New Realm of Battle tile from the Forge World open day. I really want it. £90 is a lot though, the entire RoB set that I use was £90 of ebay.
Battlefoam. Worth the investment? I realize it's quite pricey for what it is, but I need a method to cart my new X-Wing set around on a rapidly approaching vacation and I'm uncertain if I have the time to actually sit down and carve my foam layout.
Are the bags themselves nice? Anyone on GAF use them, or do you folks cut your own foam?
Battlefoam. Worth the investment? I realize it's quite pricey for what it is, but I need a method to cart my new X-Wing set around on a rapidly approaching vacation and I'm uncertain if I have the time to actually sit down and carve my foam layout.
Are the bags themselves nice? Anyone on GAF use them, or do you folks cut your own foam?
I was going to get Battlefoam back in the day, but I opted to get a Sabol Army Transport instead.
Wasn't there bad blood between Sabol and Battle foam? I vaguely recall alot of support for Sabol at the time.
I wish this was simply a Battletech game with those bigger plastic mechs, but I know that scale contradicts the simulationist aspect of Battletech vis-à-vis distance and board size.Some more model previews of the upcoming Robotech miniatures game are being posted on Ninja Division's facebook page.
I wish this was simply a Battletech game with those bigger plastic mechs, but I know that scale contradicts the simulationist aspect of Battletech vis-à-vis distance and board size.
PS: Just be glad I'm not posting my bipedal shark monsters.
Some more model previews of the upcoming Robotech miniatures game are being posted on Ninja Division's facebook page.
Are these going to be CBT/Warhammer scale? Buying this for that old unseen CBT goodness.![]()
Theres bad blood between everyone and Battle foam. The guy who runs Battle Foam is a total ass.
Theres bad blood between everyone and Battle foam. The guy who runs Battle Foam is a total ass.
I figured you guys would appreciate any paint related thoughts...
I've been trying to use the Vallejo Surface Primer. It's an "airbrush ready" primer. I've decided that it's not worth messing with. Sure, it works, but it also must be sprayed at significantly higher PSI than anything else (which isn't a huge issue, but my compressor gets HOT). Not to mention, it clogs my airbrush like woah and is a bitch to clean.
Hands down, the best primer I've ever used is still Armory Primer. I will be buying a few cans to keep around now. Lesson learned.
Have you used the army painter primers? We have started using them and really liking it.
Next 4 X-Wing ships to be revealed at the Fantasy Flight special May the 4th game weekend event at their store. So we should be hearing about those soon.
I can't wait for this!! I may have gonna a little overboard. I kick started for $300...