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Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword |OT| Romance, cruelty and drama in European history.


Damn, 3 or 4 caravans and you're set on cash. Absolutely insane how much money you can make off of them. Almost wish I didn't tie myself to a faction so quickly. After fully upgrading my troops (Marksmen seem to do the most damage, Cavalry to mop up) my force is nearly unstoppable. Now just to buy all the custom weapons and armor to pimp my guy out :)
OttomanScribe said:
As to troops, I have fully upgraded European marksmen as the backbone of my force. Something awesome about seeing a ripple of musketfire and a whole cavalry charge falter.

Right now I have me and Tepes on horse, and then Fogai (sp?) and Victor as infantry/marksmen, plus 10 European riflemen (recruit/experienced) armed with 'Old Pistols'. Even that little crew has proven resilient against the bands of slightly bigger and tougher Bandit groups.
Cryptozoologist said:
Damn, 3 or 4 caravans and you're set on cash. Absolutely insane how much money you can make off of them. Almost wish I didn't tie myself to a faction so quickly. After fully upgrading my troops (Marksmen seem to do the most damage, Cavalry to mop up) my force is nearly unstoppable. Now just to buy all the custom weapons and armor to pimp my guy out :)

I must be doing something wrong.

In my first caravan I made a profit of about 3000 thalers. Then in my second one (Salt to Akkerman) I lost 3000 thalers.

What's the secret here?
bonesmccoy said:
I must be doing something wrong.

In my first caravan I made a profit of about 3000 thalers. Then in my second one (Salt to Akkerman) I lost 3000 thalers.

What's the secret here?

assess the local prices to see what trading from there will profit you and what item.. rinse and repeat.

i started with oil and i got 9k a pop. the town i wasn't in didnt have oil so i went to a village that had it and bought it.. then went back to the town and sold it.. once i did that i could select a caravan for it.

not only that after you purchase your caravan you can go back into the marketplace and buy back the one oil you sold so you can do it again later etc. you want to eventually move up to velvet and start making 100k a trip.
I love velvet.


Alright, my guy is practically invincible now, with the Armet helmet, the Black Armor, a custom broadsword, and the double dutch pistol. My firearms and one handed sword skills are over 200, and I'm level 17.

Unfortunately, when it was time for my mercenary contract with the Cossacks to come to an end, I decided not to renew and trade for a while to make a lot of money. Now that I've done that, I want to go back and be a mercenary again, however, I can't with the Cossacks. Every mission I'm offered is some shit deliver a letter, collect taxes, or hunt down a criminal one. I'm never told that the king is looking for mercenaries again. Which sucks because I really want to be a part of the Cossacks again.

Another bug is that I'm told that the french dude Clermont is in Smolensk but he's not there in the tavern like he normally is.

Bugs are making it unplayable at this point for me. I've got well over 200,000 thaler and 120 troops, my honor and renown are pretty good (well over 200 renown, 12 honor) and I can't progress.


Cryptozoologist said:
Alright, my guy is practically invincible now, with the Armet helmet, the Black Armor, a custom broadsword, and the double dutch pistol. My firearms and one handed sword skills are over 200, and I'm level 17.

Unfortunately, when it was time for my mercenary contract with the Cossacks to come to an end, I decided not to renew and trade for a while to make a lot of money. Now that I've done that, I want to go back and be a mercenary again, however, I can't with the Cossacks. Every mission I'm offered is some shit deliver a letter, collect taxes, or hunt down a criminal one. I'm never told that the king is looking for mercenaries again. Which sucks because I really want to be a part of the Cossacks again.

Another bug is that I'm told that the french dude Clermont is in Smolensk but he's not there in the tavern like he normally is.

Bugs are making it unplayable at this point for me. I've got well over 200,000 thaler and 120 troops, my honor and renown are pretty good (well over 200 renown, 12 honor) and I can't progress.
Sounds like its time to take a castle by force.
Cryptozoologist said:
Unfortunately, when it was time for my mercenary contract with the Cossacks to come to an end, I decided not to renew and trade for a while to make a lot of money. Now that I've done that, I want to go back and be a mercenary again, however, I can't with the Cossacks. Every mission I'm offered is some shit deliver a letter, collect taxes, or hunt down a criminal one. I'm never told that the king is looking for mercenaries again. Which sucks because I really want to be a part of the Cossacks again.

Are the Cossacks at war with anyone? If they're at peace with everyone at the moment you won't get the mercenary quest, I don't think. You may be able to find a provoking quest from a more warlike general.


The Cossacks are at war with the Muscovites, Polish, and Crimeans. So I know that's not it.

