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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


I bought the Tyranid codex but my senses and my wallet got the better of me and I didn't buy any models. I'd better finish at least the first thousand points of Tau I've got before I start another army.
Last wave event they did locally had events going on at like every comic shop near here. Obviously player base was so split because of it, but almost everyone who went to play got free minis since they had such low attendance.
I haven't touched any GW figs for a long time, but they do continue to produce great stuff. I just wished they would embrace some actual Skirmish level rulesets fully so that I would be inclined to buy and play again. I just can't bring myself or friends to play such large GW sized battle games anymore, all our habits have turned towards the smaller scaled mini games.


Did anyone here end up trying Ronin? It's that Japanese feudal era skirmish game. Was interested in it but was really waiting for impressions.
Orks next then Space Wolves. If its Fantasy Orks as well as 40k Orks on top of Space Wolves right after and that means my wallet is completely fucked for a long time.
So apparently there's not going to be anything new coming from Warhammer Forge. On the positive side they'll have more staff to work on several hundred more power armour variants!
That's really disappointing. I wanted to do a Chaos Dwarfs army at some point, but I'd want to have faith that there would at least be a trickle of new stuff. They showed a WIP K'daai Destroyer ages ago. I hope they at least finish what they've already started.

People are right, no one wanted it because they focused on large and often odd-looking monsters that don't actually get used in games. Even on the 40k side the highest selling items are usually bits and characters that can be used in a typical army.

Now it's a decision between Lizardmen and Wood Elves for my foray into Fantasy.
That's really disappointing. I wanted to do a Chaos Dwarfs army at some point, but I'd want to have faith that there would at least be a trickle of new stuff. They showed a WIP K'daai Destroyer ages ago. I hope they at least finish what they've already started.

People are right, no one wanted it because they focused on large and often odd-looking monsters that don't actually get used in games. Even on the 40k side the highest selling items are usually bits and characters that can be used in a typical army.

Now it's a decision between Lizardmen and Wood Elves for my foray into Fantasy.

I'd imagine their line of thought was that everyone would buy the monsters since they could be used with any army but it turns out people couldn't care less. Shame about the K'daai Destroyer as I hear it's pretty much mandatory for getting a Chaos Dwarf army to work.

Anyway, just catching up on the confirmed 7th ed 40k rules and the unbound army thing sounds like it could lead to some ridiculously broken armies.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd imagine their line of thought was that everyone would buy the monsters since they could be used with any army but it turns out people couldn't care less. Shame about the K'daai Destroyer as I hear it's pretty much mandatory for getting a Chaos Dwarf army to work.

Anyway, just catching up on the confirmed 7th ed 40k rules and the unbound army thing sounds like it could lead to some ridiculously broken armies.

I imagine most people will simply ban unbound armies.
7th edition…

For a bonus system like this, I'd rather see all armies stick to the FOC, but give bonuses to armies that also adhere to a certain balanced percentage system like in WHFB, maybe even with restrictions on how many of the same unit can be fielded. This puts the archetypal balanced army on a more equal footing with spam lists. But as far as balancing codices against each other, this extra element just makes it more complicated. GW are making game balance a harder challenge for themselves than ever when they add in these bonuses and ease FOC restrictions, and they already have trouble with that.

GW is obviously responding to something by releasing a new edition 2 years in. The question is why are they doubling down on lack of restriction and disregard for balance, when clearly the backlash is against this very thing in 6th?

The core rules could be miraculously revamped to make this leaked stuff work, and fix some problems like the irrelevance of assault units, but I don't think that talent or mindset exists at GW.

These Codices are so imbalanced against each other, and internally, that I don't think a rules overhaul can't really fix things on its own.

I wish someone would tell Jervis and crew that if they really want to encourage narrative lists and freedom, the best way to do it is with real balance that doesn't punish players for fielding what they want. You have to get the problem of balance out of the way of player choice and fun, instead of just telling people not to value balance.
Tournaments will likely force FOC for 40k 7th.

