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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


I've either ordered so much at once or been part of a big order from a local shop that I can usually justify shipping costs.
Forgeworld I never had too bad an issue with price wise though everything keeps going up across the hobby. But shipping from FW has always killed any interest in their products.

Clearly you're just not spending enough. Throw in a tau manta, or something, and take advantage of that free shipping!


Didn't know where to post this... but can't believe there's no thread for Horus Heresy series of the Black Library here on GAF.
Would love to discuss about some of the novels, gather people's thought on them, basically just kick it with gaffers.

I used to collect an Ultramarine chapter back when I was a teen, I stopped because of time constraints, being abroad and I'm absolutely horrible at painting. I remember selling my army for what was at the time about 500 euros (miniatures & codex). A thing I regret to this day but you know, young and foolish...
As codex covers go, this one's pretty sweet.



Unconfirmed Member


Didn't know where to post this... but can't believe there's no thread for Horus Heresy series of the Black Library here on GAF.
Would love to discuss about some of the novels, gather people's thought on them, basically just kick it with gaffers.

I'm in the middle of Fulgrim but I haven't picked up the book in a while. I read every book until then at the time they came out. Sort of been collecting them as they are released.


Got the new White Dwarf today at a FLGS. I'm getting pretty pumped about the new Tau models (really enjoying all the new suits) and still looking forward to the rule changes/additions. Plan on picking up the codex, a Riptide, and possibly one other thing at the start then painting everything I have Tau-related before buying anything else. The only army that I've played was Black Templar two years ago before taking a break so I'm looking forward to actually getting to use my Tau models I've had sitting around. Depending on the new points cost I should have around 1,000 points without the Riptide all ready.
Got the new White Dwarf today at a FLGS. I'm getting pretty pumped about the new Tau models (really enjoying all the new suits) and still looking forward to the rule changes/additions. Plan on picking up the codex, a Riptide, and possibly one other thing at the start then painting everything I have Tau-related before buying anything else. The only army that I've played was Black Templar two years ago before taking a break so I'm looking forward to actually getting to use my Tau models I've had sitting around. Depending on the new points cost I should have around 1,000 points without the Riptide all ready.

Jealous, I want that White Dwarf already XD I love my Tau and can't wait for the new stuff! My army is getting quite big now :)

Here's my lineup so far:

2x Tau Ethereals (one finecast, one metal)
1x Crisis suit commander

12x Fire Warriors in Red (Primary Squad)
12x Fire Warriors in Grey (Backup Squad)
16x Kroot (Plus Shaper, 2 Krootox, 4 Kroot Hounds)

2x Piranha skimmers
2x Stealth Teams (3 members per squad)

1x Devilfish Transport
1x Hammerhead Tank

1x "Retro" broadside, soon to be dwarfed by the new ones.
1x XV9 Close Combat Battlesuit with 2 twin-linked Burst Cannons (Forge World)
5x Crisis Battlesuits with various loadouts (Mainly Missile Pod + Burst Cannon)
16x Gun Drones


A friend from work told me that the store I bought the White Dwarf from tends to put stuff on the shelves when they receive it. He ended up getting his Dark Angel stuff a day or two earlier than the release date so i'm hoping it will be similar with Tau.

I was picking up stuff on the side while playing with my Templars so I don't have too much. Picked up the now 'old' Tau battleforce and a few things here and there.

24 Fire Warriors
2 Devilfishes
12 Kroot
3 Crisis Suits
6 Stealth Suits
1 Pirahna
1 Ethereal
6 Pathfinders

Ended up grabbing a hammerhead (Skyray) with the white dwarf today in anticipation of the price increase so i'm thinking after the Riptide i'll look into some Broadsides. I'm interested in reading the rules to see what I could do with a drone-centric army since I have so many around and the new drones look pretty neat.
http://www.icv2.com/articles/markets/25378.html Star Wars X-Wing is according to retailers the #2 selling Miniature game behind Warhammer 40k now. FFG got a major hit on their hands, hope they can keep up support at a faster rate for it.

