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More Firefox Issues..

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I'm starting to feel indifferent toward this program. Now it's acting all buggy. Any idea why the back/forward function no longer works? I've only had this installed for like 2 days and it's allready giving me more problems then I've ever had in IE. >:|
mines started playing up again. It keeps jumping to the top of every page when i minimize it. I reinstalled and it fixed it but its back again GRR!
bionic77 said:

yeah. thanks. I'm just failing to see why everyone has such a boner for this program. I can see that it's gonna be nice eventually, but give me a break. All it's been is annoying. It's buggy as hell, I need to use IE anyway to view some pages correctly that I normally go to, and now I have to reinstall the progrm and all the extensions/themes I put into it? fuck that. Firefox is about to suck my nuts.
I've never had a single problem with Firebird/FireFox. Just becaues you had one problem doesn't make the program a glitchy mess.


clipunderground said:
yeah. thanks. I'm just failing to see why everyone has such a boner for this program. I can see that it's gonna be nice eventually, but give me a break. All it's been is annoying. It's buggy as hell, I need to use IE anyway to view some pages correctly that I normally go to, and now I have to reinstall the progrm and all the extensions/themes I put into it? fuck that. Firefox is about to suck my nuts.

Well they are awesome when they work properly, sucks it wouldn't work right on your machine. I have been using Firefox and it's predessor for a pretty long time now and I never had a problem with it's stability, never had to worry about security (until now :(), and it was faster and could do a lot more then IE ever could, so that is why I am all about Firefox, but it sucks it won't work right on your system.


It seems there are always some people who have these sorts of issues with Firefox, and I'm really not sure why. But I don't know if I've heard of people having the same issues with fully-bloated Mozilla.

Go full bloat!

SickBoy said:
It seems there are always some people who have these sorts of issues with Firefox, and I'm really not sure why. But I don't know if I've heard of people having the same issues with fully-bloated Mozilla.

Go full bloat!


full boat? what am I missing here. lol


clipunderground said:
I'm starting to feel indifferent toward this program. Now it's acting all buggy. Any idea why the back/forward function no longer works? I've only had this installed for like 2 days and it's allready giving me more problems then I've ever had in IE. >:|

Um, what?
Try fully closing out of the program (File, exit) and restarting it. I'm gonna have to go with StrikerObi on this one and say that your problems seem to be very unique, the biggest issue I've ever had with Firefox was downloading a theme I didn't like.

What's your system setup look like?


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, um, I've never seen any kind of problem anything like anything you described...ever.

In fact, other than the very, very, very rare program crash, I've never had any kind of problem with Firefox at all.


I had 20 different problems in 5 minutes of usage after installing it. I'm sticking with IE, though I know I'm sacrificing security.

This may be a short-sighted opinion, but I'd rather have a smooth internet experience rather than ultra-tight security.

Watch me eat my words when someone uses my IE security flaws to f*** me over with viruses...


shitting in the alley outside your window
firefox rocks city blocks. IT DOES NO WRONG.

i can only attribute not liking firefox to user error combined with sucking at the internet.
I don't know how anyone can call IE a "smooth internet experience" when it blitzes you with a gagillion popups without some sort of extra attachment program for it. Not to mention all the bullshit homepage hijacks. Those by themselves are actually more annoying than the fact that IE leaves a doorway for the web's scum and villiany to your PC.


Unconfirmed Member
Fight for Freeform said:
I had 20 different problems in 5 minutes of usage after installing it. I'm sticking with IE, though I know I'm sacrificing security.

This may be a short-sighted opinion, but I'd rather have a smooth internet experience rather than ultra-tight security.

Watch me eat my words when someone uses my IE security flaws to f*** me over with viruses...

Don't worry, they don't usually bother expending the effort on virii/trojans just to fuck up your machine anymore, there are more profitable things they can do with your PC.

A large number of trojans are designed specifically to turn your machine into a 'zombie' or part of a larger zombie network. Which can then be controlled over IRC or other means to either be part of a DDoS attack or used as a proxy for spam runs etc. That way when the investigations are done it's your PC (& Internet conection) that gets the blame & gets cut off (Depending on ISP, some just don't care, others will terminate your account on the spot, YMMV)

So these days you're more likely to lose your internet connection through lax security than you are losing data to some malicious code.



Queen of Denmark
Spectral Glider said:
I don't know how anyone can call IE a "smooth internet experience" when it blitzes you with a gagillion popups without some sort of extra attachment program for it. Not to mention all the bullshit homepage hijacks. Those by themselves are actually more annoying than the fact that IE leaves a doorway for the web's scum and villiany to your PC.
Well, as some people in this thread have never had a problem with Firefox, I've never had a homepage hijack or any other kind of serious security break occur with IE, either. It's also funny that you cite extra attachment programs to stop pop-ups in IE, when I've heard that the standard version of Firefox can require downloading additional modules to perform other functions that IE already does (correct me if I'm wrong on this one, because I'm not sure, but for some reason Flash and Java come to mind).

