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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

I got a copy of the original, which was all cardboard components, the minis you had to buy in metal separate and it was pricey. This is a bit better value, though I hope they improve the cardboard component quality. First edition rules were very much a copy of Space Hulk's, I remember they were releasing it right before GW announced their rerelease of Space Hulk and the game creator was bummed out heh. Rules supposedly got revised a bit and the setting is really neat.

Only major negative I had with the game was that it's not modular tiles and uses a game board. Essentially uses the door placement to change things around but not being modular kinda limited variety of scenario builds.
How much do you think the Warmahordes.com domain is worth? A US retailer wants to buy it from me and asked me to name a price, I have no idea.


Finished the Lieutenant for my Nomads.


Was just going for tabletop quality. Painted over a few days but I didn't spend a whole lot of time on it in the end. Only new thing I tried was object source lighting on the wrists which I think came out looking good. Not sure why I was so nervous to try it before. Background lighting is awful, but I think you get the idea.


Unconfirmed Member
Codex: Space Marines is out next month and pics of the new kits have already hit the internet. Only two new units (my wallet is happy), the Stalker/Hunter AA tank which looks great and Centurions which look awful.

The codex is huge, 180 pages, and is said to have special rules for all the original chapters (except the ones that have their own codex). Black Templars have also been incorporated into the new codex.

Leunam said:
Finished the Lieutenant for my Nomads.

Was just going for tabletop quality. Painted over a few days but I didn't spend a whole lot of time on it in the end. Only new thing I tried was object source lighting on the wrists which I think came out looking good. Not sure why I was so nervous to try it before. Background lighting is awful, but I think you get the idea.

That is a lot better than what I would describe as tabletop quality.
$50 a codex is goddamn insane. I remember when they raised the price to 20$ a codex and that was pushing it.

I actually have every codex up until 4th edition I believe. Now it's just too expensive for a book IMO.


Codex: Space Marines is out next month and pics of the new kits have already hit the internet. Only two new units (my wallet is happy), the Stalker/Hunter AA tank which looks great and Centurions which look awful.

The codex is huge, 180 pages, and is said to have special rules for all the original chapters (except the ones that have their own codex). Black Templars have also been incorporated into the new codex.

No kidding! Holy shit they look like some kid's Space Marine x Transformers crossover fantasy.
I'm trying to work out how those centurions could even be capable of moving. Hopefully they'll never be added to the Space Wolf dex. If there are I'll probably just ignore them like I do the thunderwolves.

Oh god, people are actually being taken in by that terrible fake.
Bought a bunch of heroclix randomly after so many years, ugh I hate collectible miniature games. So many repeats. After all these years I can't believe they haven't learned to design their sculpt around the material used to make them, so many awful designs that don't work well with that soft rubbery plastic. Little pieces that just stick out and are all floppy and bendy. Seriously don't sculpt these things onto the figs when the material is just going to make it look like crap. Paint is still a huge toss up always, and even amongst the repeats the quality can be fairly varied.

Friend got into it so just picking some up to play with him but yea screw random collectible minis. I'll stick to just picking up singles.


Unconfirmed Member
The latest models from Forge World's mechanicum army are up. These are just what I needed to wipe the god awful centurion from my memory.



BattleMonkey said:
The exposed heads is the stupidest thing

There are some pictures of the centurions with helmets on. They still look crap.
I like the mechanicum minis but they don't really seem very much like GW products to me (other than price! OH YEAH!). It seems as though they stand out in some way. It's a sort of design decision I cannot put my finger on.
I like the mechanicum minis but they don't really seem very much like GW products to me (other than price! OH YEAH!). It seems as though they stand out in some way. It's a sort of design decision I cannot put my finger on.

Yea they are very hit or miss for me. Like that top pic robot looks so out of place. Reminds me of some retro Fallout looking robot.
Lot of things shoulda stayed behind in rogue trader... good riddance stunties :p

Anyone else going to Gencon? Any exclusives you're looking to pick up?

I hope to get the Max and Myria exclusive Valks for Robotech and I do hope FFG has the next wave of Star Wars ships available as well. Still not sure what else I'll go after miniature wise.
Well...at least the sternguard looks really good. The vanguard lost a lot of bling compared to the finecast version, but decent enough I guess.

