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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Unconfirmed Member
Cross-posting from the board game thread.

Picked up Sergeants Miniatures: Red Devils recently. Not sure if anyone has played it before. The game is WW2 skirmish level miniature/board game. The gameplay is card driven and most of the information needed is on the soldier cards and the board itself. No dice required!

The game comes with pre-painted minis, which look fantastic (5 British and 5 German soldiers). Six of the soldiers are main characters and 4 that are unique to every copy of the game.


You select actions based on the story cards that are drawn each round which give one of two possible tactics the player can use such Look or Shoot.

These are some of the individual soldier cards each with different stats.

Another pic

The component quality of the game is very impressive and it is all made in the USA.


Unconfirmed Member
I almost backed their previous game, that is pretty neat looking.

Yeah, I'm digging it so far. I just backed there smaller scale version of the game as well D-Day Sergeants, which is more affordable.

One thing I really love about the game is that there are unique soldiers and that they are able to produce one off cards with there own stats easily. I'm not a painter so I really appreciate the painted minis. And since they produce things as they are ordered you don't really have to worry about things going out of print.
Preview of the upcoming Corvette for X-Wing: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4663

Wonder if these are being done to test the waters on how much they can get people to pay for miniatures. Still not much else they can put out for the game sticking to the OT ships unless they go even much bigger. Yea scale is going to be tossed aside, but still would look odd to have a tiny frigate or star destroyer on the table. And don't see how well EU ships would sell on similar scale.... so don't know if we will see much else in these larger sizes.


Really digging that Corvette. One of my favorite ships from the original trilogy, Rebel or Imperial.

Tie Fighter Swarm/Death Star Unit was a beast from day one. Lame, but beastly nonetheless. My friend figured it out in the very first game I played against him. I needed help from Y-Wings to really crack it.
The new Imperial Knights are insane. GW is still untouchable in it's miniature range and they keep cranking out unbelievable quality stuff.
Those are great. I never painted RPG minis because it always seems like I can't keep a consistent group going to make it worth my while. We play a few sessions, then take a break and end up doing a different game. Few times I tried finding the right fig, getting it painted, we ended up ending the campaign right then :-\

In other news, it looks like the Tie Intercepter Imperial Aces set is coming out next week!


While it looks good, I feel like I could do a decent job using my own tiles, cutting plasticard sheets and half tubes at different sizes and patterns to glue onto it, and drybrushing the whole thing for cheaper. Of course, some people wouldn't want to go through the trouble.


Cool Smoke Luke
I don't know..I got this 8x4 mat from banners on the cheap for 54 bucks which I cut into two

I can't see spending 200 bucks more unless turrets and alot of models that replace chitsare are included.
Sure its nicer 3d plastic but I don't know..i think I'd rather buy the new transport and cruiser.


Neo Member
Good thread here, I've started painting and modelling again after a fairly large break (last time I really collected was 3rd edition 40k. Been trying to paint up some Deathwing Terminators for my Dark Angels army:


I know that it's not the best, and I've learned since finishing this model that drybrushing isn't the best way to get detail out on minis like a Marine, but now I feel obligated to finish up the rest of the squad int he same way for consistency! Painting in this fashion still took me a while (few hours for that model), and he has something like 7 layers on him to get what I considered my desired result. I'll work on feathering and blending more now, and see about getting the time per model reduced so that I can actually paint enough to game with!

I've also been trying to get some friends interested in the hobby, and I feel that the best way to do so is probably Mordheim or Necromunda, as both have a much smaller entry cost than the big twp tabletop games. Of these two, I'm plumping for Mordheim as most gangs can be created without much effort from a single box regiment of the appropriate race, plus maybe 1 or 2 other models; the Necromunda figs or even equivalents are becoming more and more scarce now. In light of this, I also tried my hand at making a Mordheim house out of foamboard and balsa wood (unfinished):


Bit of a tip here: follow Terrain For Hippo' advice, and just make the shape out of foamboard, then detail with the balsa wood. There's really no need to build a proper frame first then fill in the gaps!
Mordheim and Necromunda are 2 of the best things GW ever released. Many people were introduced and eventually got into 40k through Space Hulk and Necromunda. They need more skirmish level games.

Speakng of which, any word/rumor on what the hell GW's next self contained box game might be? We got Space Hulk in 2009 and then Dreadfleet in 2011. We're over due for another. I'm chomping at the bit to buy whatever it is they offer up.
Mordheim and Necromunda are 2 of the best things GW ever released. Many people were introduced and eventually got into 40k through Space Hulk and Necromunda. They need more skirmish level games.

Speakng of which, any word/rumor on what the hell GW's next self contained box game might be? We got Space Hulk in 2009 and then Dreadfleet in 2011. We're over due for another. I'm chomping at the bit to buy whatever it is they offer up.

A re-release of Mordheim would be wicked cool. But I have a feeling fantasy has taken a back seat to all things Warhammer at Games Workshop.
I kinda think that Dreadfleet didn't go over as well as Space Hulk which would scare away GW from doing more deluxe board game type deals.

Believe for a while the rumors were of a new boxed Blood Bowl game though.
I kinda think that Dreadfleet didn't go over as well as Space Hulk which would scare away GW from doing more deluxe board game type deals.

Believe for a while the rumors were of a new boxed Blood Bowl game though.

Yeah Dreadfleet ate it and that really sucks as it is a game that my group plays at least once a month.
Yeah Dreadfleet ate it and that really sucks as it is a game that my group plays at least once a month.

A couple of simple house rules changed the random and pseudo shitty base game into something pretty special.

