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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

What on earth's going on in the graph at the link? Edit: okay it isn't that hard to understand, I just suck at reading graphs, but that's a fairly pointless bit of info to put into graph form with some numbers to go with it.

Anyway, glad they're doing well. Even though I never really got into the game I do like the models. Kinda remarkable how much it's taken off in the last couple of years after staying relatively flat for the previous 4 years. Wonder what prompted the shift in popularity

Yea its a bit vague, they probably explained it better at the showing. But I do think they are growing, for a while they appeared to be dying out in the US since they had shit distribution and most of the retailers who carried it dropped it. They have since improved distribution channels and speed and lot of the retailers have once again picked it back up. So in the US at least the game has picked up some traction and exposure.

I honestly have a real problem with ships being out of scale with each other.

It does suck, but I really don't see what they can do. I already think these ships are going to be too expensive a venture for the general public who is eating the game up. The hardcore mini gamers will be ok with it but the more casual players are going to not be eager to pay $100 a mini. Unlike the fighters even the larger ships like the Falcon/Firesprays don't sell nearly as much, at most people get like one of them only unlike the entire squadrons some are buying of the fighters.

If they don't hit more expanded material or go to eras like the clone wars, they are going to quickly hit a wall of what they can do with the game.

How big would the Tantive IV model have to be if they stuck to 1/270 scale?

Looking up the size stats on the vessel and guessing it based on the pics I took of it next to the X-Wing minis at gencon.... it would have to be about almost twice the size of the one they are releasing. Corvettes are supposed to be around 150m and the X-Wings are about 12.5m long. The mini of the Tantive looks to be about as long as 6-7 X-Wing minis, so yea it's out of scale.
I guess the change in scale also paves the way for even bigger ships in future. I'd imagine a star destroyer would take up most of a table otherwise.

Going off at a tangent, I wonder if the rumoured new skirmish game by GW is a response to the growing popularity of Infinity and War Machine. Would be hilarious if true given they had that market locked down for so many years before abandoning it.
How big would the Tantive IV model have to be if they stuck to 1/270 scale?
Big enough not to make it. Instead they tweak my OCD with this wacky scale Kenner bullshit.

They would have been better off in the big picture by making the baseline fighters smaller IMO. There's a lot more depth and variety for long term players if they can tap into all the different ships of each fleet.

If I got everything I wanted, they would branch off and alter the scale for an "Epic" version of X-wing for all the big ships to live in. Fighters would be represented by a squadron of 4 or so tiny ones on the existing base size, like Battlefleet Gothic fighters. The existing game rules still work, just use them as an abstraction of a squadron instead of a single ship.

They could really milk it by selling different shaped "formations" of the same fighter squadrons that have different stat adjustments, like the vehicle formations in 40k Apocalypse.
Can anyone explain why this plain hunk of shit with KR's MS Paint logo on it is over $9000 (5900 pounds)' when you can get an absolutely astonishing Geek Chiq table for less than half as much?


Depends how much shipping ends up being, it does have solid base which alot of the Geek Chic tables don't. You also pay a small fortune for Geek Chic just for shipping. I was going to buy a 3k table from Geek Chic and they got back to me with a shipping quote of over 3k and would take 9 months. So shipping made the table over 6k for me.

Going off at a tangent, I wonder if the rumoured new skirmish game by GW is a response to the growing popularity of Infinity and War Machine. Would be hilarious if true given they had that market locked down for so many years before abandoning it.

I hope they do a skirmish game, the size of Warhammer games has gotten to be a pain, hard to bring myself to even play them anymore and rather stick to an easy to play and set up skirmish system nowadays. I'm sure they are feeling the pinch as the market has grown for miniature games beyond just having competition of PP. FFG got a hit with X-Wing which in the US is the #2 selling miniature game behind 40K, beating out Warmachine, Hordes, Warhammer, Malifaux. And you got all the kickstarter mini games now which are focusing on complete experiences out of the box for 2 players.
Depends how much shipping ends up being, it does have solid base which alot of the Geek Chic tables don't. You also pay a small fortune for Geek Chic just for shipping. I was going to buy a 3k table from Geek Chic and they got back to me with a shipping quote of over 3k and would take 9 months. So shipping made the table over 6k for me.
Well Geek Chiq does periodically send a couple of guys in a truck on a road trip around the country to personally deliver and set up each one, so that accounts for a lot in regard to shipping. KR I think is just going to mail you a box of boards. The price I'm quoting is the UK price too, so wherever they're mailing these from, it's not international shipping that's adding to the price.

