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Movies You’ve Watched Lately [OT] - 2023

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That is a FANTASTIC film. One of the best acted I’ve ever seen. Just the little stuff.
Yeah I sucks i wasn't exposed a lot to Sidney as a younger one. Granted w
This Movie isn't for kids; but still. Definitely looking out for more of his work.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Watched The Outwaters, might have caught the eye of a few horror fans taken in by the marketing.

Very much an experimental "art film", almost zero plot. Not sure it warranted the runtime but there's some nice icky imagery in there. The found footage gimmick is beyond worthless, you have to let that slide as it makes absolutely no sense for this film in particular.

Wish I liked it more but I'd honestly suggest just cutting off the first 50 minutes and treating it like a short film, which sounds sacrilegious, but I genuinely don't think the entire buildup adds anything of worth to the film.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The English civil war and magic mushrooms. Need I say more? Exquisite.



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

3.5/5. Fun little film for fans of Cage. His little emotional battles with his own career and younger self is some deep meta stuff.


Gold Member
any good recommendations for netflix? i'm in the uk. i subbed but i'm struggling to find anything good to watch. i'll watch anything so doesn't matter what genre it is but i love horrors. i feel like i've seen most of the horror movies on netflix though.

i do have a VPN. can you still use a VPN to access other libraries on netflix? i might set it up on my TV to access the USA if it doesn't risk my account getting banned. haven't done it in years so i don't know if it's still allowed.
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any good recommendations for netflix? i'm in the uk. i subbed but i'm struggling to find anything good to watch. i'll watch anything so doesn't matter what genre it is but i love horrors. i feel like i've seen most of the horror movies on netflix though.

i do have a VPN. can you still use a VPN to access other libraries on netflix? i might set it up on my TV to access the USA if it doesn't risk my account getting banned. haven't done it in years so i don't know if it's still allowed.

Don't look up



I don't the budget of this film, but it's clearly not used on actors. The films features 4 roles, and only Adam Driver is even somehow know of the bunch. The visuals are nice, but stage dressing does not look authentic. For example, the forests are supposed to be untamed from 65 million years ago, but they look manmade. The story is also predictable and mostly an afterthought in order to show some dinosaur action. It's fine, and the action moves on a fine pace, which means you don't really get bored, and the film only lasts about 90 minutes, so there's little fluff in between. This film will not be remembered much after it's gone from theaters, but it's fun for what it is. Especially if you like dinosaurs.


Gold Member
Watched some crappy horror film. I think it was called "Come Play". Only went for it because Gillian Jacobs is in it. Was ready to turn it off because I hate horror movies with kids in them cause they are usually cringey. It was really predictable and had shitty jump scares. The ending was quite nice and touching though.

Other than that I'm on a binge of old classic movies. Watched The Breakfast Club and The Green Mile. I think I saw The Green Mile years ago when I was a kid but probably never saw it all and couldn't remember anything about.

Going to watch Dirty Dancing, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Pretty in Pink.

Also want to watch Where The Crawdads Sing because I'm reading the book right now and I'll catch Avatar 2 next week when it's out here.
Don't look up
I've already saw it but thank you! :)


any good recommendations for netflix? i'm in the uk. i subbed but i'm struggling to find anything good to watch. i'll watch anything so doesn't matter what genre it is but i love horrors. i feel like i've seen most of the horror movies on netflix though.

i do have a VPN. can you still use a VPN to access other libraries on netflix? i might set it up on my TV to access the USA if it doesn't risk my account getting banned. haven't done it in years so i don't know if it's still allowed.
Have you watched the two “The Babysitter” movies?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm watching The Ten Commandments starring Yul Brynner and the NRA guy.

I've seen it before but I don't remember the beginning of it. I probably won't be catching the last couple hours since this is a very long movie and is on television for about 5 hours. But I'm going to watch the first couple of hours but I've seen the last couple of hours many years ago.


The unbearable weight of massive talent

Surprisingly decent 7.8/10
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Lil’ Gobbie
Just watched Bodies, Bodies, Bodies.

