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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

I've not tried those paints, but as long as they're thin, you'll be fine. Infinity models have very fine detail compared to those of GW so it's very easy to lose detail with thicker paint. Even GW paints need a thin down before application to the model or you'll end up with brush strokes and lost details.

Unfortunately they are the Heavy Base ones. Could I just thin them down? or should I just get different paints? Any brands you recommend for Infinity?


I'm suddenly really, really glad I never sold my old 13th Company Wulfen models. These new ones are...


...Not great.
Thanks guys, here's him done now. I did gold trim in the end.

Looks even better now!

Here's some of my first marines I have built from sprues, in various stages of painting. Because why not.

From back to front:

- primed with Army Painter white spray primer (the one primer I have in my possessions)
- blue base coat (Army Painter Ultramarine blue)
- shading with Citadel Drakenhof Nightshade (Really, really like it!) and Army Painter Strong Tone Ink for the bolter and gold parts
- highlighting with Citadel Calgar Blue. Attempts at blending the highlights.


Looks even better now!

Here's some of my first marines I have built from sprues, in various stages of painting. Because why not.

From back to front:

- primed with Army Painter white spray primer (the one primer I have in my possessions)
- blue base coat (Army Painter Ultramarine blue)
- shading with Citadel Drakenhof Nightshade (Really, really like it!) and Army Painter Strong Tone Ink for the bolter and gold parts
- highlighting with Citadel Calgar Blue. Attempts at blending the highlights.

Those front 2 marines really pop. Love 'em.

As expected, I've barely looked up to breathe from XCOM and Firewatch, plus it was my birthday over the weekend, so I've done exactly fuck-all recently.

Got a 400 point king-of-the-hill tournament this weekend that one of the guys came up with

2 maps - one with loads of terrain, one with barely any.
400 points - nothing with more than 10 armour or 2 wounds. 1 troop & 1 fast mandatory.

I think 3 turns, whoever controls the point at the centre wins. If nobody controls outright, then most points on table wins.

I think I can field a lot of Orks for 400 points. Time to plan!
Those front 2 marines really pop. Love 'em.

As expected, I've barely looked up to breathe from XCOM and Firewatch, plus it was my birthday over the weekend, so I've done exactly fuck-all recently.

Got a 400 point king-of-the-hill tournament this weekend that one of the guys came up with

2 maps - one with loads of terrain, one with barely any.
400 points - nothing with more than 10 armour or 2 wounds. 1 troop & 1 fast mandatory.

I think 3 turns, whoever controls the point at the centre wins. If nobody controls outright, then most points on table wins.

I think I can field a lot of Orks for 400 points. Time to plan!

Thanks, and happy birthday!

I really want to see/read a battle report on that one!

I also can't wait to play more games. Right now I'm full on army building mode. I will probably buy a Start Collecting! box soon because I still feel like I want more marines and I want that Venerable Dreadnought miniature. After that it's just matter of getting two or three Razorback boxes (yikes!) and a box of Devastators (or some heavy weapon bits and a few marine legs and torsos from somewhere).
Got a 400 point king-of-the-hill tournament this weekend that one of the guys came up with

2 maps - one with loads of terrain, one with barely any.
400 points - nothing with more than 10 armour or 2 wounds. 1 troop & 1 fast mandatory.

I think 3 turns, whoever controls the point at the centre wins. If nobody controls outright, then most points on table wins.

I think I can field a lot of Orks for 400 points. Time to plan!

Oooh, what would I take? Let me see...

HQ: Weirdboy (level 1)

Troops: Boyz x 20 inc Nob with boss pole and Power Klaw

Troops: Boyz x 20 inc Nob with boss pole and Power Klaw

Fast Attack: 1 Deffkopta with rokkits

Total 395 for 38 Boyz, two klaws, a cheap psyker generating two warp charges if he's near 10+ Boyz and a deffkopta to either soak up a round of overwatch or at least distract a single unit for one turn.

Edit: or you could really abuse that Troops/Fast Attack requirement and take a full 15 warbikers with a nob, boss pole and power klaw and still have 90 points left over for a min squad of grots and a cheap HQ, or a small squad of Boyz.