But the point is, that 3k Geek Chiq table was beautiful, I'm sure. This is literally a bunch of plain finished boards nailed together. Just awful.


Damn, I haven't done anything miniature related in 3-4 years (was a big WH40K/LOTR fan), but damn everything got expensive.
Sure, it was not the cheapest of hobbies before, but this is getting crazy!
13 euro's for a single mini?
I remember thinking 15 for 2 was way too much. Shame too, because my guess is they would have a lot more sales if they made it cheaper.

Is there an actual reason for these prices or is it just greed?
Damn, I haven't done anything miniature related in 3-4 years (was a big WH40K/LOTR fan), but damn everything got expensive.
Sure, it was not the cheapest of hobbies before, but this is getting crazy!
13 euro's for a single mini?
I remember thinking 15 for 2 was way too much. Shame too, because my guess is they would have a lot more sales if they made it cheaper.

Is there an actual reason for these prices or is it just greed?

Prices have gone up on all materials. Lot of companies are dumping metal for resin because of it. Even non GW companies have had to raise prices a few times in past years. GW still tends to price things oddly. Some of their plastic kits are great deals, while then they like to rip folks off on their single mini prices and their books/accessories.
I'm gonna do some Chaos Dorfs. Already ordered a Lammasu and a Stonehorn kit to bash to make my K'daai Destroyer. Anyone play against this army before? (The forgeworld list, not the old one)
I'm going to start painting my Dreadfleet box today. I'm starting on the simple things like the bases and islands. The ships will be the last thing I complete, no doubt.

The game itself is ok to fair. A couple of rule tweeks are needed in order to make it a bit more skill based vs dumb luck. However, the theme and miniatures of Dreadfleet are 10/10 which really goes a long way with me and my friends.

I got a great deal on the set and I think it's finally time to paint the whole thing up and see how my skills have held up after about 1.5 years of not painting! There is a huge variety of differnt things to paint in the set which is one of the reasons I chose to do this first over Space Hulk.
I had an unexpected drop in yesterday so I was unable to accomplish as much as I wanted, but so far everything is looking good. I needto hit the crests and foam with pure white still, but you get the idea. I'm going to coat the water in high gloss when complete.



Browsing Kickstarter, and this game really caught my eye: Ashes - Dark Side of the Moon

This is the kind of game I've been wanting to play, once where I can paint up a bunch of components and assemble my own mechs like Armored Core, tailoring them as I see fit without needing to buy completely new models. Not really a fan of hex-based gameplay but I'm going to keep an eye on this.
Gonna need a bigger boat

Browsing Kickstarter, and this game really caught my eye: Ashes - Dark Side of the Moon

This is the kind of game I've been wanting to play, once where I can paint up a bunch of components and assemble my own mechs like Armored Core, tailoring them as I see fit without needing to buy completely new models. Not really a fan of hex-based gameplay but I'm going to keep an eye on this.

That looks cool, but need more details. KS page is very barebones, doesn't seem to have stretch goals? I assume once put together you can't take them apart.
Can't wait. Missed it the first day but got in line 2nd day quick and got the con exclusive Max and Miryia figs. They had huge demand for those figs.
No doubt there isn't even a .50 cent discount for buying them in bulk either. It will probably cost the exact same amount to buy every single item separate!
Look man I have an entire chapter to assemble and paint, I obviously don't have a lot of spare time for shit like an individual click for every unit.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like the space marine pre-orders have killed GWs website, either that or they don't want anyone to see how ugly the centurions are.
Looks like the space marine pre-orders have killed GWs website, either that or they don't want anyone to see how ugly the centurions are.

