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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Cool Smoke Luke
I wouldn't call it "mature" as much as "adolescent". That said, good to know that the pin-ups are not actually game pieces. Disappointed that there's not any dungeon crawling though :( Exploring a beautiful game board with these figures would be amazing.

hmm I don't know if adolescent is fair..
looking at his other work its pretty obvious he's into a dark disturbing highly sexual form of art.Some of his other work does remind me of someone like Giger. Things like Gorn and the Wet nurse are just disturbing..yet fascinating.
Done more research into the game (trawling through Board Game Geek forums)...

So the combat portion of the game will largely play out on a large 2'x3' gameboard (painted, not 3D printed as shown in video).

That board is essentially an arena, where 1-6 hunters/survivors chase around a single boss mob.

There's no dungeon crawling - the general premise is more akin to Monster Hunter than Dark Souls.

It's designed to be difficult; the designer is a bit of a masochist, and wants to build strong stories of survival out of the game.

PCs are likely to be killed... often and repeatedly.

That said, the meta-game isn't about tracking individual PCs across a campaign; it'll be about bringing resources and knowledge back to your village/settlement - and buffing that, and sending out progressively better new hunters.

Old hunters that survive gain small buffs to experience, but also gain debuffs (losing limbs, losing sanity), adding to their storied feeling, but not adding much to their 'power'.

Sounds like an interesting game... a board game based boss-rush with extremely intricate miniatures.

It's not exactly what I wanted (I wanted the spiritual successor to Warhammer Quest, replete with large bestiary), but it sounds very intriguing in its own right. I've kept my $300+ pledge, even now that I understand what I'm actually buying into.

Yea I haven't checked out the videos since mainly at work I don't have access to audio so only been reading and it just seems pretty vague so far. I would love to see them put up a sample of the game board before the kick starter ends. The concept is intriguing but I would want to go in at the $150 point to get access to most of the stretch goals... and that's making me hesitate.

Mister Pink

Neo Member
Can anybody here recommend any Napoleonic era table top games? I'm boringly obsessed with that period of history.

I'm mainly interested in finding a company that makes high quality miniatures, rather than just low quality in bulk, as I probably like painting the figures more than anything.

Sorry if something like this has already been posted. It's a long thread to read through.
Can anybody here recommend any Napoleonic era table top games? I'm boringly obsessed with that period of history.

I'm mainly interested in finding a company that makes high quality miniatures, rather than just low quality in bulk, as I probably like painting the figures more than anything.

Sorry if something like this has already been posted. It's a long thread to read through.


They make a lot of historical lines that are pretty good quality plastic sets. As for a game, really it's best to find whatever you like when it comes to historicals and use miniatures of your choice. Some games are designed for specific scales while some are pretty free form and you just play with whatever sized figs you want.
I'm going to be getting into the X-Wing Miniatures game and need some ideas on making my own star playing field.

Or is there a product that could just be purchased that is already made?

I'm going to be getting into the X-Wing Miniatures game and need some ideas on making my own star playing field.

Or is there a product that could just be purchased that is already made?


You could use a print out solution like http://www.worldworksgames.com/store/index.php?view=product&product=91

Pre made mats can be expensive, but a person can make em real cheap. Just get big piece of black cloth or blanket and a can of white spray paint. Spray spurts of paint from a distance and it should leave white specs that work like stars on a mat. Mix a little other colors of spray at it to create some variety and you have a cheap instant space mat.

Buying mats from the likes of corsec engineering and such can be over $100+


Cool Smoke Luke
I'm going to be getting into the X-Wing Miniatures game and need some ideas on making my own star playing field.

Or is there a product that could just be purchased that is already made?