I like the idea of no FOC though, it works in alot of games, just put unit limits on individual units if anything. Apocalypse uses no FOC and really letting players do what they want, seems to be fun and players know how to self balance their armies for all comers. I play only for fun if I do, so it's not a problem for me. But they seem to be coming out with new editions faster and faster, that is what is keeping me away from GW games.
So got a 3D printer and still learning how to use it and playing around mainly with freely available files. GF is playing with 3D software learning how to make some stuff, but its all new to us. Printed out one of these in our tests, going to make a few more to have for X-Wing terrain. I would like to print out whole Deathstar tiles though to make a full game board if possible!

I have so many people asking for stuff to be made already it's crazy lol. We're just trying to learn the ins and outs of using the thing still.


Some things currently on my plate:

My most recently finished which I shared on here a few months back.


This was mostly for practice on painting skin. I'm happy to say that I was able to get some practice with feathering and NMM. Felt really good when I finished this one. I don't think the picture does the brown cloth any justice, it looks a bit better than it does here.

My current project:


The cloth was originally going to be turquoise, but I changed my mind at the last second. I'm not happy with what I've got right now, but the practice has been valuable. Everything in grey was done tonight, the armor, sword, and helmet. I don't think I need to add any more to that as I'm really itching to move on to the next guy. The leather needs to be finished, the hair needs to be painted, and the gold needs to be added to the sword. There's clearly a bit missing on the back as well which I'm painting separately so I could guarantee the yellow was taken care of behind his back.

This is my next project:


I'm determined to do the armor in gold NMM. I'm not sure what color to make the cloak. I'm thinking red or purple, leaning more towards red. I'm taking suggestions.

As always, criticism is welcome.
Just did my pledges for the Toughest Girls kickstarter from while back. What an awful system they developed for pledge managing. They spent a ton of time to create a webshop just to pledge manage and it's incredibly cumbersome and confusing.
What's everyone been up to with their wargaming lately?

I've recently picked up my 40K Orks again, since the new Codex arrived and all, and have just recently painted up the new Warboss from the Stormclaw set :)

Really love this model, lots of character and the giant Squig was really fun. Definitely recommend painting the squig seperately and glueing it down when you've painted the Warboss and itself first though. Otherwise you're gonna have real trouble getting to some of the bits.

Would love to see what everyone else has been painting / building. :)
I was going to buy a copy of Sanctus Reach: Stormclaw, but just found out it was limited edition and sold out. So, fuck that idea I guess...
I was going to buy a copy of Sanctus Reach: Stormclaw, but just found out it was limited edition and sold out. So, fuck that idea I guess...

Hmm, my local store Tabletop Tyrant (in Leicester, online store Gifts for Geeks) had a pile of like 20+ copies last Sunday when I went in, so if you're interested it might be worth giving them a call. I think it was about £67 in store for the box. If you're in the UK at least :)
Hmm, my local store Tabletop Tyrant (in Leicester, online store Gifts for Geeks) had a pile of like 20+ copies last Sunday when I went in, so if you're interested it might be worth giving them a call. I think it was about £67 in store for the box. If you're in the UK at least :)

I'm in the US. I'm going to try the War Store tomorrow. My local (highly overpriced) game store did not have any left.
Has anyone else grabbed the new End Times: Nagash books?

Really great to get the Warhammer Fantasy timeline moved on, I'm currently 50 pages in and just hitting Chapter 1. 296 pages of glorious new fluff.

It's really great to see how the current events are affecting and changing the world of Warhammer, my own Wood Elves are in a real pickle with increased Beastmen attacks, the forest is Rotting, Ariel is sealed away under the Oak of Ages and Orion is on a murderous rampage.

This feels like WHFB's own "Horus Heresy" and I think it'll have amazing implications for the game and the story.
Reaper is doing another Minis kickstarter, this time for their CAV line of big stompy robots:


Funded in just over two hours, and while I doubt it'll be as big as the previous Bones KSs, it should still do pretty well for itself.

This one's different from the last two as there is actually a game system here instead of just generic minis.

Has anyone played CAV? Impressions on the systems?
Reaper is doing another Minis kickstarter, this time for their CAV line of big stompy robots:


Funded in just over two hours, and while I doubt it'll be as big as the previous Bones KSs, it should still do pretty well for itself.

