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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

It's actually the second KS for it. It was cancelled the first time because the goal was really high, but they went back and retooled. The idea that you can swap parts and not be forced to finalize units is new this go around.
Dunno, there was another car combat game while back that went nowhere that I bought into. Was more mad max like game though and was cheap for starter sets. Like the part swaps


My Mantic Kings of War kickstarter arrived this morning. Dunno if this is something people in here have been keeping an eye on. Some quite glaring misses (the Basilean men at arms and sisters), but some massive hits as well. Just going through it now but the paladins, gargoyles, trolls and angels are stunning.

Can't wait to start painting them.
First riptide variant. Now those are some big guns.
Anyone buying into the Wrath of Kings kickstarter? I really have a hard time getting into it, it's so visually.... all over the place? It's a nice deal with over 204 minis currently for $200, and likely that number will rise to more figs.

But I'm also now not to keen on CMON kickstarters for mini games after seeing their quality. They use a real cheap plastic/resin mix, worse than what PP uses and it's really annoying to have to do TONS of clean up on each piece of a single mini. Got the Sedition Wars kickstarter from them and these multi part figs are nasty with amount of work you have to do to make them presentable.

Some say that CMON might not release Confrontation rerelease because of rights issues, and that Wrath of Kings is it's replacement, I hope that doesn't end up as true. But I also hate to see Confrontation being released with this shitty plastic/resin crap (or Presin as many like to call it).


Anyone buying into the Wrath of Kings kickstarter? I really have a hard time getting into it, it's so visually.... all over the place? It's a nice deal with over 204 minis currently for $200, and likely that number will rise to more figs.

But I'm also now not to keen on CMON kickstarters for mini games after seeing their quality. They use a real cheap plastic/resin mix, worse than what PP uses and it's really annoying to have to do TONS of clean up on each piece of a single mini. Got the Sedition Wars kickstarter from them and these multi part figs are nasty with amount of work you have to do to make them presentable.

Some say that CMON might not release Confrontation rerelease because of rights issues, and that Wrath of Kings is it's replacement, I hope that doesn't end up as true. But I also hate to see Confrontation being released with this shitty plastic/resin crap (or Presin as many like to call it).

I try to avoid restic as QC on them are so bad. I also much prefer the races of confrontation over Wrath of Kings.


Anyone buying into the Wrath of Kings kickstarter? I really have a hard time getting into it, it's so visually.... all over the place?

That's kind of where I'm at on it. I'd like a Tenchu style skirmish game, not necessarily based on the property itself, but just feudal Japan with a mix of demons and 'realism.' WoK has some great designs but it goes a little too far in the fantasy direction for my tastes.
That's kind of where I'm at on it. I'd like a Tenchu style skirmish game, not necessarily based on the property itself, but just feudal Japan with a mix of demons and 'realism.' WoK has some great designs but it goes a little too far in the fantasy direction for my tastes.

Have you checked out the game 'Bushido'?


I have! Not sure if I'll ever get into that either but it is much closer to what I was looking for and yet still not quite there. Ronin is another skirmish game in the same time period that I was following as well but with no fantasy elements. I guess I may be a little unreasonable in what I want out of a feudal era skirmish game lol.


New wave of X-Wing ships have started showing up to stores, get your fighters now before they likely will sell out again!

Picked up two b wings and bombers. I wonder how the sales of the Moldy Crow will do against the other two ships.

Anyway, its firmly placed in my top 3 mini games ... Probably at the top with Infinite (best looking sculpts in the market) and 40k ( I just love the modularity of the base space marine).
Picked up two b wings and bombers. I wonder how the sales of the Moldy Crow will do against the other two ships.

Anyway, its firmly placed in my top 3 mini games ... Probably at the top with Infinite (best looking sculpts in the market) and 40k ( I just love the modularity of the base space marine).

I do wonder, at Gencon everyone was going nuts buying up Tie Bombers and B-Wings but didn't notice them buying the Moldy Crow in such numbers. I only bought one myself, though it is more on the fighter size of craft, I expected it to be larger at first hence only buying one. I'm also not sure on the ships usefulness, it has some odd stats to me......

But they have to keep putting out EU ships, things are already seeming odd with how they are releasing those large ship models. I want some Tie Defenders.

Also kinda lame that they apparently want to stay away from the Clone Wars era, at least for now. They are limiting themselves by quite a bit if they don't branch out. I know folks like to hate the prequels, but I did like a lot of the ship/vehicle design still from the era. I would love a set of Republic Gunships


I do wonder, at Gencon everyone was going nuts buying up Tie Bombers and B-Wings but didn't notice them buying the Moldy Crow in such numbers. I only bought one myself, though it is more on the fighter size of craft, I expected it to be larger at first hence only buying one. I'm also not sure on the ships usefulness, it has some odd stats to me......

But they have to keep putting out EU ships, things are already seeming odd with how they are releasing those large ship models. I want some Tie Defenders.