Hotz Mats makes a starfield one that seems pretty nice ..you can get it doublesided with hex's on one side for other space mini games and other side with just the spacefield and nebulas.

heres a review.

sounds like they offer a 3ftx3ft one for x-wing for 26bucks


I have a mat from Hotz Artworks that's just a little under 6' x 4':


You can also choose what colors you want to use when you place your order.
Games Workshop prices are a crime. They want 745$ for The Hobbit Ultimate bundle which includes 108 minis (mostly plastic) with a case, a plastic goblin town, the rule book, 8 paint pots, and 1 brush?!?


I can think of a myriad of other hobbies I can spend 745$ on and walk away with infinitely more for my money. I can't begin to wrap my head around that price vs what you actually get. It's insulting.

The White Council is 4 minis and they are charging 75$. INSANE


Got some more work for No Quarter today, some mechanika guns or something; should be cool.

Also picked up the Warmachine main rulebook ;)


Games Workshop prices are a crime. They want 745$ for The Hobbit Ultimate bundle which includes 108 minis (mostly plastic) with a case, a plastic goblin town, the rule book, 8 paint pots, and 1 brush?!?


I can think of a myriad of other hobbies I can spend 745$ on and walk away with infinitely more for my money. I can't begin to wrap my head around that price vs what you actually get. It's insulting.

The White Council is 4 minis and they are charging 75$. INSANE

Remember that Reaper miniatures kickstarter? Good times. :)
It's funny because on the other hand, the new 40K box is incredibly good value, at least in the UK.

Ten years ago £50 got you a boxed game with 10 Space Marines, a Land Speeder and 20 Dark Eldar Warriors.

Now for £62-ish you get 10 Marines, 5 Terminators, a HQ, three bikes, a Helbrute, 20 Chaos Cultists, a Chaos Lord and 5 Chaos Space Marine Chosen. All things considered that's a fantastic deal even before you count in the rulebook and stuff.

But yeah, the Hobbit stuff is way overpriced. I'm interested in the new plastic eagles for my Wood Elves in WHFB but it again depends on how much they are (and scale, of course).
Games Workshop prices are a crime. They want 745$ for The Hobbit Ultimate bundle which includes 108 minis (mostly plastic) with a case, a plastic goblin town, the rule book, 8 paint pots, and 1 brush?!?


I can think of a myriad of other hobbies I can spend 745$ on and walk away with infinitely more for my money. I can't begin to wrap my head around that price vs what you actually get. It's insulting.

The White Council is 4 minis and they are charging 75$. INSANE

Games Workshop prices are a crime. They want 745$ for The Hobbit Ultimate bundle which includes 108 minis (mostly plastic) with a case, a plastic goblin town, the rule book, 8 paint pots, and 1 brush?!?


I can think of a myriad of other hobbies I can spend 745$ on and walk away with infinitely more for my money. I can't begin to wrap my head around that price vs what you actually get. It's insulting.

The White Council is 4 minis and they are charging 75$. INSANE

I actually think the worst one is selling the plastic Fellowship of the Ring (yes plastic) for £30 on its own, when the Mines of Moria box set (with a rulebook, goblins, a troll and scenery) was £50 (or did it hit £60 in the end?).

The Hobbit will be a decent seller, but I'll eat my hat if it comes close to the monster sales of the LOTR ranges.


Saint Nic
GW prices have been a crime for a while. I acquired my entire Tau army off Dakka and some other 40k fan site when I played a few years back.
So I've decided to also start on some allied Space Marines to support my Elysians. They will form the core of my fighting force with the Elysians deploying around the board to take objectives, harry units, or assassinate vehicles.

I've got two ideas for the allied marines that I'm really torn between. These are the ideas I have and things I like about each:

-Tyberos the Red Wake (grants a squad of lightning claw termis as a troops choice, everyone exchanges combat tactics for furious charge, everyone with furious charge gains rage for the rest of the game after winning a hand-to-hand, and Tyberos himself also gains preferred enemy against the army that triggered his rage)
-Any model can swap their boltgun for a ccw for free
-Lots of Mark IV, V, and VI armor
-lots of terminators and heavier things like Land Raiders that I wouldn't take with Raven Guard
-Forge World has a nice transfer sheet for the tribal markings on their armor as depicted in Badab War vol. 2
-It will be fitting to make them counts-as Blood Angels, unless I want to take Tyberos. I suppose counts-as Space Wolves would work too if I'm looking for the biggest advantage.