Yeah, Drones are great in squads with their twin linked Carbines, but sadly they don't (currently) count as a scoring unit.

Yea when I played Tau, I always would take one or two full squads of drones just for Deep Striking. They worked great as harassment units when they deepstrike in, fire a bunch a shots at a unit, and then cause them to take pinning checks because of the under barrel grenade launchers. Don't know if they can still do that though, haven't played with Tau in years. But they often would turn the tide for me with their random pinning they would sometimes pull off on an enemy squad.


Unconfirmed Member
Got the new White Dwarf today at a FLGS. I'm getting pretty pumped about the new Tau models (really enjoying all the new suits) and still looking forward to the rule changes/additions. Plan on picking up the codex, a Riptide, and possibly one other thing at the start then painting everything I have Tau-related before buying anything else. The only army that I've played was Black Templar two years ago before taking a break so I'm looking forward to actually getting to use my Tau models I've had sitting around. Depending on the new points cost I should have around 1,000 points without the Riptide all ready.

Now that I have seen some better pictures I am very impressed with the Riptide model. It looks like it is very posable. I like the flyers as well, much better than the crap the Marines get.

BattleMonkey said:
http://www.icv2.com/articles/markets/25378.html Star Wars X-Wing is according to retailers the #2 selling Miniature game behind Warhammer 40k now. FFG got a major hit on their hands, hope they can keep up support at a faster rate for it.

Not surprised to see it doing well. my club seems to have gone nuts over it. They will have models for all the OT ships soon. I wonder where they will go to the prequels or EU next.


Neo Member
Forgeworld I never had too bad an issue with price wise though everything keeps going up across the hobby. But shipping from FW has always killed any interest in their products.

All forgeworld products are resin though, right? I prefer the non-resin plastic.. which is why I have avoided forgeworld thus far.


Saint Nic
Anyone here ever airbrush Vallejo Model colors? I've read a bunch of stuff online about thinning them correctly, but I haven't found a good resource that convinces me of what I should try. Any thoughts?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
All forgeworld products are resin though, right? I prefer the non-resin plastic.. which is why I have avoided forgeworld thus far.

Forgeworld resin is a different kind of material to Finecast (which is a great material for products designed with it in mind). While plastic is generally better, Forgeworld's resin should cause you no concern.
Forge World stuff still requires a bit of work - there's often large chunks of flash to remove, depending on the size of the piece you may be able to clip it, but sometimes you'll need a hobby saw. You also need to wash it well to get the release agent off.

I've only got 2 Forge World kits, but I found they needed a lot more love pre-assembly than the average plastic or even Finecast kit.
Yea I only bought a few things from them, but had to a bunch of work cleaning them up and cutting off large chunks of extra resin. Not sure if their newer stuff is any better at this but lot of companies have switched to resin production and just seem much cleaner than forgeworld.
I couldn't comment on their casting quality relative to the other model makers, but FW are lightyears better than they were when they started out. They were making some seriously ropey stuff back then. These days they're pretty good but you can expect to have to put a lot of preparation work in. They even leave the casting tabs on.

For the fantasy players out there, got a few new high elves:


Shame we've still got those same shitty spear elves. The new stuff does look pretty good though.
The general 'look' of Warhammer is very different these days, coming back still fairly recently to the game. I still imagine it all looking a bit 4th-edition with bright bold colours and fairly small models. All these giant kits with bursting detail and (mostly) muted colours makes it look like a different game to me.

Having said that, I can't wait to see what happens to Wood Elves, my other GW love, next. I guess I just adore shooty armies.

*can't wait for the new Tau*
The interesting thing with fantasy is how well they re-designed play with the introduction of 8th and the following army books. Bringing everything into even playing and destroying the power creep that was 7th edition.

I cannot wait till my Skaven get a new army book, too bad it will be years before that happens.
For a while Fantasy kinda was given the shaft by GW, with very little updates to the models with new editions. But they really have upped their support in making the game flashier.
For a while Fantasy kinda was given the shaft by GW, with very little updates to the models with new editions. But they really have upped their support in making the game flashier.

