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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The pack leader's pose sucked shit until I swapped his foot out for the other one in the box. Now instead of that weird, backwards leaning karate kid pose they advertised him in he's properly leaping forward. Funny how one tiny little alteration can make such a positive difference.

As a happy aside, one of the spares has a nice tuft of hair I can use as a topknot for the Ragnar I'm going to knock together when Krom is released next week.

would love to see both of these if you have a chance.

edit - also goes to my point about Tomb Kings.. GW discontinued Ork Warboss with Squig a couple weeks back, and now we see that Saturday's WD will have a preview for a new 6pc Ork Boss-mob including.... yup, Ork Warboss with Squig.

Especially with Grand Alliance: Death hitting on Saturday, I'm at this point expecting to see a Tomb Kings line-wide update before the end of March.
My Wulfen showed up today, have been getting stuck into them tonight. Have to say I really, really dig the minis. The pack leader's pose sucked shit until I swapped his foot out for the other one in the box. Now instead of that weird, backwards leaning karate kid pose they advertised him in he's properly leaping forward. Funny how one tiny little alteration can make such a positive difference.

I decided to go for two axes, three thunder hammers and storm shields and five with claws, all with grenade launchers.

As a happy aside, one of the spares has a nice tuft of hair I can use as a topknot for the Ragnar I'm going to knock together when Krom is released next week.

I've got five wulfen coming this week, thinking 3 axes, leader with claws (thanks for the foot swap heads up) and one with TH/SS to stick at the front. The axes seem way too good on the charge, all those S7 I5 attacks, but I'll wait to read the rules in full before deciding

Do you have a link/example for the Blackmane conversion. Really disappointed GW didn't update him.
For the foot, follow all the instructions for building the pack leader but swap his right foot (151) for the one meant for Wulfen 6 (03). Wulfen 6 is only something you'll build if you're making a box without a pack leader anyway, so it's a safe spare to use.

Here's how it looks leaping forward:



As for the Ragnar conversion, it's just going to be a Krom with the head, backpack and Frostfang from the Space Wolves upgrade sprue, nothing particularly special. Thinking about it I might not even add the topknot. I always hated that on the old Ragnar.

There are a fair few examples of the same conversion out there, it's fairly popular because 1) it seems very much like Krom was originally meant to be a new Ragnar model (their armour and decorations are almost identical) and 2) it seems like the upgrade sprue was intentionally made to make Krom more Ragnary.


thinking about picking up 40k and making my first mini wargaming army, don't really have anyone around here to play with since I live in some village in the middle of nowhere, so this is going to be mostly a model collecting thing and maybe some games if I manage to get some friends into it or move to some place where there are people playing it

leaning towards the Chaos SMs atm, I assume the dark vengeance set is a good starting point for this right? really like the look of the models in it, from what I've been reading the set is apparently kinda shit gameplay wise but meh not really that big of a concern atm ^^

apart from that I need some primer and paint, how much paint does one need to fully paint the chaos stuff? is that one small citadel thingy per color enough? also need some brushes and shit, in the painting guides they use all kinds of them but would one or 2 be enough? (small and medium one I guess) and should I bother spending money on the shading and highlighting paints for my first army or better to just buy that one latter?
Welcome to the fold :)

First of all, don't sweat not being able to find people to play against right away. The way I see it wargaming is actually four pretty distinct hobbies - collecting, painting, lore and the actual game itself. It's really not uncommon for people to just pick one or two aspects which interest them and never get into the rest and that's totally fine.

Dark Vengeance is a pretty good starter set. All the minis are clip together jobbers and you get a lot of stuff for your money. I don't know if it's a common thing amongst GW stores but my local one has a blackboard with the names of regulars willing to swap their unwanted half of box/starter sets. It might be difficult finding people to trade with this long after Dark Vengeance has been out but it's worth looking into if you know you'll never put the Dark Angels part of that set to use.