Raven Guard
-Shadow Captain Korvydae (allows you to take assault marines as troops, gives jump pack-equipped squad he joins the hit and run special rule)
-I want to make a Vanguard Vet "honor guard" using FW's Raven Guard conversion kit, assault marines, and Sanguinary Guard wings/jump packs. I know Vanguard Vets are meh but they will look really cool.
-Very stealth/tactical Chapter that works well with Elysians, thematically.
-lots of assault marines and scouts
-drop pods
-Land Speeder Storms and/or Storm Talons
Games Workshop prices are a crime. They want 745$ for The Hobbit Ultimate bundle which includes 108 minis (mostly plastic) with a case, a plastic goblin town, the rule book, 8 paint pots, and 1 brush?!?


I can think of a myriad of other hobbies I can spend 745$ on and walk away with infinitely more for my money. I can't begin to wrap my head around that price vs what you actually get. It's insulting.

The White Council is 4 minis and they are charging 75$. INSANE

Shitting Christ. I read that as 75 dollars and was like "what you talkin' about", and then I read it again, STILL SAW 75 dollars, and it didn't fucking dawn on me that that wasn't a typo until like the third time I read the post.

What in the eight flavours of fuck.
Hotz Mats makes a starfield one that seems pretty nice ..you can get it doublesided with hex's on one side for other space mini games and other side with just the spacefield and nebulas.

heres a review.

sounds like they offer a 3ftx3ft one for x-wing for 26bucks

Nice! Thank you.
Since I'm new to getting into this kind of gaming, which size hex should I get for the other side? Something sort of universal or commonly used, I would think. I may need them for another game, I suppose.
Nice! Thank you.
Since I'm new to getting into this kind of gaming, which size hex should I get for the other side? Something sort of universal or commonly used, I would think. I may need them for another game, I suppose.

1 inch hexes are common, but with hex based games, it really doesn't matter as you count hexes for ranges and line of site.


Shitting Christ. I read that as 75 dollars and was like "what you talkin' about", and then I read it again, STILL SAW 75 dollars, and it didn't fucking dawn on me that that wasn't a typo until like the third time I read the post.

What in the eight flavours of fuck.

Shits $90 in canada and our money is basically on par with the US??
Shits $90 in canada and our money is basically on par with the US??

I know your pain, my frozen brother. Lego also has a hilarity markup, if you're into that. :(

But in specific I was referring to the 745 dollar ultimate set he mentioned, which STILL makes me double take.

Makes me appreciate the Reaper KS thing a whole lot more, I tell you what.


The old LOTR miniatures from GW were actually a great deal when they first came out. But the second the Hobbit movie was announced they jacked the prices on everything to gouge the drive-by fans.

That's why I'm playing Warmachine for my fantasy fix :) Skorne-4-Life!
The old LOTR miniatures from GW were actually a great deal when they first came out. But the second the Hobbit movie was announced they jacked the prices on everything to gouge the drive-by fans.

That's why I'm playing Warmachine for my fantasy fix :) Skorne-4-Life!

Well they were targetting a general audience with LOTR minis and getting it sold in non hobby stores as well, so it was priced to sell. They have changed their LOTR focus to the more direct hobby market and because of that raised prices while also they had to repurchase the rights for LOTR. So yea prices went to standard GW crap.
FUCK ME! Why did I have to pick Orks as an army to build? My ass hurts by the pounding it's getting by all......these.....units.....it never ends. Finish 20.....there's 20 more of another type. Finish those 20. 20 more of another. Finish Orks? You're done, right? FUCK NO! There's GOBLINS! Goblin Wolf Riders. Goblin Spider Riders. Night Goblins. So much fucking green.

