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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Always been a fan of minitures just never had the time to get into it, not to mention the feeling of being totally lost with where to start and what I want. Im familiar with 40k from friends, might go and buy something at the shop in town. Anyone have suggestions for some space marines to start off my first set?

Get Dark Millenium for around 90$. You can't go wrong with that set. Tons of minis from 2 factions, terminators, bikes, a dread, and a ton of normal troops.


Neo Member
Thanks for the suggestion I'll definitely check into that. Really want to try my hand at painting always in awe of the great examples you guys are putting up.
Viewing this thread makes me sad about just how fuckin' awful I am at painting.

I know that practice makes perfect, but what are everyone's favorite online tutorial resources? I've read a handful, but want to absorb as much as I can in terms of learning.
I hadn't realized this game was descended from Wings of War, which I liked but found too simplistic. I'd been on the verge of getting some but finding that out tipped me over the edge.

I agree I don't think it'll work too well for battleship combat, but perhaps they've tweaked it.

Yea it's similar but has alot of differences too, but the X-Wing system I think is a better game than Wings of War version. They did alot of little changes and differences to set the apart. Wizkids licensing the system for the Trek game is just them being lazy since they won't have to really test or make their own game. FFG obviously copied stuff from WoW system, but made it their own with alot of unique traits.

Always been a fan of minitures just never had the time to get into it, not to mention the feeling of being totally lost with where to start and what I want. Im familiar with 40k from friends, might go and buy something at the shop in town. Anyone have suggestions for some space marines to start off my first set?

If you don't feel comfortable buying a more pricey starter set, you can always just go into it by first just picking up a box a simple space marines or whatever you like to play around with building and painting. From there on growing and learning about the game perhaps before jumping all the way in.
Yea it's similar but has alot of differences too, but the X-Wing system I think is a better game than Wings of War version. They did alot of little changes and differences to set the apart. Wizkids licensing the system for the Trek game is just them being lazy since they won't have to really test or make their own game. FFG obviously copied stuff from WoW system, but made it their own with alot of unique traits.

Wings of War was too simplistic and random, it seems that they've fixed that for X-Wing. I liked the Wings of War games I played, but it bottomed out quickly. X-WIng sounds like they've added elements which increase the strategy and variety.

RE: Wizkids game: depends. They seem to have done a good job with some other games (Star Fleet Captains) in testing and design. It's clear that they don't test Heroclix enough, but that's orders of magnitude more complicated to test, too.

And I wouldn't say they are lazy so much as cheap and understaffed.
Wings of War was too simplistic and random, it seems that they've fixed that for X-Wing. I liked the Wings of War games I played, but it bottomed out quickly. X-WIng sounds like they've added elements which increase the strategy and variety.

RE: Wizkids game: depends. They seem to have done a good job with some other games (Star Fleet Captains) in testing and design. It's clear that they don't test Heroclix enough, but that's orders of magnitude more complicated to test, too.

And I wouldn't say they are lazy so much as cheap and understaffed.

Yea the random damage system was dumped for X-Wing which makes a big difference in play. It makes for longer but better games. Wings of War is nice for quick play though.

Wizkids boards games have been good because they always outsource the design to well known designers. For heroclix the sheer amount of figs they have put out, really makes it seem like they don't care much about balance along with the loose force build rules the game has. Don't really need to balance factions or anything like that.


Viewing this thread makes me sad about just how fuckin' awful I am at painting.

I know that practice makes perfect, but what are everyone's favorite online tutorial resources? I've read a handful, but want to absorb as much as I can in terms of learning.

I like miniature mentor but is costs $$$. If you want to go the free route YouTube has a million. Here' are some on my links:

Yea the fighters are dang sexy too. The Falcon though I saw it before at a con, still suprised me with it's massive size. Folks worried about it's scale too. Can't wait for news on next wave of ships, it's obvious this game is selling a ton with them just recently replenshing the starter box too.
I want to get a few more games under my belt before I buy into wave 2 but that Millennium Falcon is sexy as hell. It's taking everything in me to not buy one.
I want to get a few more games under my belt before I buy into wave 2 but that Millennium Falcon is sexy as hell. It's taking everything in me to not buy one.

It's pretty darn powerful being able to take 13 hits. It's really easy to hit with the giant base and it's manuever score of 1. But with upgrades like Chewbacca and other stuff it can take even more hits before going down. It's like a super Y-Wing. It's nice that that the Falcon and Slave 1 also include alternate stat blocks and cards to play cheaper stock versions of the ships also. Each of the big ships also comes with a new scenario to play including the new ships. The falcon can accept a ton of upgrades so you can make it one expensive uber ship.

The Falcon comes with one medal upgrade card though that is real cool called draw fire, only one copy of it though when it's something I would want more of for other ships. They should release eventually some card packs to get multiples of some of these cards.
Is anyone else getting hyped for the new Tau codex? I'm really looking forward to the next White Dwarf! Assuming the rumours are actually true...
Is anyone else getting hyped for the new Tau codex? I'm really looking forward to the next White Dwarf! Assuming the rumours are actually true...

