Use a Dung Bomb to get him off you. I too learned that the hard way.Hiltz said:Ah, I got killed once by a Rathian and I was on a roll last night . Killed the past 5 of them yesterday without getting killed once but there were some close calls.
I was in the middle of using a potion when she grabbed me and did that move where she stomps on you.By the time I got up she had also poisoned me and I immediatly fainted.
It's pay back time!
Saya said:Anyone up for some Rathian farming (capture quests for the plate)?
Created a room in Wisdom1/gate40/city3
Leezard said:I just had a brutal fight against a Lagiacrus, I ran out of potions, i thought i saw him limping at one point, but he never fled to sleep. I thought I had to hurt him a bit more, but I killed him. is it possible to capture a monster in the water?
Ridley327 said:Yup, but you're limited to just Shock Traps as Pitfalls won't work underwater for obvious reasons. You'd be hard pressed to cap Lagi or Gobul otherwise.
I see, thanks. I'll have to give it another try then. I suppose you dont have to put the trap on the sea bottom?Ridley327 said:Yup, but you're limited to just Shock Traps as Pitfalls won't work underwater for obvious reasons. You'd be hard pressed to cap Lagi or Gobul otherwise.
Leezard said:I see, thanks. I'll have to give it another try then. I suppose you dont have to put the trap on the sea bottom?
JimboJones said:Are you using a static IP for your Wii?
I've noticed something similar with xlink kai. There are some people with decent connections that have way more than their fair share of problems connecting with other people. There are probably a lot of different possible places where shit can happen like the router not playing nice with the console/PC, the ISP being wonky in general with peer-to-peer gaming, and so on.Victrix said:It's not capcom's servers, the game is peer to peer, so even if YOUR wii has ports opened, someone else in the game could cause disconnects
Solution: Play with non shitty people and form regular groups. Then yell at anyone in the group that causes connection issues until they fix their shit![]()
Awesome.Hawkian said:Shock traps float n' shock, right where you use em.
Leezard said:Does anyone know what ports MH3 uses? I've been experiencing some problems online, and if opening the ports solves it, I'll do it.
Boney said:Use a Dung Bomb to get him off you. I too learned that the hard way.
Hiltz said:Ah, thanks for the tip.
Any tips on where to find dragon toadstool ? I've read that they can be found in Moga Woods as white mushroom patches but everytime I gather em their just blue mushrooms. I suppose they just have a low percantage drop rate or something.
Ridley327 said:I'll be going on again for a bit so I can (hopefully) get one more Sturdy Claw from Jhen so I can have enough parts to be able to get the SnS in the future. Feel free to join in on the fun!
Hey dude! Ill b on tomorrow night for sure. Wont be around saturday tho.dsister44 said:faust, selenae, oz and other EU gaf. i'll be back online tommorow evening, whose up for doing some event quests and then some 3* quests?
Hawkian said:I would like to do quite a bit of this tonight, around 8 EST perhaps. Anybody be around then?
Definitely not. There are technical limitations and there is Capcom who would rather release a G version of tri. And the Event Quests kinda act like weekly, free DLC anyway._tetsuo_ said:So...... any possible DLC for this one?
Fistwell said:Hey dude! Ill b on tomorrow night for sure. Wont be around saturday tho.
GOD, i had the worst fucking night ever. First off, the community's been pretty fucking stellar so far, but tonight, i dont know what the shit, but, god, what a bunch of wankers. Randoms just insulting everyone, then this guy i know, who i join, then we wait for his buddy for 20 minutes, then he gets kicked out (idle too long), then we wait some more, then another guy shows up to replace him, but then they say they're leaving, except they're not leaving, then thenAjjamjzdùoazjù bunch of fucking asswipes.
Finally hooked up with faust and other friends of mine, we do the urgent a cple of time (didnt get any blood). Then my friends take off, we HR grind a bit, then i fucking stink up the whole goddamned place on uraagan. NOT A GOOD NIGHT!
Sorry again faust! I'll b better tommorow, i promise!! =D
Niblet said:I'm looking to get into being a gunner for online play. I want to be a supporter akin to a battle-ready medic. Bowguns are really confusing me though. From part selection to ammo capacity, I am lost. Can anyone give me a primer? I'm especially confounded by the ammo stuff. If a gun has a 3 for Normal Lv2 that means it can load 3 shots? So if an ammo does not have a number then it cannot even load that ammo type, right? If so then all the bowguns seem like shit because they all seem to let you load very few ammo types. How can you deal with this?
