ForgeWorld Chaos Dwarves are awesome, love the helmet designs. I have a soft spot for helmets that don't display facial features so those hit the spot for me.
Has anyone here put time into Guild Ball? I'm slowly learning the rules but the models aren't really my thing. For me, some of the models are great, some are pretty bad. I'd like to hear some experiences from people on here about how the game plays though. I may end up just going the Blood Bowl route and using the rules of Guild Ball but setting it in an alternate reality where the Horus Heresy was just an inter legion soccer/football league and not a galaxy spanning war. I've got lots of unassembled Marines I could use to make five man teams of Ultramarines, Word Bearers, Iron Hands, and Emperor's Children.
I play Guildball pretty often. It's taken over my local meta after the Warmachine mkIII shitshow. Probably 20 or so fairly regular players locally.
I like that it's super cheap to get into, doesn't have super complicated rules, and plays relatively quickly. Everything is also available online, including the ability to print paper dolls to use, if you're unsure about the game and want to test it first. I can't comment on the models overall, cause I play for the rules and community, not the models. The fluff is also whatever, but after years of terrible Warmachine fluff, it's kind of refreshing to see them just brutally kill off characters.
The most unique thing to me in this game is the way the playbooks on each character works. It's two rows of options, and the dice you roll determine which options are available to you for that attack. So if you have 5 successes, you can choose 1 of the first 5 options. It means you'll almost always accomplish SOMETHING with each roll, it just might not be the exact result you were after.
Other mechanical things in it's favor(IMO) is alternating turns, i.e. I activate one player, than you activate one, and repeat until everything has activated once. Every character also has a health pool, so their fate is never decided by one lucky roll, and even after they lose all of their health, you can bring them back onto the pitch on future turns, though with reduced health, depending on how long you left them out of the game. There's also no permanent injuries.
You only need a 3x3 space to play, so it takes up very little table space. Terrain is fairly simple and typically sparse anyway. I do suggest getting a playmat, cause it's nice to have the predrawn goals, deplyment lines, etc.
We tend to play as though it were a tournament, so you'd typically show up on game day with your team of 8 players. 1 Captain, 1 Mascot, and 6 players. You then choose 4 of those 6 once you know who you're playing.
I play Brewers currently, and will probably pick up the Farmers once they are released.
I typed more than I meant to. Any specific questions?