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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Issue 74 of White Dwarf mentions that the WFB Rulebook has featured Ghal Maraz (Signmar's Warhammer) on the cover for the last three iterations. They also say "Long may this tradition continue".

Seeing how the book inside AoS doesn't feature the fabled Warhammer itself, that may be a hint that a full ruleset is still in the works. That would explain the current free ruleset. I'd expect at the very least a hardcover codex-sized book down the line. But certainly the rules in WD and the box set are enough to be getting on with. The Sudden Death rule gives you a win condition even if you're using a much smaller army.


The more I'm reading up on Age of Sigmar, the more I'm finding myself interested.

The "Sudden Death" mechanic seems particularly cool. If I'm understanding correctly, if a player is facing an opponent with one-third more units on the field, then they are able to activate "Sudden Death". This can be anything from eliminating a target enemy character, or keeping a friendly unit alive for x turns. Somewhat brilliant, as this means a player can go into a battle with potentially very few units, and still win against a larger opponent. Not requiring a larger army to play the game is a bold, but welcome move...and pretty surprising for GW, admittedly.

Also like that old units are still viable, sounds as if they will all be given "war scrolls" to display characteristics and abilities - there may yet be life for my old Empire army. If I can find it, that is.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I certainly hope you're right.

It has been confirmed by the most reliable and long-standing of rumour mongers. Which isn't a total confirmation, of course, but given that it is obvious to begin with.

We know formations are in.

This is shaping up to be pretty interesting. Reading some of the leaked fluff bits has really excited me. Can't wait to get AoS (and rebase my Lizards :) ).
Warscrolls are up.

This game is a fucking mess. Day 0 and it's completely broken.

Edit: Those 4 pages are, in fact, all the rules. There is no way, thus far, for two players to create balanced armies to fight each other.

There are 6 scenarios in the box that have prescribed armies (i.e., unit z with x models in it); that's it.

Edit 2:

To clarify this:
The "Sudden Death" mechanic seems particularly cool. If I'm understanding correctly, if a player is facing an opponent with one-third more units on the field, then they are able to activate "Sudden Death". This can be anything from eliminating a target enemy character, or keeping a friendly unit alive for x turns. Somewhat brilliant, as this means a player can go into a battle with potentially very few units, and still win against a larger opponent. Not requiring a larger army to play the game is a bold, but welcome move...and pretty surprising for GW, admittedly.

It's models, not units. And for this purpose, and basically any in game purpose, 1 model of any kind = 1 model of any kind. So if I bring 60 skaven slaves and you bring 20 Fateweavers, you get Sudden Death even though my army is completely outclassed.


Unconfirmed Member
You can add 1 to
the Bravery of Josef Bugman and any
Dispossessed unit from your army
within 4" of him whilst you are holding
a drink.

In your hero phase,
you can complain about something in a
suitably Dwarfish manner. For example,
the hardships you endured when you were
younger, how the youth of today don’t
respect their elders, how expensive beer
is etc. If you do, this unit of Longbeards
will join in and you can pick one of the
grumblings listed below. The effects last
until your next hero phase.

Seriously? Who is this game meant for?
It's a complete mess, and no points values makes it strictly unplayable for me (they ain't coming, otherwise they would've been on the old army pdfs).



This Warhammer situation is fascinating. I don't know anything about Warhammer so I arbitrarily opened one of those PDFs and:

If Settra the Imperishable uses this ability, you must hold out your hand and utter ‘War’ in a supremely commanding tone. If you do, then until your next hero phase you can add 1 to all hit rolls for Death units in your army that are within 18" of Settra in the combat phase. If a Deathrattle unit is affected by this ability, you can also add 1 to their wound rolls in the combat phase. However, if Settra is your general, you must not kneel for any reason during the battle. If you do, even once, you immediately lose the battle. Settra does not kneel!

If you drop a die you better bend at the hip when you go to pick it up lol.
This Warhammer situation is fascinating. I don't know anything about Warhammer so I arbitrarily opened one of those PDFs and:

If you drop a die you better bend at the hip when you go to pick it up lol.

