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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Recent endeavors:










Love that dwarf with the giant hammer over his shoulder. Some kind of engineer? Don't keep up with fantasy anymore.

Yeah, he's a Master Engineer. Been working on finishing up my finecast models as well as my metal (yum!) skaven models. On the last of each before I start working on the plastic ones I've got.
Ok Miniatures-GAF, need some opinions. So my son and I like Warmahordes pretty well, but are looking for something with a bit of a different flavor. We still want skirmish level, and by all accounts Malifaux fits the bill on the flavor and size side, but I've heard really mixed things about the rules/gameplay.

Any opinions on it here or games in a similar vein?


Got some more work for No Quarter today, some mechanika guns or something; should be cool.

Also picked up the Warmachine main rulebook ;)

Grats! I just started subscribing to NQ and the NEXT one out will be my first. Are you thinking about getting into some of their products? Seems like your art so far has been for IKRPG equipment, but the Warmachine/Hordes games are a lot of fun too.
Ok Miniatures-GAF, need some opinions. So my son and I like Warmahordes pretty well, but are looking for something with a bit of a different flavor. We still want skirmish level, and by all accounts Malifaux fits the bill on the flavor and size side, but I've heard really mixed things about the rules/gameplay.

Any opinions on it here or games in a similar vein?

How old is your son? What other types of these games has he liked/disliked so far?
Ok Miniatures-GAF, need some opinions. So my son and I like Warmahordes pretty well, but are looking for something with a bit of a different flavor. We still want skirmish level, and by all accounts Malifaux fits the bill on the flavor and size side, but I've heard really mixed things about the rules/gameplay.

Any opinions on it here or games in a similar vein?

Aspects of Malifaux make it feel kinda like its similar to warmahordes in the sense that each crew you make has a central leader type figure. If you go to the OP of this thread I did a bit more in depth review of the game actually.

It's a good game but be a bit heavy with the rules since there is so much interaction amongst the players and both players are very active in play. Unlike many mini games where a player is taking their turn you kinda just watch with having to roll dice, the whole card based combat system makes combat much more intense thing. It's both good and bad I can imagine as each figure in the game has a stat card full of abilities to keep track of so in a big battle knowing what is up on all sides will seem daunting at first.

Nice thing about the game though is that it's cheap to play and require far less monetary investment than warmahordes which is not really a skirmish game.

Of course I always will recommend Infinity as the best skirmish game out there, but that has a bit more learning curve simply because it's such a different game from anything else out there
How old is your son? What other types of these games has he liked/disliked so far?

He's 11. He's enjoyed and understood the strategies in Warmahordes with the Circle army he has. We started with Clix and moved into Warmahordes though.

Aspects of Malifaux make it feel kinda like its similar to warmahordes in the sense that each crew you make has a central leader type figure. If you go to the OP of this thread I did a bit more in depth review of the game actually.

It's a good game but be a bit heavy with the rules since there is so much interaction amongst the players and both players are very active in play. Unlike many mini games where a player is taking their turn you kinda just watch with having to roll dice, the whole card based combat system makes combat much more intense thing. It's both good and bad I can imagine as each figure in the game has a stat card full of abilities to keep track of so in a big battle knowing what is up on all sides will seem daunting at first.

Nice thing about the game though is that it's cheap to play and require far less monetary investment than warmahordes which is not really a skirmish game.

Of course I always will recommend Infinity as the best skirmish game out there, but that has a bit more learning curve simply because it's such a different game from anything else out there

Maybe we should give Malifaux a try then. I really like the look of Infinity, but my son likes the "old fantasy look" of Malifaux more. He has also been talking about us building a "run down carnival" to play in (he saw one in a mueseum exibit), so Malifaux might fit that better.
Maybe we should give Malifaux a try then. I really like the look of Infinity, but my son likes the "old fantasy look" of Malifaux more. He has also been talking about us building a "run down carnival" to play in (he saw one in a mueseum exibit), so Malifaux might fit that better.

I'm sure since it's mainly a mish mash of Gothic, steampunk, western, and horror. A form of run down carnival could make for a cool setting to play on.
GF's painting streak continues, shes getting good too really quick. Love these mousling figs, getting her a bunch more. Need a game to use them in heh.



Cool Smoke Luke
I ordered FOUR crews for Malifaux for less than the price of my 35pt Cryx army. Crazy. Looking forward to playing.

please post your impressions. I'd really like to hear a comparison vs Warmachine review.

Been playing last couple weeks in local Warmahordes journeyman league.Its quite humbling seeing how good people are but alot of fun.
I seem to play a game..then want to watch a couple..then go think about everything and use that to better understand the game..Headbutts for example are far more devastating then I thought from reading the rules..specially since light warbeasts can do them to large warbeasts..once knocked down the beating really commences.

been painting up the Circle Army slowly but surely.
Heres a Feral Warpwolf I've been working on .just need to do some base work and its about done

edit: replaced with finished mini


Amazing werewolf bd, wish I could paint like that. Are you still using the army painter dip or have you moved on?


Sure you could get results like that with the army painter dip, but not alone of course. Still need to do all the layering etc.

Fur would be perfect to use army painter dip as a wash and then dry brushing on top.

Anyway, i'm just curious. :p


Cool Smoke Luke
I've moved away from dipping with the last few figures.

I like dipping but I'm just trying to push myself to get better without it.
Takes me alot longer to paint them up tho.

Id recommend the quickshade to anyone that wants to paint up an army quickly and or is just starting out with the basic painting, it helped me alot.


All right thanks.

