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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Making bases tonight. Haven't done this before really, and I'm surprised at how easy and enjoyable it is.


Crap. Can't remember the last time I had a problem applying primer like this, has to be years now. Picked up some Armory Black Primer because it's way cheaper than Citadel primer. Huge mistake since it's obscured a lot of detail and left my minis looking like sandpaper. I painted an Infinity Corregidor sectorial box, a Salyut remote, and Senor Massacre and now I have to delay painting them for another week or so while they soak in Simple Green. Live and learn I guess, I'm sure it'll still make decent primer for terrain.

This is by far the best primer I have ever used, Tamiya Fine Surface Primer. Plus, priming in grey instead of black is good for your painting discipline! :p


My GF had that happen to some of her minis using army painter black. Though I was told it happens also if there is high humidity or you sprayed from too far away. Also think it happens sometimes because of doing it in an enclosed area, some of it kicks up and dries in air and sticks to the still wet primer.

I was using it in the same conditions as I normally use other primers and this is the first time I've gotten these results in years of mini painting. Sucks that it's such an issue with Armory primers. And apparently this is a well known problem, lots of search results online have negative experiences, too.

Making bases tonight. Haven't done this before really, and I'm surprised at how easy and enjoyable it is.

This is by far the best primer I have ever used, Tamiya Fine Surface Primer. Plus, priming in grey instead of black is good for your painting discipline! :p

I love basing my models. It's usually my favorite part of the process. Very relaxing.

I'd pick up that primer but I don't think there's any place that sells it here. I'm going to buy some of that Krylon primer I used to paint my terrain with since it went on so smooth and was dirt cheap to boot.
My primer color is dictated by my color scheme. Mostly back or white with occasional gray.

I'm also a big fan of basing my models. It's a great extra touch and can really bring out the character or set a mood.


A friend of mine got his Reaper Bones package and let me paint his Nethyrmaul. Man I regret not getting in on that kickstarter, so many figures look great. I might pick up a set of fire and ice giants later for myself.


I'm still really early on this but I would love some ideas on color. I still have to paint the wings and add details to that, the face, tail and then finally a wash. But not sure if the blue combination is working. I plan on making the bones of the wing the same dark blue and maybe a flesh color on the tattered wings and rib cage. Not sure wether to do that or keep the ribs/tattered wings an icy blue. No idea what to do with the eye yet either. The base will be snow/ice and I plan on making the bottom of the base covered in fake water. I'm going to sculpt a couple of stalagmites to come out of the water so hopefully they come out cool.


Unconfirmed Member
A friend of mine got his Reaper Bones package and let me paint his Nethyrmaul. Man I regret not getting in on that kickstarter, so many figures look great. I might pick up a set of fire and ice giants later for myself.


I'm still really early on this but I would love some ideas on color. I still have to paint the wings and add details to that, the face, tail and then finally a wash. But not sure if the blue combination is working. I plan on making the bones of the wing the same dark blue and maybe a flesh color on the tattered wings and rib cage. Not sure wether to do that or keep the ribs/tattered wings an icy blue. No idea what to do with the eye yet either. The base will be snow/ice and I plan on making the bottom of the base covered in fake water. I'm going to sculpt a couple of stalagmites to come out of the water so hopefully they come out cool.

If you don't have any ideas for the eyes I don't think I have ever seen a dragon design where the standard yellow/black combination didn't work.

You could use some liquid modelling putty to hide the joints at the base of the wings. It might be a bit late though since you have started doing detail work.


If you don't have any ideas for the eyes I don't think I have ever seen a dragon design where the standard yellow/black combination didn't work.

You could use some liquid modelling putty to hide the joints at the base of the wings. It might be a bit late though since you have started doing detail work.

Yea after your post I went back and covered up the joints, It didnt take too long to repaint that area in particular. I still have ton left to do, I was hoping to finish this weekend but thats not looking likely. I still have detail work to do, clean up the wash, touch up some highlights, add snow and rocks to the base and add waves to the water once the water layer dries clear. The top of the base isnt perfect, I didn't spend much time on it because I plan on covering it with fake snow. The white spots on the base will dry clear and hopefully (hopefully!) look like ice. As for the eye I think im going to try and make it look like a blue jewel and see how that looks, if it fails yellow and black will be my next attempt.

Added a mini to the photo for scale.


I bought this set last night as my first foray into miniature painting.


And spent about 5 hours painting this one.


It's pretty basic, but I don't think it's too bad for my first attempt (I am NOT a painter). The white is pretty horrible and thick, though. Any tips? I'd like to do more advanced things like shading.


In order to avoid streaks and chunkiness you'll need to thin your paints more. This is especially true for white and other lighter colors as streaks tend to show more. Patience is key, as thinner layers means more time painting.

Otherwise, not bad for your first effort.


In order to avoid streaks and chunkiness you'll need to thin your paints more. This is especially true for white and other lighter colors as streaks tend to show more. Patience is key, as thinner layers means more time painting.

Otherwise, not bad for your first effort.