Fun movie, great twist.
Got a lot of recommendations to see this. Definitely a lot better than the trailer made it out to seem, and actually quite funny but still a lot of shit that made zero sense. That Aaron rodgers dude was cracking me up. People also said you'll never expect the twist but I pretty much figured it out after 1st murder. But Overall good movie for the genre
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Lil’ Gobbie

too hollywoody, corny, and melodramatic for me


so bad
Nothing interesting about signing contracts, obtaining rights, etc 2nd half was a fucking drag
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I rewatched Warlock 1 and 2. The first movie is the better one overall - better characters, Warlock has a cooler hairstyle and the medium scene is still creepy. The second movie definitely has some cool scenes like the birth scene. Great movies overall if you can deal with low quality special / flying effects.



Watched Creed III last night. It was...alright? Other than the title character and a short remix of Gonna Fly Now, the Rocky ties feel far removed which kills a lot of the charm (at least for me, as a huge Rocky fan). Thematically, it's still similar to the others though.

I thought Majors did a pretty decent job portraying the movie's "villain" Dame, though his boxing pantomiming was pretty weak - especially when compared to MBJ, who is really convincing in the ring - and I put "villain" in quotes because it's pretty easy to get why he was salty with Adonis and was more of a sympathetic figure until the writers decided he suddenly wasn't. It just felt like a few things happened in the film that were more about allowing the plot to progress rather than feeling like they would happen organically in the world. Overall, Dame's story and character were a lot more interesting than Adonis's flat story arc. Generally speaking, it was fine...no more, no less.

Mr Blobby

from Hirokazu Kore-eda, director of Shoplifters. This time he's in Korea, where the story is about a couple of dodgy guys selling babies that are dropped off at a deposit box of sorts. It's got Song Kang-ho, who I swear is in just about every Korean film released these days, but I'm not complaining, he's a fantastic actor. I love his flawed, morally ambiguous but ultimately good character he brings to a lot of movies.
It's a tender film that looks at abandonment, life choices and family. Don't get me wrong, it has its funny moments, but there are the intimate scenes that show how family is greater than the sum of its parts


Biggest Trails Stan
Finished watching all the Cronenberg movies I wanted to see

David Cronenberg Ranking

1. Eastern Promises: A+
2. ExistanZ: A
3. The Fly: A
4. Videodrome: A
5. Scanners: A
6. Shivers: A
7. Dead Ringers: A
8. A Dangerous Method: A
9. The Dead Zone: B
10. Crimes of The Future: B
11. Naked Lunch: C
12. The Brood: C
13. Crash: C
14. Maps To The Stars: C
15. A History of Violence: D
16. Cosmopolis: D


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The Last Rite (2021) ★★☆☆☆

I liked the premise but not the execution. The pacing is jarring: start, stop, advance story, now add a totally new story thread, aaaand conclude suddenly.

It also apes Emily Rose at times but I didn't mind it.


So, I watched a bunch of movies in the last few days:

Alita: Battle Angel
What a fuck is this. The effects are on point but nothing else works. The entire movie comes off like they spent 3 years on effects and 3 days filming it. Every actor seems confused as to what sort of movie this is. It's like they haven't been properly told, as all of them produce some of the worst acting they have done in their careers. I suspect the production didn't properly convey the universe to the actors, or they didn't get enough time to re-shoot scenes where the acting is clearly not working. There were scenes where my brain didn't want to believe what was going on, it was all so odd, the movie rushes through things at a blistering pace. Suddenly she is fighting some random robots, then she is going into a bar to give some bizarre inspirational speech, then she enlists in a rollerskating death race. All of it just slapped unto each other with no developments, rushed nonsense on top of rushed nonsense. And to top it off, she is a tiny robot girl with big eyes. She looks like a weird robot anime girl, but she is also a super soldier that easily destroys everyone. It looks so weird and out of touch, it's like a Scooby Doo character in a Terminator movie. James Cameron has completely lost his touch.

