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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Hey guys, I found out that the equipment art I did will be in the December issue of No Quarter... although I have no idea when it will actually be released.

I'll post it as soon as I see it is out ;)

The editor told me he has more stuff for me to do next month :D


Saint Nic
back2base-ix racks arrived!
going full assembly mode now.
got dinged 24.75 on import and duty tax! Damn that sucks..that plus delivery fees almost doubles the price but..to late to dwell on that now.

I love Friday deliveries!

Edit: finished up assembly..

This is really really sexy looking. Nice!


Cool Smoke Luke
Hey guys, I found out that the equipment art I did will be in the December issue of No Quarter... although I have no idea when it will actually be released.

I'll post it as soon as I see it is out ;)

The editor told me he has more stuff for me to do next month :D

preview of issue 45 is out. its a bimonthly mag so not sure if this is considered december but probabably

and grats on getting more work! :)

Pictures of the Hobbit releases are up:


Not very impressed, aside from the sculpt of the White Council, and the new Wargs. I preferred the set up of LOTR where by the box sets had basic troops, and then the character models were in metal in other sets which kept the detail to a very high level. Since metal is out of the window, we get to me some odd looking character plastics instead.
Damn the Falcon is a tank. And I thought the Y-Wing was beefy.

Yea with the upgrades you can put on it, the thing is a monster. Even with only 1 for it's defense, it's going to be very popular. Even with low defense the Y-Wing is quite capable so hoping that the Falcon doesn't come off as too powerful. Love all the extra card options and that they included a completely alternate ship stats stuff to run a stock YT-1300. Assume the Slave-1 will be similar with a stock Firespray card/stat sheet
Pictures of the Hobbit releases are up:


Not very impressed, aside from the sculpt of the White Council, and the new Wargs. I preferred the set up of LOTR where by the box sets had basic troops, and then the character models were in metal in other sets which kept the detail to a very high level. Since metal is out of the window, we get to me some odd looking character plastics instead.

£45 for the White Council, good lord! :O

I like the look of the Hunter Orcs but the Trolls and Goblins aren't my cup of tea:

Hunter Orcs:
I like the terrain but I'm not keen on the models. I don't like the LOTR style anyway, so I'll give this a miss. Especially at £75 for the main box set!

I'm slowly working through my backlog of painting. Very slowly, mind. Got a ton of Tau to catch up on. Should take me through to the eventual Tau reboot.
I never got into Lord of the Rings so I also never touched the miniatures. It's a bummer to see the prices, the LOTR line even from GW used to be extremely well priced. Those box sets they used to have for two players were amazing values.


I just recieved Descent 2.0, holy shit are those hero minis tiny or what? I thougt they would be similar to talisman or even bigger but instead they are smaller with alot more detail. I'm a bit scared even trying to start painting these guys.


Unconfirmed Member
This seems like the place to ask: wanted to get back into 40k (as bloody expensive as it was and, by the looks of it, is). Is there any truth to the rumours of a new Tau codex soon? I'd probably wait for that.
Its been rumoured for a few years now. As a Tau person myself I hope there's truth in it. It seems that the rumours currently point to it being the 2nd Codex of 2013, probably late spring or early summer. I hear the models have been ready for quite a long time, but they've kept pushing them back.


Its been rumoured for a few years now. As a Tau person myself I hope there's truth in it. It seems that the rumours currently point to it being the 2nd Codex of 2013, probably late spring or early summer. I hear the models have been ready for quite a long time, but they've kept pushing them back.

Third, kind of.

Dark Angels are next with pre-orders in December/models for sale in January, followed by a combo Fantasy/40k Daemons for sale in February and then Tau. High Elves, Eldar, and finally Lizardmen follow in that order. All of that is expected between now and August-November 2013.

Note that some of that might be White Dwarf supplements, rather than proper codices/army books. Somewhere in there Black Templar are getting the White Dwarf treatment.


It can be one of two things: new units + a few updated rules (Vampire Counts, FB+40k Daemons), or a full-on mini codex that invalidates the book (Sisters of Battle).

Considering the age of the book and the recent rumors, it's very likely to be a mini codex. Good in that it brings the army up to modern standard, bad in that it will most likely condense army choices.


Cool Smoke Luke
Here is the art I did for No Quarter December ;)

looks nice
I scanned thru issue 45 and don't see it it says november 2012 since its bimonthy your probably in the jan issue 46.

It looks similar to the art in the Iron Kingdoms "foundry,Forge& Crucible: Tools of the trade" section.


looks nice
I scanned thru issue 45 and don't see it it says november 2012 since its bimonthy your probably in the jan issue 46.

It looks similar to the art in the Iron Kingdoms "foundry,Forge& Crucible: Tools of the trade" section.

