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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate |OT2| "OT" means Official Thread!


I really need to pick this back up. 45 hours in and I got frustrated that I couldn't chop off Diablos' Tail for the Tailcase that he has. I need 4 of those suckers too to upgrade the weapon I want.

Cycled between the switch axe and great swords but I can never get any hits on his tail. Any hints?

-shock traps
-diablos can get stuck in the two pillars and wall in area 8 (wall is harder to use, as diablos has to be perpendicular to it) and the rock in area 4 that's near the entrance to area 6; stand next to this objects and Diablos will get stuck when it charges you. The pillars are quite fragile (Diablos in rage mode destroys them in 1 hit) so it's probably best to use them ASAP.
-attack its feet to knock it over
-pitfall traps; use a flash bomb just after it frees itself and hovers in the air for a few seconds. It will fall down on the ground just like Rathian and Rathalos. The time window is narrow so you will have to sheath your weapon early and sacrifice a few hits.
-sonic bombs when it's underground and not enraged; just like with pitfall traps
-after a charge it will sometimes stay in place and whip the ground with its tail; if you get the timing down you can score a hit

Don't forget to use your upswing (X+A) if the tail is out of the reach of your other attacks.


I gave Focus another chance on my GS and it's a gamechanger. Getting those charges seems soooo much faster. Really don't know why I stopped using it.

Random things I love about Monster Hunter

#23 Trying to upswing each other after completing a quest.
#47 Sheathing your GS just as Alatreon fires a fireball behind your back. Makes you look like this

Don't use quick sheath for maximum coolness points.
#59 Paintball fights.


Hoping to join in a session this weekend, I need some Monster Hunter in me.

In any case during a day of no internet I took the opportunity to read Monster Hunter Illustrations 2 cover to cover. It was so good. You'd expect a lot of behind the scenes stuff but what I really loved was how much detail it adds to the world building.
Things like backstories to different NPCs, notes that hunters left behind about monsters, bone and muscle diagrams for monsters, explanations for particular traits in the monsters' bodies etc. it's crazy. They go so far during development to make it authentic (considering none of it would have been released if it wasn't for this book). There's an entire page just for the thunderbug (male, female, behavior, wings out etc), or half a page detailing how the Hunter's Notes notebook is built up. It feels more like a databook sometimes.





edayan please


That reminds me... there's paint shot which works like paintballs, and there's tranq shot which works like tranq bombs, so why is there no dung shot? Seems like it'd be a handy thing to have around!


Hoping to join in a session this weekend, I need some Monster Hunter in me.

In any case during a day of no internet I took the opportunity to read Monster Hunter Illustrations 2 cover to cover. It was so good. You'd expect a lot of behind the scenes stuff but what I really loved was how much detail it adds to the world building.
Things like backstories to different NPCs, notes that hunters left behind about monsters, bone and muscle diagrams for monsters, explanations for particular traits in the monsters' bodies etc. it's crazy. They go so far during development to make it authentic (considering none of it would have been released if it wasn't for this book). There's an entire page just for the thunderbug (male, female, behavior, wings out etc), or half a page detailing how the Hunter's Notes notebook is built up. It feels more like a databook sometimes.


edayan please
Now I kinda want to buy it. Do you also have the first book? Is it as good?

Dung bomb fights always gets reaction :p
I'll have to try this out.

That reminds me... there's paint shot which works like paintballs, and there's tranq shot which works like tranq bombs, so why is there no dung shot? Seems like it'd be a handy thing to have around!
The idea of putting shit bullets in your gun doesn't sound too appealing...


Now I kinda want to buy it. Do you also have the first book? Is it as good?
The quality of the first book is as good; it's just about 100 pages shorter.
The idea of putting shit bullets in your gun doesn't sound too appealing...
It can't possibly be worse than grabbing bombs of the stuff with one's bare hands and lobbing them at point-blank range.


Yeah it's great too. I just like 2 more because it covers Tri/3rd/3U which is what I played the most.
The quality of the first book is as good; it's just about 100 pages shorter.
Sounds good, will start hunting for a good deal.
BTW, found this on Capcom Unity while googling for the book.


It can't possibly be worse than grabbing bombs of the stuff with one's bare hands and lobbing them at point-blank range.
Well I always imagined (hoped?) the bombs had an outer protective layer and were designed so that upon impact all the contents would spill forward, i.e., you wouldn't get any shit dung on yourself.


In any case during a day of no internet I took the opportunity to read Monster Hunter Illustrations 2 cover to cover. It was so good.

Oh yeah, I like that book, worth the money. I don't care that much about games guides anymore, you can find everything online, but illustrations and behind-the-scenes details are awesome on paper. It's really good to read, this is my first MH game so I especially loved stuff about the games I don't know, it's such a well done universe. :)

Good catch on that metroid-esque design!