There are a bunch of those throughout the various armies. Ork, excuse me, Orruk players are supposed to actually yell "Waaaagh!" when they want to use the ability. Beastmen players, all 3 of us, are supposed to actually snort and yell (no words though) to use a challenge ability.

It's idiotic.


There are a bunch of those throughout the various armies. Ork, excuse me, Orruk players are supposed to actually yell "Waaaagh!" when they want to use the ability. Beastmen players, all 3 of us, are supposed to actually snort and yell (no words though) to use a challenge ability.

It's idiotic.

While I agree that as grown men it's kinda silly, I think I would have a ton of fun with this with my kids. :) I think the models are nice and have pre-ordered the box set.
While I agree that as grown men it's kinda silly, I think I would have a ton of fun with this with my kids. :) I think the models are nice and have pre-ordered the box set.

Right up until you use Wulfrik and have to insult your children to get his bonus. ;_;

I agree it's one of those things that, among friends, would be amusing the first couple times. In a GW store? When multiple people are trying to get games in?

"So I'm going to ch-"
"Right, I'm going to ch-"
"Uh, right, so ch-"
"Charge y-"
"Charge yo-"
*neighboring table breaks out into dance*
"I'm going home."

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Those rules are blatantly a joke inclusion and will be removed as army books are released.

Also, there will clearly be selection rules for games. Not necessarily points in the conventional sense, mind.

This is the intro box. Chill guys.
A joke release? That's just plain denial. What were the five phases of grief again?

Anyway, they have until July 10th to pull out this miracle save, after that it's KoW 2nd edition, all the time.

edit: someone made a battle report with the new rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zw_63NZ0D0&feature=youtu.be
I like the 50 Chaos Warriors just randomly appearing a in a pile (legal formation!). Great rule that, on a 4+ you get as many models as reinforcements as you wish. Whee!
Rules look not so good, but holy shit the minis in the box set look outstanding. I'll probably order it. Everything in the set looks like its from 40k, or at least it will take very little conversion work to make it that way. That One Lord-Relictor looks like a Chaplin in terminator armor already, lol.


I am thinking about wetting my feet in miniature gaming again after quitting Warhammer many years ago. One game in particular I've been looking at the past months is Infinity since it doesn't seem to need huge armies to collect, build and paint (the last one I'm being generally terrible at). Also it seems to be a really good game from what I hear.

So I've been looking at this big box called Operation Icestorm, which at its cheapest from what I can find is 105 USD locally here in Sweden. Just wondering how big of a mistake I am making trying this one out?
It's been posted up elsewhere, but GW rep has said that there are more rules coming in the future, including army balancing rules and modes of play.

This is just the beginning.

I am thinking about wetting my feet in miniature gaming again after quitting Warhammer many years ago. One game in particular I've been looking at the past months is Infinity since it doesn't seem to need huge armies to collect, build and paint (the last one I'm being generally terrible at). Also it seems to be a really good game from what I hear.

So I've been looking at this big box called Operation Icestorm, which at its cheapest from what I can find is 105 USD locally here in Sweden. Just wondering how big of a mistake I am making trying this one out?

Average army maybe 10 models at most for Infinity, so you can just buy whatever you want model wise and it will probably be viable for play. Game is good and almost all models are deadly to one another, so it's hard to go wrong with that game. It's a bit complex feeling at first, and more so than many other mini games that follow similar common mini rules, so it can be confusing at first. But once you get past the initial learning curve of breaking the mold, the game really is easy.


It's been posted up elsewhere, but GW rep has said that there are more rules coming in the future, including army balancing rules and modes of play.

This is just the beginning.

Average army maybe 10 models at most for Infinity, so you can just buy whatever you want model wise and it will probably be viable for play. Game is good and almost all models are deadly to one another, so it's hard to go wrong with that game. It's a bit complex feeling at first, and more so than many other mini games that follow similar common mini rules, so it can be confusing at first. But once you get past the initial learning curve of breaking the mold, the game really is easy.