At any rate I decided to support an upstart who wanted to take over the Swedish crown because she said she was the rightful ruler. Now I'm working on taking them over.

Edit: And if you want nigh invincible troops, hiring troops from the Swedish mercenary camp and fully upgrading their armor and weapons produces astounding results. This is with raw recruits. I can't imagine what they will be like when they finally get enough experience to end up as "Elite". Far better than the Cossack mercenaries I was using before.
I finally cracked the economy. I have 1.3 million thalers in a bank in Warsaw, and I keep 200,000 in my pocket for my campaigns. And I'm rocking the custom super helmet, Black Custom Armor, Custom Broadsword and the Dutch double-pistol too.

I still however get my guy into ridiculous situations. I like to have my men assemble on high ground while I go on a solo grenade tossing mission. About as often as this works I get myself surrounded by a few dozen angry Cossacks and get knocked out.

At the moment I've aligned with the Polish Republicans. They have a numerical advantage over the Cossacks, but cannot seem to defend Krakow for the life of them. Every 2 weeks Krakow is besieged, lost, and then recaptured. Frustrating!
Gah. Started off really badly and now my guy sucks and everybody hates me.

Going to start again, get a heap of money at the start and join the polish republic instead so I can create an unstoppable army of hussars.


Mounted archery is still the best. Nothing quite like charging full-speed on horseback into a line of muskets and loosing arrows left and right.
Cryptozoologist said:
Another bug is that I'm told that the french dude Clermont is in Smolensk but he's not there in the tavern like he normally is.
Yeah what's up with that? I even ran around the city (full of goddamn hills) and couldn't find him. According to some forum he's patrolling around it, so I guess we might need to camp outside of Smolensk for a while..
It's one of the few thing I care about now, because today, all of a sudden, this happened to me:

yup, 1,650,600..
So all I wanna do now is complete this weird Clermont quest, get a castle (from what I understand you can only keep it if you're a nobleman otherwise you'll just have to hand it over to your lord) and find the strongest weapons. But I guess nothing beats the handcrafted ones :(
When I got tired of the game I enabled cheats and rushed my way through the Moscovite storyline. There is a very handy code that reveals all units on the world map. Use it when you get tired of waiting in Smolensk.
Kinda regret that I bought this. The battles are a lot of fun, as always with M&B games, but I just can´t stand the boring missions in them now. Delivering letter, get taxes, deliver taxes, kill the nervous guy in a remote town.

Is it worth to keep playing this, does it really differs enough from the other M&B games after a while? Is there really any story elements in it?
I ran into a few interesting plot twists and unique story missions, but unfortunately all story elements are told through the same boring old dialog boxes with the same character animation. The game needs a significant graphical overhaul before I can relate to either the story or the characters. As it is now, I found it almost impossible to care about them or what happens to them.
Llyranor said:
Mounted archery is still the best. Nothing quite like charging full-speed on horseback into a line of muskets and loosing arrows left and right.

The backbone of my army is souped-up Euro musket mercs. I keep about 40-50 of those guys, and I'm able to wipe out much bigger armies now. The only risk is that I do something stupid and get knocked out of the fight too early.

Having dropped about 20 hours into this game, I'm already hitting the wall of "Why the hell did they sell this as an expansion." When I fire up a free-to-play, and rich in content, mod like Prophesy of Pendor, I can only shake my head that all that was unnecessarily cut from vanilla Warband.
archnemesis said:
As it is now, I found it almost impossible to care about them or what happens to them.
Oh thank god it's not just me. I want to read the questlines, and the companion stories, but I just can't. Normally I'm all about this stuff, but in any version of M&B I haven't been able to make myself care.

I only really play the games for the awesome combat, but I prefer the dynamics of the medieval setting with archers much more than I like the guns in fire & sword. Is it just me or does the opposition switch between having sniper-like accuracy and being so bad they may as well not even shoot? I'll play some more of fire and sword, but I know in the long run I'm just going to go back to warband.
archnemesis said:
When I got tired of the game I enabled cheats and rushed my way through the Moscovite storyline. There is a very handy code that reveals all units on the world map. Use it when you get tired of waiting in Smolensk.
Yeah, so I used the codes but only because I had to. Lviv is such a fucking glitchfest...
I couldn't sneak into it because when I had to fight my way out the third guard would never appear. And now that I besieged the town I know why. 3/4 of the defending army were stuck in the wall!!
My army basically stuck their noses into the wall trying to run inside. I tried to glitch my ass inside too, but no chance. So I had to use the cheats to be able to progress..
But even with cheats I can't find that French guy (the only quest I still care for) so I will give it a try for the last time today and then put it to rest.
It was fun while it lasted even with all the glitches. Hope the devs will revamp the whole game outside the battles.
I have to say that, unlike Warband and the original, I haven't come back to this. I think a big part was how a single lucky shot could down you and ruin your game. I mean it is realistic and all, but I just didn't find it fun.
I'm not sure if anyone is still playing this, but here are the latest patch notes.

