scale, but man I didn't realize what a difference that would make until I got a good look at them.
Are there any good painting tutorials to get the basic techniques of painting miniatures down? I've watched a few but they didn't really help as the guy had an airbrush and was using it to base coat everything or having someone constantly say "this is why you need good quality sable brushes!".
That guide looks like a good deal actually. Do you own a copy, nicoga?
You may want to check out the CMON Ultimate Painting Guide (this one). You might also look into the Games Workshop "How to Paint Citadel Miniatures" book.
Oh, and those videos aren't lying to you...A pair of GOOD sable brushes (a detail and a general) will be worth every penny. They're more expensive than your typical brushes, yes - but they really aren't THAT bad in price. Seriously worth it...
And so fragile. Some are a pain to put together, and too tiny to pin certain parts too
Does anyone here play wings of war? Thinking of picking up s starter set but Id like some impressions before I buy it.
Good stuff. Do you have any airsoft BBs? Whenever I get a new bottle or pot of paint I throw in two BBs to act as agitators. All this does is create a nice solid body that will tumble around in your paint to help mix it up a little more when you shake the bottles before a session. It may get stuck in the neck of the bottle, though, but I always keep a little bit of brass rod around to clear the jam, so to speak.
Maybe its a wee bit wacky but I'm immensely pleased right now.
I got a delivery from Reaper today which included a dozen empty Eyedropper bottles. So a couple hours later..the transfer is complete, from now on I plan on never buying paint in pots again.
May my OCD need for precise mixing levels be appeased![]()
I'm also in the process of converting all mine over as well. While I might not be using the same dropper bottles as you, I know the feeling of being able to say that you have the type that is better suited for your needs in the end!
Ravenous and brutal, warpborn alphas are fearsome combatants that lay low enemies and feast upon them even as they die screaming. Warpborn led by an alpha become filled with similar bloodlust, speed, and ferocity, able to tear through enemies with unhesitating enthusiasm. They attack in a blurred frenzy, seeking victory but prepared for death amid the blood and viscera of those who stand against them.
I just got into Infinity (something like $350 on minis and terrain so far), I can't get into another miniature game so soon. D:
But I am tempted.
oh and for Legion players The ArchAngel is finshed and primed(Legion's BattleEngine and this Gargantuan are spectacular).
Infinity is better.... just say that to yourself.
It's true
I was literally about to post that!
Any word on a release date?
Look at the size of the wing!
I dunno the whole giant figs thing in warmachine/hordes has been a huge turn off. Going back for years I have really not liked the constant pushing for larger games and bigger figs, always liked the more personal and smaller scale games over the overly bloated messes that the game turns into the more you add to it. The whole game becomes so much more complex with all you have to keep tabs on and it greatly increases overall play time. I only will play 35 pts max ever anymore, that's the sweet spot.