Do you think it has anything to do with how much fantasy as a genre has gone mainstream in the world?
For a while Fantasy kinda was given the shaft by GW, with very little updates to the models with new editions. But they really have upped their support in making the game flashier.
The newer Fantasy stuff looks so cool, but I'm put off by what I hear of the dominant influence of spell-casting in this edition. I don't like it when the army is more of an accessory/entourage for the special character duel. And my layman's understanding of WHFB movement is "steer your units toward the enemies you'd prefer them to fight once everything crashes together in the middle".

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
The newer Fantasy stuff looks so cool, but I'm put off by what I hear of the dominant influence of spell-casting in this edition. I don't like it when the army is more of an accessory/entourage for the special character duel.

As someone who has played in tournaments, that is not the case at all. The internet overrates the value of a select few super spells. These spells can change a game but only if you let it happen (typically through an eggs in one basket situation). There are some things in the system that need a little bit of tweaking, but the game is decided by infantry and monstrous cavalry, rarely characters.

Continuity, that is gorgeous. Stunning. NMM, I take it?
Do you think it has anything to do with how much fantasy as a genre has gone mainstream in the world?

Heh that thread eh? I don't think so, I just think GW woke up since it kinda pushed Fantasy back in favor of 40k which is it's big seller. Then I think Fantasy got further pushed to the side when they got LOTR license but since they have been really trying to make Fantasy have more flair and get more attention.... perhaps just due to the slipping sales it's had as other miniature games have kinda beat it out in the fantasy department.

The newer Fantasy stuff looks so cool, but I'm put off by what I hear of the dominant influence of spell-casting in this edition. I don't like it when the army is more of an accessory/entourage for the special character duel. And my layman's understanding of WHFB movement is "steer your units toward the enemies you'd prefer them to fight once everything crashes together in the middle".

I don't really see that in Fantasy. It's true that good roll with magic spell can make a big impact, but there are counters and randomness involved. Fantasy still is far more about troop positioning and maneuvering than anything else.
I cant paint for shit, yet I love these little figures. anyone know a good teaching video pm me please.

Honestly just start looking up things in youtube using keywords such as the model or game you are trying to paint.

Also look at different mainstream miniatures forums such as DakkaDakka (I am not say go there just using it as an example).

Painting takes time, practice and patience. But honestly anyone can learn to do it and it is a fun hobby to take up. One of the best feelings in the world is when you have a completely painted army that you were working on for quite some time.


Any recommended models to learn on? I bought Space Hulk and want to work up to painting that but I obviously don't want to start until I am more experienced. I was thinking of trying to paint Mansion of Madness but I am open to any miniature model suggestions.

Similar question, if I am looking to start is it wise to purchase the Citadel paint starter kit? Or should I purchase these pieces separately?

Final question regarding primer. What is the rule for priming plastic? Prime the ones that bend? I live in Chicago and cannot purchase aerosol paint, would love to save a trip to the suburbs if I don't have to prime.
Any recommended models to learn on? I bought Space Hulk and want to work up to painting that but I obviously don't want to start until I am more experienced. I was thinking of trying to paint Mansion of Madness but I am open to any miniature model suggestions.

Similar question, if I am looking to start is it wise to purchase the Citadel paint starter kit? Or should I purchase these pieces separately?

Final question regarding primer. What is the rule for priming plastic? Prime the ones that bend? I live in Chicago and cannot purchase aerosol paint, would love to save a trip to the suburbs if I don't have to prime.

Don't recommend painting softer plastic figs to start

Best thing for learning is to get perhaps a cheap metal figure like a reaper fantasy fig. Do a couple test paint jobs on cheaper figs for practice.


Saint Nic
Any recommended models to learn on? I bought Space Hulk and want to work up to painting that but I obviously don't want to start until I am more experienced. I was thinking of trying to paint Mansion of Madness but I am open to any miniature model suggestions.

Similar question, if I am looking to start is it wise to purchase the Citadel paint starter kit? Or should I purchase these pieces separately?