It is mostly the game part that interest me. The review of the game on Shut Up & Sit Down I think was the tipping point for me to give it a shot. Just have to get over the block I have in me that makes me rethink constantly when making large purchases. Thanks. :)

I will also keep an eye on the whole Age of Sigmar thing and see where it goes as a game when they start releasing the more structured rules, as of now, Infinity seems to more fit me as something that doesn't require as much time spent on the models. I have followed Warhammer since I quit, just not actively played or collected since I sold off my old High Elves and Eldar armies (when I realised how much I really didn't like elves), so its going to be interesting to see how this fares.


If nothing else, I think we can all agree that Age of Sigmar is most definitely a dramatic change to WHF.

Having read the rules and checked out the war scrolls, I'm a bit torn on what to think of all this. I absolutely understand why those loyal to "classic" WHF would be pissed, as AOS significantly simplifies the ruleset, essentially nullifies tournament play and made an often complex game...casual.

On the other hand though, free rules, war scrolls for all existing units available, and (in my opinion anyways), a much more accessible game can be a good thing. If I'm looking for a Warhammer fix, I think it will be easier to get into this than back into classic, which took quite a bit of time and money - both of which I don't have an excess of.

The way I see it, this does give the opportunity for those interested in more of a casual Warhammer experience something to look forward to, while offering a less prohibitive barrier to entry both in cost and complexity.

...and let's face it, those who still want the "classic" WHF experience can still play with the old rules, as I'm sure many will.
I think the concept is good, but they went too far with how casual the rules are for AoS. Main reason for this, is because it's still an expensive and involved hobby game, while these simple rules are targeting a very simple casual crowd which really are likely not going to bite onto the game.

Many people consider something like heroclix a casual mini game, yet the rules for that are far more complex than AoS, yet that has an easier barrier of entry with what you need to play. AoS is an expensive mini game with complex figs to build and such, which is a turn off for some casuals.

It's basically GW going too far into an extreme with AoS, when it could have worked out better with a bit more meat put into the rules. Right now they are killing off lot of opinion with the hardcore crowd, while I think its really out of reach of the really casual as well.


I think the concept is good, but they went too far with how casual the rules are for AoS. Main reason for this, is because it's still an expensive and involved hobby game, while these simple rules are targeting a very simple casual crowd which really are likely not going to bite onto the game.

That's a good point. For someone that has never played WHF before, that $125 price tag is a hard pill to swallow.

It's basically GW going too far into an extreme with AoS, when it could have worked out better with a bit more meat put into the rules. Right now they are killing off lot of opinion with the hardcore crowd, while I think its really out of reach of the really casual as well.

The more I think of it, the more I think AoS is ideal for a gamer like...well, myself. I played WHF when I was younger (around 5th or 6th edition) and had more time and disposable income to invest in the game. Nowadays I have less of both, so the prospect of a WHF game I can "drop" into more easily, using the miniatures I already have is a pretty attractive prospect (assuming I can find the crate I stored them in somewhere in my parents basement). I think this might actually serve to reinvigorate the WHF player base to an extent, by bringing those who once played back into the game. Admittedly, a "meatier" option for those interested in WHF "classic" wouldn't be a bad idea either - sortof a Age of Sigmar "Advanced".
The weird part is that GW thinks it's too much effort to learn rules, but not too much effort to assemble and paint dozens of miniatures, and then build a game table.
The weird part is that GW thinks it's too much effort to learn rules, but not too much effort to assemble and paint dozens of miniatures, and then build a game table.

That's exactly what I was trying to say, they are going for the super casual with AoS but it's not a crowd that is going to be building models, painting, terraining, etc

Those kinds of players are typically turned off by the hobby aspect and turn to prepainted ready to go games. In the US X-Wing for a long while now has been the number one selling miniature game being one of the first to long term kick out 40k from that top spot.

Fantasy has suffered for years and just kept going down, it getting a complete overhaul is needed but the direction being taken by AoS seems overboard as they are trying to please too many people at once.


The weird part is that GW thinks it's too much effort to learn rules, but not too much effort to assemble and paint dozens of miniatures, and then build a game table.