I also welcome the addition of facial hair to marines(and not the ridiculous viking ones for space wolves)


Lot of things shoulda stayed behind in rogue trader... good riddance stunties :p

Anyone else going to Gencon? Any exclusives you're looking to pick up?

I hope to get the Max and Myria exclusive Valks for Robotech and I do hope FFG has the next wave of Star Wars ships available as well. Still not sure what else I'll go after miniature wise.

I'll be at gencon, but not going for exclusives... not that I'd be opposed to that sort of thing.

Will be touching base with as many art directors as I can ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Well...at least the sternguard looks really good. The vanguard lost a lot of bling compared to the finecast version, but decent enough I guess.

I also welcome the addition of facial hair to marines(and not the ridiculous viking ones for space wolves)

All of the new kits except the Centurions look great, shame I don't need most of them. I might pick up some Vanguards if their rules are no longer terrible.
Had a big X-Wing game yesterday using lot of A-Wings and Tie Interceptors. Ton of fun with these highly maneuverable ships, that simple boost ability is a huge game changer for those fighters. Lot more tricky moves on both sides and chasing ships around.

I'll be at gencon, but not going for exclusives... not that I'd be opposed to that sort of thing.

Will be touching base with as many art directors as I can ;)

Friend whose an art student wants to go to Gencon just to do that and see about getting work.


I got into this hobby awhile back but I haven't painted anything in ages. I spent a shit load of cash to get going but I didn't really have somewhere I could "set up shop", so every time I wanted to paint something I had to set everything up, then clean down after. It got to the point where it was just a pain in the ass. If I get more room in the future it's definitely something I'd like to get back into.

This was the last miniature I painted, nothing special but it was only my 7th ever model and I'm not artsy at all.

I got into this hobby awhile back but I haven't painted anything in ages. I spent a shit load of cash to get going but I didn't really have somewhere I could "set up shop", so every time I wanted to paint something I had to set everything up, then clean down after. It got to the point where it was just a pain in the ass. If I get more room in the future it's definitely something I'd like to get back into.

This was the last miniature I painted, nothing special but it was only my 7th ever model and I'm not artsy at all.

Great stuff, drill the barrels tho :D


mrhGB, I think it looks pretty good. As OttomanScribe said, drill out the barrels and touch it up a little afterwards. I'd also suggest painting the lenses on the face.


Someone on Warseer printed a Nurgle demon. He said it was very difficult for paint to stick to and it came out very grainy. Other than that, it looked pretty good.
Saw the Star Trek attack wing game here bat gencon. Figs paint jobs are meh, same as the herclix versions paint. Card quality if funky too. Feels cheap compared to Xwing.
They also have a huge DS9 model for the game, but say its for their dominion war op program. I would instantly jump in for something like that but not making it available for sale is lame.
$90 is fucking highway robbery. Fuck these assholes.

For a mini of its size, no not really. Companies like PP and GW have smaller fix for more than that. Its also painted really well.

Was up close to it today, its quite big compared to the fighters which are 15 each.

But mini will not be essential to play the standard game and likely require the newer epic format they will introduce with cinematic "play". For tourny standard play, they are likely sticking to fighter sized craft.
After gencon, I'm jumping into Drop zone Commander. The new 2 player starter for it looks fantastic and real plastic unlike that garbage PP and CMON is using for their figs.

CMON has really gone nuts with the amount of mini games they are pumping out, I just can't see them supporting them or getting local retailers to back them either. Unless you got lot of friends to buy into these kick starters, where are you going to play them? Retailers obviously not a fan of these games going kickstarter route, they can't compete. And look at some of the ones released, quickly getting massively discounted and clearances online.
After gencon, I'm jumping into Drop zone Commander. The new 2 player starter for it looks fantastic and real plastic unlike that garbage PP and CMON is using for their figs.

Tell me more of your thoughts on this one. I like what I see visually, but haven't gotten playtime or read much in the way of actual hands on impressions.
Tell me more of your thoughts on this one. I like what I see visually, but haven't gotten playtime or read much in the way of actual hands on impressions.