The point is, when talking about any computer program, YMMV, as clipunderground discovered with Firefox, and Fight for Freeform and myself did with IE. Just because clip is having trouble with it doesn't mean his computer is shitty or he's using it wrong. Maybe he's just one of the people to have bad luck with it, like those of you who have been screwed over by IE.

For the record, I tried Firefox and uninstalled it within ten minutes due to some of the same issues I'm hearing in this thread.
what is with all the "um... yeah" crap? You guys are such testy little dorks sometimes. heh.

The fact of the matter is this shit is acting all buggy on me. I really don't need to prove myself to any of you, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about computers, so I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I was just urked with the fact that my back/forward buttons no longer work today and I only installed this program like a few days ago. Not to mention the various other weird things it's doing.

Anyway, whatever. Firefox is great blah blah blah. I think I'll stick with IE until the final version is released. It's not as fancy, but I never have problems with it either. Bye Bye Firefox!


P.S.- to the person who asked: I have it installed on my work computer. It's all Dell's here(some deal the college must have). They are pretty up to date though and run everything else just fine.
Spectral Glider said:
I don't know how anyone can call IE a "smooth internet experience" when it blitzes you with a gagillion popups without some sort of extra attachment program for it. Not to mention all the bullshit homepage hijacks. Those by themselves are actually more annoying than the fact that IE leaves a doorway for the web's scum and villiany to your PC.

Maybe for the average user who doesn't know any better. I for one don't have a problem with viruses, hijacks, or popups. I will agree with you for internet novices though. Firefox would be a better choice.... i guess.
sefskillz said:
firefox rocks city blocks. IT DOES NO WRONG.

i can only attribute not liking firefox to user error combined with sucking at the internet.


...or the fact that its still very much a beta and problems do happen for some people that can be annoying...





Is there any possible way I could have sex with a firefox?!!! I mean, this is the only way I can show my true affection for this product!!!!!!!!111111!


clipunderground said:

...or the fact that its still very much a beta and problems do happen for some people that can be annoying...

It's just that something remarkably bad would've had to have happened for the back/forward buttons to have spontaneously stopped working, even after a cold reboot of the system. Just give it another try before throwing your hands up in abandonment after a remarkably-stable-for-beta program freaks out.

And, FYI: If you download the User Agent Switcher extension, you can set it to "Internet Explorer." What that does is trick web servers into feeding you the IE stylesheet because Mozilla reports to them that it's IE. Of course, they claim their systems don't do this, but they're usually lying about it. Sites tend to look a little better under those conditions. I don't know why they just don't have a universal stylesheet, but...whatever.
Well I haven't uninstalled it yet. I'll leave it on to mess around with. I don't hate it. I'm just a little underwhelmed do to the things I've experienced these last few days.

I use Aston Shell instead of explorer btw, do you think that could be causing an issue? I don't see how, but who knows..


your posts have always indicated that you were biased against Firefox anyway....

btw personally, I don't care what browser you use.


clipunderground said:
Well I haven't uninstalled it yet. I'll leave it on to mess around with. I don't hate it. I'm just a little underwhelmed do to the things I've experienced these last few days.

I use Aston Shell instead of explorer btw, do you think that could be causing an issue? I don't see how, but who knows..

For what it's worth, I've never deviated from explorer.exe just because I was always concerned I'd hit that one program or two that'd bitch. But I'm also so conservative about computing - it comes from growing up with DOS and using it quite a bit - that I still reboot after I defrag my hard drive when I know full well that it's not necessary.
your posts have always indicated that you were biased against Firefox anyway....

well the last time I installed mozilla, it was nowhere near as good as it is now. So yeah, I went in not expecting something as great as you people make it out to be. But hey, at least I didn't totally give up on it. I just decided to wait awhile before trying it again. I installed it the other day because so many of you pop the biggest boners for it (followed by whailing on the guitar). At first I was very impressed. But now Im not. why is that so hard for you to accept? Did you make the program or something? lol

xsarien - for what it's worth, thanks for being one of the only people in this thread who's worth talking to. Anyway, maybe my aston shell is causing the problem (which will make me sad because I love it). I'll try switching into explorer and see how that works..
clipunderground said:
Maybe for the average user who doesn't know any better. I for one don't have a problem with viruses, hijacks, or popups. I will agree with you for internet novices though. Firefox would be a better choice.... i guess.

LOL......yeah, right. You guys claiming to never have had your homepages hijacked at least once are flat out lying. Period.


clipunderground said:
your posts have always indicated that you were biased against Firefox anyway....

well the last time I installed mozilla, it was nowhere near as good as it is now. So yeah, I went in not expecting something as great as you people make it out to be. But hey, at least I didn't totally give up on it. I just decided to wait awhile before trying it again. I installed it the other day because so many of you pop the biggest boners for it (followed by whailing on the guitar). At first I was very impressed. But now Im not. why is that so hard for you to accept? Did you make the program or something? lol

I'm not sure who here may be involved with Mozilla.org, but I think the larger consensus is that you've found that one, magical configuration that Firefox doesn't like. :p Next time it crashes, let it send the report in so the dudes who take care of such things can tackle it.
Spectral Glider said:
LOL......yeah, right. You guys claiming to never have had your homepages hijacked at least once are flat out lying. Period.