As for painting, I'd say at absolute minimum you'll want a standard and a fine detail brush and maybe a small or medium drybrush too. A regular citadel pot of paint will last a good while it you're painting rank and file (I get about 30 space marines done with one pot of their main armour colour). You're watching guides so you already know you'll be thing your paints down a fair bit when using them, which obviously will help them go further too. I'd definitely suggest learning to use washes with your first miniatures, it's something that's really easy to learn but makes huge, huge differences to your miniatures. Persnally I'd say glazes/dry paints/other technical paints aren't nearly as important to learn straight away but should be something you branch out to when you're comfortable with the basics.


soooo... most of those models are 10+ years old with zero updates. Almost certainly those models don't sell, anyone who would want them has already bought them, and the rare people who haven't bought them but want them are more likely to hit ebay for 10 years worth of previous builds/paints for much cheaper.

The much much more likely scenario is those molds/figures are being retired, and new sculpts (for people to complain about) will come down the road as new releases to generate new sales for the line.

Age of Sigmar has nothing to do with it. More like (Old) Age of Models. See the new Wulfen releases for a pretty clear example of why old models are retired.

Maybe I would agree with you if some of those molds weren't just a couple years old. Selling out just the old sets would make sense if they planned to replace them, but selling the new ones too bodes for a permanent end of the line.
thinking about picking up 40k and making my first mini wargaming army, don't really have anyone around here to play with since I live in some village in the middle of nowhere, so this is going to be mostly a model collecting thing and maybe some games if I manage to get some friends into it or move to some place where there are people playing it

leaning towards the Chaos SMs atm, I assume the dark vengeance set is a good starting point for this right? really like the look of the models in it, from what I've been reading the set is apparently kinda shit gameplay wise but meh not really that big of a concern atm ^^

apart from that I need some primer and paint, how much paint does one need to fully paint the chaos stuff? is that one small citadel thingy per color enough? also need some brushes and shit, in the painting guides they use all kinds of them but would one or 2 be enough? (small and medium one I guess) and should I bother spending money on the shading and highlighting paints for my first army or better to just buy that one latter?

IF you're doing chaos marines, I'd suggest buying a red spray primer - the mephiston red one is great. Prime your models so they're all red, then use a 'spot colour' or two (I'd suggest Gold for armour trim and silver for metallic parts like the guns) and then use a shade like Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade over the whole model once you've applied the other colours. You'll be surprised how good the models will look after only that. If you have any PVA glue and some sand you can apply that to the top of the base to get a nice finish to the model.

As your confidence improves you can go back to these models to pick out more details if you wish.

Alternatively, check out the official GW painting videos for Dark Vengeance, although they use quite a lot of colours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlblT7uk7ow
thinking about picking up 40k and making my first mini wargaming army, don't really have anyone around here to play with since I live in some village in the middle of nowhere, so this is going to be mostly a model collecting thing and maybe some games if I manage to get some friends into it or move to some place where there are people playing it

leaning towards the Chaos SMs atm, I assume the dark vengeance set is a good starting point for this right? really like the look of the models in it, from what I've been reading the set is apparently kinda shit gameplay wise but meh not really that big of a concern atm ^^

apart from that I need some primer and paint, how much paint does one need to fully paint the chaos stuff? is that one small citadel thingy per color enough? also need some brushes and shit, in the painting guides they use all kinds of them but would one or 2 be enough? (small and medium one I guess) and should I bother spending money on the shading and highlighting paints for my first army or better to just buy that one latter?

Dark Vengence actually has very few Chaos Space Marine models, unless you are really interested in painting cultists (which, from a collection/painting hobby pov aren't really that interesting IMO..) If you can, just buy the Champion and Chosen models on a bitz site, some of the go on regular sales and these can be had for really, really cheap.


thinking about picking up 40k and making my first mini wargaming army, don't really have anyone around here to play with since I live in some village in the middle of nowhere, so this is going to be mostly a model collecting thing and maybe some games if I manage to get some friends into it or move to some place where there are people playing it

leaning towards the Chaos SMs atm, I assume the dark vengeance set is a good starting point for this right? really like the look of the models in it, from what I've been reading the set is apparently kinda shit gameplay wise but meh not really that big of a concern atm ^^

apart from that I need some primer and paint, how much paint does one need to fully paint the chaos stuff? is that one small citadel thingy per color enough? also need some brushes and shit, in the painting guides they use all kinds of them but would one or 2 be enough? (small and medium one I guess) and should I bother spending money on the shading and highlighting paints for my first army or better to just buy that one latter?

