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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Did they ever send you an email on it? I haven't heard about my shipping yet, but I'm Canadian.

Granted, that whole campaign has been a bit of a mess so I've stopped paying too much attention to it and was just going to be surprised when it showed.

Is the figure quality not shit? Pictures and impressions seem all over the place.
I just got my shipping notice when it went out last week. I didn't make the first shipping wave but got in on the 2nd. Friend got his more than week before then so it seems they are doing batches here and there.

Figure quality itself seems ok, the main issue to me is that there seems to be a good amount of flash on many of the parts on the sprues. Gonna need lot of shaving down parts which to me is kinda odd with plastic figs like these.
I wasn't aware people have been getting them for that long. I wonder if the international shipping will happen this month or not.

And yeah, between part count and that, getting game ready will probably take an inordinate amount of time.
Yeah, I remember seeing some of the test casts and going "what the fuck" during the updates. Several components that should be one are two or more.

My local crew is no longer interested in this game after the delays and other issues it has had, so I guess that buys me time before I can introduce it. No one's chomping at the bit to play.

But from the sounds of it, it'll be a weekend project off and on for some time before I'm ready to do that.

Kind of a shame.


Are Battletech miniatures available for cheap anywhere in Europe? Figure shipping costs within Europe are cheaper than US-Europe. Even the new lance packs (pre-order only apparently for now) cost quite a bit after shipping costs...
Getting anything from Finland is pretty much impossible.
I'd very much like to get the introductory box set (that is available here, and it is even the newest printing), but first i'd like to know i can get additional miniatures later on, if i can get to play the game enough.

(Yes, using legos and other things as stand-ins is possible. OTOH, it won't feel the same, i think.)


Anyone in the UK know of a decent black spray paint alternative for miniatures? £10 a can from GW is extortionate

I think people usually recommend Army Painter. Never been sure about the name. If you guys have Krylon or something similar you can use that, I've gotten fantastic results with their flat primer. Really cheap, too. Something like three US dollars a can.
If you guys have Krylon or something similar you can use that, I've gotten fantastic results with their flat primer. Really cheap, too. Something like three US dollars a can.

That's what I use. I always have 2 cans each of white, black, and gray at all times. FYI, if you use an airbrush, you don't even have to prime.

You can put my GW coated minis next to my Krylon ones and not know the difference at all. That shit is a scam. I can't believe people buy "specialty" primer for miniature painting.


That's what I use. I always have 2 cans each of white, black, and gray at all times. FYI, if you use an airbrush, you don't even have to prime.

You can put my GW coated minis next to my Krylon ones and not know the difference at all. That shit is a scam. I can't believe people buy "specialty" primer for miniature painting.

Any chance you could post exactly which type of spray you are using from Krylon?
I had a movie on, but it shouldn't have taken me almost an hour to build just one battleroid miniature for Robotech. The amount of tiny parts for no reason and also no real instructions of how they go together makes it frustrating journey into trial and error
Any chance you could post exactly which type of spray you are using from Krylon?

Sorry, I just saw this. I'm on a weekend getaway with friends. I'll try to remember to post a pic when we get back.

Fyi, I buy my primer at hobby lobby. It's a single coat primer. Don't get the triple thick or paint/primer combos. Those are way too thick!


Sorry, I just saw this. I'm on a weekend getaway with friends. I'll try to remember to post a pic when we get back.

Fyi, I buy my primer at hobby lobby. It's a single coat primer. Don't get the triple thick or paint/primer combos. Those are way too thick!

Yeah, I'm afraid of trying it without knowing the EXACT spray you are using :). Thanks in advance for looking it up for me!
Tempting kickstarter though keep saying I shouldn't get involved in anymore mass miniature campaigns.... but I do love the Heavy Gear universe. Game is normally very expensive miniature wise, and this kickstarter is probably the cheapest way to get in now. So far a decent amount of stuff unlocked already and if it continues it looks like the KS campaign will have 3 complete armies included as long as the stretches continue. Potential 4th army if it does good enough



So after all of this time, I am finally taking the dive and starting Warhammer Fantasy.
A bunch of us 40k players at the LGS have committed to it though only a couple have ever played Fantasy before.
More money to burrrrrrn.
Wood Elves and Undead Legion here I come.
Yeah, you weren't kidding, holy shit. It showed up today.

It'll probably take me to the new year to be even "game ready", let alone actually painting. I was hoping to give it a spin during the holidays but the sheer quantity of content to assemble here is going to take me a while.
My current project is catching up on the Dark Angels I've had sitting unpainted since I bought the limited edition Dark Vengeance set a couple of years ago.


This is my squad sergeant before basing, rest of the squad should be of similar standard :p Its only tabletop quality but I'm happy with him.


Looks real good for tabletop standard.