I'll thin it out next time. I just kind of jumped in and threw some paint because it seemed fun. Definitely going to get into it I think, maybe even play with them!
Yea after your post I went back and covered up the joints, It didnt take too long to repaint that area in particular. I still have ton left to do, I was hoping to finish this weekend but thats not looking likely. I still have detail work to do, clean up the wash, touch up some highlights, add snow and rocks to the base and add waves to the water once the water layer dries clear. The top of the base isnt perfect, I didn't spend much time on it because I plan on covering it with fake snow. The white spots on the base will dry clear and hopefully (hopefully!) look like ice. As for the eye I think im going to try and make it look like a blue jewel and see how that looks, if it fails yellow and black will be my next attempt.

Added a mini to the photo for scale.

Bad ass

I bought this set last night as my first foray into miniature painting.

It's pretty basic, but I don't think it's too bad for my first attempt (I am NOT a painter). The white is pretty horrible and thick, though. Any tips? I'd like to do more advanced things like shading.

Looks real good for a first time. Yea just need to go lighter on the light colors. Don't put on too much paint if it doesn't go on well enough for coverage either, let it dry and then lay on more coats lightly till the area is covered.


Any WW2 themed tabletop games still popular out there? Thinking about getting into Flames of War as it seems to be one of the most accessible, but curious on how difficult it would be to get into. FoW still the way to go, or anything else I should be looking into?
FoW is the biggest WW2 and historical light game there is. You would have to see how popular it is in your area since it's a bit more niche than the Warhammer games and Warmahordes stuff.


Admittedly, the FoW community around here isn't too much of a concern - looking more for the opportunity to paint some minis, create some terrain, and just have fun with it. Did see the "Open Fire" kit, figured that would be a good way to start and at least give me enough of the basic units to get a good skirmish going. Have a feeling I could get the wife and a few friends around here into a game or two. I think creating an "Overlonr" beach landing and another "Generic French Countryside" terrain piece could be pretty fun.


Bocage is pretty easy to make. Certainly lends to the Normandy invasion look.

Exactly my thoughts. Always been more interested in the European theater anyways. Figured I would create late war armies on both the Axis and Allies side, and two "generic" terrains that I could modify based on whatever scenario I wsa looking to play. One beach, one country side - simple enough. Either way, I have a feeling I'll be pretty good at making hedgerows and cardstock buildings once this is all over.
A person can easily make mid war armies for Flames of Wars and it often will be valid in late war too with a few additions or swaps. My German SS I did as late war but I can still use them in mid war mostly. Helps to have options in FoW if your going to play elsewhere since Mid and Late are the most popular. Early war stuff isn't as popular though think that could change a bit now with them finally adding in the Japanese stuff and starting that with early.


Thanks for the tip. Figured I would start fairly simple building around an American Rifleman Platoon supported by some M4's - basically what they had available in the weeks following the D-Day landings. On the German side, leaning towards Volksgrenadiers and StuG Assault Guns since the Panzer Divisions were off the front for the most part immediately following the invasion.

Looking to incorporate some Airborne elements into the American side eventually, and definitely bringing in the Heavy Panzers for the Axis during the breakout. Need at least one Tiger as a centerpiece.


That one Tiger is a shitload of points, but I totally get the appeal.

I've got an American Rifle Company myself, 1500 points all assembled. It's on the schedule for things that need to be painted.


Speaking of assembly / painting - any recommendations on paint? Had the Games Workshop paints years ago for Warhammer duty, which did a pretty good job, but I recall that being a bit on the pricy side however.

Let see...American Rifles and Shermans versus German Volksgrenadiers and Panzers? Will be using a lot of Olive Drab and Grey, methinks.

Nothing more fun than showing up to a midwar match with nothing but 2-3 Tigers. This is my army lol.

/ Makes hasty retreat in the general direction of the French coast.
I go cheap with my acrylics and just get generic hobby store stuff which to me is fine. But to me for quality I always liked the Reaper Master Series paints.

And pic of my old Panzers from early in the thread days lol. Used GW paints on it since I was also playing around with their cheap little airbrush thingie for the first time.


I go cheap with my acrylics and just get generic hobby store stuff which to me is fine. But to me for quality I always liked the Reaper Master Series paints.

And pic of my old Panzers from early in the thread days lol. Used GW paints on it since I was also playing around with their cheap little airbrush thingie for the first time.

Alright...let's see here. I see a Tiger, no...two...wait...three, four? Damn. Okay, moving on, we have a Panzer 4, and a Panzer 4...and a Panzer 4. Are those side skirts? Yup, definitely side skirts. Hell. Halftracks? Yup, halftracks. *Sigh.

Yes, that would defintely be a Panzergruppen. And given the color scheme, I would say Afrika Corps?
Alright...let's see here. I see a Tiger, no...two...wait...three, four? Damn. Okay, moving on, we have a Panzer 4, and a Panzer 4...and a Panzer 4. Are those side skirts? Yup, definitely side skirts. Hell. Halftracks? Yup, halftracks. *Sigh.

Yes, that would defintely be a Panzergruppen. And given the color scheme, I would say Afrika Corps?

