Holy shit Chael said this on facebook.
Aldo hurt his rib, that we know. Is he out? We can only speculate, but why not. Speculation is fun.
Aldo is in on the PPV. He he gets a cut as long as he meets predetermined thresholds. The bad news for Aldo is that he has never met even the minimum threshold and thus has never gotten to participate in a back end bonus. This fight will generate a million buys which would convert to a bonus of roughly 3.5 million dollars. So....
Hurt or not, will he make the walk?
When your injury reports surface on the web, it may not be an issue of Aldo being tough and gutting it out, it may be one an issue of the Commision stepping in and saying "no go." Whoever within his team leaked the training room information to the media, may have just cost Aldo 3.5 million dollars.