Wow really?

They told me it was for a December release... sounds like I need to take them down... again!
After a long silence, I finally started painting some more of my dwarf minis again. I'm just disliking finecast models so much. Give me metal minis any day!
I'd be happy if it went all-plastic in the near future.

With the level of detail and complexity in the Dark Vengeance minis, and one-off plastic characters like those seen in Fantasy, I think it's entirely reasonable to expect a plastic future at some point.
They will always be needing finecast for those one off figs. They dont want to spend the money to make plastics for low selling figs. Though they keep changing rules and army compositions to make them more plastic kit friendly or potentially increase those sales


Cool Smoke Luke
Had a great game last night finally got my buddy to try a basic hordes game. was alot of fun.

I've spent so much time focused on painting I haven't spent enough time playing.

There is a journeyman league starting during the Christmas break which I plan to give a go.. should be fun starting from small battle groups weekly and progressing up to larger armies... exactly the kind of game I need to really get into it..I expect to get decimated, heh,everyone must pay their dues :) .

I finally got the 1/16th x 1/8th magnets in and got all my heavies assembled, ended up using 49 of the 50 magnets, would of sucked if It wasn't enough.

I'm trying to progress in my miniatures painting beyond Dipping after the Druids...its challenging. Dipping really does cover up alot of subtle errors.
I painted the winter argus with a red wolf color scheme and I think it turned out ok.
I'm working on the eKaya and Laris figures atm..its definitely more challenging this way.
Heres My Winter Argus.

Previews for the Star Trek Tactics Heroclix set II: http://heroclix.com/category/heroclix/star-trek-tactics-ii/#axzz2ElJOeHy8

Not sure how well a game it would make to play just heroclix with these figs, or really how much it would really feel like a space combat sim though. The same figs have been used for the Romulan expansion for the Fleet Captains board game which I picked up, so these are some nice sized ship figs with good detail. Paint isn't too bad, Heroclix can be ugly but for vehicle paint jobs its usually good enough.
I see Blue Table Painting's Kickstarter failed, not surprised really. Apparently they've had a lot of internal changes recently too, some of their artists have left over the last few months, there are rumours of money problems (causing delays on buying in minis) and they appear to be putting more of a focus on assembly line style army painting over quality. To be honest I think they've been trying to grow too big too quickly.


I'm trying to progress in my miniatures painting beyond Dipping after the Druids...its challenging. Dipping really does cover up alot of subtle errors.
I painted the winter argus with a red wolf color scheme and I think it turned out ok.
I'm working on the eKaya and Laris figures atm..its definitely more challenging this way.
Heres My Winter Argus.

You could always go back and do a little more painting after dipping. I generally give golds another pass for highlights after using washes.

Mighty fine job on that mini.

I see Blue Table Painting's Kickstarter failed, not surprised really. Apparently they've had a lot of internal changes recently too, some of their artists have left over the last few months, there are rumours of money problems (causing delays on buying in minis) and they appear to be putting more of a focus on assembly line style army painting over quality. To be honest I think they've been trying to grow too big too quickly.

Completely forgot about that Kickstarter. But yeah, not a surprise. Was getting a lot of flack from here and several other places, as I understand.


Speaking of kickstarters...

The most incredible looking mini-based board game has reared its head. Unbelievable quality miniatures with a smart card-based play system.

I'm throwing down for this one... not that it looks like it needs any help from me.



Cliffsnotes: Warhammer Quest style gameplay (assemble dungeons from cards, fight monsters with complex, but very streamlined card based rules, have outside of dungeon campaign style gameplay).

Gritty atmospheric, Dark Soul like art.

Best miniatures ever seen, not just in a board game, but in all of gaming period - result of designing them as 3D models in 3D sculpting programs then printing them out with a fine detail 3D printer.

Heros are multi-part, multi-segment and can be pinned together to reflect your character's gear (or just glued together and roughly reflect your gear).

Release: Nov '13

$100 will get you the general board game with all the parts necessary to play.
$155 will get you that plus extra miniatures.

And extras for expansions.


Some of those models are oversexualised to the point where it looks absurd, and in the world of miniature wargaming that's quite an achievement.

To be fair, it's been damn difficult to do sexy female miniatures until now.

Those fine details and proportions just don't gel well with hand sculpting.

But blow them up on the screen, and you get a canvas that's much more suited for expressing those subtle 'sexy' details. Then scale them down and hit the print button, and it translates across very well.


Some of those models are oversexualised to the point where it looks absurd, and in the world of miniature wargaming that's quite an achievement.