I'm online in Free C/Lobby 9 if anyone wants to join (I'm up to do whatever)

I'll be around all day

(taking a break, I'll edit back when I go on again back on)


Nice session, when I picked up the controller this morning I died to Lagombi, but I think I got my groove back by the end. Alatreon hit me maybe 4-5 times, felt good about that.

It's been a while since I've hunted so I'll-- aw it's full. Maybe next time.
Yeah sorry, I forgot to edit the post. Next time!


When I took a few Gobul charges while reloading I knew I was out of practice but it didn't take long to get back in the zone. Even Alatreon only hit me a couple of times, which is pretty good considering I'm not too great with the bow.
When I took a few Gobul charges while reloading I knew I was out of practice but it didn't take long to get back in the zone. Even Alatreon only hit me a couple of times, which is pretty good considering I'm not too great with the bow.

You reloaded with a bow?


You reloaded with a bow?
That was a different hunt; I'd switched to bow for Alatreon after bowgunning most everything else.

Though I suppose it is theoretically possible to get clobbered during that little arrow notching animation before charging begins, or during that long coating application routine.


Went to hunt some Abyssal Lagis with friends of mine. We sleepbombed him twice with 6 Barrel Bombs L+ and 4 Barrel Bombs L, yet still didn't fully break his head. Crazy.

He's really stingy with those Horns and Dynamos of his.

Shoutout to whoever did this, I love you



I felt kind of done with Monster Hunter for a while after playing 3 Ultimate to mid-/late-G rank, even going so far as to think I might skip 4 Ultimate until later in 2015, but all it took for me to pick up Freedom Unite again on Vita was listening to that comfy Pokke Village music. And then Cephadrome swimming under the sand and stalling for literally 4 minutes straight in a training mission almost made me throw my Vita out the window. Tigrex was surprisingly easy besides his ability to sometimes home in on you perfectly while charging and force you to panic dive.


Hey all,

I played about 10 hours of MH3U on 3DS, but was getting tired of the grind by myself. I've been thinking about getting MH3U for Wii U for a while, mostly to revisit the game with the guidance/teamwork of folks online. Just wondering (1) is the online community still active given the pending release of MH4U and (2) are there still folks in the early-game that are willing to help out newbies like myself, or is it mostly higher-level players tackling the late-game and what not?

Thanks in advance!


Hey all,

I played about 10 hours of MH3U on 3DS, but was getting tired of the grind by myself. I've been thinking about getting MH3U for Wii U for a while, mostly to revisit the game with the guidance/teamwork of folks online. Just wondering (1) is the online community still active given the pending release of MH4U and (2) are there still folks in the early-game that are willing to help out newbies like myself, or is it mostly higher-level players tackling the late-game and what not?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, the game is still very healthy. Although you will find that a lot of rooms might only communicate in Spanish or German since it was offered as a free title in Europe.

I'm close to Hunter Rank 200 but I like to help people get to G rank (if you equate to MMO terms it would be power leveling). Trying to find people of similar HR's might be tough but not impossible if you mark your room appropriately. The lobbies have areas for high level and new players.

Post your available times or post room info in the OT and hopefully GAFFer's will join. There's still a bunch or EU and NA players reading this thread.


I've got an HR3 hunter with only high rank gear that I can use for anyone that needs a hand with those early Port quests.


Yeah, I have been on my Wii U version lately, as I was needing some more Hardhorns and didn't want it to take all week (it still took all week) and I was noticing a fairly full World 1 during peak times still, with a wide range of HR levels joining the rooms I was bouncing around in.


Hey all,

I played about 10 hours of MH3U on 3DS, but was getting tired of the grind by myself. I've been thinking about getting MH3U for Wii U for a while, mostly to revisit the game with the guidance/teamwork of folks online. Just wondering (1) is the online community still active given the pending release of MH4U and (2) are there still folks in the early-game that are willing to help out newbies like myself, or is it mostly higher-level players tackling the late-game and what not?

Thanks in advance!

I just recently started playing this game solo and got myself up to G-rank thinking no one would want to replay those low rank quests so if you need any help just give us a shout. It'd be nice to have someone else around my level for the dual Brachy quest I'll eventually have to do for G2.

quote for NNID(I submitted it to the big google doc as well)


If anything it seems like the G-rank players are a little too eager to help new players. lol

By the way, the grind (I assume you're referring to mining, bug catching and stuff) slows down really fast as you grow the farm, so I made that a high priority.


More news I hear about 4u the more I get the itch to play. Took a long break but it feels good to hunt some monsters again. They aren't going to hunt themselves afterall!



I've made a new community to talk about Monster Hunter/PSO styled games located here, and I would love it if y'all popped in.