I can't imagine much that other armies could field with AV10 or below which would stand up to 45 twin-linked strength 5 shots for under 400 points while meeting those requirements. Plus you'd have jink, huge range and that power klaw for anything stubborn enough to survive the volley of fire and ensuing charge.
Warning: some train of though content incoming. Toot toot!

Dreadnought issues!


I bought a Dread from "the guy" (again, for a very good price!). It's the snap fit one from the Assault on Black Reach box and it comes with multi melta and a Dread CC arm with an under slung storm bolter. Also note that this model has different size arm bolts, so in order to mix arms from other boxes, some heavy duty cutting and magnetising is needed. I am okay with this.

I am also going to buy the Start Collecting! -box, which comes with a Venerable Dread. VD comes with a plasma cannon, an assault cannon and a twin linked laser for the right hand, and again, a CC weapon for the left hand. The CC weapon comes with either an underslung flamer or a storm bolter.

Here's what I plan to make of them:

Dread A (AoBR):

right hand - multi melta and possibly an assault cannon and possibly a heavy flamer options (all magnetised)
left hand - CCW with a storm bolter or a flamer (need magnets and cutting for the underslung swapping)

Dread B (Venerable):

right hand - twin linked laser / assault cannon / plasma (again magnetised)
left hand - missile launcher or doubles with the right hand ranged choice (magnets)

Now, here are my issues:

Venerable Dread comes with only two right arms, so I am going to need to either pick two of the weapons, or try to find a third arm from somewhere

AoBR Dread comes with only the multi melta arm, so I need at least one arm for the heavy flamer (if I find one in the first place), and another one (if I don't use the Venerable one) for the assault cannon

Neither of the Dreads come with any left hand ranged options

So it looks like from the initial parts I am geting, I am doing the following:

- two magnetised left CC arms, one with storm bolter, one with flamer
- one multi melta right arm
- one assault cannon right arm
- one right arm with laser or plasma. Leaning on laser for fluff reasons.

What I need to look for:

- missile launcher arm (left)
- heavy flamer arm (right)
- assault cannon / tw laser / plasma on left arm
- one plain right arm


Wat do?

Does this even make any sense? I am confused.

But in a good, fresh sprue smelling kinda way.

Also I'd like to note that on table I am planning to use them as both Venerables or normal Dreads, depending on the list.


Warning: some train of though content incoming. Toot toot!

Dreadnought issues!


I bought a Dread from "the guy" (again, for a very good price!). It's the snap fit one from the Assault on Black Reach box and it comes with multi melta and a Dread CC arm with an under slung storm bolter. Also note that this model has different size arm bolts, so in order to mix arms from other boxes, some heavy duty cutting and magnetising is needed. I am okay with this.

I am also going to buy the Start Collecting! -box, which comes with a Venerable Dread. VD comes with a plasma cannon, an assault cannon and a twin linked laser for the right hand, and again, a CC weapon for the left hand. The CC weapon comes with either an underslung flamer or a storm bolter.

Here's what I plan to make of them:

Dread A (AoBR):

right hand - multi melta and possibly an assault cannon and possibly a heavy flamer options (all magnetised)
left hand - CCW with a storm bolter or a flamer (need magnets and cutting for the underslung swapping)

Dread B (Venerable):

right hand - twin linked laser / assault cannon / plasma (again magnetised)
left hand - missile launcher or doubles with the right hand ranged choice (magnets)

Now, here are my issues:

Venerable Dread comes with only two right arms, so I am going to need to either pick two of the weapons, or try to find a third arm from somewhere

AoBR Dread comes with only the multi melta arm, so I need at least one arm for the heavy flamer (if I find one in the first place), and another one (if I don't use the Venerable one) for the assault cannon

Neither of the Dreads come with any left hand ranged options

So it looks like from the initial parts I am geting, I am doing the following:

- two magnetised left CC arms, one with storm bolter, one with flamer
- one multi melta right arm
- one assault cannon right arm
- one right arm with laser or plasma. Leaning on laser for fluff reasons.

What I need to look for:

- missile launcher arm (left)
- heavy flamer arm (right)
- assault cannon / tw laser / plasma on left arm
- one plain right arm


Wat do?

