I wonder how 3d printing will effect the world of miniatures. I'm fairly excited about DIY models.
Will finally be painting a little bit for only the 2nd time this month due to how much I've spent with the girlfriend. So, its going to be a nice nd relaxing time (albeit lonely) evening for me. lol
What kind of art do you usually do (I'm assuming you're a professional artist)?
When they can improve the smaller detail quality, I'm sure it will be big. Right now to me only larger vehicle models look acceptable, but infantry models lose ton of detail. I'm sure GW especially is shitting themselves at the prospects for the future as 3D printing gets better and cheaper.
It will have impact but you still need artists that can design. I sure as hell couldn't make this in a 3D app and then try to print it.
Mostly I think it will be great for modding.
Any suggestions for a newbie? I can't make up my mind on which army to pick.
Im very excited at the idea of getting into 40k. Frankly the only downside is finding other players in my area(Ft Myers FL). Any suggestions for a newbie? I can't make up my mind on which army to pick.
Well first off, which army looks coolest to you?
If you're like me my friend base is very hard to get interested in playing. they love the world and the concept but the investment of painting and buying drives them away faster than a fart in a car. Coupled with the ease and access of video gaming, table top gaming is a hard sell.
If you do try to temp current friends but the starter box set and paint them yourself using a speed paint guide. http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod830852
If your friends are a no go try a local game shop. It can be tough depending on the personality types that go there. Some web-sites try to hook up players but I've had zero success with those. I end up painting more for joy than gaming![]()
Both Space Wolves and Dark Angels are strong armies. Note, though, that the new Dark Angels codex's strength isn't in Deathwing or Ravenwing, but the other stuff. Vanilla Marines will get a lot of the same benefits (cheaper, more customizable) when they get an update.Space wolves and Dark Angels, I really love reading 40k novels. IG seem badass but my buddy mentioned they have few viable builds.
Space wolves and Dark Angels, I really love reading 40k novels. IG seem badass but my buddy mentioned they have few viable builds.
All great choices with great range of models. Any particular style you're going for? Lots of troops, lots of vehicles? Really shooty or lots of close combat? Fast or defensive?
Dark Angels is also now the current rage with its new book and models.
Do you not have any local stores that play near Fort Myers?
I'm looking for a fast army, mostly for maneuvering. Mind you my exposure to 40k consists of books and pc games. I loved deep striking with terminators.
I'm looking for a fast army, mostly for maneuvering. Mind you my exposure to 40k consists of books and pc games. I loved deep striking with terminators.
Sadly I have not found any. I'll probably order minis and paint from amazon or GWs main site
Space wolves and Dark Angels, I really love reading 40k novels. IG seem badass but my buddy mentioned they have few viable builds.
The general rule of thumb is that the more your army relies on maneuvering, the more the skill you'll need to use that army effectively. There's nothing wrong with starting out that way, it will make you a better player, but you'll just need to expect a steeper learning curve to winning.I'm looking for a fast army, mostly for maneuvering. Mind you my exposure to 40k consists of books and pc games. I loved deep striking with terminators.
You should absolutely get the army you like the best thematically/visually, because you'll spend more time working on them than using them, at least for a while.
So I noticed there are 40k DnD style books published. Is it common to use tabletop units as minis for these games? I've been dying to DM a campaign again.
Decided I'm going to go with this color scheme for my Necrons. I'm not liking the metallic joints so I'm going to go with a dark grey instead. This guy isn't finished yet - still needs some highlights - but it's given me a chance to test out the new theme.
UPS dropped by just now with a really big (and holy shit heavy) box at work.
Now I just gotta order some glue, file and cutting tools so I can put these togheter, maybe when i get a little more brave also some paint.
I've got one of these for sale for anyone interested, complete with the Kickstarter Rewards. Check out my post in the Buy/Sell/Trade thread if interested.
Sold my 100$ SW kickstarter for $200 on ebay in 15min after posting it lol
Some special reason? Cause I have had these small doubts about that I perhaps jumped the gun a bit with this game.![]()
Just forgot I bought it and I got way to many figs in my backlog. Game sounded promising and figs look ok, but I was likely going to shelve it for some time along with the ton of other figs I got collecting dust.
so much for painting the other day. flu bug kicked my ass and had me puking all day. ah well!
Just bought the Warhammer 40K Dark Vengeance box set. Now to wrangle a friend or two to play. Speed painting here I come.
Just bought the Warhammer 40K Dark Vengeance box set. Now to wrangle a friend or two to play. Speed painting here I come.
That looks like a pretty awesome set, are there any similar quality sets you would recommend for other factions/races?
Ya I'd have to say this is the best starter set from them by miles. The models are detailed and the simple rule books and tutorial booklet are full color. First time in a long time where I felt I got my monies worth from Games Workshop.
They should really keep doing these but with like an expansion feel.
It's a shame that the actual chaos release is not nearly as good as the dark vengeance models.
Maybe you're referring to something I missed. i thought these new fantasy Chaos figs were pretty nice.
I was referring to the chaos marine release, dishonorable mention goes to Mutilators, Dark Apostle, and Helldrake
The WoC release however, are solid overall aside from the chariots. I personally love the vortex beast and the lords.
Hopefully they are in 1:285 scale. :3So a Robotech miniature game is coming: http://www.icv2.com/articles/markets/24883.html
Always was more of a purist on the whole Macross thing, but I can't pass up a box full of Valk and Zentradi miniatures.
So a Robotech miniature game is coming: http://www.icv2.com/articles/markets/24883.html
Always was more of a purist on the whole Macross thing, but I can't pass up a box full of Valk and Zentradi miniatures.
Holy fucking balls.
I am going to have so many valk minis.
Good way to get some unseen minis in scale for BT but dayum
I recently started playing D&D and need some help. I'm looking for a miniature that would fit with the Dragonborn race, but i can't find one that I like. any suggestions? is there a mini from a game other than D&D that i could use? i'm a barbarian type, so I can't use wizard robes, staffs, or magic stuff.