For someone starting recently, those look amazing.
Thanks BattleMonkey
For someone starting recently, those look amazing.
Lots and lots of toothbrush scrubbing and clipping.
I almost backed their previous game, that is pretty neat looking.
I can't see spending 200 bucks more unless turrets and alot of models that replace chitsare are included.
Mordheim and Necromunda are 2 of the best things GW ever released. Many people were introduced and eventually got into 40k through Space Hulk and Necromunda. They need more skirmish level games.
Speakng of which, any word/rumor on what the hell GW's next self contained box game might be? We got Space Hulk in 2009 and then Dreadfleet in 2011. We're over due for another. I'm chomping at the bit to buy whatever it is they offer up.
I kinda think that Dreadfleet didn't go over as well as Space Hulk which would scare away GW from doing more deluxe board game type deals.
Believe for a while the rumors were of a new boxed Blood Bowl game though.
Yeah Dreadfleet ate it and that really sucks as it is a game that my group plays at least once a month.
GW and logic don't go hand in hand sadly.
At the same time GW should be aware that Dreadfleet sold much slower than Space Hulk, it didn't sell out as fast as SH did and many retailers had tons of copies on shelves, with many even having to deeply discount the game. Many retailers bought up tons of copies hoping for another SH like situation and this can hurt any future game GW puts out.
If they did a new Heroquest, I'm sure they would have sold a ton of copies.
Frankly it's silly though, they should be pumping out board game after board game like the good old days. Their quality is top of the line so far on these games and worth the premium price. And really the price has not been bad at all compared to what other board game companies have been offering.
As for skirmish games, I think Kill Team works well, and really kinda wish that GW would have put more effort into making Kill Team it's own game with full rulebook and support instaed of some digital supplement.
The game was always kinda, blah. 3E/3.5 of Confrontation were decent. But they always had major balance issues
What kind of setting do you like? And what scale: big battles or small skirmishes?
Mordheim (fantasy) and Necromunda (sci-fi/gothic sci-fi) are both skirmish level Games Workshop games that could be a good start. Although neither is supported by GW anymore, the rules are still available (and free) and there are large communities for both. Not sure about Mordheim, but Necromunda has an updated/upgraded community rulebook that greatly improves on the base game.
Infinity (sci-fi) is an absolutely fantastic game, but a little harder to grasp than Necromunda/Mordheim and plays very differently. I feel it's the better game, though, and it's worth learning. There are some videos on YouTube that can give you a better idea of how it plays if the rulebook is too confusing.
I can expand a little more on these if you like. There are many other games to choose from but I'll leave that to people with more experience with them. The OP has some reviews of a few different games if you'd like to check those out as well.
Hey guys, what's a good game for beginners/newcomers to wargaming?
You might want to look into what the people in your area are into as well and see if you can catch a game and get a better idea of how the games are played.
For Fantasy it's debatable if it's skirmish, but Warmachine/Hordes is one of the most popular
I really dig the new "stormtroopers." I wonder if it's possible to field an elite force of those guys like you can with Grey Knights.
I really dig the new "stormtroopers." I wonder if it's possible to field an elite force of those guys like you can with Grey Knights.
Going to wait a little while before I buy anything guard related. Apparently there are some issues with the codex in terms of editing? More than usual, I mean.
I think I've got everything I need for my Ultramarines, Necrons, and Tau. Guard or Nids may be next.
Well getting Recon kickstarter. Figure its a good value and easy way to get more into Mercs, just need to pick up the rulebook for that.