So I've decided to also start on some allied Space Marines to support my Elysians. They will form the core of my fighting force with the Elysians deploying around the board to take objectives, harry units, or assassinate vehicles.
I've got two ideas for the allied marines that I'm really torn between. These are the ideas I have and things I like about each:
-Tyberos the Red Wake (grants a squad of lightning claw termis as a troops choice, everyone exchanges combat tactics for furious charge, everyone with furious charge gains rage for the rest of the game after winning a hand-to-hand, and Tyberos himself also gains preferred enemy against the army that triggered his rage)
-Any model can swap their boltgun for a ccw for free
-Lots of Mark IV, V, and VI armor
-lots of terminators and heavier things like Land Raiders that I wouldn't take with Raven Guard
-Forge World has a nice transfer sheet for the tribal markings on their armor as depicted in Badab War vol. 2
-It will be fitting to make them counts-as Blood Angels, unless I want to take Tyberos. I suppose counts-as Space Wolves would work too if I'm looking for the biggest advantage.
Raven Guard
-Shadow Captain Korvydae (allows you to take assault marines as troops, gives jump pack-equipped squad he joins the hit and run special rule)
-I want to make a Vanguard Vet "honor guard" using FW's Raven Guard conversion kit, assault marines, and Sanguinary Guard wings/jump packs. I know Vanguard Vets are meh but they will look really cool.
-Very stealth/tactical Chapter that works well with Elysians, thematically.
-lots of assault marines and scouts
-drop pods
-Land Speeder Storms and/or Storm Talons