Terrible movie. 2 out of 10.

All Quit On The Western Front
One of the frontrunners for the Oscars, it's a war movie that, like many war movies, tries to be as grisly and brutal as possible. In this film, they juxtapose the violence with the out-of-touch leadership that sends hordes of these youngsters to their deaths for little more than prestige. I understand that they want to highlight the hardship of the soldier, but they overdo it and it feels unrealistic. He fights in the trenches and witnesses his friends die over and over, he watches someone get run over by a tank, then another one of his friends gets put on fire, then another friend kills himself with a fork, etc, etc, etc... it gets too much, and while I don't doubt all of this was witnessed by someone, the movie comes together like a collection of evil scenes to shock you rather than the real life of a WW1 soldier. It's still good though, with some great effects.

Worth watching. 7 out of 10.

Everything Everywhere All at Once
Creativity is nothing if it doesn't add to the product. While I find a lot of the scenes fun to watch and the effects great, I struggle with the humor. This movie wants to be funny, desperately, and I just didn't find it funny. This weird comedy they go for just ain't sharp enough to make the film that interesting. I found the first 10 minutes, before the craziness starts, to be the most interesting. Just a woman trying to make it in a stressful world. I also thought the first hour is too stuck up with explaining everything, it feels like a tutorial. And when she finally gets the hang of it, the movie goes into the end part. I wish they got there sooner. But, the end was beautiful and saved the movie for me.

Good, but thinks it's funnier than it really is. 7 out of 10.

I never watched this, and with the sequel out, I gave it a shot. People say it's fine and it got some good reviews. But I felt let down. Half the movie is the orphan kids running around, and they aren't that interesting. The main kid also struggles with his acting and was easily the worst of the bunch. The "sin" monsters were incredibly lame, and the Shazam wizard and his "lair" didn't work well either. I thought the villain was bland as fuck. The superhero fighting was just Shazam and the bad guy throwing each other around. I thought the entire thing was weak, and I don't understand what people see in this one. Maybe it's the dynamic of Shazam being a kid in an adult body? I don't know.

Disappointing. 4 out of 10.

The Banshees of Inshiherin

Another frontrunner for the Oscars. It's a beautifully shot film, it's very laid back. It all takes place on some island in Ireland, where two friends butt heads. One of the friends doesn't wanna hang out with the other anymore and refuses to talk to him. He thinks the other one is dull and feels he is wasting his life talking to him. This sets in motion a bunch of events that took me by surprise. There were times in the movie when I was honestly shocked at how stubborn and crazy these 2 guys got. The only complaint I have is that it's a tad too long.

Great movie, relaxing and different. 8 out of 10.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
A classic John Ford movie with John Wayne as the typical gunslinger. There is a lot of commentary about the nature of law and order in this movie. An attorney gets caught up in a conflict in a small town, where a bandit called Liberty Valance is terrorizing everyone. He also stumbles upon John Wayne, and forms a give-and-take relationship with Wayne, as they argue about what is right and wrong in various ways. The attorney guy is a great actor, and John Wayne and his charismatic style always shine in these old John Ford movies. And, in typical John Ford fashion, it is filled with stunning sets and cinematography. It's not as action-oriented as I expected, but it has a solid story and a classic sad hero archetype that works.

Damn good western. 8 out of 10.


This thread made me realize that the last movie I saw was Top Gun Maverick in theaters... a year ago. And it's not just counting movies in theaters. It's the last movie I saw, period.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Tetris (2023) ★★★★☆

A stylish kind of romp regarding the creation of, and then licensing battles for, the game Tetris. Really well directed with a cool score. For video game fans it's a cool trip through history with lots of big names from the old days. It's overlong though, spending way too much time on throwing endless curveballs at the viewer.
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Finished watching all the Cronenberg movies I wanted to see

David Cronenberg Ranking

1. Eastern Promises: A+
2. ExistanZ: A
3. The Fly: A
4. Videodrome: A
5. Scanners: A
6. Shivers: A
7. Dead Ringers: A
8. A Dangerous Method: A
9. The Dead Zone: B
10. Crimes of The Future: B
11. Naked Lunch: C
12. The Brood: C
13. Crash: C
14. Maps To The Stars: C
15. A History of Violence: D
16. Cosmopolis: D
Eastern Promises is one of the best films I’ve ever seen.