Funny coincidence, I dug around my limited Dark Vengeance set yesterday, too. Grabbed two of the chosen to use as a sorcerer and dark apostle for my Word Bearers.
After months of prodding by my friends I've finally decided to make the foray into X-Wing. Given that they have sizable established Rebel and Empire forces, I decided the upcoming Scum and Villainy faction would be good to start with. Since there's no announced release date I bought a few Z-95s, Y-Wings and a Slave I just to prep.

Looking forward to getting more games in!
After months of prodding by my friends I've finally decided to make the foray into X-Wing. Given that they have sizable established Rebel and Empire forces, I decided the upcoming Scum and Villainy faction would be good to start with. Since there's no announced release date I bought a few Z-95s, Y-Wings and a Slave I just to prep.

Looking forward to getting more games in!

Nice thing about S&V will be how you can use minis already released for other factions, just swap in the cards that are coming in the S&V starter. Many folks will have instant new faction options with the release of that set.


Hey y'all. I'm just getting deep into Warmachine recently. Got a Khador army now, planning a Orobus army next. Anyone else in? This is my first wargame experiences and BOY DO I LOVE IT. Playing in Seattle, been playing with friends lately but I'm ready to branch out if anyone wants to meet up...
Hey y'all. I'm just getting deep into Warmachine recently. Got a Khador army now, planning a Orobus army next. Anyone else in? This is my first wargame experiences and BOY DO I LOVE IT. Playing in Seattle, been playing with friends lately but I'm ready to branch out if anyone wants to meet up...

I never got into it but I would still like to see your painted army.
Hey y'all. I'm just getting deep into Warmachine recently. Got a Khador army now, planning a Orobus army next. Anyone else in? This is my first wargame experiences and BOY DO I LOVE IT. Playing in Seattle, been playing with friends lately but I'm ready to branch out if anyone wants to meet up...

Good game, I kinda like the resource mechanics of Hordes better though. Games are identical otherwise, but with Warmachine you are limited to your pool of focus. With Hordes your Warlock can essentially keep pushing your beasts as it creates a bit of a gambling situation. While Warcasters have limited exact focus points to spend, Warlocks are more flexible, with the risk factor being kinda fun.

I used to play Mercs in WM but dumped them, now have a Trollblood army.


I never got into it but I would still like to see your painted army.

Yeah! Here's the whole set I have right now:


You wouldn't run all those together, but I have a couple worthwhile forces I can assemble out of that pile. Some detailed shots:




The faction is strongly is Russian-flavored. The pink/red armor on the robos and the konscripts is supposed to look sort of weathered. Those spear dudes keep their shit clean. The cloaks and fabrics are supposed to look snowy. This is the first time I've done any painting like this. I basically like how they came out but there's clearly a lot of room for improvement.

Good game, I kinda like the resource mechanics of Hordes better though. Games are identical otherwise, but with Warmachine you are limited to your pool of focus. With Hordes your Warlock can essentially keep pushing your beasts as it creates a bit of a gambling situation. While Warcasters have limited exact focus points to spend, Warlocks are more flexible, with the risk factor being kinda fun.

I used to play Mercs in WM but dumped them, now have a Trollblood army.

Yeah. I think the Hordes system is cooler but the Warmachine factions are cooler.
Yeah. I think the Hordes system is cooler but the Warmachine factions are cooler.

Yea I can see that with the steampunk mecha and such. I think Hordes though at least has a bit more unique look to each faction while WM has some crossover. But it's of course all one big game really, so it's all pretty well mixed up now.


Just a heads up to anyone who might be interested in checking out the X-Wing Miniatures game, I made an OT for it here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=984377

Thanks for this! I hadn't heard of the game before, but count me in for a shopping trip very soon to pick up a few sets. Always on the lookout for party games that are relatively easy to learn.

On an unrelated note, last night I took my first crack in almost a decade at painting a miniature -- for a character I'm playing in a Pathfinder group. I used Heroforge to design and print the figure (highly recommended). Fun experience overall, and although the paint job still needs a lot of work, I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out so far.

Any and all criticisms are more than welcome. I know I'm terrible at this sort of thing, especially compared to the awesome stuff showcased here!

Moral of the story is that I need a magnifying glass and thinner coats. And better skills.


Looks pretty good! The thing I always have to keep in mind is that the model is going to be on a table a few feet away most of the time anyway so don't sweat it too much. The eyes are kind of a bummer (but eyes are completely impossible to paint so whatever); I really like the texture on the pants!


Hey thanks! Really appreciate the encouragement. You're right, nobody's going to scrutinize this under a microscope (and to be honest, it looks fine to my naked eye, so I'm not about to obsess over it).

I used to think that eyes are windows into the soul. After attempting to paint them, I realize that they're windows into the abyss, and all you'll find down there is misery and woe. That being said, I'm tempted to give them another shot because the face needs some extra attention anyway -- might as well go for broke.


Spartan Games has entered into a License Agreement with Microsoft Corporation to design and produce tabletop miniatures games for "Halo®", the global entertainment phenomenon. The first products will be on sale around the world through Spartan Games' sales and distribution channels in 2015.

