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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Those autumn leaves on the base. What, where, how?

Been thinking about something similiar for my Circle when I get to them.

Edit. This is about Android's pics on the last post of the page before. Can't quote the pic in question.


Raid a colorful spice rack.

Or look for ground flock. It's like firm cotton almost and it comes in a variety of colors. They're typically used for model trains because you can make easy ground cover and trees from it.
Raid a colorful spice rack.

Or look for ground flock. It's like firm cotton almost and it comes in a variety of colors. They're typically used for model trains because you can make easy ground cover and trees from it.

I was asking about the base on Android's post but it seems it got stuck on the last page. Better quote it for clarity and to show the cool pics for this page.

Will edit my post.

Edit. Noo they quoted their pics.


Those autumn leaves on the base. What, where, how?

Been thinking about something similiar for my Circle when I get to them.

Edit. This is about Android's pics on the last post of the page before. Can't quote the pic in question.

Miniature leaves are made from birch tree seed pods. You can buy them harvested and colored from a number of manufacturers or harvest them yourself if you feel like it.


General undergrowth can be made from spices and what's called "ground cover" which is essentially ground foam. Then there's the standard flock to represent grass.


Saint Nic
Anyone here use Vallejo Air colors? Thinking of picking a few up for scale models, and this is really the best place on GAF to ask.
How do you guys apply a protective coat at the end?

Matte.. Gloss.. Spray or paint?

I used a Krylon Matte Spray in my test dinos last night and applied a few coats between 10 minute intervals. Seemed to turn out alright, but there's a slight whiteness about then that wasn't there before. I don't know if I put too much on in each coat, or if that's just how they turn out.

In one tutorial, someone said that go cheap on everything from brushes to paints, but when it comes time to apply a protective coat, they buy the good stuff that you paint on.. I've seen someone mention cloudiness before for something that can happen in a protective coat.

What are your thoughts?


I'm a little iffy about protective coats. I've had bad experiences using gloss and matte sprays, to the point where I will not use them on minis. I've used Tamiya matte varnish for Gundam models and it works beautifully, but I've had clouding issues with miniatures. I haven't varnished minis in years, but I do use brush on gloss coat and matte coat for decal purposes.

Anyone here use Vallejo Air colors? Thinking of picking a few up for scale models, and this is really the best place on GAF to ask.

The few Gunpla blogs I've followed all used Tamiya acrylics, but I'm sure I've seen a few people use Vallejo stuff too.


I use a spray can "satin" varnish, usually two coats per model. Never had any "clouding" or really problems of any kind. My impression is that clouding is a function of spraying in humid environments or something? Read the instructions on the can carefully and follow them.
Just scored another two Imperial Knights for £80. I'm putting some thought into whether to build, magnetise, paint and sell one of them to cover the cost of the other/paints.


Saint Nic
I'm a little iffy about protective coats. I've had bad experiences using gloss and matte sprays, to the point where I will not use them on minis. I've used Tamiya matte varnish for Gundam models and it works beautifully, but I've had clouding issues with miniatures. I haven't varnished minis in years, but I do use brush on gloss coat and matte coat for decal purposes.

The few Gunpla blogs I've followed all used Tamiya acrylics, but I'm sure I've seen a few people use Vallejo stuff too.

I've got nearly the entire line of Tamiya acrylics. Love them, but the fact that I NEED to be at my vented spraybooth to paint with them (versus just a catch box of sorts) is kind of a bummer. Means cold weather painting is SUPER annoying.

On the topic of top coat...

I actually like Testors Gloss and Testors Dullcote. It's important to let the model dry for at least 24 hours before ANY sort of top coat. You're not looking to cure the paint, but you DO want it to harden enough to be a solid surface for top coating. After that, I usually use thin layers of gloss (waiting about 10-20 minutes between layers), wait 24 hours, and then thin layers of dullcote to remove the shine (unless I WANT the shine, in which case I'll do one more thin round of gloss).

I have also used Future through my airbrush. This article as well as this video should give you some info on it.
Where do you find these deals?!

I have a 2 year old who has a habit of waking up at 5am on random days of the week, so I get plenty of time to check eBay for random deals at stupid-o-clock while trying to drink my own weight in coffee and attempting to feel like a human being.

