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MLB Off-Season 2011: Only a few more weeks until the radio talks about baseball again

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Just got this as a gift:



I hope Ramos is alright. Freaking kidnappers trying to get money probably. Bunch of bad people out there.


According to a report on El Nacional, Ramos was approached by four gunmen near his home in Santa Ines.


Also, the report in El Nacional says that the family has not heard from the kidnappers; they've only spoken to police.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Sell it for Jest tickets.
Have you ever watched Pride of The Yankees? Its a great film.

Did you know that since Cooper did not bat lefty they had to shoot all of the baseball scenes flipped? When Cooper had a hit he would run to third.


Fox318 said:
Have you ever watched Pride of The Yankees? Its a great film.

Did you know that since Cooper did not bat lefty they had to shoot all of the baseball scenes flipped? When Cooper had a hit he would run to third.
I did years ago. Ed is still the best baseball movie ever.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I thought that was kinda weird, but alright.

The best is still Bull Durham. There are a bunch of great baseball movies though.
I actually like A League of Their Own but that's mostly because my Great-Aunt pitched in the AAGPBL.


clemenx said:
Wilson Ramos has reportedly been kidnapped here in Venezuela... Fuck this fucking country.

No link yet, but reported on TV and every major sports journalist on twitter. Fuckign shit.

Hoping this is just some serious misinformation... But the fact that it's believable/expected says it all about this shithole.
I just now heard about this. Hearing stuff like this happen to professional athletes is really unsettling. Hope he ends up okay.


McNei1y said:
I hope Ramos is alright. Freaking kidnappers trying to get money probably. Bunch of bad people out there.
Seriously. I heard about this on the way back home. This is scary.
The Frankman said:
... do it for The Ultimate GAF League. I bought the game with Dustin Pedroia on the cover.

San Diego's love for Minnesota and Boston needs to quit. I get so worked up over cover athletes I don't like lol.

And yeah I'm still buying it of course.
AJC and Denver Post are reporting the Braves and Rockies are discussing a trade that would send Martin Prado to the Rockies and Seth Smith (with prospects) to the Braves. The Rockies would move Prado back to 2B. They were interested in Dan Uggla before the Braves got him.


never heard about the cat, apparently
AnEternalEnigma said:
AJC and Denver Post are reporting the Braves and Rockies are discussing a trade that would send Martin Prado to the Rockies and Seth Smith (with prospects) to the Braves. The Rockies would move Prado back to 2B. They were interested in Dan Uggla before the Braves got him.
I wouldn't mind that deal personally, Smith is comparable to prado offensively and has three arbitration years left compared to 2 with prado. Of course prado is capable of playing 2B/3B etc.. as well. Anyway, Seth Smith plus prospects, i'd take it.
clemenx said:
I love Mitch Williams
I still remember that Braves/Reds game on Fox where Fred Lewis dropped a routine fly ball. Williams flew into a huge rant about how catching a fly ball with two hands is totally fucked up and wrong. It was surreal.


hemtae said:
Well presumably, the Brewers would be moved to the AL central and Kansas City would be moved to the AL west. But I do agree that the Astros to the AL West is the best move.
God no stop it please no.


Lack of news is better than bad news. They are probably negotiating silently. He might be famous but I wouldn't want every detail to leak. Who knows what those crazy people do.

Here's a blog from a Minor League pitcher from the Nats I like to read. Talks about security down here for the players, if you're interested.

One thing to note. Not that it should matter in a civilized country, but Wilson lived in the same ghetto where he grew up... I don't think that's very wise.


Greg Amsinger last night on Mike Maddux possibly being the new manager in Chicago: "Wouldn't you love to be the pitching coach for that team? You don't have to do anything. Mitch, its perfect for you. You hardly do anything here, there you'd do even less!"


nemss said:
Greg Amsinger last night on Mike Maddux possibly being the new manager in Chicago: "Wouldn't you love to be the pitching coach for that team? You don't have to do anything. Mitch, its perfect for you. You hardly do anything here, there you'd do even less!"

I thought Maddux had basically taken himself out of the running for family reasons?


eznark said:
I thought Maddux had basically taken himself out of the running for family reasons?

I thought that was for the Boston job? I think he's still wanting the Chicago opening.


Bill James is going to be appearing on Clubhouse Confidential tonight, which is MLB Network's new sabermetric-based show. Check it out.


nemss said:
I thought that was for the Boston job? I think he's still wanting the Chicago opening.

Ah, I just assumed he meant he wanted to stay in Texas.

Sveum and Maddux as managers? Ned Yost: King Maker!


newjeruse said:
Bill James is going to be appearing on Clubhouse Confidential tonight, which is MLB Network's new sabermetric-based show. Check it out.
I don't have MLBN. I'm stuck with shitty baseball tonight :/


Hardly kev. Baseball journalism isn't full of twats who think they're being deep with some 'is video games art???' bs.

God I'm jaded as shit to video games.
Doytch said:
Hardly kev. Baseball journalism isn't full of twats who think they're being deep with some 'is video games art???' bs.

God I'm jaded as shit to video games.
I think all fantasy experts are jokes. Hey look I can use baseball reference!!!


Baseball journalists aren't in videos where they seemingly have never taken a public speaking class. They sell their bullshit masterfully, with silly gestures and 7-10 second gaps between their next sentence.
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