Does this even make any sense? I am confused.

But in a good, fresh sprue smelling kinda way.

Also I'd like to note that on table I am planning to use them as both Venerables or normal Dreads, depending on the list.

I think once again, eBay is going to have to be your friend.

If you want anything and the shipping is ridiculous, if it's based in the UK, you can have it sent to me & I'm happy to send on for you?
If you want to do it with a load of bits at once, I can ship a box-full for like £35, or I'm sure for little bits here and there Royal Mail wouldn't be too expensive?

let me know if you wanna do that, otherwise, hopefully there are more local spare shops etc?
I think once again, eBay is going to have to be your friend.

If you want anything and the shipping is ridiculous, if it's based in the UK, you can have it sent to me & I'm happy to send on for you?
If you want to do it with a load of bits at once, I can ship a box-full for like £35, or I'm sure for little bits here and there Royal Mail wouldn't be too expensive?

let me know if you wanna do that, otherwise, hopefully there are more local spare shops etc?

Thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind.

I have no idea how the bits market is in Finland. There is one major forum for Finnish miniature gamers, but I am not a member. Not as of yet, at least.


Having said that it's so easy over here, I'm still struggling to get Nob models to put on bikes.

Anybody got suggestions on that? For a Warboss too :/
My warbiker warboss is the Assault on Black Reach warboss, his legs are pretty well spaced apart for fitting him on some kind of converted bike, you just have to clip/file down his loin cloth thing and maybe reposition and green stuff him at the waist, depending on the shape of your bike. There are some pretty good examples online of that model being used as a biker boss, and it's easy to find him cheap on eBay due to being in a box a whole lot of people bought (and dirt cheap if you don't mind taking some time to strip an awful paint job).

As for nob bikers, I just built every box of warbikers I bought as two bikers and a nob until I had enough warbikers for a full mob, so that's not a very cost effective approach.


To be fair, I do want loads of regular bikers too... Humph.

I just got 4 nob bikers on eBay, with another 2 snatched from me at the last second, so I guess I only need a couple more for now...

Ffs. GW, release models for me to buy, you buggers
So I'm thinking of grabbing Vallejo paints for my Infinity minis, do you guys like that stuff at all?

What brand of spray can primer do you guys like?


So I'm thinking of grabbing Vallejo paints for my Infinity minis, do you guys like that stuff at all?

What brand of spray can primer do you guys like?

Personally, I used Vallejo when I painted my Necromunda minis a few years ago and I didn't love it, but I think it's pretty much down to the individual.
Give 'em a go!


Whats your preference then? Im open to getting anything.

I'm probably just a sucker, but I've found Citadel paints to be far more workable.

I've only tried the 2 brands, though.

If I were you, I'd wait for somebody more knowledgeable to pass through and give better advice!


So I'm thinking of grabbing Vallejo paints for my Infinity minis, do you guys like that stuff at all?

What brand of spray can primer do you guys like?

There was some discussion on primer kind of recently in this thread, you can probably search it out. I've been happy with Army Painter or just Krylon. For paints I use P3 especially for metals and then just a range of generic art store acrylics.

I always prime in black, because I figure if I miss a spot it'll just look like shadow or something. I primed in white a couple times and you really gotta be super detailed about coverage with the acrylic, making sure you get into armpits and all, or else the spots you missed (or didn't coat as many times) will really pop out. In a way that makes white good because it forces you to get total coverage I guess? Depends on whether you're trying to get to good enough (go black) or excellent, fine-detailed (white maybe).
So I'm thinking of grabbing Vallejo paints for my Infinity minis, do you guys like that stuff at all?

What brand of spray can primer do you guys like?

Vallejo are great paints but I don't use much aside from their extra opaque lines, which is pretty much the same thing as their model color lines. I hear their model color line is more transparent and has less viscosity, which is kind of strange for me as I normally just use craft paints.