Yeah, from the description I was thinking "this looks great, maybe something I could get and play with the gf?" But damn, that's just embarrassing. No way I'd bring that out for friends/family to see, unfortunately :( But WOW are those some of the best sculpts I've ever seen.

edit: the gameplay video looks like great fun!
Best miniatures ever seen, not just in a board game, but in all of gaming period - result of designing them as 3D models in 3D sculpting programs then printing them out with a fine detail 3D printer.
3D Printed? Are the actual models you get going to look like the one you posted?


Some of those models are oversexualised to the point where it looks absurd, and in the world of miniature wargaming that's quite an achievement.

Yeah, from the description I was thinking "this looks great, maybe something I could get and play with the gf?" But damn, that's just embarrassing. No way I'd bring that out for friends/family to see, unfortunately :( But WOW are those some of the best sculpts I've ever seen.

edit: the gameplay video looks like great fun!

After doing a bit more research, most of the oversexualized models are actually non-canon cheesecake/pinup counterparts of their actual playing pieces. Some of the pin ups are also larger in scale than the actual playing pieces, so as to emphasize their display only intent.

The guy creating this game/model line has been selling the models individually for a year or so now in order to fund the creation of the game. And one of the things he's been doing is releasing limited edition cheese cake models of player classes to show off the sculpt detail, get some extra attention and make some more money.

That said, the game is geared towards a more mature audience, evidenced by the near nude starter models, and some of the monsters.

3D Printed? Are the actual models you get going to look like the one you posted?

Yes, the ones I posted are the plastic injection moulded casts (and resin casts) of the printed models.

Also, if you were into Warhammer Quest back in the day... then this is probably your dream game (at least, as far as remakes of Warhammer Quest goes) - the creator's favourite game was WQ, and has been heavily inspired with the overall dungeon crawler gameplay mechanics in Quest.

Just going off that tid bit of information... I think I'm pretty comfortable in picking up the Survivor's pack and a couple of expansions.
Thought you guys might like to know about this kickstarter, even though it's more for the Miniature board gaming side of things.



Gritty atmospheric, Dark Soul like art.

The minis are hit and miss to me. They are gorgeous and well done no doubt, but the style itself is not really to my liking on alot of the figs. I can see the appeal though for some.

The most disappointing aspect of the whole thing is the pathetic game board. You create such a gorgeous big game yet you play it on a plain boring tiny little game grid pretty much? What a buzz kill.

Also hate that alot of the stretch goals are being locked behind the Survivor+ level of pledge so you can't just get the basic game package and get most of the stretched.
After doing a bit more research, most of the oversexualized models are actually non-canon cheesecake/pinup counterparts of their actual playing pieces. Some of the pin ups are also larger in scale than the actual playing pieces, so as to emphasize their display only intent.

That's fair enough. Stuff like the flower knight really are exceptional so I'd be very happy if things were more like that.

BattleMonkey, that's a demo board. They've got an impression of what the actual board should look like in the vid at around 20 seconds. Seems like it'll have a lot of detail on it.


Done more research into the game (trawling through Board Game Geek forums)...

So the combat portion of the game will largely play out on a large 2'x3' gameboard (painted, not 3D printed as shown in video).

That board is essentially an arena, where 1-6 hunters/survivors chase around a single boss mob.

There's no dungeon crawling - the general premise is more akin to Monster Hunter than Dark Souls.

It's designed to be difficult; the designer is a bit of a masochist, and wants to build strong stories of survival out of the game.

PCs are likely to be killed... often and repeatedly.

That said, the meta-game isn't about tracking individual PCs across a campaign; it'll be about bringing resources and knowledge back to your village/settlement - and buffing that, and sending out progressively better new hunters.

Old hunters that survive gain small buffs to experience, but also gain debuffs (losing limbs, losing sanity), adding to their storied feeling, but not adding much to their 'power'.

Sounds like an interesting game... a board game based boss-rush with extremely intricate miniatures.

It's not exactly what I wanted (I wanted the spiritual successor to Warhammer Quest, replete with large bestiary), but it sounds very intriguing in its own right. I've kept my $300+ pledge, even now that I understand what I'm actually buying into.


After doing a bit more research, most of the oversexualized models are actually non-canon cheesecake/pinup counterparts of their actual playing pieces. Some of the pin ups are also larger in scale than the actual playing pieces, so as to emphasize their display only intent.

The guy creating this game/model line has been selling the models individually for a year or so now in order to fund the creation of the game. And one of the things he's been doing is releasing limited edition cheese cake models of player classes to show off the sculpt detail, get some extra attention and make some more money.

That said, the game is geared towards a more mature audience, evidenced by the near nude starter models, and some of the monsters.

I wouldn't call it "mature" as much as "adolescent". That said, good to know that the pin-ups are not actually game pieces. Disappointed that there's not any dungeon crawling though :( Exploring a beautiful game board with these figures would be amazing.
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