I was browsing kickstarter today and now I have made my first pledge ever, feels weird.
But Gladiatorial combat? Sounds nice.
I hope the rules are okay and that the minis are as good as the first one, because the second green, which is hopefully WIP, is pretty boring. The artwork for a lot of the gladiators is promising, though, and I HOPE that the titan critters will be as awesome as the pics. Cats are so easily screwed up, though.
I can see myself sculptig minis inspired by a certain show featuring gladiators, violence and sex, though, and play with those rules if they make for an entertaining game.
I should really get a good cam and show you some of my self made stuff, I think I'm getting actually close to releaseable quality. Working on a Hordes Gatorman Posse, a second counts-as-Wrassler shark monster (third, if you count the hammerhead shark that will be a count-as Snapjaw) and a second counts-as-Bullsnapper turtle walking on his massive for
arms as well as a t-rex man that will be used as a Totem Hunter. Gods, I love sculpting muscles.