Final question regarding primer. What is the rule for priming plastic? Prime the ones that bend? I live in Chicago and cannot purchase aerosol paint, would love to save a trip to the suburbs if I don't have to prime.

Reaper sells piles of minis that would be great subject material to practice on. You don't need a fancy mini to learn the basics.

Regarding Citadel paints...I swear by Vallejo for hand painting. I don't like Citadel paints myself, but it may be best to just buy a few paints you like and build your collection from there. I never liked the starter kits they offered...Unless they've changed since I last bought a Citadel pot?

And priming. Priming is a must. I've learned a LOT about priming in my time painting (and thanks to Miniature Mentor, more on that later...). You need to prime if you want to get a good paint job. It doesn't have to be a thick/solid coating, but you need a base to get your paint to have a surface to adhere to.

Do you have an airbrush? If so, you can AB primer. If not, you can get a brush on primer I'm sure (I think Vallejo makes one...I use their AB primer now). You only need a very thin layer for the paint to adhere to. Typically, I would wash my mini with warm soapy water, run a fine grit sand paper over it (1200+ is fine), and blast a super thin layer of primer over it. You don't need full/complete coverage as you're going to be doing multiple layers of paint, but you need a base. But priming really is incredibly important to get a good paint job.

I cant paint for shit, yet I love these little figures. anyone know a good teaching video pm me please.

Miniature Mentor is an incredible resource, but it's slightly expensive. CMON link above has some great info in it. The thing most new painters forget is the idea of layers and paint thinning. I was actually thinking of putting a small tutorial video up for hand brushing sometime soon, I just need a stand for my iPhone to take video, ha.

But! Get good brushes and good paint. Do not skimp on your tools. Spend $10 on a good paintbrush, and expect to spend $2-4 on a bottle of paint. It's a slow investment - buy a few paints that you need, add as you go. I have a collection of 40+ Tamiya Acrylics I use for airbrushing that I accumulated over about 3 months, and my Vallejo collection is growing again (I have maybe 10 bottles). Buy colors you need or want and go from there.

The GW How to Paint Citadel Miniatures book is actually quite fantastic. I used mine for a few months when I was just learning. Great reading material, too.


Thanks Guys, I am sure I will have many more questions as they come up. The hardest thing so far is finding a FLGS that is stocked. Going to resort to ordering online and then I will get to work. My goal is to take a few classes at GenCon as well, let me know if any of you go!


Saint Nic
Thanks Guys, I am sure I will have many more questions as they come up. The hardest thing so far is finding a FLGS that is stocked. Going to resort to ordering online and then I will get to work. My goal is to take a few classes at GenCon as well, let me know if any of you go!

Thewarstore.com is my favorite for paint supplies online. I live in Indy, but skipped GenCon last year. I don't play the games nor do I play boardgames anymore, but the CMON booth was absolutely amazing. I could have spent a LOT of money when I was standing there two years ago.

I actually did speed painting the two years I've gone and had a blast. I also used to setup in the lobby areas and just paint for hours on end. A lot of friendly painters and advice gets thrown around at GenCon - great time to be a hobbyist!
Any recommended models to learn on? I bought Space Hulk and want to work up to painting that but I obviously don't want to start until I am more experienced. I was thinking of trying to paint Mansion of Madness but I am open to any miniature model suggestions.

Similar question, if I am looking to start is it wise to purchase the Citadel paint starter kit? Or should I purchase these pieces separately?

Final question regarding primer. What is the rule for priming plastic? Prime the ones that bend? I live in Chicago and cannot purchase aerosol paint, would love to save a trip to the suburbs if I don't have to prime.

I would just buy the paints you need as you need them. Although if you want the convenience of a good selection on hand, I bought and loved these excellent paint sets when I got back into painting:


Just add a black, a white, and some metallics and you have all you need. GW is fine for metallics, white, and black, and Vallejo is supposed to be great for metallics too.