Any brand of can primer will work as long as it's fresh, in my experience. Just practice on sprues first to gauge the correct distance lest you get a grainy finish. What 'color' of primer you should use is a more important question than the brand. You should always use grey primer unless the model is predominantly black.
Welp it has been officially confirmed.... The TOMB KINGS line will no longer be sold going forward. The entire line has been put on the Last Chance to Buy list and there are already some units that are completely gone (As of posting Bone Giants, Carrion, Tomb King with Great Weapon, Tomb King with Sword and Shield, and the Necrotect have already sold out). If you have any interest in the line either for an army, modeling opportunities, kit bashing, or just for spare parts now is your last chance. I would also warn that people interested in less popular armies be prepared for something similar may also happen (looking at you Bretonnian and Ogre players).

Link: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US...ing=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440002a-flat

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Welp it has been officially confirmed.... The TOMB KINGS line will no longer be sold going forward. The entire line has been put on the Last Chance to Buy list and there are already some units that are completely gone (As of posting Bone Giants, Carrion, Tomb King with Great Weapon, Tomb King with Sword and Shield, and the Necrotect have already sold out). If you have any interest in the line either for an army, modeling opportunities, kit bashing, or just for spare parts now is your last chance. I would also warn that people interested in less popular armies be prepared for something similar may also happen (looking at you Bretonnian and Ogre players).

Link: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US...ing=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440002a-flat

Ogres aren't at risk. At all.

Most of the Tomb Kings were really old and dated models. The Ushabti and the Necropolis Knights are the big losses.
Thinned out paints are really different to work with. Haha

I went from unthinned citidel paints to trying thinned Tamiya paints. It feels impossible to get used to right now. Hah
Thinned out paints are really different to work with. Haha

I went from unthinned citidel paints to trying thinned Tamiya paints. It feels impossible to get used to right now. Hah

It's well worth it! But I agree, managing the amount of thinning takes a bit of practice when you are just starting.

When you feel like it, try making a wet palette. It helps to keep the paint thin and constant.


I think I've decided my first war game minis purchase will be the Warmachine 2p Battle Box. I know a lot of people don't like the minis from a tactical perspective much in it much but it'll let me dip my feet in to see what I think of the game and practice painting on cheaper minis.
I think I've decided my first war game minis purchase will be the Warmachine 2p Battle Box. I know a lot of people don't like the minis from a tactical perspective much in it much but it'll let me dip my feet in to see what I think of the game and practice painting on cheaper minis.

I don't know much about Warmahordes, but I do know I want to see some pictures when you have something ready.


I don't know much about Warmahordes, but I do know I want to see some pictures when you have something ready.
It'll be a while, haha. I'm actually planning on painting Mice and Mystics first, which I'll share as long as the result isn't too embarrassing! Smallest thing I ve ever painted was a 1/100 Gundam kit and thats been a while. Slowly gathering materials for minis.
These guys are going to become a Sternguard veteran squad. As cool as the real Sternguard minis are, I don't want to spend 40€ for five guys at this point. I will probably buy the box later so I can have ten Sternguard and more combi weapons, but in the meantime, these will have to do.

Bitz are leftovers from a tactical marine box, a fresh tactical marine box and the Ultramarines upgrade kit.

Ogres aren't at risk. At all.

Most of the Tomb Kings were really old and dated models. The Ushabti and the Necropolis Knights are the big losses.

Are Ogres popular? That was one range which I've never seen an army of. Huh maybe it is just not popular where I am and extended that to the rest of the country then and assumed it would be going the same route. Sorry for that.

Anyway Bretonia is almost certainly gone so that would seem to be next though.


These guys are going to become a Sternguard veteran squad. As cool as the real Sternguard minis are, I don't want to spend 40€ for five guys at this point. I will probably buy the box later so I can have ten Sternguard and more combi weapons, but in the meantime, these will have to do.

Bitz are leftovers from a tactical marine box, a fresh tactical marine box and the Ultramarines upgrade kit.

Marine models all look so cool
I wish GW would come out with some really distinctive new orks


Welp it has been officially confirmed.... The TOMB KINGS line will no longer be sold going forward. The entire line has been put on the Last Chance to Buy list and there are already some units that are completely gone (As of posting Bone Giants, Carrion, Tomb King with Great Weapon, Tomb King with Sword and Shield, and the Necrotect have already sold out). If you have any interest in the line either for an army, modeling opportunities, kit bashing, or just for spare parts now is your last chance. I would also warn that people interested in less popular armies be prepared for something similar may also happen (looking at you Bretonnian and Ogre players).