Patch notes said:
  • Firearms have been generally rebalanced. Muskets are deadlier. Pistols are less accurate but faster.
  • Pistols and Muskets are now held by their barrels when used in melee mode.
  • Muskets have new thrust and swing animations for being used in melee where they are used to bash the enemy with the stock.
  • Melee weapons have been rebalanced in general and they are now faster.
  • Motion blur effect has been removed from some weapons.
  • Horses have been made slightly faster and expensşve ones now have higher charge rating.
  • Characters can now crouch. The default key is 'z'.
  • Order menus redesigned.
  • New orders for volley fire.
  • New orders for specifying formation depth (between 1 and 5)
  • Damage type of Ranged Weapons is now determined by the type of ammunition rather than the weapon itself. Basic arrows for bows do cutting damage but it is possible to buy more advanced ones with piercing damage.
  • New sounds and particle systems for musket shots bullet hits and ricochets.
  • Pikes can now be thrusted from an overhead stance so they no longer have a single type of attack.
  • If a character is interrupted while reloading a musket (by being hit) the reloading action is now resumed from where it was left off.
  • Switching to pistols is now quicker whereas switching to muskets has been made slower.
  • Grenade damage alternative is changed so as to account for obstructions.
  • Female face textures retouched slıghtly.

  • Changed the fog and atmosphere settings in some multiplayer maps.
  • Multiplayer Captain modes have received an overhaul. Bots can now be purchased individually through a seperate overlay.
  • Network code improved and sends less events.
  • Multiplayer character stats have been revamped. Infantry units now run much faster and muskeeters run a bit faster as well. Muskeeters can reload and fire ranged weapons much more effectively.

Single Player:
  • Added starting option to play the game with a female character. All armor pieces have been given proper morphs when equipped by female characters.
  • All dialog has been readjusted for accounting for female player characters.
  • Renamed the faction "Polish Republic" to "Polish Commonwealth"
  • Battlefield AI enhanced and can give the new volley fire orders.
  • New Village Elder Quests.
  • New and more realistic Caravan Trading System. Caravans can now move unescorted. Goods are now removed when transported by a caravan.
  • Production System rebalanced.
  • Mercenary Wages and Hiring costs changed.
  • You can now pay off all looters and bandits.
  • Looter and Bandit party size readjusted.
  • You can no longer kick during tavern fights.
  • Grenades in single player are now much cheaper but they no longer auto-replenish.
  • Ranged weapons and ammunition don't replenish anymore when the baggage chest is accessed.
  • Crimean Horsemen wages are only 33% more expensive (66% for other factions)

Bug Fixes:
  • Find bandit camp near ZAMOSHYE village
  • No loot screen after defeating Enemy Wagoncamp
  • King Jan Kasimir gets captured and disappears permanently
  • Items shown as good trading opportunities are not available in marketplace
  • Fixed bug when player leaves Polish faction during "Black Mace" quest.
  • Paid-off Deserters sometimes continue to pursue the player
  • Castles/villages/towns still yours after leaving a factions
  • Grenades hurt outside of duels on duel servers
  • Formation lines forming at an angle
  • Horses can not be looted
  • Cannot accept village elder quests
  • Fire at Will doesn't take effect for all troops immediately and sometimes results in putting all weapons away.
  • Trade Permit cost is off
  • Cannot capture/loot Forager groups
  • Hand-craft Mace is not a mace
  • Money in merchant guild cannot be withdrawn if it exceed 10000 thalers.
  • Cannot capture captured city
  • No reinforcements on wagenburg battles
  • Ransom the Girl City Quest cannot be finished if target town is besieged.
  • The game sometimes creates a copy of player character in the castle.
  • warlords captured in battle by patrols and never got released!
  • Fixed siege door abuse in some multiplayer maps.
  • Fixed ladder placements in many maps.
  • Navigation meshes in lots of maps fixed.
  • Bug fix: >Lords of Kingdoms easily gather armies even just after being defeated
  • Double barreled pistols' reload animation bug is fixed
  • grenades that cause damage to neutrals is fixed. in addition to that, any damage that is less than 10 will no longer make a fall animation.
  • Fixed towns where "Don cossacks" could be hired
  • Fixed typo in trade permit cost
  • Fixed prisoners skill bonus to 10 per lvl
archnemesis said:
I'm not sure if anyone is still playing this, but here are the latest patch notes.
I came in here to see what the patch was for. Does that count?