Simply order the product from one of the many other online retailers that specialize in miniature and wargaming.

Oh...nevermind! Thanks for sucking GW!


Unconfirmed Member
Simply order the product from one of the many other online retailers that specialize in miniature and wargaming.

Oh...nevermind! Thanks for sucking GW!

I have no intention of buying them from GWs store, I just want to see some good pictures of the new models.


Unconfirmed Member
The site is kind of working now.

All of the Codex Cover arts are fantastic. I am almost tempted to buy the Smurfs LE one.
All the redone kits/models look great.
Stalker/Hunter: Stalker looks great, hunter is pretty meh.
Centurions: I just don't know what to say, what were they thinking!

Space Marine bikes/scout bikes effectively get a price cut.


Brother in law and his friend playing Infinity. Ariadna vs. Combined Army at 200 points. I had enough kits to make a single three story building and then used the other kits to make two two story and two one story buildings. They ended up combining them again to make a second three story since tall vantage points are king. I'll probably end up grabbing one more kit and then see what else I need to focus on for terrain.



Hey guys, never been in this thread before as I've never really been into minature gaming. However, I recently bought X-Wing Minatures and just got back from playing my first game of it. Me and my friend both had a great time! Can see myself getting quite into this.
Hey guys, never been in this thread before as I've never really been into minature gaming. However, I recently bought X-Wing Minatures and just got back from playing my first game of it. Me and my friend both had a great time! Can see myself getting quite into this.


X-Wing is fantastic, and so far has even been a big hit with my non miniature gaming friends. It's a very slick and solid little game.



X-Wing is fantastic, and so far has even been a big hit with my non miniature gaming friends. It's a very slick and solid little game.

We were just playing by the introductory rules but once we were set up it was pretty simple to understand and kept flowing quite nicely. I'm looking forward to trying out the regular rules and seeing what changes those make. I've been thinking about getting into tabletop stuff for a while now and this was a great introduction.
Brother in law and his friend playing Infinity. Ariadna vs. Combined Army at 200 points. I had enough kits to make a single three story building and then used the other kits to make two two story and two one story buildings. They ended up combining them again to make a second three story since tall vantage points are king. I'll probably end up grabbing one more kit and then see what else I need to focus on for terrain.


Are those how the buildings look unpainted? Seem like a nice way to get cheap table top city scape.
Is that laser cut wood? Friend of mine started making and selling laser cut terrain primarily for necromunda. Needless to say he likes a well covered board:


It is. And that is some good looking terrain. I'm really glad options are opening up all over the place for quick (sorta) terrain.
Is that laser cut wood? Friend of mine started making and selling laser cut terrain primarily for necromunda. Needless to say he likes a well covered board:

Post a link. A table full if terrain is the only way to play Necromunda! Using that stuff in addition to some custome buildings/objects would look nice.

I made my own terrain years ago for Necromunda but left it behind in a move years ago. My skills are so much better now that I am half tempted to give it another go. Perhaps if the next GW game is actually a skirmish level product it will give me incentive.

Wow, looks like laser cut terrain really is taking off! Some fanatastic stuff on there. Really like the clear plastic canopy on the walkway and the diner. In fact all of it looks great.

Post a link. A table full if terrain is the only way to play Necromunda! Using that stuff in addition to some custome buildings/objects would look nice.

Here's a link to the big set on ebay. I know he sells smaller sets as well.

Back when I still lived near to him and played necromunda regularly, he would always stack up crazy amounts of terrain that would usually rise a metre off the board. Always fun to realise that fantastic firing position you'd run to was useless because your gun couldn't reach the targets on the ground level and everyone was too busy pointing and laughing to wander into range.


Posted this in the Warhammer thread, thought I'd share it here, too:


I also picked up a new box of Tactical Marines. Maybe I need to study the sprues again but the mold lines are almost completely gone around the heads and leg pieces.
Yeah, I did think they're a bit pricey for what you get, and the detail on most of them looks amateurish, but there's nothing stopping anyone from making their own.
Haha. The first thing I thought about was building my own after seeing it! It is a good idea though!

The "Eldar" base is pretty sweet though.
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