That being said, what armor is that in the OP image? I admittedly know very little about MonHun, as I never had anyone to play freedom unite with me and I never got good at it. ^^;


The armor set in the OP (and on the cover) is a full set of blademaster Rath Soul, from high rank Azure Rathalos. It's a pretty useful set that hunters can use well into G rank - which makes the two rare Rathalos Rubies it needs worthwhile.


The armor set in the OP (and on the cover) is a full set of blademaster Rath Soul, from high rank Azure Rathalos. It's a pretty useful set that hunters can use well into G rank - which makes the two rare Rathalos Rubies it needs worthwhile.

So something I'll prolly never get then.

Is it worth it to get this on Wii U and 3DS or is one better than the other? Also, is there any cross over stuff in this version?


So something I'll prolly never get then.

Is it worth it to get this on Wii U and 3DS or is one better than the other? Also, is there any cross over stuff in this version?
I forged the gunner version of Rath Soul totally by myself while still learning the game. And if I can do it, anybody can.

The Wii U version has online multiplier and the textures have a bit more detail when running at 1080p. The 3DS version has a noticeably smoother framerate, but doesn't (yet) have a built-in stick for camera control. If you have a copy on both systems, you can move your saves back and forth between systems for monster hunting everywhere!


I forged the gunner version of Rath Soul totally by myself while still learning the game. And if I can do it, anybody can.

The Wii U version has online multiplier and the textures have a bit more detail when running at 1080p. The 3DS version has a noticeably smoother framerate, but doesn't (yet) have a built-in stick for camera control. If you have a copy on both systems, you can move your saves back and forth between systems for monster hunting everywhere!

Last question (for now). Did they ever get offscreen play on the Wii U version?


Last question (for now). Did they ever get offscreen play on the Wii U version?
That came in the first patch, which wasn't long after the game came out. It's possible to switch over to off-TV play from the gamepad without ever turning the TV on.


So something I'll prolly never get then.

Is it worth it to get this on Wii U and 3DS or is one better than the other? Also, is there any cross over stuff in this version?

Both. Always both. =) I actually bought the Wii U bundle that came with the Pro Controller, expecting that I would prefer it over the silly gamepad for 3U. Wow, I was so wrong. My second mistake was thinking that I would prefer the graphically superior Wii U version over the 3DS copy that I also bought. Wrong. I have 550.24 hours in this title as of yesterday and I would say 80% of those hours have been on 3DS solo. Lately, however, I have been a bit less patient with GRank quests like Jhen and Diablos (HARDHOOOOOOORNS!!!) and have been very thankful that jumping online on the Wii U was an option.

I am seriously advocating owning both if it is no big deal.


Both. Always both. =) I actually bought the Wii U bundle that came with the Pro Controller, expecting that I would prefer it over the silly gamepad for 3U. Wow, I was so wrong. My second mistake was thinking that I would prefer the graphically superior Wii U version over the 3DS copy that I also bought. Wrong. I have 550.24 hours in this title as of yesterday and I would say 80% of those hours have been on 3DS solo. Lately, however, I have been a bit less patient with GRank quests like Jhen and Diablos (HARDHOOOOOOORNS!!!) and have been very thankful that jumping online on the Wii U was an option.

I am seriously advocating owning both if it is no big deal.

Show me the cutest armor!


For once, I picked a female character on a whim. Now I've been playing this series so long with characters sharing the exact same gender, name, skin color and voice that it would probably feel a bit weird to switch.


I'm never, ever, ever choosing male again. Can't believe I did it again in 3U after doing it in Tri. I swear I'll finally choose female in 4U, I don't care what happens.


The problem with female character is that they have too many bikini armors, while I don't those who aren't have any actual usability in combat.


Not in MH. The amount of armor that aren't are far in the majority. I personally have no problem with it as long as there is variety.


Not in MH. The amount of armor that aren't are far in the majority. I personally have no problem with it as long as there is variety.

Yeah. One of the main things I like about MH is that the armor if pretty sane. Now of only I could!d do more with character proportions...

Barioth X
The only armor that make me regret my decision playing as male
I planned to use female character in MH4U, but when I checked the monsters, I just facepalmed in pure frustation and rage

I'm pretty damn okay with this.
just wish I dye it pastel pink.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The problem with female character is that they have too many bikini armors, while I don't those who aren't have any actual usability in combat.
Indeed. I'm the opposite of you guys, next MH I play I'm making a male avatar even though I always make female characters in every RPG. So sick of the atrocious stripper outfits, fuck off Capcom.

Yeah. One of the main things I like about MH is that the armor if pretty sane.
That's... a joke, right? Sane? MH armours are as outlandish as they get. When it's not stripper outfits on girls, it's gigantic multicoloured spikes on blokes. Like it or not, you can't really call them "sane"...
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