This time it was cheap because the scenery has been removed from the set and since I'm already drowning in scenery I didn't mind. There was actually some shenanigans with the top bidder, he kept putting in tiny bids to see how much the other bidders had put down, then sniped it at the last minute but started asking if he could pay in a couple of weeks. The seller wasn't having it and offered it to me for my highest bid, so I got pretty lucky (again lol).
I have a 2 year old who has a habit of waking up at 5am on random days of the week, so I get plenty of time to check eBay for random deals at stupid-o-clock while trying to drink my own weight in coffee and attempting to feel like a human being.

This time it was cheap because the scenery has been removed from the set and since I'm already drowning in scenery I didn't mind. There was actually some shenanigans with the top bidder, he kept putting in tiny bids to see how much the other bidders had put down, then sniped it at the last minute but started asking if he could pay in a couple of weeks. The seller wasn't having it and offered it to me for my highest bid, so I got pretty lucky (again lol).

That's pretty cool. You could probably just get a lot back by just selling an extra weapon or two if you don't need all of them. Those battle cannon bits sure are expensive.
Played first time against Eldar last night. It was...interesting.

My detachment of 3rd company tactical marines and a librarian and a captain was supported by a 1st company task force of two squads of Sternguard veteran in drop pods and a terminator squad.

They faced Eldar with a Wraithknight, bike squadrons and Wraithguard etc. from one player and Chaos Sorcerer Cabal on bikes and a Renegade Knight from the other.

I also managed to get sandwiched between the Wraithknight and the Cabal with my tacticals the same time my Termies and my Termie captain HQ decided to get annihilated by a deep strike mishap.

Was 2nd in points though!

...I better build my Knight fast the way our local meta is going lol

The giant looms

Uh oh, I think we made it mad when we scorched those bikers

Cabal zooming in on my flank

Damn, you faced a lot of cheese. Just missing some warp spiders. At least he didn't double up on the wraithknights.

Well he said he wants to get another one. :)

Yeah...for some reason it's been getting more and more tournament style play here. A lot of deathstars and now superheavies.

Well, I got Tigurius waiting pick-up from a friend who bought it for me and I am building my own Knight.


Neo Member
Anyone going to Lock and Load this year? It'll be my first time going.

I am going to Lock and Load this year it will also be my first time!
My resolution for the new mark is to learn to paint my own models myself can anyone give me some pointers are point me towards a good guide?
I am going to Lock and Load this year it will also be my first time!
My resolution for the new mark is to learn to paint my own models myself can anyone give me some pointers are point me towards a good guide?

I suppose it depends a bit on what are you going to paint. When I started to paint my Ultramarines, this tutorial by TheApatheticFish was the most important one in learning the basics.


Anyone going to Lock and Load this year? It'll be my first time going.

I wish I could this year. Playing a bunch of mkiii iron arena games sounds like fun. Typically I go to Warmachine Weekend and Adepticon though, as they're easier to get to from Omaha.

I don't think anyone local is going, in fact.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Finally picked up Warhammer Quest (plus a Slaughterpriest, because it is the perfect excuse to paint that sexy model) to give me a fresh painting challenge alongside my Sons of Horus.

Android18a how are you planning on painting the horrors?


The cards all leaked out. I read a bunch of them. The general feel seems to be Warmachine lists will have more Warjacks than they're accustomed to, Hordes lists might have fewer beasts than they're accustomed to. DEF values fall, broadly speaking, and there seem to be fewer Weapon Masters. Some terrain changes mean we should see more water, and in general, it's harder to get Concealment unless you have Pathfinder.

It feels silly to speculate at this point tho, the full MK III rules release tonight (though your mileage may vary on getting the PDF from the Privateer Press website, lol).


The cards all leaked out. I read a bunch of them. The general feel seems to be Warmachine lists will have more Warjacks than they're accustomed to, Hordes lists might have fewer beasts than they're accustomed to. DEF values fall, broadly speaking, and there seem to be fewer Weapon Masters. Some terrain changes mean we should see more water, and in general, it's harder to get Concealment unless you have Pathfinder.

It feels silly to speculate at this point tho, the full MK III rules release tonight (though your mileage may vary on getting the PDF from the Privateer Press website, lol).
Alright, thanks for the reply. I'm more curious if there's gonna be big changes in general rules, probably not? Or were there in MK I to MK II?