I was greatly impressed with the general quality and look of the game right off the bat. I liked the smaller 10mm scale for larger styled battles and the whole game really has a unique visual style to it that sets it apart. Scale works well on smaller 4x4 tables, and of course quick play due to the more epic scale of the conflicts. Alternating activations keeps things interesting instead of the I go, you go methods used in many games. Lot of mobility in the game to keep things constantly moving and keeping a player on the toes. The concept as the name being about drop ships and futuristic warfare which features lots of rapid deployments. So troops are constantly moving around the field with a much more reactionary style of gameplay. Supposed to feel dynamic and futuristic and not like your playing a WW2 style combat scenario reskinned with futuristic weapons. That was also something I liked about INFINITY in that you had lot of options for combat that felt like something out of the future and not some abstraction of technology where all guns have puny ranges.

I wish I was able to get more time with it but it just sounds great conceptually and the 2 player starter is one heck of a deal. Also real nice that the starter besides having 2 complete armies, a ton of terrain to cover a 4x4 table, and high quality plastic kits/sprues, to me is that they are giving you the games full sized rulebook with the starter box. Not some short hand quick start book or a cut down mini rulebook everyone is doing.
Well, shit. That sounds like an great deal for an intro package for a game that sounds quicker and more dynamic than the traditional stuff I've been playing recently.

I've poked around and looked at the components online and they look real nice to boot. Your enthusiasm might have just sold me on the starter. Looks like it could be worth at least a go just to see if other folks dig it.

Thank you for the impressions, I appreciate it.
Also picked up the Battletech Alpha Strike rulebook at the con, haven't given it a go but love the universe and don't get to play standard Btech much anymore. Also buying the book and the unit card pack at the con got you the plastic Mad Cat and Battlemaster minis. These are apparently the same new plastics that are going to be found in the upcoming redo of the games main intro box set.

Can see folks not liking Alpha Strike with how abstracted it is compared to Btech. Mechs are boiled down into some basic stats with some keyword special abilities. Instead of a giant record sheet and all the individual piece tracking, you have a 40k like stat block line instead. It's meant to be like a more modern miniature game for quick play and you can do company vs company conflicts fairly quick.
So apparently the new big Star Wars X-Wing ships are not in scale: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4312

Seems they are being creative to just scale them to look alright on the board. Think they look decent though and not that far off. But article gives more insight on how they are keeping these bigger ships for a different game format especially for tourney play. Seems odd though to not have an Imperial equivalent to play with when introducing a new tourney format for larger ships.

Wonder if they will consider doing even larger ships like the Frigates and Star Destroyers, even with creative scaling they would probably be massive and cost a small fortune. I just don't see it being worth it for FFG. Supposedly they also seem to be against going into the prequel era with the game? Seems like it's going to limit what they can do with it then.

Nice to see that the transport comes with an alternate paint X-Wing that has new pilots like Porkins and Wraith squadron Wes Janson.
New Infinity stuff from Gencon. The new Nomad TAGs look gorgeous. Can't wait to see the actual models.

What on earth's going on in the graph at the link? Edit: okay it isn't that hard to understand, I just suck at reading graphs, but that's a fairly pointless bit of info to put into graph form with some numbers to go with it.

Anyway, glad they're doing well. Even though I never really got into the game I do like the models. Kinda remarkable how much it's taken off in the last couple of years after staying relatively flat for the previous 4 years. Wonder what prompted the shift in popularity
So apparently the new big Star Wars X-Wing ships are not in scale: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4312

Seems they are being creative to just scale them to look alright on the board. Think they look decent though and not that far off. But article gives more insight on how they are keeping these bigger ships for a different game format especially for tourney play. Seems odd though to not have an Imperial equivalent to play with when introducing a new tourney format for larger ships.

Wonder if they will consider doing even larger ships like the Frigates and Star Destroyers, even with creative scaling they would probably be massive and cost a small fortune. I just don't see it being worth it for FFG. Supposedly they also seem to be against going into the prequel era with the game? Seems like it's going to limit what they can do with it then.

Nice to see that the transport comes with an alternate paint X-Wing that has new pilots like Porkins and Wraith squadron Wes Janson.
I honestly have a real problem with ships being out of scale with each other.
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