I certainly hope you're right.
I certainly hope you're right.
The "Sudden Death" mechanic seems particularly cool. If I'm understanding correctly, if a player is facing an opponent with one-third more units on the field, then they are able to activate "Sudden Death". This can be anything from eliminating a target enemy character, or keeping a friendly unit alive for x turns. Somewhat brilliant, as this means a player can go into a battle with potentially very few units, and still win against a larger opponent. Not requiring a larger army to play the game is a bold, but welcome move...and pretty surprising for GW, admittedly.
You can add 1 to
the Bravery of Josef Bugman and any
Dispossessed unit from your army
within 4" of him whilst you are holding
a drink.
In your hero phase,
you can complain about something in a
suitably Dwarfish manner. For example,
the hardships you endured when you were
younger, how the youth of today dont
respect their elders, how expensive beer
is etc. If you do, this unit of Longbeards
will join in and you can pick one of the
grumblings listed below. The effects last
until your next hero phase.
If Settra the Imperishable uses this ability, you must hold out your hand and utter War in a supremely commanding tone. If you do, then until your next hero phase you can add 1 to all hit rolls for Death units in your army that are within 18" of Settra in the combat phase. If a Deathrattle unit is affected by this ability, you can also add 1 to their wound rolls in the combat phase. However, if Settra is your general, you must not kneel for any reason during the battle. If you do, even once, you immediately lose the battle. Settra does not kneel!
This Warhammer situation is fascinating. I don't know anything about Warhammer so I arbitrarily opened one of those PDFs and:
If you drop a die you better bend at the hip when you go to pick it up lol.
There are a bunch of those throughout the various armies. Ork, excuse me, Orruk players are supposed to actually yell "Waaaagh!" when they want to use the ability. Beastmen players, all 3 of us, are supposed to actually snort and yell (no words though) to use a challenge ability.
It's idiotic.
While I agree that as grown men it's kinda silly, I think I would have a ton of fun with this with my kids.I think the models are nice and have pre-ordered the box set.
I am thinking about wetting my feet in miniature gaming again after quitting Warhammer many years ago. One game in particular I've been looking at the past months is Infinity since it doesn't seem to need huge armies to collect, build and paint (the last one I'm being generally terrible at). Also it seems to be a really good game from what I hear.
So I've been looking at this big box called Operation Icestorm, which at its cheapest from what I can find is 105 USD locally here in Sweden. Just wondering how big of a mistake I am making trying this one out?
It's been posted up elsewhere, but GW rep has said that there are more rules coming in the future, including army balancing rules and modes of play.
This is just the beginning.
Average army maybe 10 models at most for Infinity, so you can just buy whatever you want model wise and it will probably be viable for play. Game is good and almost all models are deadly to one another, so it's hard to go wrong with that game. It's a bit complex feeling at first, and more so than many other mini games that follow similar common mini rules, so it can be confusing at first. But once you get past the initial learning curve of breaking the mold, the game really is easy.
I think the concept is good, but they went too far with how casual the rules are for AoS. Main reason for this, is because it's still an expensive and involved hobby game, while these simple rules are targeting a very simple casual crowd which really are likely not going to bite onto the game.
It's basically GW going too far into an extreme with AoS, when it could have worked out better with a bit more meat put into the rules. Right now they are killing off lot of opinion with the hardcore crowd, while I think its really out of reach of the really casual as well.
The weird part is that GW thinks it's too much effort to learn rules, but not too much effort to assemble and paint dozens of miniatures, and then build a game table.
The weird part is that GW thinks it's too much effort to learn rules, but not too much effort to assemble and paint dozens of miniatures, and then build a game table.
GW could just as easily released these rules as a secondary way to play WHFB. They didn't have to destroy one of the longest running, most popular, and iconic fantasy table top wargames in history.
They threw the baby out with the bath water on this one.
Warhammer is dead in the water. It is unsupported and has been removed from GW's site. We have no reason to believe it will be in GW Tournaments anymore. It's done.
But that is what this is. WFB did not go anywhere, the rules and miniatures are out there, and these rules for AoS is just an alternate way to play.
GW did not magically make WFB not exist anymore or make the rules go away. My rulebook is still on the shelf ready to play.
They really shouldve just made this a side rule for the fantasy format. It doesnt mesh well with current fantasy players, as they are generally the hardcore of the hardcore for my local scene, and while it seems to be fun to play, I don't get the idea that this will be something you bring an army to play to your game store.
Finding active, like minded people will be harder and harder. The number of new players will do nothing but decline. Many are already selling their armies while they have a semblance of value.
No rule FAQs/clarifications, new models/units/armies will not have official rules, the list goes on. WHFB is now an unsupported product.
This scenerio is nothing like releasing a new edition. This is GW 's New Coke.
Yes, and was only real choice to make. Another edition was not going to save the game, it needed to be a whole new game.
It's not a matter if AoS is good, I personally dont think the current rules are, but WHFB was always in line to be offed and become something else.
Agreed. I think we need to be honest here that generally speaking, WHF was dying a slow, quiet death. My FLGS no longer carries any WHF miniatures, and I haven't played in more than a decade.
However, I'm now actually excited to play Warhammer again. This has given me a reason to find my old miniatures, dust 'em off and bring them back to the table, without having to spend a dime to try it out. If this experiment fails, at least GW has done something to try to bring life back into an old franchise.
Bottom line - I'd much rather see Warhammer Fantasy live on in a new format, instead of see it die a quiet death.
Reaper Miniatures just started their Bones 3 Kickstarter. It always ends up being a great deal, so I'm in for another couple hundred miniatures
My wallet!
I don't see why ppl are tossing money at it so fast, stuff is not going to sell out, might as well make them work for it and get stretch goals out there. Reaper has no reason to just give away tons of stuff right away with so much rolling in, they can space out stretches by a ton now
I don't see why ppl are tossing money at it so fast, stuff is not going to sell out, might as well make them work for it and get stretch goals out there. Reaper has no reason to just give away tons of stuff right away with so much rolling in, they can space out stretches by a ton now
I posted this in the Reaper forums in regard to basically the same thing you're saying:
"Reaper has a lot of good will from the previous two kickstarters, and there are a lot of people like me who pledged $100 immediately in light of it.
I'm anticipating this KS reaching the value proposition of the previous two KS'. I've waiting on stretch goals to see how much to add. However, if I don't feel the value is there I'll drop the $100 and just do add-ons.
I have tons of Bones already, and if I'm being honest one of the main reasons I do the Bones Kickstarters is that they are an insane value. If they end up being a merely OK value this time I might be tempted to drop support at the end. I'm seeing a similar sentiments elsewhere.
So, let's hope they aren't going with the idea that "Hey, we can do less stretch goals and we'll still make the same amount of money!" because I fear that might backfire."
I am here also. I pledged early for Wave 1 shipping, but unless the core package explodes or they show some minis I can't pass up it will be a pass from me this time.I'm waiting till essentially the last minute to see if it's worth it or not. Bones to me is essentially all about getting a ton of minis for cheap, mainly for use in RPG campaigns. Get a good variety of a little of everything without having to put together stuff, even if you don't paint em, you still have some cool figs to use for games.