Link: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US...ing=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440002a-flat

This pissed me off so much, AoS can fuck right off.
(Well most people at my shop had already pretty much tossed it aside anyway after giving it a go for a couple of weeks).
Tomb Kings had some of the best models out there and fluff and for conversions.


The death of Tomb Kings is so awful. Fucking GW. I am going to be very sad to see some of the other armies go too. I loved Fantasy for so many years and it is just so odd to have it be gone (officially at least).
Had no idea there was a GAF miniature-age thread (until I searched for it!). I picked up the hobby again a year ago after an 18 year absence. Really enjoying the painting side of things, and the gaming side when I get chance.


Can't wait to get hold of the new Ulrik sculpt, it's stunning.

What's stunning is your painting. They look amazing!
The tale of Dreadnought Brothers continues.

Still have one left arm unassembled. It's going to be a fist + flamer combo.

Also did baby's first modding and clued the Tyranids go home trophy from the Venerable box into the AoBR Dread to give him something to show off too. Not a perfect fit but I'll take it. (Should have bought some green stuff when I had the change.)



Damn heliconsoul, those look awesome! Good job.

Yes prices have certainly increased by quite a bit. This is why a lot of us have moved on from GW to greener pastures, but can't say I don't still love the GW style of minis.
New orcs? Heresy. Look nice and old school orc-y though.

I'm kinda stuck with 40k, which I don't mind. I'll always love space wolves and the four guys I tend to game with all have sizable 40k armies. Some are playing xwing as well though.

My big project this year is my imperial knight. It's assembled and fully magnetised. Just the painting now :-0
New orcs? Heresy. Look nice and old school orc-y though.

I'm kinda stuck with 40k, which I don't mind. I'll always love space wolves and the four guys I tend to game with all have sizable 40k armies. Some are playing xwing as well though.

My big project this year is my imperial knight. It's assembled and fully magnetised. Just the painting now :-0

I hear you. I have been into 40k for about twenty years I think, but for some reason only started painting and collecting last month. I have a lot of catching up to do, but I wouldn't start this hobby with any other miniatures than Space Marines!

Also post pics of the knight, duh.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Welp it has been officially confirmed.... The TOMB KINGS line will no longer be sold going forward. The entire line has been put on the Last Chance to Buy list and there are already some units that are completely gone (As of posting Bone Giants, Carrion, Tomb King with Great Weapon, Tomb King with Sword and Shield, and the Necrotect have already sold out). If you have any interest in the line either for an army, modeling opportunities, kit bashing, or just for spare parts now is your last chance. I would also warn that people interested in less popular armies be prepared for something similar may also happen (looking at you Bretonnian and Ogre players).

Link: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US...ing=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440002a-flat

The death of Tomb Kings is so awful. Fucking GW. I am going to be very sad to see some of the other armies go too. I loved Fantasy for so many years and it is just so odd to have it be gone (officially at least).

soooo... most of those models are 10+ years old with zero updates. Almost certainly those models don't sell, anyone who would want them has already bought them, and the rare people who haven't bought them but want them are more likely to hit ebay for 10 years worth of previous builds/paints for much cheaper.

The much much more likely scenario is those molds/figures are being retired, and new sculpts (for people to complain about) will come down the road as new releases to generate new sales for the line.

Age of Sigmar has nothing to do with it. More like (Old) Age of Models. See the new Wulfen releases for a pretty clear example of why old models are retired.
Those new Orks are... something. Old school sums it up I guess. Ah well at least I can pick up Facerippa, quite like his model.

My Wulfen showed up today, have been getting stuck into them tonight. Have to say I really, really dig the minis. The pack leader's pose sucked shit until I swapped his foot out for the other one in the box. Now instead of that weird, backwards leaning karate kid pose they advertised him in he's properly leaping forward. Funny how one tiny little alteration can make such a positive difference.

I decided to go for two axes, three thunder hammers and storm shields and five with claws, all with grenade launchers.

As a happy aside, one of the spares has a nice tuft of hair I can use as a topknot for the Ragnar I'm going to knock together when Krom is released next week.
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