Big props to the various characters I played with last night for Jhen runs. Off the top of my head: Kronus (beautiful bowgun support), Uhu, Freya, Lokraus (sp?), Cody. There are a few more but the mental fatigue from hours of Jhen has shorted my memory. I enjoyed playing with everyone last night.
I did all the farming I need to do for Jhen last night. Got enough to make both sets of armor + weapons (including multiple elderdragonbloods). Its a good feeling when (super/crazy)lucky cat activates a few times through the farming session netting you multiple of the rarest loot. I'm glad for it because I'm tired of Jhen farming. Worse than rustshard farming because the mine deposits don't make me run through mega potions. Speaking of which its about time to farm more shards :lol
I'm game to try a few Rathian caps. Let me know.
It is a food bonus for eating.sillymonkey321 said:Wait.......what's this lucky cat thing?
I'm sorry for the 2 deaths I caused...he rammed into me twice thus killing me without me being able to stand up and heal >_< and maybe because he thought it was funny, he did it AGAIN just before he finally gave his last breath.Neo C. said:Just beat my first Barroth online. Though my team mates are certainly more effective than I am.:lol
Niblet said:I'm looking to get into being a gunner for online play. I want to be a supporter akin to a battle-ready medic. Bowguns are really confusing me though. From part selection to ammo capacity, I am lost. Can anyone give me a primer? I'm especially confounded by the ammo stuff. If a gun has a 3 for Normal Lv2 that means it can load 3 shots? So if an ammo does not have a number then it cannot even load that ammo type, right? If so then all the bowguns seem like shit because they all seem to let you load very few ammo types. How can you deal with this?
sillymonkey321 said:Wait.......what's this lucky cat thing?
JRPereira said:Each part contributes so much load capacity to a certain amount of shots - for example, a barrel may contribute a normal shot L2 load capacity of 2 shots, a frame 1, and the stock 0 - so the total load capacity for that ammo ends up being 3. If none of the parts of the gun contribute to the capacity, you can't fire the shot. If any part contributes rapid fire capacity to an ammo type, than all you need is at least a load capacity of 1 for that shot in order to be able to fire them (and thus 3 rounds per ammo spent).
So far it seems that you want to capitalize on rapid fire with whatever main shot you plan to use unless you have a very high capacity for your primary ammo - I've gotten normal shot up to 8 for example.
With the amount of ammo switching that I do, I generally don't care so much about having to reload so much so the load capacity doesn't mean so much to me. I'd love to have faster reloads though.
I'd recommend putting together jaggid fire and queropeco parts to start - they're cheap and you can build a gun that'll rapid fire pierce and recovery shots.
JRPereira said:Gotta customize for the monster and their weaknesses, but keep in mind that how often will you be firing the more specialized shots with smaller load capacities? Like para and poison you'll probably only fire for a couple of groups as the effect doesn't seem to be repeatable without a good few minutes of waiting. Sleep is another one. Slicing would be another good one to use very sparingly - probably later in battles as you usually can't cut off anything immediately and want to get some damage in anyways. Recov is a pretty obvious one that you won't fire very often, but you'll want to triple fire or have a decent load capacity if you find that you need to toss out a lot of them.
Everything else can either be rapid fired or can have a high load capacity with good parts.
My current situation gunner-wise is kind of annoying, but I am sitting on the 2* urgent lagi and will eventually unlock a host of additional guns (and rank up a good bit too).
JRPereira said:I haven't noticed or understood the effects of recoil, deviation, etc. yet.
Also, it's my understanding that in order to get the most out of your shots (rather than doing as little as 1/3 of your maximum possible damage), you need to be firing within 3 or so standard dodge lengths. From what I've read, some shots aren't affected by distance (a majority of crag's damage - probably slicing and cluster too).
Well I just learned something. If an item, the Jumbo Pearl in this case, is said to be found on the Deserted Island, then Moga Forest doesn't count.gotee12 said:It's so friggin frustrating when you need that one mat and you can never find it. Stupid pearl...
gotee12 said:Well I just learned something. It an item, the Jumbo Pearl in this case, is said to be found on the Deserted Island, then Moga Forest doesn't count.
Or at least I saw numerous places to harvest in sections 10 and 11 in the Deserted Island whereas I only had a single harvest point in sections 10 and 11 while in Moga Forest...
I don't recall whether I found it during a Moga Forest run or a Ludroth hunt, but I snagged a Jumbo Pearl down where Ludroth sleeps in 11.gotee12 said:Well I just learned something. If an item, the Jumbo Pearl in this case, is said to be found on the Deserted Island, then Moga Forest doesn't count.
Or at least I saw numerous places to harvest in sections 10 and 11 in the Deserted Island whereas I only had a single harvest point in sections 10 and 11 while in Moga Forest...