I got a copy of the original, which was all cardboard components, the minis you had to buy in metal separate and it was pricey. This is a bit better value, though I hope they improve the cardboard component quality. First edition rules were very much a copy of Space Hulk's, I remember they were releasing it right before GW announced their rerelease of Space Hulk and the game creator was bummed out heh. Rules supposedly got revised a bit and the setting is really neat.
Only major negative I had with the game was that it's not modular tiles and uses a game board. Essentially uses the door placement to change things around but not being modular kinda limited variety of scenario builds.
Only major negative I had with the game was that it's not modular tiles and uses a game board. Essentially uses the door placement to change things around but not being modular kinda limited variety of scenario builds.