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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Brief update. This is my technique for painting eyes. Big white blotch around the area will help pick out the details, especially on a black primed mini. Once you've figure out where the eyes are you can paint the pupils (don't bother with color) and then proceed to paint the face around the eyes. This way you don't need to fiddle with a tiny brush and then paint the cheeks black or white with an errant stroke or dot.



That's a good idea. I used to use them for panel lines but never for eyes. I'd still have to paint the white though. I might give the pen a try, though. Thanks for the suggestion.


Unconfirmed Member
It looks like 40k: Apocalypse is getting updated next month. There are some leaked White Dwarf pics of a couple of Super Monoliths (looks like a dual kit) and Khorne's Lord of Battle. There is also a rumour that there will be a new super heavy for every race other than Orcs and Imperial Guard.
Fuck yea I loved Apocalypse style of do whatever you want play. Gave up on competitive standard 40k a while ago and have had lots of fun with Apocalypse games. Since I don't play with tourny tards who only care about meta, we have random fun with Apocalypse games and often surprised at the results.
Only 8 Talisman characters left to paint. 4 from the base game and 4 from the reaper expansion.

Only taken me about a year soon...

Did you paint them in any particular order, such as which characters you prefer when you play?

I will be painting my Talisman minis some day so I appreciate you sharing your pics. With all the expansions included there is quite an intimidating amount of painting to tackle!

Also, this is a good chance to plug Talisman Prologue for ios and pc. It's an interesting concept and it's a great way to see rile clarifications play out in an electronic version of the board game. There is a lot of content for the price too.


Did you paint them in any particular order, such as which characters you prefer when you play?

I will be painting my Talisman minis some day so I appreciate you sharing your pics. With all the expansions included there is quite an intimidating amount of painting to tackle!

Also, this is a good chance to plug Talisman Prologue for ios and pc. It's an interesting concept and it's a great way to see rile clarifications play out in an electronic version of the board game. There is a lot of content for the price too.

No particular order really, just trying to finish the base game characters before the expansion characters. I'm kinda happy right now that I don't have all the expansions as I just wanna be done with these minis now. :)

Will be taking on the monumental task of painting the Descent 2.0 miniatures once i'm done with all the Talisman ones.


Raging Heroes just launched their first kickstarter (out of 3 planned) :The Toughest Girls of the Galaxy.

Three 28mm 40k-ish female armies : Jailbirds, Kurganovas and Iron Empire. They say they want to launch their own game in the future but obviously they are as 40k ready as possible. The pledge levels are a bit high but I'm a big fan of their initial forays into sci-fi (I own the original 3 Kurganova sisters, just haven't gathered my courage to paint them) and their art is simply excellent (and the sculpts follow the art VERY closely).

There are 2 other kickstarters planned, the second being a sci-fi female paladins army (hi2u Sisters of Battle!) that will probably ruin me as well as a sci-fi dark elves army.

I'm still debating which pieces I want but I think I might just settle for the heroines (since the only army I'm really interested in is the Nuns with Guns). They just need to catch up with the pledge amount, the first stretch goals were at 14k and 17k and were blown away in the early minutes. The 180k and 200k have been passed as well, that necro priestess is impressive.


Image dump incoming.

I've built lots of pieces of terrain before but I've never actually painted any of them. I figure today would have been a good chance to change that.








There's still more work to do. Some bits and details like the lanterns still need to be painted, some of the statuary, the doors on the larger piece, propaganda, and more shrubbery under the area terrain. Can't wait to work on some more pieces like this.
No particular order really, just trying to finish the base game characters before the expansion characters. I'm kinda happy right now that I don't have all the expansions as I just wanna be done with these minis now. :)

Will be taking on the monumental task of painting the Descent 2.0 miniatures once i'm done with all the Talisman ones.

I need some incentive to pick up my brush. When you get to the Descent 2.0 minis, let me know. I'll let you pick any one of them you want and the two of us can paint it up and compare notes/pics. Sound cool to you?


OMGMGOMG I finally got my tracking number for my Reaper BONES minis from the Kickstarter!

Oh joy oh rapture!

Man it feel like its been forever, I'm looking forward to painting that giant dragon.

Edit: Almost finished painting these guys, I need to add some more color to the grass and touch up the gold. I used Army painters grass and while I like how easy they apply, I dont know if I love the look.


I need some incentive to pick up my brush. When you get to the Descent 2.0 minis, let me know. I'll let you pick any one of them you want and the two of us can paint it up and compare notes/pics. Sound cool to you?

