I bought the Tyranid codex but my senses and my wallet got the better of me and I didn't buy any models. I'd better finish at least the first thousand points of Tau I've got before I start another army.
That's really disappointing. I wanted to do a Chaos Dwarfs army at some point, but I'd want to have faith that there would at least be a trickle of new stuff. They showed a WIP K'daai Destroyer ages ago. I hope they at least finish what they've already started.
People are right, no one wanted it because they focused on large and often odd-looking monsters that don't actually get used in games. Even on the 40k side the highest selling items are usually bits and characters that can be used in a typical army.
Now it's a decision between Lizardmen and Wood Elves for my foray into Fantasy.
I'd imagine their line of thought was that everyone would buy the monsters since they could be used with any army but it turns out people couldn't care less. Shame about the K'daai Destroyer as I hear it's pretty much mandatory for getting a Chaos Dwarf army to work.
Anyway, just catching up on the confirmed 7th ed 40k rules and the unbound army thing sounds like it could lead to some ridiculously broken armies.
I was going to buy a copy of Sanctus Reach: Stormclaw, but just found out it was limited edition and sold out. So, fuck that idea I guess...
Hmm, my local store Tabletop Tyrant (in Leicester, online store Gifts for Geeks) had a pile of like 20+ copies last Sunday when I went in, so if you're interested it might be worth giving them a call. I think it was about £67 in store for the box. If you're in the UK at least![]()
Reaper is doing another Minis kickstarter, this time for their CAV line of big stompy robots:
Funded in just over two hours, and while I doubt it'll be as big as the previous Bones KSs, it should still do pretty well for itself.
This one's different from the last two as there is actually a game system here instead of just generic minis.
Has anyone played CAV? Impressions on the systems?
9 days still left in CAV kickstarter, bunch of free models unlocked with more possible in future stretch goals. Some of the additional mechs are kinda cool, they also have updated the kickstarter with more game info and such.
Those minis are terrible!
So what's the current state of Flames of War? There are other WW2 wargames that are rising in popularity too aren't there? Been rewatching Band of Brothers and I've been getting the itch to finish my American Rifle Company.
FoW still is probably the most popular of WW2 games, the game is one of the few historicals that made it's way more into the mainstream of gamers. Also the 15mm scale is really nice. Bolt Action seems to have gained popularity as well, though it's 28mm which is going to be personal preference to what you want out of your battles. I like the 15mm scale of FoW for WW2 scaled battles, it just seems to fit better personally.
Hey guys! I couldnt find a general tabletop gaming thread so I thought: why not post my question here.
Is there a market for selling used figures (both painted as well as unpainted/unbased etc)?.
I recently found my collection of WH40K and LoTR miniatures and am not sure if I should just throw them away or try to sell them. I also dont want to go through a huge hassle just to sell them for a few bucks. Is this realistic?
Cross-posted from the WH40K thread
So what's the current state of Flames of War? There are other WW2 wargames that are rising in popularity too aren't there? Been rewatching Band of Brothers and I've been getting the itch to finish my American Rifle Company.