What on earth's going on in the graph at the link? Edit: okay it isn't that hard to understand, I just suck at reading graphs, but that's a fairly pointless bit of info to put into graph form with some numbers to go with it.
Anyway, glad they're doing well. Even though I never really got into the game I do like the models. Kinda remarkable how much it's taken off in the last couple of years after staying relatively flat for the previous 4 years. Wonder what prompted the shift in popularity
Yea its a bit vague, they probably explained it better at the showing. But I do think they are growing, for a while they appeared to be dying out in the US since they had shit distribution and most of the retailers who carried it dropped it. They have since improved distribution channels and speed and lot of the retailers have once again picked it back up. So in the US at least the game has picked up some traction and exposure.
I honestly have a real problem with ships being out of scale with each other.
It does suck, but I really don't see what they can do. I already think these ships are going to be too expensive a venture for the general public who is eating the game up. The hardcore mini gamers will be ok with it but the more casual players are going to not be eager to pay $100 a mini. Unlike the fighters even the larger ships like the Falcon/Firesprays don't sell nearly as much, at most people get like one of them only unlike the entire squadrons some are buying of the fighters.
If they don't hit more expanded material or go to eras like the clone wars, they are going to quickly hit a wall of what they can do with the game.
How big would the Tantive IV model have to be if they stuck to 1/270 scale?
Looking up the size stats on the vessel and guessing it based on the pics I took of it next to the X-Wing minis at gencon.... it would have to be about almost twice the size of the one they are releasing. Corvettes are supposed to be around 150m and the X-Wings are about 12.5m long. The mini of the Tantive looks to be about as long as 6-7 X-Wing minis, so yea it's out of scale.