Also kinda lame that they apparently want to stay away from the Clone Wars era, at least for now. They are limiting themselves by quite a bit if they don't branch out. I know folks like to hate the prequels, but I did like a lot of the ship/vehicle design still from the era. I would love a set of Republic Gunships

I think the problem with the Moldy Crow is that it's an ugly ship that IMHO doesn't fit the aesthetic of the other ships.

This is the guesstimated Wave 4 from FFG forums.

Tie Defender
Skipray Blastboat (has the same problem as the Moldy Crow .... just looks ugly)
The Outrider (too close to the Falcon ... but it is kinda Iconic)
Z-95 Headhunter (although I'd prefer an E-Wing here myself).

I just don't see it selling as well as the first 3 waves, unless they decide to go with repaints pretty early.

I'm not sure if they're so much holding off the prequel, but just making sure they make the OT (and EU) for it's all worth before going to the prequel.

I'd also love it for to use the old republic ships as well (I love the Imp Agent ship), but I realize that's a total pipe dream.
I think they could have done more with the moldy crow model. Basing it a bit too closely to the low poly look it had in the game, they could have added some detail to it which all the other ships have. Some of the other EU stuff has some better visual source data though. The Z-95 especially got itself a makeover when they took it and made it an official canon ship in the Clone Wars series. Do wonder if they would try making their own ships for the game, I know the RPG, LCG and such can be seen as being different, but they are already coming up with new designs in the universe.

And of course I can imagine them trying to extend things long enough for the new movies to come out, can't see them missing out releasing ships for that.


I think they could have done more with the moldy crow model. Basing it a bit too closely to the low poly look it had in the game, they could have added some detail to it which all the other ships have. Some of the other EU stuff has some better visual source data though. The Z-95 especially got itself a makeover when they took it and made it an official canon ship in the Clone Wars series. Do wonder if they would try making their own ships for the game, I know the RPG, LCG and such can be seen as being different, but they are already coming up with new designs in the universe.

And of course I can imagine them trying to extend things long enough for the new movies to come out, can't see them missing out releasing ships for that.

Yeah, I'd figure I could always pick a crow later, as there was going to be a run on B-Wings/Bombers.

I also think they could be alot of repaints, we already got the alternate x-wing coming out. And we could get grey y wings/green a/blue b's and blue fighter/advanced and grey interceptors/bombers.


Painted some stuff and just thought I would share. Sorry for jank iphone pics!


They could both use a little work still but they are good enough to move on to something else. After I get a list painted I will go back and be stupid picky.
I do wonder, at Gencon everyone was going nuts buying up Tie Bombers and B-Wings but didn't notice them buying the Moldy Crow in such numbers. I only bought one myself, though it is more on the fighter size of craft, I expected it to be larger at first hence only buying one. I'm also not sure on the ships usefulness, it has some odd stats to me......

Yeah, I looked at the pilot abilities, and the Crow just seems hard to work into a fleet unless it's a super specialized role. Might not be worth the points, generally? Maybe I just haven't thought up a whole lot of uses for it.

But yeah, my Wave 3 shipped yesterday. Got one of each. B-Wing is pretty fabulous according to the cards and such, so I might snag another of those. Will have to see how the Bomber works in practice before I consider multiples of that.


Painted some stuff and just thought I would share. Sorry for jank iphone pics!


They could both use a little work still but they are good enough to move on to something else. After I get a list painted I will go back and be stupid picky.

Excellent! Nice work dude.


Painted some stuff and just thought I would share. Sorry for jank iphone pics!


They could both use a little work still but they are good enough to move on to something else. After I get a list painted I will go back and be stupid picky.
How do you guys paint so well? The amount of detail people are able to paint on such small figures kind of blows my mind.
Yeah, I looked at the pilot abilities, and the Crow just seems hard to work into a fleet unless it's a super specialized role. Might not be worth the points, generally? Maybe I just haven't thought up a whole lot of uses for it.

But yeah, my Wave 3 shipped yesterday. Got one of each. B-Wing is pretty fabulous according to the cards and such, so I might snag another of those. Will have to see how the Bomber works in practice before I consider multiples of that.

I think the crow has potential, it's stats are kinda bleh but it's also not that expensive a ship and you can upgrade it with a laser turret for the 360 degree shooting. Like the Imp Shuttle its a pure support ship and not meant for combat. Jan and Kyle's abilities are nice but so is the cheaper dudes (whatever his name). It's as a fragile as a fighter is the biggest disappointment, but again it's not much more expensive than a fighter. It's interesting to say the least.

It's a surprise that the HWK-290 is the one ship so far that has sold out at both Coolstuff and miniature market. Wonder if that is simply because they ordered much less of that ship than the others. I have a hard time believing folks are buying up squadrons of HWK's


For those of you who play the X-wing ... How many ships do you buy for each type? Right now I have one of each, plus an extra X-wing and Tie fighter from the expansion packs (only one starter kit).

I have seen a lot of options for storage, what do you use? I am sick of all the little boxes and bags and all that hubbub!
Well probably best you buy what you want to use really. Folks either just buy a ton of each ship for options or they come up with a force or two they like to play and buy the ships to make it.

