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MMA-GAF |OT6| All Our Heroes Are P.E.D.

UFC 7 was a mixed bag with some really crazy matches and some real long slogs. Ken Shamrock is probably too good at neutralising whoever he fights against this early on in UFC that the matches are pretty boring.

Also, Mark Hall - I didn't remember his name, but remembered him when I saw him fight. Guy is nuts. Not sure about his Nazi-esque salute though.
Marco Ruas was really fun to watch, he seemed like a fighter dropped in from another timeline. Strangely it seems he doesn't stick around very long. Seeing Hall and Ruas are starting to make me wish they had appeared when weightclasses had been introduced, although then we'd never have seen Hall with his jumping superman punch on Paul Varelans (who seemingly just wants to lie on you and elbow the back of your head until your eyesballs come out).
I'd say that hot rod vs cyborg is all but impossible now that IV rehydration is banned but then I remembered its impossible to enforce that. So .... Carry on?
I feel like this is an extremely harsh assessment and not at all representative of the view of your average person.

Irish people tend not to like to see other Irish people doing well. We've been a nation of begrudgers for a long, long time, and this seems to be manifesting itself around Conor now.

He's a world class athlete that's on the cusp of becoming the biggest star in his sport. We should be proud of him

Id totally be proud of him, if he didnt have such an obnoxious personality. Like i said, im 100% behind other Irish fighters like Seery & Pendred (even if Pendred is kinda boring). But Conor is annoying. I dont find his trash talk funny or amusing, its all contrived, movie quotes, and gibberish. I listened to an interview he did about the Poirier fight and he just kept repeating the same shit over and over "when that bell rings, and that cage door closes", "hes gonna step off dat plane into a warzone" x 100. He seems like a decent guy when hes not acting up, i thought it was great how he did an hour long open workout and signed autographs and took photos with almost everyone for the 189 open workout, if he was like that all the time, id support him 100%, but this cross between Ivan Drago and a Finglas Knacker hes cultivated just seems so forced and annoying that i just cant in good faith get behind him


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I've made my thoughts about Conor well known here. He's a talented athlete who is obviously smart enough to make it this far in life - but his overly-manufactured appearance and behaviour combined with that braggart Irish stereotype really rubs me the wrong way. I've met too many cunts like that in real life to want him to succeed.


Some of the audience questions at the presser yesterday were utterly bizarre

"How would you both describe your sex lives, are you happy with the amount of sex you're having?"


"Do you do much charity work?"

The charity question was particularly shitty I felt
Mendes coming across as a bit rattled in the pre-fight presser

Making fun of people's accents, making awkward gags. Stink of Poirier off the guy

I didn't appreciate him clowning the fan's southern accent at the end. He also kept reiterating how he couldn't understand Connor. He seems like an okay guy but came across a little ignorant.

And Connor is larger than life. Just from what I saw of his dad in the Notorious, I can see where he gets it from. Is he ratcheting it up to Ric Flair, the Rock and Muhammad Ali levels? Sure but unfortunately the UFC does such a crap job of promoting, someone like he or Chael have to do it.


I expect a glorious |OT| for the GOAT



UFC 7 was a mixed bag with some really crazy matches and some real long slogs. Ken Shamrock is probably too good at neutralising whoever he fights against this early on in UFC that the matches are pretty boring.

Also, Mark Hall - I didn't remember his name, but remembered him when I saw him fight. Guy is nuts. Not sure about his Nazi-esque salute though.
Marco Ruas was really fun to watch, he seemed like a fighter dropped in from another timeline. Strangely it seems he doesn't stick around very long. Seeing Hall and Ruas are starting to make me wish they had appeared when weightclasses had been introduced, although then we'd never have seen Hall with his jumping superman punch on Paul Varelans (who seemingly just wants to lie on you and elbow the back of your head until your eyesballs come out).
To this day, I'm still sad over the Frye vs Ruas fight that we never got.
Cristiane is too much for Ronda. She actually has true killer instinct inside that cage,
Ronda gets away with acting tough and all that when all she beats are Miesha Tates that cant wait to get that smartphone in her hand to update her instagram profile.

Dana wouldnt make that match if it was possible now because people tune in to watch Ronda regardless of her opponent. Hes not going to stand besides Joe Silva and Lorenzo at cageside holding his bald head to watch her die.
What's the best pre-rules early UFC to watch? Specifically I'm looking for a card with stupid mismatched fights featuring sumos against karate dudes or whatever. Street Fighter type stuff
So if Conor wins this weekend does he replace Machida as the chosen one for UFC GAF?

What's the best pre-rules early UFC to watch? Specifically I'm looking for a card with stupid mismatched fights featuring sumos against karate dudes or whatever. Street Fighter type stuff
The one with Hackney vs Emmanuel Yarborough was pretty spectacular (UFC 3). My favorite David vs Goliath fight though was Ruas vs Varleans.
So if Conor wins this weekend does he replace Machida as the chosen one for UFC GAF?

The one with Hackney vs Emmanuel Yarborough was pretty spectacular (UFC 3). My favorite David vs Goliath fight though was Ruas vs Varleans.

Yeah, I enjoyed Ruas vs Varleans the other night and Hackney vs Yarborugh is a good mismatch too!


In how many hours does the way ins start from now for 189?

I can't understand your wacky USA time differences


bish gets all the credit :)
Uncle Dana is going to have to buy the time for his shitty reality show, like the first season of TUF.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
I honestly don't care about the main event. Ruthless vs Canadian Psycho is the real main event. Gonna have to hit up a BWW to catch it.

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