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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


I've liked every Forgeworld RoB tile they've put out but they are all way too expensive for me. Shame really because they add a lot of variety.


Saint Nic
New Realm of Battle tile from the Forge World open day. I really want it. £90 is a lot though, the entire RoB set that I use was £90 of ebay.

I just looked RoB up - I hadn't heard of it before. Very cool idea. I like that you can basically carry it around and set it up wherever you want and have a game. If only I still played or had a local friend to play with.

That being said, that's pretty expensive for a terrain setup. I guess it's nice that it's modular and plastic, so you really have a lot of cool options. Add in the fact that you can always add more stuff to the board, create your own tiles (probably out of a plywood section or insulation foam), and buy other tiles...I guess it might be worth it if you're not in the market for a new army or more models (as it's basically the cost of a small army, no?).

The FW stuff though...I hate how expensive all of their shit is.
So I'm fairly new to Warhammer, but I have a decent set of CSM set up, but I'm having trouble finding Chaos bikers. Am I S.O.L., or does anyone know of a retailer that still carries them?
Your best bet might be to convert some. Get some regular Marine bikers (or maybe Dark Angel ones) and some Chaos bitz (should be able to source these fairly easily) and get converting :)

Battlefoam. Worth the investment? I realize it's quite pricey for what it is, but I need a method to cart my new X-Wing set around on a rapidly approaching vacation and I'm uncertain if I have the time to actually sit down and carve my foam layout.

Are the bags themselves nice? Anyone on GAF use them, or do you folks cut your own foam?


Saint Nic

Battlefoam. Worth the investment? I realize it's quite pricey for what it is, but I need a method to cart my new X-Wing set around on a rapidly approaching vacation and I'm uncertain if I have the time to actually sit down and carve my foam layout.

Are the bags themselves nice? Anyone on GAF use them, or do you folks cut your own foam?

I was going to get Battlefoam back in the day, but I opted to get a Sabol Army Transport instead. I liked that it was cheaper and expandable. I just bought the pick apart foam and had my way with it. Nearly everyone at my FLGS uses Sabol. One guy had a Battlefoam bag. It was definitely nice, but the fact that it's so expensive is what did it for me.

Battlefoam. Worth the investment? I realize it's quite pricey for what it is, but I need a method to cart my new X-Wing set around on a rapidly approaching vacation and I'm uncertain if I have the time to actually sit down and carve my foam layout.

Are the bags themselves nice? Anyone on GAF use them, or do you folks cut your own foam?

Nope, they are nice, but way overpriced and they have crappy shipping prices. If you can get em locally the KR multicase stuff is cheaper. Or what I like to do for the cheapest route, is just buy Sabol foam trays that you pluck out and custom fit to how you want it. The trays you can get for cheap online and if you buy a bag for them, you can easily just swap out trays. I only got one sabol bag but shelves of trays with figs in them. When I go to play I just take the trays and swap em out in the bag with what I'm gonna go take to play with.

But for X-Wing figures, what I use is simply are plastic tool cases with dividers you can customize. The small kind used to hold like screws and little tools. You can move the dividers around and I keep all my figs along with their corresponding tokens in each compartment. Currently have a large set of all the Star Wars figs in one case. Don't really believe in foam for prepainted figures.


I was going to get Battlefoam back in the day, but I opted to get a Sabol Army Transport instead.

Not-a-paid-actor Testimonial Time!

I had a Sabol Army Transport bag that held my Iron Warriors, so some marines and tanks. Well back then I drove an '88 RX-7, which unfortunately caught fire while I was driving to an interview. I kept the bag in the back of the car, which was open to the front two seats. The engine fire only really 'licked' the bag, but it was hot as fuck in there I'm sure. Anyway, the outside of the bag was melted and shredded, but everything inside the foam was perfectly fine. There were a few warped bases that needed to be replaced but no real harm.

I'd say Sabol bags are the way to go.


Hey guys, as I've treatened for some times, here comes a sulf-sculpt from ME! Another one done! Well, she could use a light scrubbing with sand paper and water to get the dust off her that always lands on my sculpts just before I bake them, but otherwise, done.

A friendly, joyful crododile woman, to be used in a Hordes gatorman posse and maybe as a count-as for Arena Rex.

The images are pretty bad, but I shot shot them on the table under my bed using my cellphone (with flash), I'm sorry that I'm not one of those DSLR camera kids :( So quite a bit of detail is lost, but hey, at leat I can finally show SOMETHING. One area that I'm espeially proud of is the lower back-m. latissimus dorsi part on her right side, beautifully twisted and squeezed fat rolls and muscle contrasting, but hey, the lighting decided that it had to be cloaked in shadow.






Her as a WIP (between pic one and two there's only a two day difference)




And her older brother, Reek (it rhymes with meek)





Sorry for the huge post.

PS: Just be glad I'm not posting my bipedal shark monsters.
I wish this was simply a Battletech game with those bigger plastic mechs, but I know that scale contradicts the simulationist aspect of Battletech vis-à-vis distance and board size.

