Well have you tried a zip kicker? It pretty much instantly dries super glue and is really helpful for putting together heavier parts on figs. You just have to be careful with it since it instantly dries glue. So best to put the zip kicker on a part, and glue on the other and get it together as fast as possible to it glues right.
Also the thing to remember with super glue, less is more. Too much glue and it takes longer for it to dry. Always use the least amount of glue you can to get it to dry and harden faster. Once you have let glue dry then, you can add some more to reinforce a joint later. Working with small pieces on minis, always best to use little glue, most people do this wrong at first and just try putting on more glue which makes it worse. And whenever joining pieces, remember that you need maximum connection to parts, if they do not fit flush together, then scrape, cut, and sand till the parts slip together nicely. Once they do the glue will be able to bond better the pieces. And when dealing with plastics, its very easy as again, just use little bit at a time. If your getting glue all over your fingers, then your probably using too much.