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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


So what is the Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k scene like in North America?

When I was reading about getting into it 3 years ago or so, lots of people said it was just about dead.


So what is the Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k scene like in North America?

When I was reading about getting into it 3 years ago or so, lots of people said it was just about dead.

Depends on where you are I guess. Warhammer and 40k are both plenty popular here in Houston.

Was home sick today so among other things I found time to paint.


Pretty happy with the gold. I used two different undertones for the fur (grey and khaki brown) but the difference isn't very noticeable on the front.
So what is the Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k scene like in North America?

When I was reading about getting into it 3 years ago or so, lots of people said it was just about dead.

That would be a regional thing if anything. For a while near me no one was playing those games anymore, and games like Warmachine and Hordes took over the local scene, but in recent years some new shops opened up that are all about Warhammer gaming and they have again huge communities now. It's pretty much what the local gamers are into and what the store supports. Lot of shops are anti GW products so you will have them pushing players to play other games.


Anyone checkout the Dead zone kick starter? Not a fan of Mantics games, but the terrain kits loo, neat.

I love the models but I'm only going to jump in for the terrain. No time to learn a new game and I'm looking for something a little different from sci-fi. Still working on Infinity and Necromunda. Maybe once Wild West Exodus comes out I'll get in on that, too.

My art inside!

Very cool! Maybe I can commission your services for a game I'm designing. :D


Unconfirmed Member
Oh god, there will be an Iyanden supplement released at the same time as the eldar codex. GW is now releasing day 1 dlc :(

I see they went for the Fire Gale instead of the Bright Stallion for the big MC kit. A bit disappointing, but at least it looks pretty good.

Hopefully the whole release is leaked soon.

The Wraigthknight model is also bloody huge, not far short of a Warhound. I think Imperial Knights are guaranteed to be in the next Guard codex.
I thought the rumours were just exagerating about the size, but yeah, it's absolutely massive. Lots of bits and pieces I don't like about it, but overall it's pretty epic. Flyer seems a bit too spiky for my liking, but maybe my opinion will change when there's a less blurry shot.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought the rumours were just exagerating about the size, but yeah, it's absolutely massive. Lots of bits and pieces I don't like about it, but overall it's pretty epic. Flyer seems a bit too spiky for my liking, but maybe my opinion will change when there's a less blurry shot.

The flyer looks to be similar in style to the Forge World flyers. Not much else I can say about it with that pic.

The cover is amazing. All the 6th ed codex covers have been top quality so far.

Wrt codex supplements. Not sure how I feel about it, I guess this is some sort of trail run to see how popular it is.
The flyer looks to be similar in style to the Forge World flyers. Not much else I can say about it with that pic.

I think they've just used the dark eldar flyer as a base. There may be some similarity with the phoenix but it's nothing like the swing wing style of the nightwing.

Totally with you on the codex covers. They've been beautiful which makes it funny that the horrendously expensive limited edition codecies replace them.


Met with Art Directors from Blizz, D&D, Paizo, and Tor books this weekend at Spectrum.

Looks like I'll be working with a few of them ;)
Only six hours left for the Robotech kickstarter, get in now for lot of extras. They are doing a final countdown of stretch goals now adding new ones every 25k they make. I so want to get the VF-4's unlocked.


Gold Member
I just jumped in. My trigger was "free" super veritechs. That SDF-1 model should be pretty sweet as well, though I'm not sure how much detail they can get into a mini that size.

I'm mostly in it for some display models and "unseen" models for battletech. Have little interest in playing the game, though that may change when I see the models. I was hoping for a MAC II to be added to the $140 level, but oh well, I'll pick it up at retail (along with armored veritechs).
Im in for the battle cry and picking up a Monster, set of armored valks, Glaug Eldare, and put in some more to hopefully purchase the YF-4's if they unlock.
I'm mostly in it for some display models and "unseen" models for battletech. Have little interest in playing the game, though that may change when I see the models. I was hoping for a MAC II to be added to the $140 level, but oh well, I'll pick it up at retail (along with armored veritechs).

I want to see the Monster's greens next to the VTs and BPs. The scale should be glorious.

I'm also curious about the resin SDF-1. Want to see the prototype before I consider it.

The new art for the 4s should also be good.
I want to see the Monster's greens next to the VTs and BPs. The scale should be glorious.

I'm also curious about the resin SDF-1. Want to see the prototype before I consider it.

The new art for the 4s should also be good.

Yea I was happy to see them unlocked, I hope they look good. It's too bad they can't use the original Macross designs for the non fighter modes.
Yea I was happy to see them unlocked, I hope they look good. It's too bad they can't use the original Macross designs for the non fighter modes.

Yeah, SDFM never had the VF4 non-fighter modes shown IIRC. Pretty sure the alt modes were only revealed through other media.

