Great start for Andy.
How fitting that on Mariano's day our next-in-line closer loses the game.
What a crazy fitting ending to the Royals home season... the symbol of our beloved but losing Royals of the last few years, Soria gives up a walk off grand slam to the new Royals. Unthinkable.
heyheyheyhey we're still in this
hey hey hey hey hey hey the royals are still 3.5 games back of the wild card. They have no shot.
hey hey hey hey hey hey the royals are still 3.5 games back of the wild card. They have no shot.
So much salt seeping through this post.
hey hey hey hey hey hey the royals are still 3.5 games back of the wild card. They have no shot.
Salty about what? Yankees had a good season given the circumstances.and yet still not as salty as you