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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


I bought the rules for Gruntz which scales with different sizes but is meant for 15mm. They recommend several manufacturers but I think they prefer Critical Mass Games overall.


Cool Smoke Luke
Yea considering if and what level to invest in. Looks like it could be easier to work with than the terraclips stuff. Kinda don't care about all the little bitz though being tossed in like the carts, but it adds flair to often bare looking battlegrounds.

I gotta admit some of that looks really impressive.

I like the bits if you add in some trees and bushes they could be really great for Warmahordes and Maybe even Malifaux.

I love that its all prepainted honestly and the modular nature of it.

I'm gonna have to keep an eye on it and see how it progresses
Does anyone here play wings of war? Thinking of picking up s starter set but Id like some impressions before I buy it.

It's good, if you can get some of the sets with multiple planes, it makes for a good start that you can play just the box and buy more planes added as you see fit. To note the game is no longer Wings of War and is currently being put out by another company under the name Wings of Glory. New starter sets and planes are released under that name along with the newer upcoming two packs of planes.


This is going to be a challenge. I knew Infinity minis weren't heroic scale, but man I didn't realize what a difference that would make until I got a good look at them.
This is going to be a challenge. I knew Infinity minis weren't heroic scale, but man I didn't realize what a difference that would make until I got a good look at them.

They is tiny. And that's the reason that as much as they appeal to me more than any other line of minis, they will wait until my skill set is MUCH higher to do them great justice.
Are there any good painting tutorials to get the basic techniques of painting miniatures down? I've watched a few but they didn't really help as the guy had an airbrush and was using it to base coat everything or having someone constantly say "this is why you need good quality sable brushes!".


Yeah definitely don't watch airbrushing videos yet. A touch more advanced and not as accessible. Let me see what I can dig up.


Saint Nic
Are there any good painting tutorials to get the basic techniques of painting miniatures down? I've watched a few but they didn't really help as the guy had an airbrush and was using it to base coat everything or having someone constantly say "this is why you need good quality sable brushes!".

You may want to check out the CMON Ultimate Painting Guide (this one). You might also look into the Games Workshop "How to Paint Citadel Miniatures" book.

Oh, and those videos aren't lying to you...A pair of GOOD sable brushes (a detail and a general) will be worth every penny. They're more expensive than your typical brushes, yes - but they really aren't THAT bad in price. Seriously worth it...


Saint Nic
That guide looks like a good deal actually. Do you own a copy, nicoga?

No, not the CMON guide. I have a GW book, though. AND! I ran across ALL of my Miniature Mentor videos that I thought I lost, so I've got those, too. THOSE are some serious tutorials, haha.
You may want to check out the CMON Ultimate Painting Guide (this one). You might also look into the Games Workshop "How to Paint Citadel Miniatures" book.

Oh, and those videos aren't lying to you...A pair of GOOD sable brushes (a detail and a general) will be worth every penny. They're more expensive than your typical brushes, yes - but they really aren't THAT bad in price. Seriously worth it...

I know that they're not lying but I don't have much of a disposable income right now. Do you guys know of any youtube tutorials that are comparable or acceptable?


Cool Smoke Luke
Does anyone here play wings of war? Thinking of picking up s starter set but Id like some impressions before I buy it.

I'm currently playing a weekly game at MIGS of Wing of War WW1.

Its definitely fun and light..The guys I'm playing with are setting up a full campaign and have every addon ,terrain mats,balloons, bombers etc so that definitely makes it more interesting.

I think Battle monkeys review is right on the money.
I haven't played the WWII version or star wars X-wing yet but would like to to compare the game-play at some point.


Cool Smoke Luke
Maybe its a wee bit wacky but I'm immensely pleased right now.
I got a delivery from Reaper today which included a dozen empty Eyedropper bottles. So a couple hours later..the transfer is complete, from now on I plan on never buying paint in pots again.
May my OCD need for precise mixing levels be appeased :)



Good stuff. Do you have any airsoft BBs? Whenever I get a new bottle or pot of paint I throw in two BBs to act as agitators. All this does is create a nice solid body that will tumble around in your paint to help mix it up a little more when you shake the bottles before a session. It may get stuck in the neck of the bottle, though, but I always keep a little bit of brass rod around to clear the jam, so to speak.


Cool Smoke Luke
Good stuff. Do you have any airsoft BBs? Whenever I get a new bottle or pot of paint I throw in two BBs to act as agitators. All this does is create a nice solid body that will tumble around in your paint to help mix it up a little more when you shake the bottles before a session. It may get stuck in the neck of the bottle, though, but I always keep a little bit of brass rod around to clear the jam, so to speak.

thats an interesting idea..i don't have BB's but I might be able to find some small round fishing weights..might just ask my friends if their kids have BB guns that might be easier LOL

I started painting the Circle of Orboros Standing stones(figured I'd start with the easiest models)...Metal feels different then the cheap plastic from the boardgamefigures.. I noticed it primed different and the paint flows different..its hard to explain but its noticeable.

I got some Secret Weapon Fall Leaves,Autumn Clump Foliage and Secret Weapon Realistic water as well.

I'm debating trying to create some small puddles on the bases with wet leaves in them...Kinda a cold Fall look after a rain.
Will see how it turns out..hopefully I don't overwork it.