The best advice is to always thin down your paint on the palette. You will have to do several coats to get opaque coverage, and the first coat will make it seem like you aren't accomplishing anything, but they dry fast, build up quickly, and the results are much much better. For a long time when I was younger, I was aware of this advice but didn't take it seriously enough to actually stop painting directly from the bottle. Once I actually made myself do it, and made sure not to load up my brush with excess water, it completely clicked and ended up being quicker and easier then trying to make a single thick coat look good.

Those High Density paints I linked to make it easier too. They aren't thicker, they have a higher concentration of pigment and give good coverage even with a thin coat. Paradoxically though, they actually don't need as much thinning as typical paints. I think the reason is they sort of "spread" like peanut butter on bread so you can stretch out a small amount over a large surface.

And I always keep a dry brush or paper towel around so that when the watery paint starts to bead or collects in a crevice, I can just touch it with the towel or brush and it "drinks" the water up. By the way, it helps to avoid beading and stain lines if you put a dab of dish soap in your water.


Nico, I would share my GF's pass the days she will not be attending if you want to come a day. I will keep in touch when its closer. =)


Saint Nic
Nico, I would share my GF's pass the days she will not be attending if you want to come a day. I will keep in touch when its closer. =)

That'd be pretty sweet - I may buy a single day pass (Saturday more than likely) as the time gets close, too. It just depends on my schedule. It's a great time, but my lack of interest in the games is really what keeps me from going. They always do some crazy sales on minis and stuff, too. Great fun!


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like there are stock problems with the new Tau models. Even GW's own site has a 1 or 2 week delay for some models.
Went to my first Tourney in like 3 years a few weeks ago :D

Was a two dayer, had a great time. 5 games was just the right amount.

I placed okay, middle of the pack. Loving the new WoC book. Nurgle is amazing.

Won best sports and took home a Roman Legionnaire's hat, which was a pleasure :)


Cool Smoke Luke
we got a Warmahordes Steamroller tourney here this weekend but I need a few more months of league play before I'm ready for 50point tourneys with timed turns..

Privateer Press's Machinations league is pretty fun tho. We just finished season 1 Umbra and the next season Anomaly starts april 29th

I really like the format of 4 one month season to the league with a month break inbetween and a global leader board and unlocks..very fun.

Gargantuan just came out and Circle did really well, we got a fantastic top tier Warlock, a great Heavy warbeast, a good light warbeast an awesome UA for the Skinwalkers and probably the second best Hordes Gargantuan.

I'm still slowly but surely painting away at my circle army but its slow process for me.
I just finished all the skinwalkers and the Warpborn Alpha UA and a Woldwatcher which I got to try and test out some pant idea's for the WoldWrath.



Saint Nic
Whelp, I just ordered the full line of Minitaire paints. Not sure when they'll be here, but as soon as they arrive, I'll give my full review of them here if anyone is interested. They are Badger's airbrush ready paints that have, apparently, made quite the impact on the miniatures world.
Whelp, I just ordered the full line of Minitaire paints. Not sure when they'll be here, but as soon as they arrive, I'll give my full review of them here if anyone is interested. They are Badger's airbrush ready paints that have, apparently, made quite the impact on the miniatures world.
Does airbrush ready mean "you can use them straight but you should probably still thin them" or should I take it literally?


Saint Nic
Does airbrush ready mean "you can use them straight but you should probably still thin them" or should I take it literally?

All of the reviews I've watched on YouTube and read on various forums say that they are literally airbrush ready. One guy said he does suggest using something larger than a fine spray needle (so probably something larger than a 0.20mm if you've got it), but he said to just turn the PSI up if it becomes an issue.

They sell tops for the bottles that are designed to attach to bottom feed brushes, so that should give you an idea of how confident they are on their claim of "airbrush ready".

I'm still going to pick up a few VMA colors at some point, too. Since I do mostly Gunpla and Model Cars, I'll need a few colors that they don't offer in their line. But with a little mixing and such, it ain't bad. I got the entire line (with ghost tints, coats, and their retarder) for $176 shipped I think. That's like, $2.20/bottle. I'll take it.


Unconfirmed Member

New Realm of Battle tile from the Forge World open day. I really want it. £90 is a lot though, the entire RoB set that I use was £90 of ebay.
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