GW sold all it's copies, but vendors still have them sitting on shelves. Even heavily discounted they aren't moving. I think the high price of entry, combined with Warhammer and a niche genre like naval combat, was a recipe for a tepid response at the very least. However, I don't think Dreadfleet would be a reason to delay another boxed game. Looking at what GW has done the past several years, it would simply appear as though they've been too busy more than anything else.

Blood Bowl would fly off the shelves. So would the rumored Inquisitor themed skirmish game. I believe that a Necromunda remake would be snatched up just as fast as Space Hulk 3rd Edition did. I would probably buy 2 of those as well. And 2 Blood Bowls as well! A new WarhammerQuest would likely do well too, or even a 40k version of that same game.

This just serves to remind me that I need to get back to painting my Dreadfleet :p
GW and logic don't go hand in hand sadly.

At the same time GW should be aware that Dreadfleet sold much slower than Space Hulk, it didn't sell out as fast as SH did and many retailers had tons of copies on shelves, with many even having to deeply discount the game. Many retailers bought up tons of copies hoping for another SH like situation and this can hurt any future game GW puts out.

If they did a new Heroquest, I'm sure they would have sold a ton of copies.

Frankly it's silly though, they should be pumping out board game after board game like the good old days. Their quality is top of the line so far on these games and worth the premium price. And really the price has not been bad at all compared to what other board game companies have been offering.

As for skirmish games, I think Kill Team works well, and really kinda wish that GW would have put more effort into making Kill Team it's own game with full rulebook and support instaed of some digital supplement.
GW and logic don't go hand in hand sadly.

At the same time GW should be aware that Dreadfleet sold much slower than Space Hulk, it didn't sell out as fast as SH did and many retailers had tons of copies on shelves, with many even having to deeply discount the game. Many retailers bought up tons of copies hoping for another SH like situation and this can hurt any future game GW puts out.

If they did a new Heroquest, I'm sure they would have sold a ton of copies.

Frankly it's silly though, they should be pumping out board game after board game like the good old days. Their quality is top of the line so far on these games and worth the premium price. And really the price has not been bad at all compared to what other board game companies have been offering.

As for skirmish games, I think Kill Team works well, and really kinda wish that GW would have put more effort into making Kill Team it's own game with full rulebook and support instaed of some digital supplement.

My freaking god... If new Heroquest ever came out I would hit Nirvana. That game hands down made me the quirky gaming freak I am today.


How am I missing all these projects? I'm going to need to make a decision real soon about how much I can pledge to Mercs: Recon.


Mordheim (fantasy) and Necromunda (sci-fi/gothic sci-fi) are both skirmish level Games Workshop games that could be a good start. Although neither is supported by GW anymore, the rules are still available (and free) and there are large communities for both. Not sure about Mordheim, but Necromunda has an updated/upgraded community rulebook that greatly improves on the base game.

Infinity (sci-fi) is an absolutely fantastic game, but a little harder to grasp than Necromunda/Mordheim and plays very differently. I feel it's the better game, though, and it's worth learning. There are some videos on YouTube that can give you a better idea of how it plays if the rulebook is too confusing.

I can expand a little more on these if you like. There are many other games to choose from but I'll leave that to people with more experience with them. The OP has some reviews of a few different games if you'd like to check those out as well.


Mordheim (fantasy) and Necromunda (sci-fi/gothic sci-fi) are both skirmish level Games Workshop games that could be a good start. Although neither is supported by GW anymore, the rules are still available (and free) and there are large communities for both. Not sure about Mordheim, but Necromunda has an updated/upgraded community rulebook that greatly improves on the base game.

Infinity (sci-fi) is an absolutely fantastic game, but a little harder to grasp than Necromunda/Mordheim and plays very differently. I feel it's the better game, though, and it's worth learning. There are some videos on YouTube that can give you a better idea of how it plays if the rulebook is too confusing.

I can expand a little more on these if you like. There are many other games to choose from but I'll leave that to people with more experience with them. The OP has some reviews of a few different games if you'd like to check those out as well.

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll give each one a look and see which seems the most appealing to me, the other factor is price, but I understand wargaming isn't a cheap hobby.


You may find Necromunda and Mordheim minis second hand but you likely won't find them from GW themselves as they no longer make them.

Infinity is putting out new minis every month, though.

You might want to look into what the people in your area are into as well and see if you can catch a game and get a better idea of how the games are played.
For Fantasy it's debatable if it's skirmish, but Warmachine/Hordes is one of the most popular

And as much as I hate to admit it because I am a huge whore for GW. Privateer Press is a damn good company that does the best for their customers. Plus as an added bonus their models are fantastic.

Anyone else excited about the new Imperial Guard? My wallet is not ready but my body is.


I really dig the new "stormtroopers." I wonder if it's possible to field an elite force of those guys like you can with Grey Knights.
I really dig the new "stormtroopers." I wonder if it's possible to field an elite force of those guys like you can with Grey Knights.

The new Stormtroopers really caught me off guard. I heard some rumblings and rumors but it was a lot cooler than the rumors portrayed them.
So what is everyone's feelings on the new Imperial Guard? I kinda like the direction they are going but cannot wait to get my hands on the Codex.


Going to wait a little while before I buy anything guard related. Apparently there are some issues with the codex in terms of editing? More than usual, I mean.

I think I've got everything I need for my Ultramarines, Necrons, and Tau. Guard or Nids may be next.
Going to wait a little while before I buy anything guard related. Apparently there are some issues with the codex in terms of editing? More than usual, I mean.

I think I've got everything I need for my Ultramarines, Necrons, and Tau. Guard or Nids may be next.

I always thought a Nids army would be great fun, but seriously I keep going back to Guard. Something about them is charming and fun.


Definitely. And it doesn't hurt that ForgeWorld loves making toys for Guard which only makes me want to play them more. If they ever make Savlar Chem-dog conversions then I won't be able to contain myself.
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