Yeah this is my exact reaction. As far as I understand the rules I think they're cute and goofy and could definitely be fun to play in the right mindset. But that mindset isn't the one I have after slaving away on painting a unit for a couple hours a day for two weeks... It's like some kind of ludo-investative dissonance (lol). I'm all for disposable, non-competitive, goofball games. But then give me disposable, cheap, goofball models to play it with.
GW could just as easily released these rules as a secondary way to play WHFB. They didn't have to destroy one of the longest running, most popular, and iconic fantasy table top wargames in history.

They threw the baby out with the bath water on this one.
GW could just as easily released these rules as a secondary way to play WHFB. They didn't have to destroy one of the longest running, most popular, and iconic fantasy table top wargames in history.

They threw the baby out with the bath water on this one.

But that is what this is. WFB did not go anywhere, the rules and miniatures are out there, and these rules for AoS is just an alternate way to play.

GW did not magically make WFB not exist anymore or make the rules go away. My rulebook is still on the shelf ready to play.

As for them not continuing with new edition for WFB, well the game for years has been selling like crap, their last edition attempted some big changes and it wasn't received well at all by the hardcore playerbase, who mostly wanted the game to keep its higher complexity rather than becoming more general consumer friendly. The game's been bleeding for over a decade now, and kept doing worse as more and more competition hit the market, and 3 editions of the game and new releases/rules did nothing to rememdy this. Was a new edition going to change or save the game? Likely not, so they are doing this complete restart.

The old school players wanted the game to go back to the older edition complexity, which would have further hurt the games future, while GW streamlining the game just then hurt their favor with older player base. Rebooting if anything is best idea for them to do with a whole different game and branding, but of course it's highly debatable they are doing it in the best way.....
Warhammer is dead in the water. It is unsupported and has been removed from GW's site. We have no reason to believe it will be in GW Tournaments anymore. It's done.
Warhammer is dead in the water. It is unsupported and has been removed from GW's site. We have no reason to believe it will be in GW Tournaments anymore. It's done.

You only play games for tournament scene?

I've been playing Battletech for 20 years without a tournament scene and it wasn't even supported for more than 5 years at one point


But that is what this is. WFB did not go anywhere, the rules and miniatures are out there, and these rules for AoS is just an alternate way to play.

GW did not magically make WFB not exist anymore or make the rules go away. My rulebook is still on the shelf ready to play.

I believe they've said they're going to phase out the existing models over time. So, for example, when the new Orruk models are released, the old Orc models will be shelved. So the old version will indeed be dead, as you won't be able to add to your army and new players won't be able to join in.

This is disappointing for me personally, as my friend has just started playing and I was planning to join him once the new edition dropped. The appeal was a game more complex than 40k, with a heavier focus on strategic movement. This new version is the opposite to what I (personally) wanted.
8th will be good for playing with like minded friends if you got em, but the community will wither away and die. Some will ebay their army, some will move to AoS and others will jump systems.
Finding active, like minded people will be harder and harder. The number of new players will do nothing but decline. Many are already selling their armies while they have a semblance of value.

No rule FAQs/clarifications, new models/units/armies will not have official rules, the list goes on. WHFB is now an unsupported product.

Some people still run Windows '95 so I guess diehards will always hold out. But finding other diehards will be the hard part.


They really shouldve just made this a side rule for the fantasy format. It doesnt mesh well with current fantasy players, as they are generally the hardcore of the hardcore for my local scene, and while it seems to be fun to play, I don't get the idea that this will be something you bring an army to play to your game store.

Speaking of GW, a hobby store just opened up near me and I might start getting back into 40k. I got the new Ork Codex that came out, but was wondering what has been the major changes on the new expansion. I used to play 5th edition, and I guess we're now at 7th?

Also, did Space Wolves get a new codex?
Orks are bound to be a source of frustration for a new player, so if you're not dead set on them, I'd go with something else. Like those Space Wolves. They got some cool flyers in the latest Codex.

Be aware though, the main issue with 40k is how the rules are blown up all over the place. You'll never be able to make sense of all the possible combinations, so just stick with what you think is cool.


In other news, there is now an American sectorial for Ariadna in Infinity. At first glance, there's not much that distinguishes them as Americans, compared to the kilts and greatswords of the other sectorials, but the paint scheme they went with, the old WW2 green, is a good start. I've always had a soft spot for Ariadna and now I have a good excuse to get into that faction.

