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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Here is the art I did for No Quarter

edit: probably shouldn't post before magazine, but I'll post soon!

I imagine it is coming in their next issue.
Well, according to the snoops at WarSeer, it appears that my beloved Dwarfs are in the next big round of Codex/Models update sometime in the beginning of 2013. So yeah, that makes me a happy WHFB player!
My recent purchases that're awaiting my assemblage & painting!:

WHFB: 1 Box Ork Boyz, 1 Box Black Orks, 1 Box Night Goblins, 1 Box Savage Orks.

Oh yeah, lots of green being used soon!


Went to the Texas Renaissance Festival today and saw this awesome Khorne barbarian. Muttered "blood for the blood god," and I replied "skulls for the skull throne."

Went to the Texas Renaissance Festival today and saw this awesome Khorne barbarian. Muttered "blood for the blood god," and I replied "skulls for the skull throne."

At least its somewhat appropriate, always bugs me to see anime cosplay at renfairs around here


Cool Smoke Luke
I usually don't mind much defects on fantasy figs and weapons on them. Often kind fits in the more rough fantasy like setting. I tend to be more sloppy with fantasy figs it seems as it doesn't stick out as much as with sci fi stuffs.

Anyways, by the way another interesting kickstarter for a nice looking modular terrain solution is up: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1093338811/medieval-village-for-28mm-gamers

just a heads up for anyone still on the fence..this kickstarter ends in 5hrs.

I decided to just go with the small villiage and a bridge..should be enough buildings for 4x4 game table setup for warlord, Hordes and Malifaux

I resisted getting into any of those terrain kickstarters. Just too much expenses have piled up suddenly, time to relax on the buying of anything :(


Cool Smoke Luke
ya i hear ya..i was gonna pledge more but then ordered the BacktoBase-ix paint rack set which is insanely expensive to ship to canada so kept pledge to small villiage..
which in all honestly is probably all the small buildings Ill ever need.

I am looking at getting a couple Zuzzy Gaming Mats tho.
The scourged Forest painted up to have some green in it should work great for home use and isnt much more expensive then the plain green felt ones.


Went to a Warmachine convention (Warmachine Weekend) this weekend with a few out of town buddies who are really into it and now I am tempted to start playing. None of my friends are down to play so my question is what are peoples thoughts on Vassal? I want to get a good base understanding for the game before I dive in and go to my local hobby shop to play and was wanting to try out Vassal with my buddies on the east coast so they can teach my slow ass lol
Bunch of new upcoming Dust products, really liking the Allied heavy support walker and it's options. Would like to see what they do for an Axis version: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3715

Went to a Warmachine convention (Warmachine Weekend) this weekend with a few out of town buddies who are really into it and now I am tempted to start playing. None of my friends are down to play so my question is what are peoples thoughts on Vassal? I want to get a good base understanding for the game before I dive in and go to my local hobby shop to play and was wanting to try out Vassal with my buddies on the east coast so they can teach my slow ass lol

No real problem with it, I don't see it like some that it's taking away sales. Most who play on Vassal will be doing so when they just can't physically get together to play at a store or friends. And those into the hobby aspect are not going to be deterred.
FFG posted up some new material for the X-Wing 2nd wave and it seems like it's being pushed back to January: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3721

Certain stores who sign up early enough for the promo event will get in some of the 2nd wave early for use in the event and winners of the event get their choice of 2nd wave figs. Got a store near you that would be interested in doing this, then get them to sign up by the 15th of November!

*edit: doh well they changed the page and removed the promo picture of the boxes of the new figs along with the January date. They have since changed the 2nd wave release to Feb 2013 :(


No real problem with it, I don't see it like some that it's taking away sales. Most who play on Vassal will be doing so when they just can't physically get together to play at a store or friends. And those into the hobby aspect are not going to be deterred.

Right on, all my friends are scattered or just a pain getting together to learn to play so this will work fine for now.


Cool Smoke Luke
back2base-ix racks arrived!
going full assembly mode now.
got dinged 24.75 on import and duty tax! Damn that sucks..that plus delivery fees almost doubles the price but..to late to dwell on that now.

I love Friday deliveries!

Edit: finished up assembly..


I like your final art much better than the touched up cover version. So much detail that seems lost to the more extreme coloring

Yea, I think they level'd it out a bit much; made it too dark overall imo.

But hey, not my call :p

very cool..tho i was hoping to see the No Quarter work there ;-)

I just finished up another piece of equipment for No Quarter... heh. Hopefully I can post them soon.


Cool Smoke Luke
Nother interesting Kickstarter is Blackwater Gulch.
Its a western skirmish game. you can download the rules for free and proxy play it.

Its their second kickstarter to add more starter kits and models.
I really like the Tranquility Crew aka firefly and the Flying Zarconis


finished off the Druids of Orboros Unit last night
moving on to some Light warbeasts now starting with Winter Argus.



Saw this in my mailbox from the Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter.



So happy I picked up all the big pieces from the Kickstarter. Got something like 180 total models coming next year from Reaper when they ship the Kickstarter stuff :).
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