Is it a mini dex type of deal or a full blown Tau codex release? Assume if we do, Tau will be seeing an actual flier kit now since it seems to be the norm.
I hope they get new models. Don't get me wrong, they have a great theme and excellent troops/vehicles, but their mechs have always been beyond awful. They're squat, clumsy, and ugly looking. GW needs to anime that shit up a couple notches. Make them look sleek, fast, and deadly.


Yeah their Crisis suits are kind of crap. I really like the stealth suits, but the Crisis based suits look far too blocky given the rest of the army aesthetic.


Picked up the Falcon a couple days ago. It's so purty, and I love the attention to detail - scale. I kinda wish there was justifiation for FFG to do some of the other Star War eras, i would kill for a TOR Jedi Defender or Phantom.
Picked up the Falcon a couple days ago. It's so purty, and I love the attention to detail - scale. I kinda wish there was justifiation for FFG to do some of the other Star War eras, i would kill for a TOR Jedi Defender or Phantom.

Well they will run out of OT ships after wave 3, so they will need to do other eras. Clone Wars era is likely going to be next unless they want to stick to the OT and expand on it with EU ships.

Dark Eldar got a massive overhaul for their plastic kits. But they were really outdated.

Yea it just seems for the most part they focus on new plastic kits or upgrading metal stuff to plastic right now. A flier is probably going ot happen since it's the trend for 40k armies. The broadside suits I can see getting updated since they use metal components


Well they will run out of OT ships after wave 3, so they will need to do other eras. Clone Wars era is likely going to be next unless they want to stick to the OT and expand on it with EU ships.

Don't they only have 2 possible ships for wave 3, unless they go with terrestial or capital ships.

Anyway, I think the gameline will probably be done after wave 3. And theyll be a reboot with the new movies.
Don't they only have 2 possible ships for wave 3, unless they go with terrestial or capital ships.

Anyway, I think the gameline will probably be done after wave 3. And theyll be a reboot with the new movies.

B-Wing, Tie Bomber, and because of ship scale, they likely will do an Imperial Shuttle fig. But other than that, it's hard to say what else they can do without touching the EU or adding in some ground combat rules. Don't think FFG will sit on the game that long, wave 3 should be out in the summer or by gencon. The game has been obviously a big success with how quick stores are selling out of the ships. Just don't see them sitting on it after wave 3 for the new movies in 2015.


B-Wing, Tie Bomber, and because of ship scale, they likely will do an Imperial Shuttle fig. But other than that, it's hard to say what else they can do without touching the EU or adding in some ground combat rules. Don't think FFG will sit on the game that long, wave 3 should be out in the summer or by gencon. The game has been obviously a big success with how quick stores are selling out of the ships. Just don't see them sitting on it after wave 3 for the new movies in 2015.

Any recommendations on where to pick these up online for the best price? Locally it was expensive, I saw the Millennium Falcon for 35. Amazon has the Millennium Falcon for 23 and the core set for 32, can I get it for lower than that elsewhere or is that a good price?
picked up some primer + paints to start working on the figs in my talisman and zombicide board games.

any tips specific to these types of plastic minis? I played 40k long long ago but haven't painted anything in quite some time. I've never painted anything this type of plastic before but I've seen there are people online who have done it with some pretty cool results!
Any recommendations on where to pick these up online for the best price? Locally it was expensive, I saw the Millennium Falcon for 35. Amazon has the Millennium Falcon for 23 and the core set for 32, can I get it for lower than that elsewhere or is that a good price?

In the US? I usually use miniature market.


picked up some primer + paints to start working on the figs in my talisman and zombicide board games.

any tips specific to these types of plastic minis? I played 40k long long ago but haven't painted anything in quite some time. I've never painted anything this type of plastic before but I've seen there are people online who have done it with some pretty cool results!

On plastic Primer is crucial so make sure you cover everything. Then lay down base coats. Get you paint to a consistency like 2% skim mink. It should take several layers to get a good base coat down. Then you can add in shadows and highlights by changing the color of your base coat. The thinner your mix then move forgiving mistakes will be but it will take longer to get results. If nothing else multiple coats will help improve your brush stroke accuracy. There's a million and one tips but you just have to get in the trenches and paint until you eyes bleed.

Desk height is critical imo. I have a standard desk and then I use a small box so my right arm/hand rest higher than my left which holds the fig. I find this helps me stay in the proper painting zone.

Don't get discouraged, the last 10% of the work really ties in the other 90%. 90% will look bad and you'll think you're fucking it all up. Press on, the details and merging in the last 10% make all the difference it the world.

Watch your color selection, we often want to use bright or fun colors. but life is usually made up of a whole lot of browns and greys.

Use white and black with caution when making shadows and highlights. Sometime an alternate color will go a lot farther. If I have a brown coat and purple pants, to make my coat shadow I'd mixing in a little of that purple and a tiny tiny amount of black, this will tie the two colors together.