Nice touch by Corvus Belli to announce it on Independence Day as well.
Miniature-specific question:

I'm looking for a good Mongol-themed mini for a D&D character, any race, any gender, preferably on foot and roughly the size of a Reaper miniature.

Any ideas?
They really shouldve just made this a side rule for the fantasy format. It doesnt mesh well with current fantasy players, as they are generally the hardcore of the hardcore for my local scene, and while it seems to be fun to play, I don't get the idea that this will be something you bring an army to play to your game store.

Again, Fantasy was already on verge of being a dead product. It's been over a decade in declining sales and 3 editions of releases have done nothing to help the game. Did people really expect them to keep supporting a game that just continually was drying up and attempts to revitalized it have failed multiple times?

Finding active, like minded people will be harder and harder. The number of new players will do nothing but decline. Many are already selling their armies while they have a semblance of value.

No rule FAQs/clarifications, new models/units/armies will not have official rules, the list goes on. WHFB is now an unsupported product.

Similar comments people make when a new edition of WHFB came out, it was time to ebay the armies, the game was no longer supported. Your forced to adapt to new edition or stick to your guns. The game needed a massive update as it was going nowhere for so long and competition is heavy now, the market is all about smaller scale skirmish games, one of the only mass combat games still doing alright is 40K. Whatever they decided to do, folks would be saying Warhammer Fantasy is dead.
This scenerio is nothing like releasing a new edition. This is GW 's New Coke.

Yes, and was only real choice to make. Another edition was not going to save the game, it needed to be a whole new game.

It's not a matter if AoS is good, I personally dont think the current rules are, but WHFB was always in line to be offed and become something else.


Yes, and was only real choice to make. Another edition was not going to save the game, it needed to be a whole new game.

It's not a matter if AoS is good, I personally dont think the current rules are, but WHFB was always in line to be offed and become something else.

Agreed. I think we need to be honest here that generally speaking, WHF was dying a slow, quiet death. My FLGS no longer carries any WHF miniatures, and I haven't played in more than a decade.

However, I'm now actually excited to play Warhammer again. This has given me a reason to find my old miniatures, dust 'em off and bring them back to the table, without having to spend a dime to try it out. If this experiment fails, at least GW has done something to try to bring life back into an old franchise.

Bottom line - I'd much rather see Warhammer Fantasy live on in a new format, instead of see it die a quiet death.
Agreed. I think we need to be honest here that generally speaking, WHF was dying a slow, quiet death. My FLGS no longer carries any WHF miniatures, and I haven't played in more than a decade.

However, I'm now actually excited to play Warhammer again. This has given me a reason to find my old miniatures, dust 'em off and bring them back to the table, without having to spend a dime to try it out. If this experiment fails, at least GW has done something to try to bring life back into an old franchise.

Bottom line - I'd much rather see Warhammer Fantasy live on in a new format, instead of see it die a quiet death.

The new format was needed. AoS though is likely not the best idea for it, it's looking like its going to be a mess. But WHFB was always on it's death bed, and the tournament scene was pretty much dead already.

Reaper Miniatures just started their Bones 3 Kickstarter. It always ends up being a great deal, so I'm in for another couple hundred miniatures


My wallet!

I don't see why ppl are tossing money at it so fast, stuff is not going to sell out, might as well make them work for it and get stretch goals out there. Reaper has no reason to just give away tons of stuff right away with so much rolling in, they can space out stretches by a ton now


My wallet!

I don't see why ppl are tossing money at it so fast, stuff is not going to sell out, might as well make them work for it and get stretch goals out there. Reaper has no reason to just give away tons of stuff right away with so much rolling in, they can space out stretches by a ton now

This one is a lot shorter than the other two. 18 days compared to 33 & 26 of the other ones. I hope they use that smaller time frame to rapid fire release the stretch goals. They knew what they want to release now, just post that shit and take my money.

Apparently they are already having issues, they are several stretch goals behind already and are having a kick meeting to figure out how to catch up.
After the past campaigns, don't see how they didn't have this planned out really lol.

