I do wonder, at Gencon everyone was going nuts buying up Tie Bombers and B-Wings but didn't notice them buying the Moldy Crow in such numbers. I only bought one myself, though it is more on the fighter size of craft, I expected it to be larger at first hence only buying one. I'm also not sure on the ships usefulness, it has some odd stats to me......
But they have to keep putting out EU ships, things are already seeming odd with how they are releasing those large ship models. I want some Tie Defenders.
Also kinda lame that they apparently want to stay away from the Clone Wars era, at least for now. They are limiting themselves by quite a bit if they don't branch out. I know folks like to hate the prequels, but I did like a lot of the ship/vehicle design still from the era. I would love a set of Republic Gunships
I think the problem with the Moldy Crow is that it's an ugly ship that IMHO doesn't fit the aesthetic of the other ships.
This is the guesstimated Wave 4 from FFG forums.
Tie Defender
Skipray Blastboat (has the same problem as the Moldy Crow .... just looks ugly)
The Outrider (too close to the Falcon ... but it is kinda Iconic)
Z-95 Headhunter (although I'd prefer an E-Wing here myself).
I just don't see it selling as well as the first 3 waves, unless they decide to go with repaints pretty early.
I'm not sure if they're so much holding off the prequel, but just making sure they make the OT (and EU) for it's all worth before going to the prequel.
I'd also love it for to use the old republic ships as well (I love the Imp Agent ship), but I realize that's a total pipe dream.