The award winning "Halo" franchise was first seen on the Xbox in 2001, but has since transcended video games to build a worldwide fan base of millions and inspired best-selling novels, comic books, action figures, apparel and more. Now exciting tabletop miniatures games can be added to the list.



Neil Fawcett, Creative Director, Spartan Games said "Our design team are huge fans of 'Halo' and this opportunity is the icing on the cake for them. After six years of successfully creating our own games and models, we can now work with Microsoft to bring epic 'Halo' spaceship battles to gaming tables around the world. And if that's not enough, we're making fast and furious ground combat games as well. Hard to tell what is more exciting: invading Reach with our Covenant Fleet or assaulting ground defences with Spartans and UNSC Marines?"



I like the UNSC ship designs but I don't know if I like them enough to get a starter set for both fleets so I have someone to play regularly.

The ground combat stuff might have my interest if it's 15mm, which I'm guessing it will be.
From the pics, looks like identical to their Firestorm set ups. Wouldn't be surprised if they just are using same system anyways since they like to use similar rules for all their games. Assume they are going to take liberties with the fluff, seeing how lopsided the naval battles were in the Halo fluff/novels. Human ships were seriously outclassed unless they are attempting to set it in the further future ?
Thanks for this! I hadn't heard of the game before, but count me in for a shopping trip very soon to pick up a few sets. Always on the lookout for party games that are relatively easy to learn.

On an unrelated note, last night I took my first crack in almost a decade at painting a miniature -- for a character I'm playing in a Pathfinder group. I used Heroforge to design and print the figure (highly recommended). Fun experience overall, and although the paint job still needs a lot of work, I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out so far.

Any and all criticisms are more than welcome. I know I'm terrible at this sort of thing, especially compared to the awesome stuff showcased here!

Moral of the story is that I need a magnifying glass and thinner coats. And better skills.

I don't know how busy this thread still is or if you're still looking for input but I recently got back into painting WH40K minis myself so maybe I can help?

Honestly skill is secondary here, and you already know the biggest mistake you made - paint needs to be thinned. May I ask what kind of paint you were using? I tend to apply base coats comprised of anywhere between 25-30% water and wipe off any excess paint on my palette or finger nail before applying it. You can usually apply a couple of layers like that before you start obscuring detail.

I wish I could give you any feedback on faces but it's not my strong suit either. The only suggestion I have is to find a much smaller brush and ensure as before that you remove all excess paint before applying it to the mini. It can help to pinch your brush tip into a point before going in for paint.

Good luck on your future endeavors! Simple Green is pretty cheap and safe to strip paint jobs if you ever feel like having another go.
Star Wars Armada came in, pretty neat looking so far, with more depth than X-Wing for sure. Not sure if it will be as popular, doesn't seem to be as casual friendly but need to read more in depth. For the price, kinda hard to say if the value is good for what you get. The paint jobs are fantastic for the big ships, just like X-Wing, but as we knew the fighters are all non painted plastic. Still $100 for the base set seems a bit high once you take everything out. Obviously buy online for alot cheaper, but the price tag is also going to scare the casual market as well. X-Wing was a huge hit, being considered number 1 selling mini game beating the likes of 40K and Warmahordes, wonder how this will fare.



I'm really tempted to pick it up, but I haven't even had a chance to play Imperial Assault yet with anyone else.

I think I'll wait until the game expands a little more in the ship department. I'd like some Mon Calamari cruisers to go up against the Star Destroyers.
Yup look forward to seeing what else they put out for it. Wondering if I should pick up a second set because price wise is essentially same but you get all the box set fighters extra. Only difference I assume is that like X-Wing, the individual expansion ships will come with different cards than what the starter came with. Kinda forces you to buy the individual ship expansions.

Really like how the fighter flight stands come in like four different poses so they all don't look identical, slightly different flying formations.
I actually picked up Star Wars Armada as well. I have some expansion ships pre-ordered to help me build up my Imp fleet. So far, from what I have read the game seems pretty damn solid. I'm gonna be getting in some practice games later this week with a friend.


Star Wars Armada came in, pretty neat looking so far, with more depth than X-Wing for sure. Not sure if it will be as popular, doesn't seem to be as casual friendly but need to read more in depth. For the price, kinda hard to say if the value is good for what you get. The paint jobs are fantastic for the big ships, just like X-Wing, but as we knew the fighters are all non painted plastic. Still $100 for the base set seems a bit high once you take everything out. Obviously buy online for alot cheaper, but the price tag is also going to scare the casual market as well. X-Wing was a huge hit, being considered number 1 selling mini game beating the likes of 40K and Warmahordes, wonder how this will fare.


I just think they're competing amongst themselves, I just see this being somewhat popular (it still is Star wars), but no where near x wing in popularity. I mean other than Home One ... what other iconic ship could they reasonably do.
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