This one's different from the last two as there is actually a game system here instead of just generic minis.

Has anyone played CAV? Impressions on the systems?

Ugly kick starter, they need more clear diagrams, but gonna be tempting depending on stretch goals.

Never played but was interested in it, from what I read of the rules it was like a simpler battletech, similar to the current alpha strike btech. Like most reaper games it never got much support.
The current Battletech starter box comes with a ton of plastic mechs and is a great product and value. Catalyst (Shadowrun) has the license now.

Add to that the Alpha Strike book which presents a more streamlined and competitively balanced game for those more used to mainstream wargames.

They are also going to be releasing more multi-part plastic mech packs which turned out well with the latest mold revisions.

I highly recommend checking them out if you're into this sort of thing, and don't overlook Alpha Strike because of your knowledge of the classic rules.


Does anyone know a company that sells 1/72 plastic Battletech models? Revell used to make them, but can't find any anymore..


So what's the current state of Flames of War? There are other WW2 wargames that are rising in popularity too aren't there? Been rewatching Band of Brothers and I've been getting the itch to finish my American Rifle Company.
Those minis are terrible!

Can say the same about alot of the Battletech minis out there as well and designs, but I think it's part of the age of the games and a bit of it's charm? Some of the CAV stuff is pretty blocky and bad, the line was always inconsistent with it's designs. There is some great mechs in the line and then some of the stuff is just so so bad. Lot of the stretch goal mechs are so much better than the core set being offered by the KS for example.

So what's the current state of Flames of War? There are other WW2 wargames that are rising in popularity too aren't there? Been rewatching Band of Brothers and I've been getting the itch to finish my American Rifle Company.

FoW still is probably the most popular of WW2 games, the game is one of the few historicals that made it's way more into the mainstream of gamers. Also the 15mm scale is really nice. Bolt Action seems to have gained popularity as well, though it's 28mm which is going to be personal preference to what you want out of your battles. I like the 15mm scale of FoW for WW2 scaled battles, it just seems to fit better personally.


I'm too scared to paint my Space Hulk. Going to buy some cheap Bones this weekend and try and build up some painting experience.


FoW still is probably the most popular of WW2 games, the game is one of the few historicals that made it's way more into the mainstream of gamers. Also the 15mm scale is really nice. Bolt Action seems to have gained popularity as well, though it's 28mm which is going to be personal preference to what you want out of your battles. I like the 15mm scale of FoW for WW2 scaled battles, it just seems to fit better personally.

Bolt Action is the other one I was thinking of, but as you said 15mm scale seems perfect for WW2. If there was a similar game for 40k I'd be all over that. At 6mm, Epic didn't really grab me.


Cross-posted from the WH40K thread

Hey guys! I couldnt find a general tabletop gaming thread so I thought: why not post my question here.

Is there a market for selling used figures (both painted as well as unpainted/unbased etc)?.

I recently found my collection of WH40K and LoTR miniatures and am not sure if I should just throw them away or try to sell them. I also dont want to go through a huge hassle just to sell them for a few bucks. Is this realistic?



Saint Nic
Just posting here because the BST thread won't make use of this...

I have a nice airbrush setup with a bunch of Tamiya acrylics that I'm going to sell. If anyone has been looking to get into airbrushing, PM me if interested. Compressor, Iwata eclipse airbrush with .3 and .5mm tips, and a load of paints and extra jars. Bunch of extra stuff, too.


Cool Smoke Luke
So what's the current state of Flames of War? There are other WW2 wargames that are rising in popularity too aren't there? Been rewatching Band of Brothers and I've been getting the itch to finish my American Rifle Company.

IF you can bring your own group...Give Battle group a whirl..its a much better WWII game than FOW is..it plays just fine with 15mm or 20mm figures..heck some people play in 28mm
If your looking for a light WWII war game thats more board gamey fun Bolt Action for sure.



Some of the Aleph (Infinity) I plan on working on soon. I took an idea that I saw years ago and decided to apply it here. Basically using sandpaper for a quick asphalt texture.


Infinity Third Edition is available for pre-order and Arena Rex has started shipping. Good time to be involved in both games.
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