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Mission structure in games really break up the flow.

For some genres (tactical type).. the above structure really works but in other instances; I find that the mission structure really breaks up the game into chunks and I find it difficult to engage in. Especially in the 2 examples I'm listing. The fact that each chapter comes in rapid succession really hollows up / breaks flow. In a title like Ogre Battle / Tactics - the breakup allows a mental respite from planning / tactical strategy so it work.


Devil May Cry 1. Played for like 3 hours and got sick of it. The fact that Capcom decided to break the game into chapters really threw my mojo. The story didn't flow because of the chapter breaks... I don't see why they needed it as well.

and now

Megaman X Command Mission

hohum easy - corridors + bland encounters makes this game already very bleh. But when I booted it up. Chapter 1... Chapter 2... I am now at the point where I don't want to play the title - the game really doesn't help the case.

by the way.

Megaman X CM review:

rescued Nana. About 3 hours in

gameplay c-
graphics a
audio c-
longevity c-
overall c-

Dragona might be right about this one :(


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Chapters in games like La Pucelle or Disgaea did not seem to bother me.

I see your point about DMC


I actually liked the chapter segments in DMC. It was some much needed down time admid all the action, cuts out the save / reload that you'd be doing everytime a boss kicked your ass and lent itself to the point system where you could try to better your score in a certain area.

DMC was a throwback to the 8-bit days, the mission structure was part of that.

Of course i didn't really see the game as having a 'story' either. I mean it did, but it wasn't exactly complex or hard to follow.
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