Which is fine, some of the concept art they've shown here so far is a little stylized take on some of the original stuff. I'm sure they'll stick as closely to the official designs as they can without running into issues.
Yeah, SDFM never had the VF4 non-fighter modes shown IIRC. Pretty sure the alt modes were only revealed through other media.

Which is fine, some of the concept art they've shown here so far is a little stylized take on some of the original stuff. I'm sure they'll stick as closely to the official designs as they can without running into issues.

Yea only a toy model of the VF-4 was shown in Rick's hand in one of the late episodes of the original series. VF-4 fighters appeared then in Flashback OVA thing and we first saw their mecha/gerwalk modes in a Macross VFX game later on for the first time.


Unconfirmed Member
Dam has finally burst. New eldar pics all over the shop. Holy shit at the new ranger character.

Nightspear is a great model. I don't like the Wraithfighter, Forge world once again showing GW how to do flyers properly.

Seeing the Wraithknight next to other models make it clear just how huge it is. Plastic versions of the smallest Titans (Warhound, Gargant, Revent, Heirophant etc) seem like a real possibility.
Yeah, I'm really not digging the massive openings on the jets. Sleeker look of the FW models is far nicer. If I could narrow the air intakes/gun ports and angle the wings further up I think they might look pretty decent.
I went in for Showdown on the Robotech Kickstarter. Gonna have to add a Monster and Armored VFs later.

Gonna be my first "paint yourself" mini's game.
For anyone thinking of jumping in on the Deadzone Kickstarter, Mantic has updated the front page so now you can clearly see what you're getting for your money - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744629938/deadzone-the-sci-fi-miniatures-board-game

Hopefully they'll be adding more stretch goals and WIP shots over the next few days. I like the Rebs though and the weird giant space jellyfish - there aren't enough weird giant space jellyfish in games...

The terrain is all I want, but just splurged on Robotech :-\
So the kickstarter for the Heavy Gear video game just went up: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/stompybot/heavy-gear-assault-0?ref=live

Kinda disappointed that it's based off the arena battles stuff and not the civil war material.

Infinity, you've got some great models but some of them are really annoying to put together. :/

Anything that has lot of little antennae, I stay away from. Pan O are some of the worst to put together since they have so many tiny little bits to stick on almost all their heads.


Some of these Yu Jing I'm putting together have scabbards which are a pain to get right. Funny enough, the basic grunts are single solid pieces with no glue required.
Well Spartan is cancelling their Uncharted Seas game line. Was expected with how they ignored most of their other games when Dystopian Wars came out. I just don't see them supporting Firestorm Armada long either.


I've got two fleets for both games. Oddly enough, Dystopian Wars didn't really grab me. Loved the flying aircraft carrier and steam punk vibe but never really looked into it.


Unconfirmed Member

The actual tag line GW has on the front page is "and you thought the Riptide was big..."

£70 means it is priced the same as the plastic super heavies. It is a bit taller than a stompa but I doubt it uses as much plastic. The Price is way to much for a standard 40k unit.

Looking at the prices of teh rest of the stuff they are in line with the Tau release. Hopefully that means the Dark Angels are as expensive as it gets for a little while.

Edit1: Holy Crap I just looked at the price of the new bundles. GW are selling bundles that actually save you money.

Edit2: Now that I have seen good pictures of the flyers they are no where near as bad as I thought they were. I still prefer the Forge World ones


Unconfirmed Member
Not only are battleforces £70 (?!) these days, but that is all you get? Some GW fans really must have 'mug' on their foreheads.

GW models aren't badly priced compared to the competition. It is the number of models you need that is the problem. That battle force isn't even enough for the smallest scale 40k game you can play.
The price of the super heavies like that is pretty darn good. Look at how ridiculous the price is for the large war machine/hordes figures and those are resin and smaller.
Pretty incredible that it isn't a super-heavy. It'll be fun trying to think what they'll come up with for other armies to rival it.

My favourite model from the new stuff:

Shame it's suffering from some bendy barrel. Bloody finecast.


Working on some Keisotsu Butai for my Yu Jing squad (Infinity). These guys are the grunts of the team, at only nine points a pop and only armed with Combi-Rifles. Decided I would try assembly line painting with them and it doesn't feel much faster, but that's probably because I'm a slow painter to begin with. Not looking for amazing quality with these guys but I'm pleased with the results so far, especially on the pants. The armor could use some more work since the yellow is a bit uneven in parts as I'm sure you guys could tell. I'll be painting the faces next followed by boots, rifle, gloves and then details.

I've got a lot of terrain lined up also so I'll probably share photos of that stuff also.
Eldar are my weakness. Truly, they are the most diverse army in all of 40k in terms of modeling and painting. When painting pretty much any other army you get sick of the same color scheme and patterns. While painting Elder, you get to paint a wide variety of colors, designs, and characters. GW consistently hits the mark on the design and execution of the Eldar releases and this latest release is no different. It has reignited by desire to finish of my Eldar and add more to what I already have!
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