Monster Hunter's artwork is outstanding, probably my favorite aesthetic design in a game along with Final Fantasy XI but it's a product of lower end hardware and uneven methods to be sure. Still comes across looking quite lovely on all of it's origin platforms but when you're cobbling all of it together onto an HD platform the results are going to be mixed.
I still have no complaints though, it meets my main two desires for visuals in a game; 1080p and good art. Of course, higher end assets would be lovely, and I'll always take the best I can get, but after about five minutes I kind of cease to care, honestly. The spectacle of high end assets are sort of lost on me lately, even as a predominately PC gamer.
Still, I will continue to crack my jokes about how they'll move to whatever platform allows them to keep recycling bits and bobs of assets, animation, engine work, etc because it's funny: next up, smart phones, then watches, then microwave displays. PRESS 2 AND COOK TO CHARGE YO' G.SWORD.