There are a bunch of general rule tweaks. You can't charge your own models any more. All Warjacks get 1 free focus at start of turn. You lose Tough when knocked down. Extra Focus no longer adds +1 ARM, but you can *spend* a Focus to mitigate 5 damage. Also you can measure anything you want at any time. You can charge while having a SPD debuff now. And more!

Here's a roundup of what we know if you can't wait: http://www.3plusplus.net/2016/05/warmachine-mk3-spoilers-summary/


Alright, thanks for the reply. I'm more curious if there's gonna be big changes in general rules, probably not? Or were there in MK I to MK II?

The biggest change is universal pre-measuring is in the game now. You can measure anything, any time. Otherwise, there are a number of small changes that are trying to make the game lean more towards battlegroups instead of units.

I personally am demoralized because Privateer Press has made several dumb rules errors already with MKIII, that make me heavily doubt how well it's all been balance tested. Time will tell, but there's already a few day 1 changes planned.

I'm sticking to Guild Ball and board games mostly until I see how it shakes out.
Such a tease! lol

Are you making/painting both at the same time? How did you find building them and which flavours of knight did you go for?

Here's how my two new ones are looking at the moment:


Such a tease! lol

Are you making/painting both at the same time? How did you find building them and which flavours of knight did you go for?

I only have one as we split the box. The building was not as hard as I imagined. Pretty fun!

I'm building a Warden / Paladin. Right arm is the Avenger Gatling I can swap into a pretty okay Battle Cannon counts as with magnets. Using the hull of the Gatling and I'm going to make the barrel for the cannon from plastic tube I bought.

Left is the chainsword and Stormspear rocket pod is also magnetised.

Painting as "stock" House Terryn because blue, red and white goes well with my Ultramarines of 1st and 3rd companies.

Which ones you are building? Ended up with any spares to sell?

Also your coctail stick game is on point. Maybe I should look into that. Had some trouble adjusting my usual blue tack and cardboard tactics when spray painting the panels.

edit: I'm a bit slow lol, I see you at least built all the weapons
Yeah I'm building one to (hopefully) sell and one to keep. The one I'm selling has every single weapon option magnetised (even the melta/stubber on the chest and the front panels of the missile launcher), the one I'm keeping is basically built out of the leftovers but is also magnetised with potential upgrades in mind, so even though I only have the chainsword I've put magnets in the joint so I can switch to an avenger gatling or fist if I find one in the future.

The one I'm selling is going to be painted up the same as the rest of my army so even if it doesn't sell I won't be broken up about it, and if it does sell it'll hopefully cover the cost of both Knights, paints, glue etc and a bit towards the next box.

Oh and the cocktail sticks are wooden kebab skewers, and they're all currently stabbed into the top of an old shoebox. A cork with a bit of paper clip stuck in it just doesn't cut it for a house-sized carapace lol

Edit: magnetising the battle cannon/ammo box so that it can switch with the thermal cannon/fuel tank was an absolute arseache.


I picked up the Age of Sigmar starter box after really enjoying putting together WQ The Silver Tower. Can't wait to get this stuff together and play a bit. In all of my miniature gaming playing a solo game never seemed desirable at all, but AOS is so story and fluff focused that I am looking forward to just setting up crazy scenarios and playing them out from both sides.


Just played in a 14 player, 14,000 point Kings of War game. Epic. It finished in 3:15. Can't imagine how long it would take to play that much in WHFB.

Just played in a 14 player, 14,000 point Kings of War game. Epic. It finished in 3:15. Can't imagine how long it would take to play that much in WHFB.

14 players in 3:15? That sounds pretty fast. Thought I am not familiar with Kings of War.

I also played a "fast game" last night. Necron Canoptek Harvest ate my Librarius Conclave on his turn 1. I only got to drop them and cast two powers that did not do anything. Ouch.


New dual flyer boxes for 40k have leaked. Marines vs. Chaos, Necrons vs. Tau, Eldar vs. Ork. One flyer each. I wonder if it comes with rules like the Titan duel game does. Also leaked was a Blood Angels Start Collecting box.


Yeah I was thinking halvsies too. I already have a Necron flyer and my Tau don't have any in my list. Same situation with my Marines and Chaos. And my Ad Mech can't take flyers anyway without allies. Still, I'm sure there will be some savings, I didn't see how much they cost.
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