One paint pot per color will last you quite a while, yes. As for brushes, I'd recommend buying at least one size 2 sable brush for basecoating, a size 0 or 1 for detail painting, and a cheap pack of crap brushes for mixing paint, drybrushing and stuff like that. That's basically what I use daily, any other brushes would be for specific jobs like painting tanks etc.

I will also HIGHLY recommend Games Workshops painting guides on their YouTube channel Warhammer TV. They are pretty great and Duncan is great to listen to. Edit: ah you've seen them already. I would actually recommend trying out their guides with the paints they use, basecoat/layer/wash/highlight is pretty basic stuff and there's no reason not learning it. If you want to skip a step, don't do the line highlighting which is by far the hardest and most time-consuming.
My assembled Wulfen. Some of them seem to have poses which only suit the axes, and since I only have two axes there are a few poses I'm not 100% happy with. On the whole though, I love the miniatures.


Two axes for strength 8, AP2 goodness on the charge and three Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields because I figure three of them will cover ten guys pretty well if they find themselves caught out in the open, but also because five attacks on the charge at strength 10, AP2 with concussive is going to ruin just about anybody's day, especially as they still get their attacks even if they die before their initiative step.


And the other five guys are all dual frost claws. In theory if they all made the charge, that would be 31 attacks from those 5 guys. At strength 6. At AP2. At initiative. And they get to make their attacks again if they die at a lower initiative step after making those attacks. I know close combat armies needed a shot in the arm this edition, but holy shit.
Heh, knight pic


None of the panels are glued, just blu-tacked to get a feel for the model. All weapons are mag-ed, the magnetising for the elbow joints were a pain (5 & 7mm mags) as was the mag-ing for the battle cannon/huge melta

Can't wait to see that thing painted!

Wonder how long it will take for me to get to the point I would even consider buying one of those beasts.

My current shopping list is (because again, why not):

Tier "as soon as I can afford"

2 Razorbacks
Devastator box

Tier "next in line"

Librarian of some sort
Sternguard box
One more Tactical Marine box
Some form of fast attack
Drop pods
One more Razorback

Tier "the far future"

Land rider(s)
other tanks
more of everything


Also still waiting for those magnets I ordered. A lot of Space Marine weapons and Dread arms are waiting to be magnetised.
I try not to think too hard about my wish list, or assembled paint queue:-/

I don't think painting the knight will be technically difficult, there's just shit loads of it so consistency will be key. The can of leadbeltcher spray I have will make short work of the initial chassis painting. Overall colour scheme is going to be cream/blue with gold trim (House Griffith).

Where the fiddly bit will come is the transfers, So many transfers.


Dark Vengence actually has very few Chaos Space Marine models, unless you are really interested in painting cultists (which, from a collection/painting hobby pov aren't really that interesting IMO..) If you can, just buy the Champion and Chosen models on a bitz site, some of the go on regular sales and these can be had for really, really cheap.
will have to ask the store if they sell dark vengeance parts by them self, would like the chosen, the aspiring champion and the lord plus maybe the hellbrute, don't have a credit card so buying from outside the country isn't possible sadly

not buying this right now anyway, will need a while to get some money together, but thanks for all the replies and answers ^^
will have to ask the store if they sell dark vengeance parts by them self, would like the chosen, the aspiring champion and the lord plus maybe the hellbrute, don't have a credit card so buying from outside the country isn't possible sadly

not buying this right now anyway, will need a while to get some money together, but thanks for all the replies and answers ^^

If you are not in a rush. GW seems to be rolling Start Collecting boxes that have great value. Maybe they will release one for Chaos Marines too.
The new WD has confirmation that an Ork Start Collecting Box is on the way so it looks like the initiative will be staying around for a while and that they will be introducing more over time. Looking at the remaining armies (excluding those which lack modern models or are too small to justify so excluding SoB, Knights, Harlequins, Inquisition, and Assassinorium) Chaos Marines, Grey Knights, Dark Eldar, Eldar, and the two remaining Deamon factions are the standout factions lacking a new Starter Box.