Yup. Also three Panther A's in the back. Half tracks are the smaller 250 models as they go with my aufklarungs platoon which makes bulk of my only infantry in this army. Also hard to see in the pic as the camo makes them kinda match the other models near them, but 2 Sd Kfz 7/1 armored trucks with quad flak guns on the back for anti air protection.... or turning them to the ground as excellent anti infantry guns hehe. Not pictures along with the infantry platoon are my Stuka back up.

They were done to be a SS Panzerkompanie that could be used as various types used during the Normandy break out Operation Cobra onward.


Don't know if this was shared on here before. This guy has a gallery of 6mm wargaming tables.

"I'm Bruce Weigle, and the board and games run on them were all done for and using my rules on mid-19th century European warfare: 1870, 1859, and 1866 (grandtacticalrules.com). All the boards are 1:4000 scale (1 inch = 100m), based on modern topographical and contemporary maps, and I visited them all before I attempted to replicate them in miniature. The 6mm figures are all by Heroics & Ros, but I made all the building and trees, etc."



Cool Smoke Luke
Fantastic work on Nethyrmaul Jube3, thats stunning, better then the Box Art paintjobs

Got my Bones yesterday and everything inventoried..its, wow, overwhelming..
I had hoped to finish up my flames of war Soviet army before I started in on them..but I don't think I'll be able to resist


Don't know if this was shared on here before. This guy has a gallery of 6mm wargaming tables.

Wow that is epic.

Fantastic work on Nethyrmaul Jube3, thats stunning, better then the Box Art paintjobs

Got my Bones yesterday and everything inventoried..its, wow, overwhelming..
I had hoped to finish up my flames of war Soviet army before I started in on them..but I don't think I'll be able to resist

Thanks bloodydrake! It really is crazy how much is included in the pack.

I've been chipping away at Nethyrmaul this week but I keep restarting areas on him. He's now a bit more blue than the brown in the previous picture. I'm not sure if it was the right call but I felt it went better with the snow dragon theme. I'm going to redo the bottom of the base (the cork) not sure with what though. The cork I used is not holding well after gluing so that needs to get fixed.

This weekend I plan on finishing off the snow, adding the icicles and finish up the detail paints. I also still need to clean up some areas as well, some of my blends chipped off. After this I am going to take a stab at painting the steampunk dragon, I need a stab at a smaller dragon before taking on the gigantic one lol.

Not the best shots but here is my current WIP, CC would be awesome as I'm having doubts about how the snow looks.


The smattering of pearlescence/colors on your Nethyrmaul is really interesting, I like the direction you're going. Great work duder!


Cool Smoke Luke
it looks great this way too..the other seemed more warm and this is definately more cool blues etc.
the pics aren't big enough to really tell about the snow..from this scale it looks nice..might seem abit smoothish


New Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy have been leaked. Blurry photos, but you still get a really good look at the new kits. Everything looks awesome.
I wish I was back in my heavy warhammer/40k days of gaming now that all these awesome big models are available. Transportation for this stuff must be a bitch though. Pretty much all my friends quit playing or we just do smaller miniature games nowadays. The size of warhammer games just is kinda annoying despite being so cool.

Looking forward to this. Attempting to simplify Battletech into a more modern day like miniature game that plays quicker and less sim like. They have done some simplified large scale rulesets before but this is apparently a much more in depth attempt at making a new miniature game out of battletech.


Really like the new Lizardmen stuff. Not sure how easy it is to fit them all in a 1750 list like I would like and still have a competitive (in friendly games) army.
1750 seems a bit small, for a while it was 2000 which was the common army size around here. With these giant models and such I guess games are creeping up in point values.


Where are you based that plays 1750 games? In Syd it is 2400 min most of the time.

In the shops I've played here in Houston, the standard for Fantasy was always 1750 and for 40k, 1850 eventually changed to 1750. Armies of 2000 or above were considered 'huge' armies.
In the shops I've played here in Houston, the standard for Fantasy was always 1750 and for 40k, 1850 eventually changed to 1750. Armies of 2000 or above were considered 'huge' armies.

Wow, that would make for a totally different game. Some armies would be much better off, others much worse off.


Continuity those are damned good. Corsairs?

Wow, that would make for a totally different game. Some armies would be much better off, others much worse off.

We still had some pretty good builds at that many points. Wasn't until we had big battles regularly that we would break out 2000-2500 points armies.



Working on some Nomads for Infinity. I decided to paint the Intruder first and figure out what colors I wanted to use. Two hues of blue and some grey with purple for any lights. This one will be done once I've added the highlights, painted the boots, and finished the base. I'm going for speed with these guys, they're not really going to be display pieces or anything.
New release of Incursion is up on Kickstarter. A bit pricey: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1440310529/incursion

Game is essentially a copy of Space Hulk with a Alternate WWII setting. Main difference between it and space hulk is that you have point pools and each player builds their force from the cards for that scenario. Minis are nice, I had a bunch of the originals in metal and they are releasing the same figs in plastic with the game.
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