I think you have progressed quite a lot. I can definitely see improvements from the minis you posted way back in the thread.
Im still too lazy a painter, dip for me lol. My GF is becoming much better than me already and getting very anal with detail work so shes putting out some great figs.


Been on a terrain building kick lately. I want enough buildings to cover most of a 4' x 4' space for some city fighting/Necromunda with room for streets or other open areas. Every piece here is basically ready for the next stage where I add sand and stones and whatever other little details I can think of before the basecoat.


Most recent build. It actually looks like two smaller buildings with an alley in between rather than a single fractured building. I'm going to paint them two different colors to emphasize that. Lone lascannon on top for defense.


Biggest building so far. The tower is made from the old Necromunda terrain pieces that came with cardboard sheets for platforms. The landing pad came from the GW kit. I'll be using the mounts it came with for something else entirely. The pad sat one level lower at first but I didn't think it looked good so I created a core column with kicker braces to support it. It's actually pretty sturdy.

Other details include a twin-linked heavy bolter for defense and double doors replaced with plasticard for a roll-up shutter look.


Water tower designed to block line of sight against snipers. The tank is a water bottle cut down to size and the tower is made from Platformer components.


I've had this particular piece for years now. Just added it to a base along with a staircase and some rubble.


Tried a different base with this building. I used the gun platform from the Basilisk kit and added it to the bottom to make it a high value target for campaigns. I've 'fluffed' it by saying it's a standard Basilisk cannon supercharged for super-long range precision shelling. I may still remove it and place it on a higher point in a building. I'm hoping to do more 'objective' buildings for campaigns so this is a nice start.


Radio tower. The top platform above the tower would be the tallest point on the table which makes it perfect for snipers or heavy weapons. As such, it only has room for a single model and is pretty exposed all around.


Pretty standard building. Might still remove the tree on the side and leave it as loose terrain that I can place wherever I want depending on the mission.


And of course the train station I posted a while back. I've actually taken everything apart in this as I want to build it to be much higher off the ground (one more level at least).

I've placed a pretty big order with Plastruct for plasticard structural members and sheets and I've still got enough kits for at least two more large buildings or four smaller ones. I also made two greenstuff molds for leaf bits, bought aquarium plants for foliage, and have plenty of trees left over from a Woodland Scenics kit. Lots of work to do and I'm loving every minute of it.



Apparently PP is starting to act like GW

That's the claim at least. I've been reading a bit about it here: http://museonminis.com/forums/index.php?topic=1085.0

It feels more like PP found out they were doing something untowards, but the Covenant guys put out this video to try and save face. It seems to just be an isolated incident, though, so I wouldn't go all doom and gloom about PP turning into GW any time soon.
Probably is, but I never liked PP in the first place :p

My local store wanted me to be their press ganger to host and run Monsterpocalypse events when the game came out. I was doing it, did tons of work for them and such but PP denied my application. Reason why is because they apparently dug through the internet for my history and found some posts on some random game forum where I said some not nice things about Warmachine. So they told me this and said they want people who support all their games. Now of course on their site itself and in the application it specifically says you don't play or support their other games, you can be a press ganger for a specific game like MonPoc at the time. So yea, fuck em :p

I'm sure PP will come out and make good since they know that they have the fan advantage with the community as GW is the devil and they are on a silver platter by so many.
GF9 coming out with their own line of space game mats, 36x36 (X-Wing size) http://www.gf9.com/Default.aspx?tabid=227&art_id=3699

Also a set of asteroid terrain for use in space games. Should work for most space games, though might be too small for some folks who are used to playing stuff like BFG on big table set ups.

They are vinyl so they are meant to be safe to write on with a dry erase marker, same as their fantasy D&D like mats.


Hey guys, my first round of art actually appears in the 'Urban Adventure' book for Iron Kingdoms.

Most of the art in the beginning of the Urban Gear section is mine, then the harpoon cannon later on with the Warjack gear.

Should have more I can post soon ;) WAY cooler stuff!
Got my copy of Sedition Wars kickstarter in, totally forgot about it.

Kinda regret it as I got too much. If anyone wants to take it off my hands for same I paid for it, as right now my backlog is too huge on minis and trying to cut back. It's the Biohazard level set.


I painted my first set of miniatures a few days ago, I don't really know anything about warhammer outside of the videogames (Warhammer online, Dawn of War and space marine) so I'm sure my colors are all off. I think the axe is supposed to be blue, not sure. I can see why people get into the hobby, painting the figures is a lot of fun. It was also my first time using the "realistic water" gel from scenic woodlands, I need to get the water effects bottle next so I can add a few water splashes to the base.

I painted my first set of miniatures a few days ago, I don't really know anything about warhammer outside of the videogames (Warhammer online, Dawn of War and space marine) so I'm sure my colors are all off. I think the axe is supposed to be blue, not sure. I can see why people get into the hobby, painting the figures is a lot of fun. It was also my first time using the "realistic water" gel from scenic woodlands, I need to get the water effects bottle next so I can add a few water splashes to the base.


Those are amazing
Well got my Sedition Wars in and quickly flipped it online for twice what I paid. Really seems like just investing in a popular kickstarter is a good way to make money. People selling off just their extra zombie rewards from Zombicide for almost 90$ on ebay? Crazy

welcome back BM :)

Thanks, was just a short bit of time ;)


Thanks for kind words guys! I had so much fun painting the Space Wolves I went to my local game store and ended up picking this guy up. I went with the maulerfiend option, I'm not sure if its painted in the right colors I went with red and gold and tried to really weather it up (which is terrifying for me). I think next time I'll go all the way and try to weather with pigments as well.

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