Shoot me. ARGH!
FUCK ME! Why did I have to pick Orks as an army to build? My ass hurts by the pounding it's getting by all......these.....units.....it never ends. Finish 20.....there's 20 more of another type. Finish those 20. 20 more of another. Finish Orks? You're done, right? FUCK NO! There's GOBLINS! Goblin Wolf Riders. Goblin Spider Riders. Night Goblins. So much fucking green.

Shoot me. ARGH!

Horde armies are a pain. Sounds like a good idea till you get to the painting.
Yup. If I was gonna do an Orc or Ork army, especially one with a lot of skin showing, my first purchase would be a goblin green spray primer. Spray them in bulk, apply a good dark green wash and then just paint up the armour and weapons.

I'd suggest not getting caught up on details early on, too. Paint 20 at a time to a basic, yet clean, tabletop standard and move on to the next. You can always go back and improve the detail at your leisure at a later point.

I'm a big, big fan of coloured hobby spray. I use a Sandy yellow spray for all sorts - horses, my Chaos forces, dryads and treemen, skeletons, bases, anything fleshtoned... and I use a forest green spray for my Wood Elves.


Also, scans are out 'there' of the new Dark Angels from the new White Dwarf. Lots of new stuff... :)

Found them instantly. Models are a substantial improvement over the last release, especially that Terminator Command Squad. Bikes look like they got a bit of a revamp. Not sure how I feel about Belial yet, his stance is a little off to me.
Those new DA terminators are sweet as hell. They'll look good next to my Space Hulk Blood Angels, Grey Knight/Space Wolves/Ultramarine Terminators.

When my Space Hulk gets played, it is a multi part task force that takes part! Different chapters work well when running multiple players/teams as well!
So bought my gf some reaper mousling figs she liked and now shes addicted to painting minis. Also getting her into Hordes since she liked the look of the Circle figs. Yay!


So bought my gf some reaper mousling figs she liked and now shes addicted to painting minis. Also getting her into Hordes since she liked the look of the Circle figs. Yay!

Hmmmm... That's a great idea! Is your gf into "girly" stuff? If so, can you recommend anything I might buy mine? Now that I think about it, she might enjoy painting minis...

Actually, more so than cutesy type stuff, are there any minis of, say, Victorian-style people? My gf is a HUGE Jane Austen and costume flick nerd and if such miniatures existed...
Hmmmm... That's a great idea! Is your gf into "girly" stuff? If so, can you recommend anything I might buy mine? Now that I think about it, she might enjoy painting minis...

Actually, more so than cutesy type stuff, are there any minis of, say, Victorian-style people? My gf is a HUGE Jane Austen and costume flick nerd and if such miniatures existed...

Malifaux is a mix of victorian steampunk with wild west themes, some of it might seem a bit too horror oriented though. Reaper itself has lot of nice figs though for pretty much ALL genres you could want so browse them.

My GF likes painting and such and always wanted to paint something, so she saw reapers Mouseling series, and is now collecting them. I knew she had an issue when she hunted down the limited edition army of darkness zombie mouseling set and paid a good chunk of change for em. Shes also been starting to roleplay with us and even picking out her own figure to play with which she also plans to play. Shes become kinda addicted to it. Was at store looking at figs and she really liked some of the hordes stuff so I got her a Circle starter. Shes already talking about picking up the various golems because they look cool heh.

Shes a gamer but never done miniature games so this is going to be her first entry into that part of the hobby.
UGH! Moving from Chicago to Orlando is finally (mostly) done. I haven't been able to paint in forever.

DAMN! That Bones unpacking was amazing! I cannot wait!

Painting Dark Vengeance termies :) Figured I'd use the 1000+ points of marines in my collection as Dark Angels, so I'm making a start on them. Maybe they'll be allies for my Tau at first, growing into their own as I get more painted. :)
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