"Pistols are less accurate but faster."
Less accurate, sad; faster, happy. So torn. I like the new orders, but I still think that aspect of the game is a bit lacking.

"Find bandit camp near ZAMOSHYE village."
Seriously? How did this even go unnoticed? It's one of the first quests!
New update:
Patch notes said:
  • Steam Achievements!
  • New Multiplayer Mode: Captain Co-op -Play cooperatively against successive waves of bots.
  • New Multiplayer Mode: Captain Battle -Display your skill as commander against human enemies.
  • New Lighting setups for multiplayer scenes.
  • Refinements to Single Player balance, horses, melee, and armor stats.
  • Three New Multiplayer Maps
  • Various Bug Fixes and Improvements
It's also 33% off during the Steam summer sale.


Nice, a co-op mode! Should be fun.

I'm actually quite liking this a lot in multiplayer. The firearms bring a different feel and balance to the game.

Less jousting overall, but dashing around as a winged hussar is glorious. Still plenty of fun horse-riding as a horse archer or pistol-wielding, though. Less shields, which makes melee more reliant on parrying. Always have to be careful when there's usually musket backup around. Very satisfying to cut through an enemy frontline or flank and just crush an entire musket line as they all panic, hehehehe.

I'll certainly be going back-and-forth between this and Warband, as they both their appeal.

I actually haven't even touched singleplayer in either of the games, and really don't feel like I'm missing out. Multiplayer is so much fun!
It just clicked, is it me or are there way less (no?) bandits in this game? I want to get my army some experience but it's proving difficult.


Llyranor said:
Less jousting overall, but dashing around as a winged hussar is glorious.

Though I don't like the fact that getting impaled on a lance is no longer a one-hit kill against light armour. Only ever seems to do about 4/5 damage (in multiplayer this is).
charlemagne said:
It just clicked, is it me or are there way less (no?) bandits in this game? I want to get my army some experience but it's proving difficult.

There aren't that many, but they do exist. Look for Looters first, then Bandits, and then start tackling Deserters.


I've put about 17 hours into my first guy and I see that M&B is as cryptic as ever. I played neutral for awhile and eventually accepted a 3 month contract with Poland. Once I got up to around 90 men I was able to take Polotsk single handedly, but they didn't seem to care for my heroics :(. I pretty much proceeded to piss off everyone who Poland decided to war with (every other empire) and when my term was up I decided to not renew because Poland is a lost cause. They must be the most incompetent empire of them all. I think I have to restart now because every other empire hates me and the only way I think I can reverse this is by finding one of those commanders who I've done a favor for in the past and help them in battle over and over again. It goes without saying that plan is a waste of time.

I have some questions that I'm sure can be only answered with a shoulder shrug since this is Mount and Blade after all.

- At what point are you granted a town?
- Can you become anything more than mercenary status in these empires?
- How do you siege fortresses?
- Do attributes stack between you and your companions or does it strictly go by whoever has the highest?
New update with more bug fixes and some minor balancing.
Patch notes said:

  • Completely rebalanced MP player character classes for all. Now factions are more unique and fairly balanced.
  • Captain Co-Op difficultly has been rebalanced to spawn fewer enemies.
  • Tatar Town map spawn points have been rearranged.
  • Captain mode NPC troops have more hit points.
  • Disabled friendly fire for bots.
  • Dedicated server console operations have been updated.

Bug Fixes:

  • Captain co-op prisoner cart now spawns correctly.
  • Captain co-op equipment buying now works correctly.
  • Horses no longer run away from the PC during the tutorial mission.
  • Grenade usage no longer results in occasional crash to desktop.
  • Don't Die From Dysentery achievement works properly now.
  • Various visual bug fixes to items and animations.
  • Swedish troops in Custom Battle mode spawn correctly.
  • Various bug fixes.
Cday said:
- At what point are you granted a town?
Once you've have enough renown you will be asked to join a faction. This will give you control of a village and a steady income from taxes. You can also create your own rebel faction by conquering towns or forts by yourself.

Cday said:
- Can you become anything more than mercenary status in these empires?
I don't think so, but I made my own faction as soon as I had enough troops.

Cday said:
- How do you siege fortresses?
Simply approach a enemy fortress and the option will pop up. You might need to provoke them into hating you first by harassing villages or their units.

Cday said:
- Do attributes stack between you and your companions or does it strictly go by whoever has the highest?
The trainer skill stack, but I think that's it.
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