I use these types of cases: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001G1CUK0/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Can usually find them for fairly cheap at local hardware stores, the ships and all their tokens/components fit in single compartments. So I got all my Tie's in one, all the X-Wings in another, all the A-Wings in one, etc etc.


How do you guys paint so well? The amount of detail people are able to paint on such small figures kind of blows my mind.

Time and technique. It would be way harder to start trying to be a 2D type artist than to start painting miniatures. There are lots of shortcuts that can get decent results, but if you just take your time and read up on stuff its not hard at all. For some time examples that big dude was about 15 hours of work and the smaller one was about 6 or 7. I just take my time and it works out.

IF you have someone in person to help you learn in person you will get way better way faster though. I learned exclusively through written internet articles.

Another issue is that people that are good at it usually try to make it sound harder than it really is IMO.
How do you guys paint so well? The amount of detail people are able to paint on such small figures kind of blows my mind.

It really is paint by numbers, or like a 3D coloring book. Basic block painting is the easy part, just stay in the lines. The separation of the greats is based on the techniques used from that point on. Shading, highlights, light sourcing, non-metallic metals (NMM for short), freehand, ect. all start to add a whole new standard to the finished product. Now people airbrush, create custum jigs for pattern painting, and use some very unique methods to get creative results (like taping). Then of course there is converting and basing as well, which each highly impact a model.

It's actually a quite deep hobby. I would think most anyone could get good, basic results by using smart color selection and just staying in the lines when they paint!
Surprised they are doing them as minis, kinda thought they would do like Wings of War and just put out new card packs to use with current minis


I would have gladly taken card packs as expansions. This is just another way to sell models albeit with different color schemes. I don't expect people to pick up more than one or two of these sets, though. Looking at it again, that's quite a bit of content; four unique aces and two sets of standard pilots.


I knew repaints were on the way.

I wonder if the rebs will get an a wing pack or x wing (betting x wing and rogue squadron).
Isn't the current paint job currently the same as Rogue Squadron's though? Also already released several of the pilots. The Rebel transport comes with a repaint though. Wonder if these are supposed to be coming out at same time as the new larger ships? Assume not.
Rogue is basically halfway done already.

My bet's on Wraith, but I'm not sure what their colour scheme officially was. Grey would be pretty cool, but maybe if they took the same tack as these Royal guards and made the existing off-white into a darker, almost tie fighter grey, it would be pretty neato.
Well Wes Janson card is included with the Rebel Transport X-Wing.

Green marked X-Wing for Corran Horn perhaps, assume they would have to make up some generic profile to go with a green striped X-Wing though.


Well Wes Janson card is included with the Rebel Transport X-Wing.

Green marked X-Wing for Corran Horn perhaps, assume they would have to make up some generic profile to go with a green striped X-Wing though.

Corsec X wing. I don't think you can skip Rogue for Wraith.

Corran Horn, Gavin Darklighter as the unique pilots.

The Imp Aces pack had the 181st while the two big pilots for 181 were in the Interceptor pack, they have to room to work with it.

It wouldn't shock me if they did one x and one y wing, as FFG really wants to put in a Y wing pilot with a skill slot.


Cool Smoke Luke
Been playing FOW at the local Club for while after they started an escalation league.
I finally finished painting all the infantry units and gun teams for my Soviet FOW army.
took about 4 months ..ended up buying both the Plastic Soldier Companies Tank army bundle and the Infantry bundle and then bought Battlefronts Plastic Rubble bases.

all just basecoated and dipped but for 15mm I think it worked out ok.

and zoomed in abit
now that those are done I still got a ton of vehicles to go..but I've been back ordered on soviet decals so I'm putting them off.

I'm going back to work on the Reaper Learn to Paint Kits..which are alot of fun and I'm finding helpful to work on progressing abit on shading and skin techniques.
Just finished the second mini from the LTPK #2
Tsuko the monk.
I figure I'll finish up going thru the LTPK then start tackling all those bones.
Good times.


Cool Smoke Luke
thx! i didn't know what to put on them figured that would be good enough for my Michael Bay visual approach to the Red Army :)
really like the plastic rubble bases and all the little detailed items you can add to the base with the inserts..I think they help liven up the figures.
Miniature Market has a ton of mini stuff, largely from Spartan Games lines added to their clearance section. I like their models, so can get some cool cheap stuff there, not huge on their games or how they handle them sadly.

And Dropzone Commander 2 player starter is out!


Cool Smoke Luke
i'm curious about dropzone commander 2 player box..it seems like a really good deal.

anyone here play it alot? I was wondering if buying two of the boxes and splitting them up between a buddy of mine and myself woudl be worth it? Or are the figures in the box not they type of units you'd want more then what comes in one box?


Neo Member
Pledged the early bird, I'm looking forward to the next 25 days :D Even with the hurdles they faced with the last kickstarter Reaper delivered and I'm incredibly happy with their Bones mini's. Can't wait to see what their stretchgoals will add this time!
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