Always found it lame how CMON essentially had a huge line up of stretches already made, tons of stuff already sculpted and done, but being held up as stretches for 2+ mil onward


I don't see why ppl are tossing money at it so fast, stuff is not going to sell out, might as well make them work for it and get stretch goals out there. Reaper has no reason to just give away tons of stuff right away with so much rolling in, they can space out stretches by a ton now

I posted this in the Reaper forums in regard to basically the same thing you're saying:

"Reaper has a lot of good will from the previous two kickstarters, and there are a lot of people like me who pledged $100 immediately in light of it.

I'm anticipating this KS reaching the value proposition of the previous two KS'. I've waiting on stretch goals to see how much to add. However, if I don't feel the value is there I'll drop the $100 and just do add-ons.

I have tons of Bones already, and if I'm being honest one of the main reasons I do the Bones Kickstarters is that they are an insane value. If they end up being a merely OK value this time I might be tempted to drop support at the end. I'm seeing a similar sentiments elsewhere.

So, let's hope they aren't going with the idea that "Hey, we can do less stretch goals and we'll still make the same amount of money!" because I fear that might backfire."
I posted this in the Reaper forums in regard to basically the same thing you're saying:

"Reaper has a lot of good will from the previous two kickstarters, and there are a lot of people like me who pledged $100 immediately in light of it.

I'm anticipating this KS reaching the value proposition of the previous two KS'. I've waiting on stretch goals to see how much to add. However, if I don't feel the value is there I'll drop the $100 and just do add-ons.

I have tons of Bones already, and if I'm being honest one of the main reasons I do the Bones Kickstarters is that they are an insane value. If they end up being a merely OK value this time I might be tempted to drop support at the end. I'm seeing a similar sentiments elsewhere.

So, let's hope they aren't going with the idea that "Hey, we can do less stretch goals and we'll still make the same amount of money!" because I fear that might backfire."

I am RIGHT THERE with you. The offered initial package isn't CLOSE to what I got for $100 before. Maybe it it gets there, I'll jump in again.

Careful, Reaper.
I think Bones 2 wasn't as hot as the first one, in large part due to them putting in more buy in items instead of all the freebie stretches. I seriously was turned off by them doing the expansion sets and wasting stretch goals on expanding the expansion sets. It felt iffy. Been in enough kickstarter campaigns to see them having to make closer stretch goals to entice ppl, and it works, but when ppl are just tossing money at them they can really space things out, and look at how many buy in stretches they tossed in once they finally updated to meet up to what the kickstarter campaign had currently earned.

But my fiance is going in on Bones 3 at the $1 pledge just to put some cheap big dragon models and she collects all the reaper Mouslings.

The campaign already feelsl like it has kinda come to a screeching halt despite the quick first day.


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the expansion set idea at all. It forced me to make some very hard decisions. I had a certain budget, and to stay within that budget I had to decide if a certain expansion set made sense if I only wanted certain models within it. That led to me being semi-unsatisfied with the end result.

I agree that it feels like the KS is just crawling along. If we don't get to the big pieces frankly I'll be withdrawing my support all together.


I was all about that first Bones KS. Such value! Then I proceeded to not paint or ever use any of the minis I got lol. I really wanted a modeling / painting thing in my life but it didn't really click until I got into Warmachine.
I'm waiting till essentially the last minute to see if it's worth it or not. Bones to me is essentially all about getting a ton of minis for cheap, mainly for use in RPG campaigns. Get a good variety of a little of everything without having to put together stuff, even if you don't paint em, you still have some cool figs to use for games.


I'm waiting till essentially the last minute to see if it's worth it or not. Bones to me is essentially all about getting a ton of minis for cheap, mainly for use in RPG campaigns. Get a good variety of a little of everything without having to put together stuff, even if you don't paint em, you still have some cool figs to use for games.
I am here also. I pledged early for Wave 1 shipping, but unless the core package explodes or they show some minis I can't pass up it will be a pass from me this time.

Reaper was saying that they spaced out their early stretch goals so that they could do them faster for the middle days. Hopefully this is true.
My AoS arrived today.


^ this guy was a pain to assemble, will cause a few tears if a first-timer 12 year old hobbyist attempts it as their first ever model!
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