Gold Member
Where the Crawdads Sing.

Good adaption of the book. I finished the book today and immediately watched the movie.

Book was better especially the ending. Not a bad movie though I enjoyed it.
Finished watching all the Cronenberg movies I wanted to see

David Cronenberg Ranking

1. Eastern Promises: A+
2. ExistanZ: A
3. The Fly: A
4. Videodrome: A
5. Scanners: A
6. Shivers: A
7. Dead Ringers: A
8. A Dangerous Method: A
9. The Dead Zone: B
10. Crimes of The Future: B
11. Naked Lunch: C
12. The Brood: C
13. Crash: C
14. Maps To The Stars: C
15. A History of Violence: D
16. Cosmopolis: D
What didn't you like about History of Violence?!?! It's a tight 90-minute thriller with good performances and camp stemming from its comic book origins. I really liked it


Champions (2023)
Woody Harrelson is forced to coach a team of intellectually challenged basketball players.
Totally predictable and brought nothing new to the genre.
That said, my entire family enjoyed it, and it was highly entertaining. These movies ALWAYS work on me! Would recommend as a Sunday afternoon flick.


65 (2023)
Adam Driver is forced to escort a girl to safety after a transport crash lands on an unknown planet.
Totally predictable and brought nothing new to the genre.
That said, my entire family enjoyed it, and it was highly entertaining. These movies ALWAYS work on me! Would recommend as a Sunday afternoon flick.
Champions (2023)
Woody Harrelson is forced to coach a team of intellectually challenged basketball players.
Totally predictable and brought nothing new to the genre.
That said, my entire family enjoyed it, and it was highly entertaining. These movies ALWAYS work on me! Would recommend as a Sunday afternoon flick.
65 (2023)
Adam Driver is forced to escort a girl to safety after a transport crash lands on an unknown planet.
Totally predictable and brought nothing new to the genre.
That said, my entire family enjoyed it, and it was highly entertaining. These movies ALWAYS work on me! Would recommend as a Sunday afternoon flick.
Thought I was micro-dosing for a second


Biggest Trails Stan
What didn't you like about History of Violence?!?! It's a tight 90-minute thriller with good performances and camp stemming from its comic book origins. I really liked it

This film just fell flat for me. There was so many cliches. Especially with the whole premise of a guy hiding from his bad past. Not to mention the topic of violence and crime. Why people end up going down that path. I just seen other movies do it better. I will say that Cronenberg does a great job directing the film. But I found the film to be a boring slog for me to get through


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Cuck (2019) ★★☆☆☆

A clumsy examination of how unsuccessful young men could fall into the trap of blaming others for their problems, especially when exposed to harmful grifting and hateful rhetoric. It takes a look at how they end up connecting with and unhealthily supporting one another's self destructive behavior, allowing what they perceive to be their manhood to be slowly stripped away like the layers of an onion. Suddenly, however, the plot thickens beyond the predictable.

It's not deep or anything, and like I mentioned it's clumsy. For a low budget indie it's well shot and acted however.
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This film just fell flat for me. There was so many cliches. Especially with the whole premise of a guy hiding from his bad past. Not to mention the topic of violence and crime. Why people end up going down that path. I just seen other movies do it better. I will say that Cronenberg does a great job directing the film. But I found the film to be a boring slog for me to get through
I can't change your mind. I just really liked it for the reasons you didn't.

Cronenberg is ace. The Fly is in my Top 5 of all time. I still need to see A Dangerous Method and Crimes of the Future. Did you watch the original and/or the remake?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) ★★★★☆

I had to rewatch this one. So hilarious and inventive. Cage is at the top of his game and Pascal steals more scenes than he has any right to.
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