Blood Angels are in an interesting position as their battleforce box offers a similar amount of product but for ten dollars more. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets reboxed as the BA starter but then it doesn't really stand out from the standard SM starter does it. I am also unsure if the DA will also be getting a starter box due to being in Dark Vengence.
Finally getting to my AvP miniatures. Prodos does some quality work, their resin casting is pretty friggin sweet with minimal clean up and almost no mold lines at all anywhere. Expensive but it is some quality stuff, pics don't do them justice. Still got to put together all the Xenos.




Finally getting to my AvP miniatures. Prodos does some quality work, their resin casting is pretty friggin sweet with minimal clean up and almost no mold lines at all anywhere. Expensive but it is some quality stuff, pics don't do them justice. Still got to put together all the Xenos.



DAYUM those are some nice minis. Tempted to pick that up some day now.


Finally getting to my AvP miniatures. Prodos does some quality work, their resin casting is pretty friggin sweet with minimal clean up and almost no mold lines at all anywhere. Expensive but it is some quality stuff, pics don't do them justice. Still got to put together all the Xenos.



Those really DO look good.
Take some snaps of the xenos once you've got them assembled and you may trick me into spending some £££

Is there a game associated with these? Is it any good?
Those really DO look good.
Take some snaps of the xenos once you've got them assembled and you may trick me into spending some £££

Is there a game associated with these? Is it any good?

Got to finish the xenos hopefully tonight.

Yes there is a board game/miniature game attached to them. Have heard its a mixed bag of a game cause it's more of a mini game trying to be sold as a board game as well, and some translation issues to be worked out in the rules still as we await faqs. Game looks like Space Hulk kinda

These are the Stalker Xenomorphs, got a bunch of the infant Xenos to build. Also got Alien Queen and a set of the Xeno warriors coming tomorrow. Infants seem to be based on the Alien 3 xeno, infants look like Alien 1's big chap and have the back tubes. Warriors I believe are based on the ridged head xenos from Aliens
Today on jobs you hate, recess shading. It's such a boring part of the painting but adds so much. Wish I hadn't chosen to batch paint 10 blood claws mind :p


Enjoyed the fluff from the new Wulfen book, nice setup at the end for the second raid on my bank account when the other inevitable book drops
Today on jobs you hate, recess shading. It's such a boring part of the painting but adds so much. Wish I hadn't chosen to batch paint 10 blood claws mind :p


Yep, this is the step which had me lose interest in painting for two months, although to be fair that was when I painted up 30 great hunters at once. Mistake.

Enjoyed the fluff from the new Wulfen book, nice setup at the end for the second raid on my bank account when the other inevitable book drops

How long is it between parts of a campaign, usually? Hoping for a nice, wolfy starter set. Maybe, finally, a new Ragnar.
30 grey hunters in one go. That certainly is brave :)

I *think* there was about a month between or the two Tau campaign books, maybe a little more. Ragnar was mostly absent in the book so maybe we will see more of him in book 2. I kinda want a new model for him but have enough characters to paint as it is!

The GW blog post showing the new Iron Priest on a Wolf is tempting me now......
Oooh I haven't seen that Iron Priest on a wolf yet. If it's not a tricky conversion I may do that, I need a second mounted one. Where did you see it? Edit: oh cool found it.