Sure thing, sounds cool! Will probably not be until after the summer though.
SOOOO hyped for tomorrow as my tracking number says I get my Reaper BONES Vampire pack plus extras tomorrow by the end of the day!

I'll post some pics as I haven't seen any here yet. Has anyone got their packs yet at GAF?

I found this unboxing which is hard to see, but the new Reaper factory tour starts at about 16mins and shows the new plastic machines we paid for! They are seriously awesome to folks that just show up to the factory, and I'd love to go sometime.

(Wow, the dad in this vid is so dismissive of his daughter. Weird.)


You can get the bones packages on ebay pretty decent price. You are gonna pay more than double the original kickstarter but still it's an amazing deal with even the inflated prices being less than $1 a fig.


My tracking says my bones shipment comes in tomorrow, I can't wait! (and seeing those pics doesn't make it any easier!)

What did you use to check the completeness/accuracy of the shipment?


Saint Nic
Question for those of you who are into the hobby vs the gaming...

I've always been a Vallejo nut. I love their paints and I've had great success with them in terms of coverage and consistency. After I sort of sold myself out of the hobby and purged most of my stuff years ago, I'm deciding now to get back into it. I do model cars and Gunpla, but I use my airbrush with Tamiya Acrylics for that. I have a handful of Vallejo paints again, but before I build my collection up, I figure I can get some opinions.

  • I own nearly the entire line of Tamiya Acrylics. These paints are MISERABLE for hand painting. BUT! When it comes to airbrushing, I've got the thinning down to a science, and they really do airbrush absolutely beautifully. I wouldn't use anything else in airbrush.
  • As I mentioned, I have a few Vallejo paints, but I've not bought more than a handful to use for touch-up on models I've done. I will probably start using a wet palette when I start painting again, something I've never gotten used to. Do Vallejo paints do well in that department?
  • Any thoughts on the various Reaper paints? I've never seen them in store, but with Gen Con coming up, I may make a trip down there and buy a few for my collection (as well as pick up a few minis).
  • Are there any other paint manufacturers that you guys swear by? I really do not care for GW paints...Their price is a bit dumb and their pots are just silly. I know some folks swear by the new pot design, but the one paint I did buy still dried out. I do, however, like their inks. I've not tried their base colors yet, so those are an option I guess, but I don't paint for gaming, I work on a figure at a time for display (so those may be a worthless to me).

Thanks for any input!
So been reading up info on details for the Star Trek Attack Wing game (it's the game that uses the X-Wing mini system). So it sounds like they are using named ships for the game instead of generic class, hence the ships each will have a unique ability also attached to them. Game play is still exactly same as X-Wing, but I guess there is some fluffy elements to it. Each ship can have a captain attached to it which gives it abilities and such. And being larger naval like vessels most ships have more varied firing arcs compared to most forward firing fighters in X-Wing. Since they are larger vessels also, most can use secondary weapons multiple times instead of being used up like they are in the smaller fighters of X-Wing. Secondary weapons use timer tokens or such to keep track of how long before you can fire more torpedoes for example. Ships also have much higher hull and shield values so combat is more slower paced and you likely wont have one shot kills that can happen in X-Wing. General speed/defense values are also low, about 1 and 2 for most ships so guess they are trying to emulate the more slow nature of these ships. Assume stuff like the Defiant will be first speedy vessels though not sure where they will be going with the game.

Paint job impressions seem be kinda mixed, not near as good as what FFG has put out with the SW stuff, but it will do. They are essentially reusing the ship moulds they used for the Star Trek Fleet Captains board games and the Heroclix games.

Factions are kinda messy sounding since they are releasing one or two ships for multiple factions. First release wave has Feds, Klingons, and Romulans, while the next waves will also be introducing Cardassians and Jemhadar, usually with one ship each. Also not sure how they will handle making fleets when the ships are named and not considered generics.

Are they similar to Vallejo? Thinned, they flow and cover in a similar fashion, no?

Really don't know, haven't used of thinned much Vallejo stuff.


Crap. Can't remember the last time I had a problem applying primer like this, has to be years now. Picked up some Armory Black Primer because it's way cheaper than Citadel primer. Huge mistake since it's obscured a lot of detail and left my minis looking like sandpaper. I painted an Infinity Corregidor sectorial box, a Salyut remote, and Senor Massacre and now I have to delay painting them for another week or so while they soak in Simple Green. Live and learn I guess, I'm sure it'll still make decent primer for terrain.
My GF had that happen to some of her minis using army painter black. Though I was told it happens also if there is high humidity or you sprayed from too far away. Also think it happens sometimes because of doing it in an enclosed area, some of it kicks up and dries in air and sticks to the still wet primer.
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