Thylander, now working on The Division franchise at Ubisoft Massive, shared what he admits to be an "unpopular opinion" on Twitter. While at DICE prior to joining Massive, he was jointly responsible for creating the achievement list for popular free-running game Mirror's Edge.
Interestingly, the Mirror's Edge achievements could actually be cited as a good example of a list that actively helps and improves a game, adding significant longevity to what is otherwise a pretty short and simple solo adventure via additional challenges and objectives.
Interestingly, the Mirror's Edge achievements could actually be cited as a good example of a list that actively helps and improves a game, adding significant longevity to what is otherwise a pretty short and simple solo adventure via additional challenges and objectives.

Mirror's Edge achievement designer: "Achievements have been bad for gaming"
Ubisoft Massive lead gameplay designer Fredrik Thylander, previously of DICE where he worked on Battlefield and Mirror's Edge, has spoken out about achievements and trophies, arguing that they "have been bad for gaming."