Yeah, stupid decision with the 30 grey hunters, I ended up rushing them just to get them off my painting station and now they're my definition of rushed tabletop quality. Not awful, fine at a distance, but still disappointing. Once my Stompa is finished I think I'm going to paint a bunch of Thunderwolves and then rebase my 30 grey hunters, 20 power armour wolf guard, 30 blood claws, 10 sky claws and 14 long fangs on 32mm bases. Maybe I'll give the grey hunters and blood claws a quick once over while doing that.

I noticed that about Ragnar too, actually makes me hesitant to make that converted mini I was talking about. There was a bit where they mention Ragnar's company rushing to somewhere or other but basically not making it in time for this part of the campaign, tune in next week. He's clearly getting a new mini in the next part.
Finally finished the bases on my first set of marines. Here's five of them. Kitty litter worked out okay I think. The bases are perhaps little dark, but I kinda like them. Grimdark future and all.

Funny how I am somewhat proud of my first painted miniatures, but in the same time I'm thinking I can do better on the next ones. Fun!
Nicely done, bases are good too :) Not too dark imo.

You'll always paint the next model better than the last. I've got stuff I might end up redoing further down the line like my Njal and an early rhino I did.
Nicely done, bases are good too :) Not too dark imo.

You'll always paint the next model better than the last. I've got stuff I might end up redoing further down the line like my Njal and an early rhino I did.

Thanks! Next patch are from the new box with the bigger bases, and tomorrow I'm getting some cork I ordered online. Can't wait to start fiddling with the bases.


Ehh... I watered down my too much and realized that only when I started painting another color and half of chest was covered in turquoise. Luckily, it was only one of the minis (interestingly, somewhere in the middle), but still.

Also, freehand is hard, especially since my hands are always shaky. I couldn't paint the strap on the head of my Immortals without having to cover up my mistakes.

But somehow I'm still having fun. :p


Got to finish the xenos hopefully tonight.

Yes there is a board game/miniature game attached to them. Have heard its a mixed bag of a game cause it's more of a mini game trying to be sold as a board game as well, and some translation issues to be worked out in the rules still as we await faqs. Game looks like Space Hulk kinda

These are the Stalker Xenomorphs, got a bunch of the infant Xenos to build. Also got Alien Queen and a set of the Xeno warriors coming tomorrow. Infants seem to be based on the Alien 3 xeno, infants look like Alien 1's big chap and have the back tubes. Warriors I believe are based on the ridged head xenos from Aliens

Fuuuuuuuuuuck I neeeeed these.


Saw those the other day. Once again, GW killing it with these models, uh, minus recent Space Wolves.

The Necromunda community is going to want to get their hands on those genestealer cult models for sure.
It's so tempting to add those genestealers to the Tyranids I got from the Deathstorm starter and start a (very) little 'Nids army.

Are these board games generally any good in their own right?
I'm all over the Deathwatch game, amazing models. Loved all of the GW output recently. I kinda feel most people who aren't fans of the Wulfen need to see them up close, they're pretty great.

As a reference I own the assassin game and it's great fun, challenging too.
Wow at that competition GW are running for the next month. Anyone who spends £50 gets entered to win one of seven of the following: One of every brush, modelling tool, paint and glue they make, a huge range of either fantasy or 40k scenery (easily enough to put together a 6'x4' table) along with a realm of battle board and up to £2000 worth of minis. I don't know what I'd do with that much plastic crack.
Wow at that competition GW are running for the next month. Anyone who spends £50 gets entered to win one of seven of the following: One of every brush, modelling tool, paint and glue they make, a huge range of either fantasy or 40k scenery (easily enough to put together a 6'x4' table) along with a realm of battle board and up to £2000 worth of minis. I don't know what I'd do with that much plastic crack.

I agree, it's crazy. I'm looking to order couple Razorbacks next month and I don't know what to do. Retailer would be cheaper, but to have a chance at getting all that..I'm torn.
Hmm I was gonna buy the Deathwatch box from Element Games on the cheap, but that competition might push me over to getting it from GW.

Well played GW, well played.
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