I never said never. I just said that I'm not an average user. That shit doesn't happen to me. maybe a loooong ass time ago when I wasn't aware of spyware.... Anyway, if I hurt your feelings about firefox, I'm sorry. It's the best ever, ok?
clipunderground said:
Anyway, if I hurt your feelings about firefox, I'm sorry. It's the best ever, ok?

LOL. Um, notice I never mentioned Firefox once. I simply stated that I believe IE is far from the "smooth internet experience" that you claim. But if your "firefox vendetta" is only what matters to you, then enjoy....whatever.
Spectral Glider said:
LOL. Um, notice I never mentioned Firefox once. I simply stated that I believe IE is far from the "smooth internet experience" that you claim. But if your "firefox vendetta" is only what matters to you, then enjoy....whatever.

you know you care deep down. your pissed that I don't make love to the firefox like you.
just admit it.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Really it isn't. I'm in the same boat. I used Mozilla in its infancy, thought it sucked... Now I use Avant. As much as I adore it, I know it still is just IE in a new suit. I want to use FireFox, but I'm reluctant for now.
LOL.....I've used all sorts of browsers, and developed a pure afinity for none of them. Except I do know that IE needs to either VASTLY improve or just get the hell out.


Queen of Denmark
Spectral Glider said:
LOL......yeah, right. You guys claiming to never have had your homepages hijacked at least once are flat out lying. Period.
I'm glad you know more about my homepage than I do!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"It's also funny that you cite extra attachment programs to stop pop-ups in IE, when I've heard that the standard version of Firefox can require downloading additional modules to perform other functions that IE already does (correct me if I'm wrong on this one, because I'm not sure, but for some reason Flash and Java come to mind)."

I have no clue what you're talking about. I've been running Firefox since it was in beta with the name Firebird, and I haven't gotten any extra programs.

# of popups seen in the last 6 months = 0
It's also nice to see 0 things found when scanning for spyware.


DaCocoBrova said:
Really it isn't. I'm in the same boat. I used Mozilla in its infancy, thought it sucked... Now I use Avant. As much as I adore it, I know it still is just IE in a new suit. I want to use FireFox, but I'm reluctant for now.

Why would you be reluctant to try something for new that is 100% free? I don't understand that......


Queen of Denmark
teh_pwn said:
I have no clue what you're talking about. I've been running Firefox since it was in beta with the name Firebird, and I haven't gotten any extra programs.

# of popups seen in the last 6 months = 0
It's also nice to see 0 things found when scanning for spyware.

As I said, I wasn't sure about that point -- I do remember having some Flash issues when I tried Firefox a few months ago, but perhaps it was something on my end.

For the record, I rarely get more than few items found when I scan for spyware once a week or so, and I use IE.


human5892 said:
Well, as some people in this thread have never had a problem with Firefox, I've never had a homepage hijack or any other kind of serious security break occur with IE, either. It's also funny that you cite extra attachment programs to stop pop-ups in IE, when I've heard that the standard version of Firefox can require downloading additional modules to perform other functions that IE already does (correct me if I'm wrong on this one, because I'm not sure, but for some reason Flash and Java come to mind).

You misunderstand. You download new extensions to push Firefox's functionality well beyond IE, not to bring it up to par.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"As I said, I wasn't sure about that point -- I do remember having some Flash issues when I tried Firefox a few months ago, but perhaps it was something on my end."

You mean after you first download it, and you see a flash box and it says that you need the plugin, and you click the box, and all is good?

How is that an issue? I actually prefer my browser not installing programs behind my back.


Queen of Denmark
teh_pwn said:
You mean after you first download it, and you see a flash box and it says that you need the plugin, and you click the box, and all is good?

How is that an issue? I actually prefer my browser not installing programs behind my back.
No, actually -- I meant after I obtained the plug-in and any Flash still failed to load.

To each his own -- I would prefer that my browser install programs as needed without consulting me. :)
hey guys,

my laptop has a touchpad with synaptics drivers for it. firebird wont scroll down webpages though with it. i emailed tech support and they said the INF file for it may be pointing to IE instead of firefox. where are inf files though? or anyone have this a fix for this problem? thanks!


Queen of Denmark
Spectral Glider said:
Sorry, my bad, by homepage I meant start page. And you can't honestly tell me that hasn't happened to you.
I can. I've seen it happen on other PCs, and I'm sure in some cases IE did indeed have something to do with it, but it has never happened to mine.


The only problem I have had stemmed mainly from finding the same features I was getting in myIE2.. but now I've discovered that they're actually executed better in Firefox. That and a minor issue when streaming media (WMV, MPG). All I needed to do to fix that was go into WMP and re-check the associations and click apply.

I'd go back to myIE2, but Firefox has the speed and the security I need.
human5892 said:
I can. I've seen it happen on other PCs, and I'm sure in some cases IE did indeed have something to do with it, but it has never happened to mine.

In ALL cases, IE has something to do with it.....and you can say that, I'll simply choose not to believe you.
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