Oh my god I'm finally done with Pupu farming. I can do all the extra battles in Chapter 1 and 2 now.
...Still haven't touched the Chaos Vortex.
I'm hovering around 2 million gil and I can't spend it.
Most of it came from the future-proofing PuPu additional farming.
If you want an easily obtainable goal, get 2 4* PuPus of every element. With class resistances and 2 4* PuPus you get 70% damage reduction from that element, which makes auto-battling for skillseeds much easier.
Those stocked PuPus are for when the Gacha versions eventually become available - it's enough to max out a 5*.
The skills actually are pretty much an anti-<element> since it boosts your resistance vs a boss while letting you stock up orbs on the vulnerability. But you're right though - right now that's secondary to skillseed farming value.
You can use 6 summon tickets to summon a max ability/skillseed 4* card (plus 12 ability tickets) or do a greater summon containing 6 cards of 3* or 4* rarity (but unenhanced). Neither are investments I'd personally make being f2p since 6 summon tickets is also a job and jobs can't be bought with ability tickets.How do so many people in the rental area have 4* versions of pretty much every card? I have a grand total of 3 Growstars, so I can upgrade...one card. If you just buy the gift box, that's upgrading one card every 2 months which seems crazy. Am I missing something here? I feel like I'm just going to hoard my Growstars and never actually use them.
Did you combine enough PuPus to get the last ability chance to 100%? Or take your chances on the 25%? That's all I have left to do on a couple of them but man it takes a long time.
I still have no idea what the chaos vortex or realm of trials even is. I did clear chapter 2 last night though finally!
You don't need to get them to level 5 to get the resist passive, just to 4*.I got all PuPu types to 4* and level 5, but reading that it's more viable to stack at least two of them for farming makes me sad because that means I need to do it all over again.
Is the eventual 5* form really only doable by farming a bunch of maxed out 3*'s right now? Do I need the UFO upgrade mats too? Ugh.
Hmm, can you clarify on this? Do you mean like putting those common Ice Dust on my water cards?Only augment the ones you're going to use to raise the cards you bought from the ability store.
Thanks for the links.In a nutshell, droppable cards can be fed to gacha cards but only after you upgrade them to 3* (you only need to do this once per card, all future drops are at the highest augment level you achieved). For example, a Grudge Ranger (Water) starts with Lesser Cone Ice Thing, which changes into Cone Ice Thing at 3* which then can be fed to the gacha card that has the same Cone Ice Thing ability.
Oooh. I think I got it now. So if I upgrade the common cards I can (potentially) skill upgrade the cards I buy without needing to buy duplicates of that card?You only level the Skillseed portion that way though. Cards need the same ability for it to work with levelling abilities.
I'm hovering around 2 million gil and I can't spend it.
Most of it came from the future-proofing PuPu additional farming.
Hey Falk, question about your PuPu.
I can't tell by the picture because I think you display different stats on your icons than I do, but are these PuPu all 3*, max ability, except the last of each element that are 3/4 ability level?
Do you also have 1 4* card of each element? Why is this considered future proofing for the event? Are there uses for these max 3* cards later?
I just want to know exactly what I should be aiming for with the PuPu thing since it's time sensitive. I currently have 1 of each 4* element card at 1/5 ability level. Would it make sense for me to just try to max them out, or should I gather a bunch of max 3* instead like your pic above?
I've got a 4* of each color, yes. They're in my card slots and not bank though, since I'm actively using them.
In the bank is 4x 4/4 Ability and 2x 3/4 Ability of each color for future proofing:
Honestly speaking, it's a tad OCD and you probably could get by without, but the PuPu area also happened to be a great place for autobattle/AFK farming (prior to hitting Rank 32) so why not, etc.
So it's now past the job card deadline (10 PM EST) and it still says "7 left" on the summon page even though there are 10 empty job card boxes for me.
Is it live? Anyone pull a new job yet?
I think it's actually 11 EST, so 40 minutes.