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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


I really like that fanart because it makes the characters look like real adults, don't see that done well often enough


I forgot the first german volume of MHA came out a month ago. It even came with stickers! (Excuse the crappy quality fotos)


you know, Japanese schools have that "cultural festival" thing around the second school term

betting that's the next arc.


Chapter 105

Non-quirk techniques, Deku still being heroic, real Uraraka probably showing up soon, slime disguise powers...

Good chapter.

edit: also,
this is why Toga probably doesn't have disguise powers, Deku would never fall for it
Yoooooooooooooooooooo I may have found a new best girl.

...no, still Ashido.

But this Slime Girl is close.

She's just crazy enough and she's a slime girl! That's like going to the cake store to pick up your cake and it's secretly two cakes.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
"You sure love to talk don't you"

Madman Deku is back.

It was obvious that
wasn't Uraraka since she lost her helmet at the beginning of the chapter.

Oh man slime girl. She's seems like a sadist or stalker character.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
She can also transform into any girl and can produce slime.

Really high contender for best girl.

Edit: Oh I won the bet lol

Edit 2: I guess I tied with Meffer?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Did anyone else guess none? How are Meffer and I going to break the tie?

Edit: Deku was too cool the whole chapter. Deku my boy!


OH! I noticed when the girl threw the ball in the beginning of the chapter she also threw a rock. That has to be related how she can disappear.
Since I also won the bet, I vote for Tsuyu as best girl and Deku as best boy.
I nominate this pic for Tsuyu.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I was going to go for All Might since his deflated appearance has been so moe with his teaching for dummies book, but I might end up giving it to Mad Man Deku for this chapter.

I'm still not sure whether to pick Kendou or Slime Girl as best girl. Well Slime Girl can turn into Kendou too.......


I think it's like a "ninja quickstep" you use when your opponent is distracted. Definitely one of Aizawa's standard techniques, so Deku'll learn it eventually.

It kind of reminds me of One Piece's "soru".


You know, thinking about it, the relationship between quirks and personality is a neat reversal of the typical situation. People spend their entire lives with quirks, so instead of the power coming from the personality like Stands or Nen, the personality comes from the power.


At first I was like, "Damn, really Ochako? You're gonna fuck up by falling when your power is Anti-Gravity?" Seemed kind of regressive for her character, especially since it meant Deku had to save her.

But I guess I forgot that this manga is fucking great. It even had Deku figure the situation out without being surprised! So fucking well done.


You know we all call Deku the Absolute Madman.
But the real Madman is Horikoshi for putting out one amazing chapter after the other, with no end in sight.
I dont know what to say its great as always.

I did love that. I didnt realise what that rock being thrown meant until i read the chapter again. More smart and mind trick battles like this would be

Also it was hilarious when he humped the ground to get away.


This isn't something really relevant to the current chapter or even arc, just some speculation about future events, but:

Since the series is called My Hero Academia, what will happen if they graduate from Yuuei? Because I'm pretty sure that time will come (in the far far away future). They probably go pro at some point, so what will the connection to the title be then? Sure, it just could continue without caring about that, but I'd like to believe a title is something that spans over the entire work, like One Piece or even something as basic as calling it the name of your main character, like Naruto.
So I thought... What if there came a point where Deku would build 'his' own Hero Academia, his own version of Yuuei, for others, to become a mentor for a new generation while working as a pro hero.


I really really hope the manga continues after they graduate from UA, it'd be the best.

to be honest, I would be fine with the "Academia" portion of the title becoming legacy after graduating from UA, the "My Hero" part is the important bit.


I really really hope the manga continues after they graduate from UA, it'd be the best.

to be honest, I would be fine with the "Academia" portion of the title becoming legacy after graduating from UA, the "My Hero" part is the important bit.

I don't really have any doubt that it's going to continue after Yuuei, because as you said Dekus main goal is becoming a hero, not studying at Yuuei.

That would also be a possibility and I think it will happen. It's not like he would go 'Hey, I've graduated from Yuuei, now lets open my own school!'.
But I think it would fit the title and also the theme of 'passing the torch'. For some reason the thought of Deku becoming someone else's All Might is pretty cool.
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