Have they stated a scale yet? Originally it was said they were going to be same scale as Battletech figures, but the photos of the prototypes make it look like they are much larger. Course prototypes could be bigger than production models still, but I haven't found any other info on the game's scale.

For Battletech though size of miniature is not really important most of the time since it's hex based
Are these going to be CBT/Warhammer scale? Buying this for that old unseen CBT goodness. ;)

The original announcement for the game stated they were going to be the same scale as CBT figures, but the figs don't look that small from their previews. They also don't seem to answer anyones questions on their facebook so it's hard to say, could be because Ninja Division is making the figures only? The game is being done by Palladium and Ninja Division is doing the figures for Palladium, so the decision on scale is probably up to Palladium.


Saint Nic
Theres bad blood between everyone and Battle foam. The guy who runs Battle Foam is a total ass.

PS - this is totally true. I knew someone who contacted them about ordering a bag a few years ago and decided not to simply because of the pompous attitude the guy had towards his product (and his blatant attacks made towards competing products). I get that you need to "pimp your product", but being a complete dick is NOT the way to do it.
I've been building up my Riptide, it's an awesome kit, really easy to assemble and lots of posability (sp?), even though I've gone for the 'stock' pose for my first ever build. I can see myself getting a second Riptide, definitely, although I really wish it wasn't an Elite slot.


Saint Nic
I figured you guys would appreciate any paint related thoughts...

I've been trying to use the Vallejo Surface Primer. It's an "airbrush ready" primer. I've decided that it's not worth messing with. Sure, it works, but it also must be sprayed at significantly higher PSI than anything else (which isn't a huge issue, but my compressor gets HOT). Not to mention, it clogs my airbrush like woah and is a bitch to clean.

Hands down, the best primer I've ever used is still Armory Primer. I will be buying a few cans to keep around now. Lesson learned.


The bad batch of GW plastic glue is coming back to bite me in the ass. Some of my Necrons, some terrain, and one of my Space Wolves are just falling apart without any amount of force being applied to them. Really fucking annoying.
I figured you guys would appreciate any paint related thoughts...

I've been trying to use the Vallejo Surface Primer. It's an "airbrush ready" primer. I've decided that it's not worth messing with. Sure, it works, but it also must be sprayed at significantly higher PSI than anything else (which isn't a huge issue, but my compressor gets HOT). Not to mention, it clogs my airbrush like woah and is a bitch to clean.

Hands down, the best primer I've ever used is still Armory Primer. I will be buying a few cans to keep around now. Lesson learned.

Have you used the army painter primers? We have started using them and really liking it.


Saint Nic
Have you used the army painter primers? We have started using them and really liking it.

I have actually - I like it just as well, but Armory has been my go to simply because it was the first I used when I started painting. I actually don't mind GW primer either, but it's just way too expensive.

Most of my painting is done via airbrush anymore since I paint model cars and gunpla. I have about half of the Tamiya Acrylic line (I've got thinning to a science and this stuff airbrushes beautifully) and will have the full Minitaire line when it ships to me. I'm also rebuilding my collection of Vallejo Model Colors for my hand brush work. I tried to transition to all AB ready stuff, but some things are best kept to aerosol cans (primer and finish coats). I have Pledge Future for AB coats if needed, but you simply cannot beat a spray finish coat.
I find the Army Painter primer is a bit... thick? And it's generally harder to get a nice coat.

I use GW's Chaos Black and Skull White for basic basing, and Humbrol Hobby Spray for colours. Those give a really nice finish, at least on the Matte ones.


Can't work on anything plastic for now since my Citadel glue is all crap. Until I get around to buying some other brand I'm going to practice painting skin. This will be the test model:


I'm pretty sure I got all the mold lines but I'll give it another pass before I prime him.
A similar arena style game is already out there and it's rules and everything is free at : http://www.avatars-of-war.com/eng/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=67&Itemid=127

It's designed that you can also essentially use any 28mm miniatures for the game, as you can create your own gladiators (avatars). There is also software you can get to help create your characters and print out character cards for play.

Avatars of War also make a gorgeous line of minis, designed as obvious Warhammer Fantasy proxies but they can be used for any game including their own.


I've seen the mini's before but I had no idea they had rules to go with it. I've got a few 28mm fantasy type models I could use. Thanks for sharing.
Kinda cool, would have preferred probably not having the planet and death star on the pieces or across multiple pieces. Instead more star patterns or other features so that you could mix and match with more variety would have been nice.


I need a kickstarter so people can fund me so I don't have to work as much. man I don't have the time for this hobby.
I can't wait for this!! I may have gonna a little overboard. I kick started for $300...

I'm in for just Battlecry for now unless they really add lot of cool stuff. Probably get the spartan destroid set though since you don't get those in the main box nor the zentradi fighters.

I imagine they are selling lot of these also to Battletech players for those unseen models



Going to do a little more cleaning up. For some reason this guy was missing his left nipple, so there's that. I need to clean up the last highlight and add a few more around the back of the head. It doesn't look great, but I'm making progress when it comes to painting skin.

I'll paint the armor next (blue?) and then practice some more NMM on the weapon. I may try doing a brass axe head rather than steel.
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