A few Sci-Fi buildings in there, which is what I'm looking for, but not many dedicated futuristic terrain designers out there it seems. I'm about to put down a lot of money on terrain from Micro Art Studio so it would be nice to see other designs pop up to vary the collection.
Maybe its a wee bit wacky but I'm immensely pleased right now.
I got a delivery from Reaper today which included a dozen empty Eyedropper bottles. So a couple hours later..the transfer is complete, from now on I plan on never buying paint in pots again.
May my OCD need for precise mixing levels be appeased :)

I'm also in the process of converting all mine over as well. While I might not be using the same dropper bottles as you, I know the feeling of being able to say that you have the type that is better suited for your needs in the end! Mine will hold a full 3 pots worth if I so desire, but the average bottle will end up with just two in it. Converting over so many though, takes time as I've done about 24 so far, with about 9 left (for what I've got bottles for) with about...oh.... about 8-9 left after that, then I'll be "done" for the time being at least.


Cool Smoke Luke
looks like things just got abit better for the Battlebox Circle players.


Ravenous and brutal, warpborn alphas are fearsome combatants that lay low enemies and feast upon them even as they die screaming. Warpborn led by an alpha become filled with similar bloodlust, speed, and ferocity, able to tear through enemies with unhesitating enthusiasm. They attack in a blurred frenzy, seeking victory but prepared for death amid the blood and viscera of those who stand against them.

Seems pretty cool people are speculating this will bring the skinwalkers up to par with the Gatormen posse


I just got into Infinity (something like $350 on minis and terrain so far), I can't get into another miniature game so soon. D:

But I am tempted.


I'm more into sci-fi stuff anyway. Moving to Infinity was an easy transition. Although it is a little bit of a change terrain wise. I'm used to dilapidated buildings and ruins, not nice and pristine buildings.


Cool Smoke Luke
I was literally about to post that! :D

Any word on a release date?

not sure just saw it on thread..I do like it way more visually then the Circles one, my favourite one so far is definately the Trolls Gargantuan..will have to see when Archangel is painted..it might take the lead


Cool Smoke Luke
Finished the first unit for my Circle of Orboros Army.
I figured I'd start with the easy ones and did the Shifting Stones.

The Quickshade did dull down some of the color of green away from the middle but I can live with it.

I tried putting a bit of realistic water on the leaves on the one with the skull in front but I think I'll need to make sure there is more of a hole for it to work properly...right now it just looks like glossy glue.

I think the clumps of autumn color works well with a few autumn leaves added, i used winter dead static grass instead of the summer bright green one..I think it turned out ok.



Cool Smoke Luke
Look at the size of the wing!

ya thats pretty epic.. a Legion Army with both those on the table are gonna be awe inspiring

I was reading someone had the idea to potentially use a cheap birdcage thats magnetized on the bottom of the cage and archangel for transport since its gonna be so darn big
I dunno the whole giant figs thing in warmachine/hordes has been a huge turn off. Going back for years I have really not liked the constant pushing for larger games and bigger figs, always liked the more personal and smaller scale games over the overly bloated messes that the game turns into the more you add to it. The whole game becomes so much more complex with all you have to keep tabs on and it greatly increases overall play time. I only will play 35 pts max ever anymore, that's the sweet spot.


A couple of ideas I had for a color scheme for my Haqqislam force. First, the original Jannisary:


Here are a few ideas I had. Excuse the amateur colorization:



So obviously there are two superhero inspired color schemes here between Captain America and Iron Man. I actually really like how the second one looks, but I'm leaning a little more towards the first one. I'll have to sleep on it, but in the meantime, any thoughts or ideas?


Saint Nic
I dunno the whole giant figs thing in warmachine/hordes has been a huge turn off. Going back for years I have really not liked the constant pushing for larger games and bigger figs, always liked the more personal and smaller scale games over the overly bloated messes that the game turns into the more you add to it. The whole game becomes so much more complex with all you have to keep tabs on and it greatly increases overall play time. I only will play 35 pts max ever anymore, that's the sweet spot.

I love giant figs for display, but not for games. When I was playing a lot of WM, I would stick with 35-50 point games. 50 point games played in 2-3 hours, which was a good "main event" game for the day. I've played a 75 and a 100 point game, and while they're fun to play through a day, they can take 6+ hours simply because of how much time must be spent moving and tracking the entire army. Since every unit acts on its own, it gets long...

Anything less than 35 for WM/H tends to bring out a bit of the imbalance that exists. A small 15 point game with a faction allows you to almost exploit their "specialties".

@Leunam - Top left or bottom left. Top right simply doesn't work - not very pleasing to look at because of the clash of color. And bottom right (as BattleMonkey said) is p much Iron Man.





Thought I would do two more. It was a little tough getting a proper yellow for the armor and it's still not quite where it needs to be but that's another idea. I wanted to see how it would pair up with black cloth, but I'm pretty bad at painting black as it is. And of course, a GAF Jannisary of course, which I think actually looks pretty good. As it stands, I'm probably going to go with the red/white (grey?) scheme. Never done recoloring like this before, so it's nice being able to get a preview of what my options are.

EDIT: Added a few more. Including the MGS alternate Ninja colors, which was my first idea before I bought everything.
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