Don't worry about the bazillion things you can buy to help you paint better. Work with what you have, outgrow it and then you'll know what to buy. If you buy to make you better you'll have a whole lot of stuff when you quit.


I finished a the ork trukk and 3 ork bikes. I tried a lot of new things painting these and while I made a bunch of mistakes it was a pretty good learning experience. Got to play with tamiya weathering pigments, a lot of drilling and making grass bases(need more practice).


Yeah their Crisis suits are kind of crap. I really like the stealth suits, but the Crisis based suits look far too blocky given the rest of the army aesthetic.

Well, looks like they're going heavier and blockier, but FW already had you covered for curvier suits. With the new broadsides costing as much as the FW ones, price is no longer a factor in deciding which ones to go for. Flier actually looks pretty cool although I don't like the missile system on its tail.


Your paint is drying before it hits the model. The can needs to be room temperature. Wrap it in a towel if you need to if you normally store it in a cool place before using it. Also make sure the nozzle is clean before and after you spray.
Also make sure you are not priming the models from too far away. Along with the temp, some primers can dry very quick and if you spray from too far away you get bumpy/grainy like textures on the figs.
Painted a bit tonight. Was fun to get a few more models progressed a bit. Of course, this means I'm done painting till next Tuesday. lol! My poor Space Wolves. They're going to take months to finish at this rate!
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to the new Tau stuff.

One of the great things is the new Pathfinders kit - 10 plastic guys and 3 drones with loads of options for £20 (it's currently £12 for three Finecast guys...). I'm looking forward to that kit.

The Riptide is going to be a beast to build and paint, I'm definitely picking that one up day one with the codex :)


I was browsing kickstarter today and now I have made my first pledge ever, feels weird.

But Gladiatorial combat? Sounds nice.

I hope the rules are okay and that the minis are as good as the first one, because the second green, which is hopefully WIP, is pretty boring. The artwork for a lot of the gladiators is promising, though, and I HOPE that the titan critters will be as awesome as the pics. Cats are so easily screwed up, though.

I can see myself sculptig minis inspired by a certain show featuring gladiators, violence and sex, though, and play with those rules if they make for an entertaining game.

I should really get a good cam and show you some of my self made stuff, I think I'm getting actually close to releaseable quality. Working on a Hordes Gatorman Posse, a second counts-as-Wrassler shark monster (third, if you count the hammerhead shark that will be a count-as Snapjaw) and a second counts-as-Bullsnapper turtle walking on his massive forarms as well as a t-rex man that will be used as a Totem Hunter. Gods, I love sculpting muscles.


Pretty cool. I think I may put pledge to this, too. Would be my first as well.

EDIT: Went ahead and pledged. Looking forward to testing this out.
The Tau flyer is lame. It has this WWII bomber aesthetic that is totally at odds with the Tau, the detailing of a children's toy, and those bar things on the wings look like someone's scratch-built conversion. Where's the delta wing, GW? I feel like all of their flyer models (except the Valkyrie, someone else's design) have been amateur hour, just uninspiring and awkward hunks of plastic. There is quite a difference in artistic competency compared to any Forgeworld aircraft.

The Riptide is cool, as long as you ignore Tau fluff about tactics. Giant bipeds are okay in 40k, but some fans will probably be upset because in fluff, the Tau have previously recognized the foolishness of giant walkers and just easily trumped Titans with heavily armed flyers.

I was hoping for some cool Kroot stuff since they have such a neat aesthetic potential to me. I guess anything new would have been include with that leak. I just hope they try to de-marginalize the Kroot on the tabletop with new rules, and margenalize the lame-ass Vespids as much as possible.

The Tau flyer is lame. It has this WWII bomber aesthetic that is totally at odds with the Tau, the detailing of a children's toy, and those bar things on the wings look like someone's scratch-built conversion. Where's the delta wing, GW? I feel like all of their flyer models (except the Valkyrie, someone else's design) have been amateur hour, just uninspiring and awkward hunks of plastic. There is quite a difference in artistic competency compared to any Forgeworld aircraft.

The Riptide is cool, as long as you ignore Tau fluff about tactics. Giant bipeds are okay in 40k, but some fans will probably be upset because in fluff, the Tau have previously recognized the foolishness of giant walkers and just easily trumped Titans with heavily armed flyers.

I was hoping for some cool Kroot stuff since they have such a neat aesthetic potential to me. I guess anything new would have been include with that leak. I just hope they try to de-marginalize the Kroot on the tabletop with new rules, and margenalize the lame-ass Vespids as much as possible.


They obviously are now trying to avoid competing or taking business away from forgeworld by doing their own unique designs. At first they started just doing plastic versions of classic forgeworld stuff, but I bet they saw how that was a bad idea to hurt forgeworld sales. So now it's all about unique large models to sell.

Riptide is still not that huge nor even close to the smaller titans in size.
Forgeworld I never had too bad an issue with price wise though everything keeps going up across the hobby. But shipping from FW has always killed any interest in their products.
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