Remfin's newbie tips:
Abuse the crap out of single player. Your farm and fishing fleet should always be working on something--you're gonna need those herbs and blue mushrooms for the rest of your career, so that's a good thing to harvest if you don't have anything else in mind. Also, when the ship captain is in port consumables at the item shop are half-off; Trap tools, Tranquilizers, and resource-gathering tools are things to stock up on! You can speed up time (for your farm and fleet) by sleeping through the nights, so what I've done is things like go free-hunt a Great Jaggi or two then return to village during the day, and then sleep...plenty of resource points to fuel my farming, and I get "double" time credit.
Use the online Trade Lady (Fishmongress model in the first city screen). I think the other day I was able to trade 1 Sharpened Fang for 10 Blue Mushrooms each; I had a gazillion of those fangs and I don't think they really have a use besides some ammo.
Capture EVERYTHING. OK, maybe not Great Jaggi and Quru, but for everything else this will save you tons of time and should give you extra items. Capturing counts as kills for the "Hunt" quests so it's perfectly fine there. Everyone should always be carrying at least traps and tranqs, and maybe even the stuff to make more traps.
Anything from a supply box not marked (Supply Item) stays with you. When you start doing those desert quests grab those Hot and Cool Drinks regardless of whether you need them for that quest, because you're going to want them later in your career.